FRIDAY, DEC-8,1939 THE MICHIGAN DAILY- PAGE 'Winter Wonderland' To Have Premiere Today In League TI I V Dinner Dances Top Party List This Weekend "One more week 'til vacation-" and the last weekend on campus (for' a while) is filled with formals and dances., A house party will occupy the timel of the members of Alpha Delta Phi this weekend. They start off today with a dance from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Their chaperons are Mr. and Mrs. W. H. L. Everand and Mr. and Mrs. Al- lan Eddy. Beta Theta Pi is also hav- ing a dance today. The chaperons for this affair will be Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Stevenson, and Mrs. V. L. Beers. Chi Phi Holds Formal Formal dancing will be held at the Chi Phi house. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sinclair, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne An- drews, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ow- en are to chaperon. Delta Tau Delta wlil also have a formal. Mr. and Mrs. Justin L. Powers and Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Jeffers have been requested to chaperon. Another house to have its winter formal is Kappa Nu. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Goudsmit yand Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kessel are the chaperons. The Lutheran Student Club informal will be chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wagner and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Maten., Phi Delta Theta Has Dinner Dinner and dancing is being offered by Phi Delta Theta, from 6:15 p.m. to 1 a.m. The chaperons for this are Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Weller and Mr. and Mrs. Filliam Buettner, Jr. A radio dance will be given by Pi Lambda! Phi, at which Mr. and Mrs. Burton Clamage and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice l Morse will be the chaperons. Another 'dinner dance will be at i the Sigma Alpha Epsilon house. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gibson, and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Uhlmann are the chaper- ons. Sigma Phi Epsilon's dance is being chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Westcott and Mrs. K. C. Car- ney. Campus, Civict Organizations Offer Su nnrtk Players' Start Is Recollected W7 " I a ~370e 11 F'raternities And Sororities Hold Initiations; Elect Off Union To Hold Christmas Ball icers Feature Pastel Dresses Pastel dresses have, in previous winters, belonged only in the;ward- robes of the winter- go-away-ers; but this winter fashion is different. One dress featured is of shell pink flan- nel; and trimmed with gold buttons v JL JL vi ... ULJF N FZ. ' V.B. W i jn Initiations took the lead in chap- Lawhead, '42, and Marjorie Taylor, 1 0ter house activities this past week. '42, last Sunday. Proceeds Of Sophomore { IAcacia Alpha Delta Pi Play Production's current presenta- !Robert C. Lewis, national presidenit The announcement has been made Cabaret To Be Given tion, ". . . one third of a nation. . .", of Acacia was entertained by the of the pledging by Alpha Delta Pi of To Crippled Children which is a dramatized stuy of poor local chapter on Wednesday. Robert Mary Lou Mills, '41, St. Charles.: housing conditions, is a most apt pro- C. Norris, national committeeman and Alpha Phi "Winter Wonderland," the 1939 duction for that group to attempt C. Russel Pryce, chapter advisor were Janet Collings, '40A, Midland, w:s edition of Sophomore Cabaret, re- having, as it does, a peculiar personal also present. pledged by Alpha Phi. plete with songs, dances, booths, ex- significance, Prof. V. B. Windt, Di- Alpha Chi Omega Scholarship awards were present- t rector of Play Production, said yes- The.pledging of Virginia Stover, '43, ed, one to a freshman and the other) hibitions, and 230 beautiful hostesses,'terday. of Milwaukee has been announced to a sophomore, by the local chap- will have its premiere from 3:30 p.m.I Since he has been connected with by Alpha Chi Omega. (ter of Alpha Phi last Monday. Olga to 5:30 p.m. today in the League. the department, Professor Windt re- Alpha Chi Sigma Gruhzit, '43, was presented a gold Funds for the Cabaret, which will calls, students in Play Production Four new members were initiated pledge pin and Jeanne Crump, '42,I also be presented from 8:30 p.m. to classes have had a long and stormy by Alpha Chi Sigma last Saturday. was given the sophomore scholarship 1 a.m. today, and from 3:30 p.m. to -and strenuous-career trying to They were Douglas Lyttle, '41; Har- ring. 5:30 p.m. and from 8:30 p.m. to provide themselves with facilities old Van Hartesveldt, '41E; LawrenceI Delta Epsilon Delta which meet the requirements of fire Tommy, Grad., and Lowell Perkins, The initiation of Durward W. Jad- midnight tomorrow, will go to aid an ulin npcoradw i rd win, '42D, has been announced by needy, crippled children who were and building inspectors, and which, Grad. formerly under the supervision of the incidentally, conform to their own; Alpha Omicron Pi Delta Epsilon Delta. University Hospital. needs. Founders' Day was celebrated last Gamma Phi Beta Supported By Organizations Cavorted Gleefully Saturday by Alpha Omicron Pi at Gamma Phi Beta has pledged Beth Sixteen campus and civic organi- In 1928, playcraft students cavorted the Engleside Club in Detroit. Miss Cowing, 42 of Flint. zations have pledged their support gleefully in a small portion of what Helen Haller, national president, was Newo Hermitage to the Caba'et and will sponsor had previously been the big auditori- the principal speaker. She also visit- ew officers have been installed by numerous booths and exhibits in con- um in University Hall-a most dilapi- ed the local chapter for several days 41E, secretary; Kirke DeFoe, 40E, nection with it. dated structure and a fire trap, as last week. treasurer; Richard BulbheDo, '40A, A general admission price of 35 fire inspectors finally decided. . The initiation of Ethel Mikulich, house managerrThey eoanalso - cents will admit patrons of the Cab- And so it was banned. '40, Traunik; Ethel Mary Mathis, '42 itiated Robert Brackstone '43 aret to most of these exhibits, buta Not daunted by this emergency, and Irene Doherty, '40, Bessemer has Kappa Delta Rho five-cent charge will be made for Play Production students organized been announced by Alpha Omicron Three men were recently initiated dancing. The Cabaret is also spon- an intensive house-cleaning cam- pi. by Kappa Delta Rho Th N soring a "grab bag" booth, at which paign, and in the space of seven Chi Omega man Johnson, '41E; RolandSeavia _,,_,. . , , . .. ,.. ,, ' j weeks r.mnved aI n inra l nlhi', +, .b4.l a Santa Clans Will Gifts At Annual Present Affair .;r... w P. :;; ' ', ', ': u r w : dn.Y .sPk a .vt-. id! !N K:' s h a ;; +1 r ; ". '' or Traditional to the spirit of the sea- son, the Michigan Union will hold its annual Christmas -dance, the Jingle Ball, from 9 p.m. to 12 p.m., Saturday, according to IrltBrent, '41, chairman of the dance. Among those present will be one Santa Claus, class of '43, who will have a gift for everyone. Special door prizes consisting of bridge passes and dance passes will also be in Santa's bag. Table reservations may be made without charge. Bill Sawyer and his orchestra will play for the ball, and will also play for the regular Friday night this week. Be A Goodfellow Yale University has more endow- ment per student than any other U. S. college or university. HOSIERY- XMAS SPECIAL 2-thread in lovely shades Neatly boxed. 39e Wool Knee High in Red, Royal Beige, White 69e SMARTEST HOSIERY SHOPPE Michigan Theatre Bldg. M . :.,< , , , .; souvenir Michigan ash trays will be ,'-"-i, r't'-'-u nuaicuiume sold, and copper articles, brought to amount of rubbish, cleaned, scrubbed, the United States by refugees, will be hung curtains to hide the unused part sold at a special copper exhibit. of the huge space, and, finally, con- Movies of the Michigan-Michigan tributed money to buy paint for the State game will be shown Friday and walls. After this heroic effort, they those of the Michigan-Pennsylvania were granted permission to use the game will be shown Saturday. auditorium again, provided no more Refreshments To Be In 'Igloo' than 200 people were in it at one Refreshments will be sold in the time. second-floor dining room of the Use Mimes Theatre League, 'wAich will be turned into an Eventually, however, the building "Igloo" during Cabaret perform-,was banned again, so the University ances. granted Play Production the use of A floor show, featuring original the Mimes Theatre, which was hence- song and dance acts, will be given forth rechristened and given the title at 4:30 p.m. during the afternoon "Laboratory Theatre." Here, again, performances, and at 10:15 p.mat students were forced to clean and both evening performances. The decorate before the building was suit- Cabaret's "ice queen" will also be able for use, but on Dec. 1, 1930, it "crowned" during the floor show. was opened to the public, and for the next three years, major productions were staged here. ~ I - Goodfelows-Monday - Chi Omega initiated Josephine Al- exander, '41A; Margory Allison, '41; Eleanor Hanavari, '41; Gwendolen Education Sorority Announces Initiates Pi Lambda Theta, educational sor- ority, has initiated six women. They! are Josephine Van Billiard, Grad.; Barbara Guest, '40Ed.; June Madi- son, '4OEd; Jean Brown, Grad.; Flora4Diaz, Grad.; and Shirley Phil- lips, '40. Xi chapter of Pi Lambda Theta was established on this campus in 1922. The purpose of the organiza- tion is to encourage graduate work and stimulate research in the field of education and to promote a spirit of fellowship among the women in the teaching profession. The sor- ority also attempts to foster the highest standard of scholarship and professional training. Be A Goodfellow Suede Mits Rank High Suede mittens, with little suede tassels at the wrists are the darling of the winter season. They have the stitched edges and inserted pieces that we find so comfortable in our gloves, and come in scarlet, plum, gold, and forest green, just the type of thing that you buy for a gift and invariably keep for yourself. '40, and Edward Glanz, '42E. h 4 SIDEKICKS .. Cardigan 5 Pullovet Socks, Make it a mild and woolly Christmas. We've hundreds of all-wool French type zephyr They'll snuggle under campus sweaters, as pastel as a sum- reefers, top skating skirts, and mer sky, as soft as a down make saucy changelings out puff. of staid office suits. Cardigans and Pullovers ... each$2.95 :&. :. x atahing Color Socks . 50c OPEN SATURDAY 'till 9 P.M. Jerotzaeh dn)itton SHOP 'round the corner on State "f; ; ?I I SAL Have that "extra" hat at an extra-low sale price! Tailored, dressy and casual styles to flatter every face. DANA, R-ICHARDSON 3 309 South State Street -- At the Dillon Shop Hostesses To Meet Early Outside League Ballroom All girls who are to be hostesses for the afternoon performances of Soph- omore Cabaret must -meet outside of the League ballroom at 3 p.m., an- nounced Margot Thom, chairman of the hostess committee. Evening hos- tesses should meet in the same places at 8:30 p.m. Hostesses are reminded that they must wear date dresses and must also bring a dime to pay for their head- gear. The money will be refunded when the spangles are returned. Each hostess must return to her group at the end of each set of dances. * TINY PASTEL FELTS GAY VELVET TURBANS * SOFT WOOL FABRICS *SMART BELTINGS Schillers 219 South Main Get the SCHILLER habit IS Op hOt"dtipop e C/ rijdmai DEAREST POSSESSION of any coed ... oodles of fluffy angora BRILLIANT IDEA gay mitts in snow white, bonbon HOLIDAY GLITTER ...lots scarfs, cute as a kitten's ear. pink; 2.50 Also just-in" doe of gay costume jewellery, cleYer Imports and Echo scarfs for spe- skin mittens in aqua, Robi red, tricks for lapels, gorgeous neck- cial names on your list. Sherwood green, black. 1.95 laces to dress up the new jewel- 1.95 to 2.95 lery neckline. 1.00 to 19.95 GLAMOR . . . in the gift of IMPORTED SWEATERS say S1PORTING . .. of you to think lovely lounging robes. Cuddly Merry Christmas in the very of giving brilliant ski outfits. chenilles, 5.95. Luxurious quilt- biggest way. 2.95 to 10.95 Trousers, 2.95 to 7.95. Swirling ed satins. 12.95 up. Handknit angoras, dear to her corduroy skating skirts. 2.95 heart, and soft cashmeres. CH RISTMASUI r Y 1x :o ;- I w w FM.. MR, a-- , - .61in onu , - I - -.1riwim- .-J W