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December 08, 1939 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-12-08

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YANKS MACHINE 1IATTENS REDS-Out of this home-date confusion in 10th inning of final game at
Yanks,,giving them founrth series title in a row. The fun began when Di Maggio (rear) singled arid Crosetti (1)
Keller raced in, bowling over Reds' Catcher Lombardi (left), who was still down when DiMaggio sprinted by.
straight games.

Cincinnati camne a 7-4 victory for
scored. Thanks to a double error
No. 8 is Dickey. Yanks took four

CAGE TOPPERS--Oregon won national collegiate basketball title
from Ohio State, 46-33, at Evanston, March 27. Above, John Schick
(11), Ohio center, adds two points. Under basket is Lauren Gale (28),

ALL AMERICAN--Prceuinently
mentioned on numerous All-Amer-
ican teams was Tonm Harmon of

MUD IN T'HEIR EYES-Fans who thought Johnstown (5), seen, leading at above first turn. in the May
13 Pimlico Preakness, would repeat his Kentucky Derby win over Challedou, who's hugging the rail were
disappointed. Challcdon won Preakness, followed by Gilded Knight (2), 2nd; Volitant (4), 3rd; Impound
(7), 4th; Johnstown, 5th; Clencia (6), filly that won $50,000 Santa Anita' derby, last. In Nov. 1 Pinmlico
Special, Challedon defeated Kayak II, winner of $l 00,000 Santa Anita Handicap, Blue Peter wan
English derby.1

BEST-To Nile Kin.nick, Iowa's
iron-man back who, played 402 out
of "a possible 420 minutes in 7
iajor 'games went the Heisnman
, rphy--annual award for na-
ion's outstanding gridder. He
helped' pull, Iowa out of 1938 cellar
'to second place in the Big Ten.

TONY'S GOLDEN MOMENT-Third-round triumph of Tony. Galento, who floored Champion Joe Louis
June 28, didn't. last; Joe won by technical KO in Rou nd 4, and Tony joined Lewis, Roper and Pastor in list.
of men. who didn't beat Joe. Other fights: Nova stop, ed Baer, Amnbers took lightweight title from Armstrong.

A RACE DEATH WON-Beyond Bob Swanson's Elam ng car is auto in which Floyd Roberts of Van
Nuys, Cal., last year's winner, suffered fatal injuries at May 30 Indianapolis Speedway. Roberts had collid-
ed with Swanson; a third car, driven by Chet Miller, overturned (foreground). Wilbur Shaw finished first,
Jimmy Snyder, second.

LAST, PUTOUT-Tears shook Yankees' Lou Gelu'ig July 5 when
61,f00 N.X. fans help~ed hinm say ferewell to a career ended by infantile
paralysis. He played 2,130 straight games, is nowt a N.Y. parole comn-
missioner. Yanks also lost Col. Jacob Ruppert, their owner, who deed in
January. Another death: 3. Louis Comniskey., White Sox owner.

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