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December 08, 1939 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-12-08

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FRffbAtk, DECS,1939

Cartmill Stars In Workout; Will Start Against Michigai

i State

Spartan Squad
Will Have Big
Edge In Height
Wolverine Lineup Is Set;
Both Quintets To Use
Fast-Breaking Offense
Bill Cartmill turned on the heat
last night and sank four out of six
shots for eight points in an abbrevi-
ated scrimmage and clinched a start-
ing berth for the basketball opener
with Michigan State Saturday night.
For the past few weeks he has
held the inside edge for the post, but
the work of juniors George Ruehle,
Bill Herrmann, Joe Glasser and
sophomore Bob Fitzgerald had kept
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan in doubt.
With the 6 ft. 1 in. Cartmill at one
forward, 5 ft. 8 in. Mike Sofiak at the
other, Capt. Jim Rae, standing 6 ft.
4 in. at center, and guards Herb Bro-
gan, 5 ft. 10 in., and Charlie Pink,
5 ft. 8 in., the Wolverines will send
a team out on the floor which aver-
ages close to 5 ft. 10 in.
State Is Tall
Compared to this State has four
men over the six foot mark in for-
wards Marty Hutt and Bob Phillips,
center Max Hindman, and guard Max
Dalrymple, while the diminutive Chet
Aubuchon holding down theeother
back line post stands 5 ft. 10 in.
Thus the Spartans have a rangy
team composed of five lettermen in
its starting line-up.
Coach Ben Van Alstyne of the
Spartans will resort to the fast break
for the first time this season, but
only because of the rule changes and
the desire of the fans to see a
spectacular brand of ball.
In the past few weeks he has been
worried by the amount of fumbling
his team has displayed in handling
the ball, and he attributes this to
the new style, which he would pre-
fer to see abandoned in favor of the
old slow and conservative game.
Ball-Handling Troubles Coach
Michigan's coach agrees that the
new game causes considerable jug-
gling in ball handling, but his chief
worry is that his boys might try to
get a litle too clever in the way they

To Start At Forward

, .l




~...J1 s. .

Bill Cartmill, 6 ft., 1 in., junior
from Verona, N.J., has won a start-
ing post at forward on the Michi-
gan Varsity over a host of rivals.
Bill will bring much-needed height
to the Wolverine lineup in the game
with Michigan State Saturday

Preposterous Purity ...
Well, it's finally happened. We
thought things were progressing too
smoothly and quietly. A small war
in Europe, people starving in Cleve-
land, the laying of groundwork for
a "holy war," all these trivia were
merely accompanying life along its
routine way. But now we're startled
again out of our smug little existence
by the Dies Committee of the ath-
letic field, The U.S.L.T.A.
To those lucky among the un-
initiated, the five little letters
stand for the United States
Lawn Tennis Association. Pos-
sessed of extreme extrovert
characteristics, this governing
body of American amateur ten-
nis is never satisfied unless it is
in the public eye. And most of
the time it's there in the form of
a cinder.
The latest canon handed down by
this supreme and august body is
the excommunication of Wayne Sa-
bin and Gene Mako on the charges
that they "violated amateur regula-
tions" by accepting excessive travel
expenses. Mako is the third ranking
singles player in the country, a for-
mer Davis Cup player and Don
Budge's doubles partner when Am-
erica regained the Davis Cup. Sabin
ranks in the first ten.
This is the first time this rule has
been enforced and the entire pro-
cedure is as assinine as have been
some of the U.S.L.T.A.'s antics in
the past. The rule is that an ama-
teur can play not more than eight
weeks in tournaments and still re-
ceive expenses. Well and good. But
we'll venture to say that there isn't
a top flight player in the country
today who makes the tournament
rounds who doesn't get taken care
of-and still avoid the eight weeks
law. Their procedure is simple. They
are backed by an association which
takes care of all expenses over and
above the maximum eight weeks. In
return, the amateur plays in associa-
tion tournaments, helps bring in the
gate receipts for the association and
gives exhibitions at the Association's
behest. In short, he is subsidized, in
every sense of the word except the
This is the hold the associa-
tions in various sections of the
country hold on the tennisj
players. "No play for associa-
tion, no get more than eight
weeks' expenses. No get more
than eight weeks' expenses, no
can get good at tennis." And
apparently the parent erganiza-
tion is helping the local groups
maintain their stranglehold on
young talent.

Bobby Riggs was one of the few
who beat the power of local associa-
tions. He played on the Coast at'
the beck and call of that group, won
the national junior championship-1
and then decided to try to crack the
big time. His association insisted2
that he defend his junior title on ther
Coast and Riggs, a plucky youngster
of 17 years spent across the tracks,
refused. "I had nothing to gain,"r
he said. "Why waste any more time?
I'm going East."t
The association raved and ranted,
threatened and bullied but Riggst
was adamant. "You won't even get
in the first 20," they told him. "And1
what's more you'll be subject to thec
eight weeks rule. But Riggs thumbeda
his nose at them and with Wayne
Sabin (the same Sabin who was just
suspended) went across the continent
in a friend's car, going from tourna-
ment to tournament, the hard way.
At the end of the year, Riggs was
ranked number 4, would have been
higher had he not lost to Johnny
Van Ryn.
So seeing he was well up in theI
National scene, his old California
chums reinstated him and he did;
their bidding as per the usual ar-
But then he was thrown off the
Davis Cup squad for what Riggs
laughingly c a 11l e d "breaking
training" and again his coast
buddies decided he wasn't good
enough and threw him out on thel
ear he sleeps on. The little 137-
pounder came back to win at
Wimbledon and Forest Hills and
the last laugh was his. WithCali-
fornia suing for peace, Riggs went
to Chicago where he abides,
plays and is generally happy un-
der the aegis of the Western As-
But the Tennis Association was
famous before this for the way in
which it handled Bill Tilden and
Bitsy Grant among others. And the
Way it didn't handle the Frankie Ko-
vacs case. Then it consistently and
with what some consider stubborn
bullheadedness, refuses to give any
open thought to an open tennis
tournament. The troubles the USLTA
has with the fuzz on the balls is an-
other angle. And now it's in for
more grief.
Canadiens Win 4 To 1
MONTREAL, Dec. 7. -(,P)- The
Montreal Canadiens, with the veter-
an Johnny Gagnon showing the way
with two goals, defeated the Tor-
onto Maple Leafs 4-1 here tonight
before the largest crowd of the home
season-11,300 howling fans.

handle the ball.
Although a strong

advocate of aI

Hockey Captain 'Spike 'James Says
Goalie Success Due To Early Start
By MASE GOULD cian with an industrial concern after couldn't see his shots, but you could
It's all in starting early. That graduation next June. hear them whistle."
seems to be the secret of success nor The greatest thrill James ever ex- James has always idolized Tiny
Eldon "Spike" James, captain and perienced was in Ottawa when he was Thompson and his consistently bril-
goalie of Michigan's Varsity sextet but 14 years old and actually faced liant work as a big league goalie.
for when he broke into organized the famous Toronto "kid" line of Joe "He's the greatest goalie in the game
amateur hockey in Canada he was a Primeau, Harvey "Busher" Jackson today," says "Spike," "and yet when
amatur ocky i Canda e ws ahe applied for. a position in the Ca-
mere youngster of 12, the youngest nadian Royal Air Force a few years
amateur in the country at the time. agohe was rejected because of de-
James, younger brother of the for- ago, he wsrena o
mer Wolverine high scoring left wing,.fective vision.'?
"Spike" has nothing but praise for
Gib, who is now competing in the the work of his teammates up front
Quebec Municipal League, has thrilled> in last Saturday's opener, declaring
Wolverine hockey fans for the past that the boys showed more fight than
two years with his sensational saves, they did at any time last year. "I've
and last Saturday took up where he . seen mediocre teams in Canada walk
left off last March by turning in all over a much better team me-
another grand job, although his team 4chanically thru sheer fight," he says,
succumbed to a late rally by the Lon- ! "and I believe Michigan can defeat
on .C. by a score o Minnesota this year by doing the
Has Pet Technique same thing."

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fast stepping game, Oosterbaan has
had several occasions in practice ses-
sions to get a little uneasy because
of the ultra-sensational fashion in
which the boys have been whipping
the ball around, and losing it un-
On the whole he is quite well satis-
fied with the manner in which the
team goes about its passing, and is
confident they will not become overly
unorthodox Saturday night.
Committee Reports
On Pan-American
Games Proposals
HOLLWOOD, Fla., Dec. 7.-(4P-
The report of a special Pan-Ameri-
can Games committee will be awaited
with great interest tomorrow when
the Amateur Athletic Union of the
United, Stales opens its 51st annual
The five-man group headed by
Judge Jeremiah T. Mahoney of New
York, former AAU president, is ex-
pected to offer at least two proposals
as a result of a search for a substitute
for the 1940 Olympic games. These
will be:
1. Establishment of Pan-American
games on a permanent basis, the
games to be held in the "between-
Olympic" years (in other words, at
four-year intervals starting in 1942)
2. Some sort of games for next sum-
mer to reward those athletes who
since 1936, have been working with a
berth on the 1940 U.S. Olympic team
in view.
-- Goodfelows-Moinday -
Tomski And Drysdale
Make All-Star Team
The Michigan representation on the
All-American swimming team which
will tour South America next month
was trebled with the announcement
yesterday that Walt Tomski, last
year's sprint ace, and Taylor Drys-
dale, back stroke star of several sea-
sons back will make the trip.
Tom Haynie, captain of the 1939
Wolverine team has already been
chosen to make the trip. The team
sails from New York on Dec. 29, re-
turning Feb. 19.
-- Goodfellows-1fonday --
St. Mary's 54, Cleary 17
Purdue 47, W. Illinois Teachers 24

"pike" has a peculiar psychology
for goal tending, but it gets results.
"Given sharp eyes and an ability to
move fast," says "Spike," "a goalie has
won half the battle. But there is far
more to it than that. A goalie must
always cause the incoming shooter
to make the first move or suffer an
inevitable score. It is estimated that
a player on a solo dash will score
four out of five times. My best de-
fense against solos is in enticing the
shooter to aim at an open hole and
then being at that spot when he lets.
go. It's a gamble, but a goalie has to
gamble on a solo dash, so high are
the odds aganist him."
This is "Spike's" ninth year of or-
ganized hockey, the 6 foot, 1 inch,
160-pound Ottawa senior having
played six years in the Ottawa City
League previous to enrolling at
Michigan. A major in chemistry,
he hopes to play amateur hockey in
Northern Ontario in conjunction
with 9, position as laboratory techni-
Collier's Picks Harmon
On All-American Team
Michigan's great halfback Tom
Harmon gathered still another feather
for his All-American cap with the
announcement yesterday that he had
made the selected team for Collier's
Weekly. The Hoosier Hammer has
been almost a unanimous choice thus
Two other Big Ten players made
the eleven, as Nile Kinnick of Iowa
was named Harmon's running mate
at halfback, and Esco Sarkinnen, of
Ohio State, was named at end.

and Charlie Conacher. His amateur
team's practice had preceded that of
the Maple Leafs and as he was skat-
ing off the ice he was asked if he
would like to hold down the net at the
far end of the rink until the reserve
goalie put in an appearance. "Spike"
shakily consented and to this day
he'll insist that Conacher has the
hardest shot in professional hockey.
As "Spike" so aptly puts it, "You

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