FAGE pfOU THE MICHIGAN DAILY FITAV, DEC, 8, 1929, :,... - THE MICHIGAN DAILY Government Should Help Underpaid TwoThirds Of Nation, Writer Says Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday .during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The. Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO 'BOSTON * LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Carl Petersen Elliott Maraniss Stan M. Swinton Morton L. Linder Norman A. Schorr Dennis Flanagan john N. Canavan Ann Vicary Mel Fineberg Editorial Staff .ss S Business Staff Managing Editor Editorial Director . City Editor Associate Editor . Associate Editor Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Women's Editor Sports Editor Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko . Jane Mowers Harriet S. Levy Business Manager. Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager . . Women's Advertising Manager Publications Manager NIGHT EDITOR: HERVIE HAUFLER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Dies Committee And Youth Congress .. . AFTER MAKING HEADLIES due to the appearances of Mrs. Roosevelt, the Dies Committee's investigation of the American Youth Congress died a natural death. Acting chairman, Rep. Joe Starnes (Dem.- Ala) stated that additional hearings, if held, will be purely of a "clean-up" nature.- At the conclusion of the Thursday morning session, the first lady told reporters, "I was disappointed. I thought I would hear some- thing new." Friday, in her syndicated column, the President's wife expressed these sentiments: "The majority of the questions were asked by Mr. . B. Matthews, and his whole attitude, tone of v ice and phraseology made one feel that a pris er, considered guilty, was being tried at the bar' P PORTEDLY, the Youth Congress was be- g cross-examined on the rather dubious accusation that the organization was a commun- istic "front," but it seems more likely that a petition requesting Congress to refrain from appropriating additional funds for the continu- ance df the Dies Committee, circulated among the AYC membership, was more directly re- sponsible for the hearing. The petition accused the Committee of "witch-hunting," and of being extremely one-sided in its investigations. The American Youth Congress is a "hetero- geneous organization affiliated with church, social service and college groups concerned with the problems of youth." Total membership in the AYC and affiliated groups has been estimat- ed at 4,681,000. A typical youth movement, its members do not believe in stagnation, nor do they enjoy seeing government funds used to conduct biased "investigations" which violate the very phases of the constitution they so blat- antly claim to uphold. AS IT IS, the Committee's funds are running short. Representative Dies, addressing a "Mass Meeting for America" in New York last week, said the Committee would hold but a few more hearings before it folds up Jan. 1. It is not inconceivable then, that the committee, in a last attempt for the limelight, decided to oper- ate on American youth-a far bigger task than it anticipated. It is questionable whether any investigation by a government agency of supposed "un-Ameri- can activities" is legitimate, and we might once again trot out the well-worn label of "Consti- tutional." But even if we accept the fact that probing subversive activity is within the bounds of unqualified freedomand will eventually aid In liberating America, investigations of groups on one side to the complete disregard of vicious anti-democratic organizations and practises on the other will never be justified in what we like to call a democratic nation, especially if they are conducted with one eye to congressional appropriations and the other to coming elections. -David Lachenbruch "Our first duty in this time of turmoil and danger is to carry on our normal educational program as effectively as possible and with a minimum of confusion. Whatever course future events may take, the world will need young men versed in science and skilled in the arts of its application to promote human welfare."-Dr. VaA I T1 f~mtrwy j recirte r1P of M.CYflC t. By ELLIOTT MARANISS WITH FIRE and dramatic determination the current production at Lydia Mendelssohn, ". . . one-third of a nation . . ." brings into focus a clear and meaningful image of one of the nation's more pressing economic prob- lems. For over forty years, notably with the publication of Jacob Riis' How The Other Half Lives, spirited reformers have tried to startle public opinion into a mental set that would allow the government to tackle this disabling problem in a broad and competent way. They showed that crime, disease and maternal deaths brooded like a fog and spawned into immense dimensions "amid the miasmic fumes of the tenements." Despite universal recognition of the serious- ness of the housing problem, however, it has, for a number of reasons remained unsolved. Any large-scale attempt to solve the problem inevitably uncovers the fundamental incompat- ability of human welfare appropriations and business costs. Government projects and public welfare services mean higher taxes. To business taxes appear to be unnecessary costs. As a re- sult the housing needs of the people, like all their other major public needs, have remained unsatisfied. THE ECONOMIC reformation known as the New Deal did little moe than recognize the problem. It couldn't possibly fail to do so: when the depression, without modesty and with- out respect for orthodoxy, uncomfortably laid bare the tragic and mature problems of modern capitalism, the New Deal was forced to move to conserve the old b reform. Accordingly President Roosevelt voiced official recognition of the housing problem with his famous declara- tion that "one-third of the natiol is ill-housed, ill-clad and ill-fed." The President's neat phrase served to draw at- tention to the problem. And Arthur Arent's play serves a great social purpose in calling to the cast in which one-third of the American character is molded. But they both omit-in the play the omission is dictated by dramatic logic-the omnipresence of rural slums and the high incidence of tragic housing other than tenements. It is a proven fact that the housing problem immediately affects, not merely one- third of a nation, but two-thirds of the Ameri- can people-13,000,000 families more than those living in tenements. THE REPORT of the National Resources Committee on Consumer Incomes in the United §tates, 1935-36, concludes that one-third of the nation, or thirteen million families and single individuals received less than $780 for that year. Another third of a nation, another thirteen million, received less than $1,450. There A RT By JAMES E. GREEN The paintings and drawings of William Grop- per, one of America's foremost political car- toonists and satirists, make up the most impor- tantdsart of the Ann Arbor Art Association's second show of the year now on display in the galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall. A selection of prints from the members of the American Artists Association comprises the rest of the show that will continue in the galleries through Dec. 15. Gropper has been known for many years to the readers of the New Masses and the Daily W6rker for his witty and biting lampooning of the contemporary political and economic scene but in his work here he reveals something more. He remains, primarily, a satirist but there is a depth of imagination and a sensitive intellectu- ality in some of his work that transcends the compulsions of social satire. Much of his paint- ing is eclectic and the debt that it owes to his cartoon technique is often discernible but his talents as a painter are very real, if not fully developed and unified. His figures are some- times wooden but when he paints people as people and not symbols he exhibits a sure and controlled techni-que. Gropper as a satirist is associated in most minds with the slam-bang caricatures of gross money bags that walk like men. There is a different Gropper revealed here, however. He is at his New Masses best in "Knighthood in Flower" in which he sums up all of Neville Cham- berlain but in many of his drawings he shows a fineness and subtlety of line that broadens the social content at the same time that it gives them a significance that goes far beyond the exigencies of newspaper headlines. His wash drawings "Lawyer and Jurymen" and "Politi- cian" are almost three-dimensional in their fluid "solidity" without sacrificing any of their incisiveness as caricature. When he exchanges his bludgeon for a brush he is analyzing rather than attacking, appealing more to the intellect than the emotions. As a painter Gropper is not yet a sure color- ist and his compositions generally depend more upon lines than upon masses for their effects. But the very strength of that line combined with a sometimes strong use of color gives many of his paintings a dynamic quality that is ex- tremely striking. In several of his paintings of the Spanish Civil War he has been consider- ably influenced by Goya and his results are sometimes comparable. In this group partic- ularly he has gotten away from the stereotyped "symbolic" composition of the run of socially conscious artists. He paints and draws with real feeling for the subjects of his work but he never makes a sentimental appeal. He is need be little speculation, then, as to the basic cause of the nation's chronic and acute housing problem. It is impossible to house, feed, clothe and medicate a family of four or five persons on slightly more than four dollars a day. Two- thirds of the American people simply haven't the money to purchase decent housing: and be- cause of this mass lack of inadequate incomes, private business cannot supply decent housing at a profit. Human welfare needs will not be met. At present the government is busily engaged. in invoking the anti-trust laws against the labor unions in the building trades. It appears to the Attorney-General's office that breaking the. alleged union monopoly of certain trades and services will so reduce the cost of housing that a construction boom will spontaneously ensue and regenerate the New Deal's popularity. But the Attorney-General's office apparently doesn't recognize that the extreme seasonality of the construction industry has forced the labor unions to fight for and win high hourly rates and to deemphasize the annual wage. Mr. Thur- man Arnold has failed to recognize the inescap- able fact that two-thirds of the American people have incomes so inadequate that they are hope- lessly incapable of purchasing decent housing, even with slightly reduced costs. He has ap- parently failed to consider the statements. of Housing Administrator Straus, who has said that the government, operating under present statutory provisions cannot hope to exceed accommodating even ten per cent of the na- tion's ill-housed population. A LSO IGNORED are the following considera- tions: Professor Robert Kelso's contention that primarily the upper third and not the lower two-thirds is the main beneficiary of the present housing program; that the American Federation of Labor unions in the building trades, in order to protect their standard of living, have resorted to the only economic avenues open to them, namely, of raising wages by curtailing the supply of their labor . service, and by adjusting their unions to the seasonality of the construction in- dustry. In short, the present anti-trust crusade of the Attorney-General's office seeks to prose- cute the symptoms and the effects, not the dis- ease or the cause. While these considerations are mainly legislative in character the legal ardor of a law enforcement agency like the Attorney-General's office, should be tempered and abated by them. It is human experience and the compulsion of economic fact, not legal logic, that shoud be the breath of the law. The severe housing problem confronting the American people will not be solved until the submerged two-thirds of the population are pro- vided with incomes that will allow them to satisfy their basic needs. It is to this end that the resources and energy of the government must be directed. Iifeemf io Ve Heywood Broun The so-called phony war has moved more quickly into crisis than the conflict of 1914. The next few months will tell the story. The mag- OF ALL THINGS!. By Mortyag. AS SOON as Mr. Q. awoke yester- day, he knew something was wrong. It was just that there was something missing. He ran quickly to the desk to see if his bulging wal- let had been pilfered in the night: there it was, still bulging, quite un- pilfered (the bulge, incidentally, due mainly to the fact that his playful room-mates had hidden his shoes there). Everything looked the same: disarrayed, unkempt, sleepy, but there was something missing. Mr. Q. dressed and left the house' still certain that all was not right in the world. True, there were wars raging and there were people starv- a f 7 l t DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Ft lDAY, DEC. 8, 1939 VOL. L. No. 64 Notices Federal Income Tax: It has been thought best to postpone the meeting with a representative of the Collec- tor of Internal Revenue until some time after the first of the year. Date of the meeting, when determined, will be announced. Shirley W. Smith. To The Members of the Universty Council: There will be no meeting of the University Council in Decem- ber. Louis A. Hopkins, Secy. ITo Students Having Library Books: ing, and there were lots of other ToSuetHaigLbryBks things wrong that might cause un- 1. Students having in their posses- easiness and a feeling of uncertainty. sion books drawn from the University But what Mr. Q. felt was much closer; Library are notified that books are it seemed to come from the immed- due Monday, Dec. 11, before the im- iate surroundings. And it wasn't un- pending Christmas vacation, in pu- til he reached the Publications Build- suance of the University regulation: ing and picked up a copy of Thurs- "Students who leave Ann Arbor for day's Daily that he discovered the more than a week must first return cause of all the trouble: there was no all borrowed books."w. pretty little Santa Claus box at the Books needed between Dec. 11 and bottom of the right hand column, the beginning of vacation may be re- warning that there were only eight tained upon application at the charg- more shopping days until Christmas ing, desk.rn Vacation. 2. Failure to return books before the vacation will render the student MR. Q. THINKS that Daily readers liable to an extra fine. should protest against this cen- 3. Students remaining in town may sorship. Obviously The Daily is charge and renew books for seven- working in cahoots with subversive day periods beginning Dec. 11. elements who are trying to under- 4. Students leaving town who have mine the holiday business of Ann urgent need for books during the va- Arbor merchants. Why, so many cation period will be given permis- people have come up to Mr. Q. in the sion to take such books with them, past few days and inquired as .to provided they are not in general de- who drew the nice little Santa and mand, on application at the office of breathlessly related how that was the the Superintendent of Circulation. first thing they turned to each Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian. morning-in fact, a couple said that ___ it was the only thing they turned The University Bureau of Appoint- to. ments and Ocecpational Information This omission is revolutionary and has received notice of the following might well lead to the breakdown of United States Civil Service examina- our whole family system. Just pic- tions. The last date for filing appli- ture this heart-rending scene, so typi-, cation is noted in each case: cal in Ann Arbor yesterday morn- Projectionist (The National Ar- ing: The family rises at five and chives), salary: $1,620, Jan. 2. rushes to the window to wait for Technical assistant to the chief of their Daily. At eight, they are still probation and parole, bureau of pris- waiting; at ten, they call The Daily ons, Dept. of Justice, salary: $3,800, to find why it hasn't been delivered Jan. 2. and are told there must have been a Assistant supervisor of classifica- tornado or a snowstorm or an earth- tion, Bureau of Prisons, Dept. of Jus- quake or something but they will get tice, salary: $3,800, Jan. 2. their copy right away. So at one, they Protozoologist, salary: $3,800, Jan. get their Daily. And, of course, the 2 first thing they turn to is to find Associate protozoologist, salary: $3,- out how many more days of shopping 200, Jan. 2. they have left. You can imagine the Asistant prtozologist. salarv: t2.- *.4*' R, netic mine is the most men- acing weapon which has been produced in modern times, and unless the Allies can find a defense against it Hit- ler is certain to come out as the victor. This has nothing to d4J with my sympathies anA emotions or anybody's wish- ful thinking. The loss of tonnage of the last few days would most certain- ly starve out England if the ratio could be con- tinued. But though the present status of the war can hardly be cheering for any of us who hope for the defeat of Nazi forces and Nazi philosophy, it is a good deal less than hopelesp. In all history each new invention of an attacking device has promptly been neutralized in whole or in part by some defensive mechanism. Already the technicians in many lands must be hard at work in seeking ways in which to thwart the new style of aggression employed by Hitler. * * * When Chamberlain said that methods would be found to meet the threat he might have al- ready had some messages of reassurance from the laboratories or he may have been merely buoyed up by the hope that every Merrimac must find its Monitor. A familiar theory voiced in America'for many months by all the peace groups has been the fear that if a German victory seemed at all possible the ruling powers here would push us in. But, on the contrary, it seems to me that American participation is less likely now than it has ever been since the beginning of hostilities. Every poll has shown a greater determina- tion upon the part of American citizens to ab- stain, and that emotional commitment is heigh- tened vastly now by the condition of the pres- ent war. To put it plainly, there can be no compelling urged upon the part of anyone to put America in, because our entry as a com- batant would be of so little consequence to either side. As long as the magnetic mine remains as effective as it seems to be at present we could not land an effective expeditionary force abroad, even if that happened to be our desire. Sheer disappointment when all they found in the right hand corner was a lot of print, and no Santa Claus. "But we want Santa Claus," the underfed children wail. "Where is Santa Claus?" "There ain't no Santa Claus," moans the mother. AS M. Q. writes this, he is not sure whether Santa is present this morning, but if not, call up The Daily immediately and cancel your sub- scription. We must protect our chil- dren. The Suomi Club, the Finnish group on the campus, had scheduled a meeting to celebrate the Finns' In- dependence Day. It was to be held at the League-in the-you guessed it-Russian Room. It happened in a poly sci class the other day. They were discussing, electoral problems, and the instruc- tor set this up: Supposing that one of you, say John Nicholson, is run- ning for office. What are some of the methods you would use to get him elected? The class began to offer suggestions on how to elect Nick to office: sound trucks and ad- vertising and various other methods of campaigning. In the back of the room, Barney Schorr and Dave Zeit- lin, who were disturbed from their tit-ta-toe by the commotion, tried to get the instructor's attention for their suggestion. They waved their arms and, squirmed all around, but the class had been so used to hearing nothing but snores coming from that direc-. tion that they were entirely disre- garded. Finally, just as the class had finished their suggestions and were passing on to some important aspect of elections, Dave yells: "How about a slogan?" And Barney jumps up, waves his hand in the air and shouts: "Stick with Nick!" Be A Goodfellow Rule Never Changes In these days of dictator-inspired aggression, it is enlightening again to read the words that were penned by a great American author several decades ago: "There has never been a just war on the part of the instigator of war. I can see a million years hence, and this rule will never change. The loud little handful will shout for the war; the great big bulk of the na- tion will rub its sleepy eyes and try to make out WHY there should be war. Next the cheap statesman will invent cheap lies, putting the blame on the nation that is attacked, and every man who might have ques- 600, Jan. 2. Junior medical officer (rotating interneship), salary: $2,000, Jan. 2. Junior medical officer (psychiatric resident), salary: $2,000 ,Jan. 2. Principalengineering draftsman (patents), salary: $2,300, Jan. 2. Principal engineering draftsman, salary: $2,300, Jan. 2. Senior engineering draftsman, sal- ary: $2,000, Jan. 2. Assistant engineering draftsman, salary: $1,620, Jan. 2. Junior engineering draftsman, sal- ary: $1,440, Jan. 2. Complete announcements on file at the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. The Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information has re- ceived announcement of the following Detroit Civil Service examinations for summer jobs: Lifeguard (Pool) (Male and Fe- male)-60c per hour. Swimming Instructor (Male and Female), $5 per day. Requirements: 20 years of age, De- troit residence, Senior American Red Cross Life Saving Certificate. Applications blanks may be ob- tained at the office of the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12, 2-4. The blanks must be filed at the Detroit Civil Service Office by Dec. 13. Examination to be held Dec. 20. Academic Notices E.M. I Review, all classes tonight from 7 to 9 in Room 401 West Eng. Bldg. Exhibitions Paintings by William Gropper and prints by the Associated Arierican Artists shown in West Gallery, Al- umni Memorial Hall, daily, 2-5, until Dec. 15. Auspices of Ann Arbor Art Association. Exhibitions, College of Architecture and Design: Student work of member colleges of the Association of Colle- inspired aggressions of all time to come. He was the man who wrote the immortal "Huckleberry Finn." He was Mark Twain. His words are worth heeding again in these troublesome days of 1939.-W.W. California Daily Trojan Be A Goodfellow New York has a law which con- demns to death any dog which has bitten the public three times. Two bites they allow. But no more. Thol giate Schools of Architecture. Dec. 1 to 8. Photographs of tools, processes, and products representative of the Department of Industrial Design at Pratt Institute. Dec. 1 through 14. Open daily, except Sunday, 9 to 5, in Third Floor Exhibition Room, Architectural Building. Open to the public. The Ann Arbor Camera Club's Third Annual Exhibit of photog- raphy is being held in the Exhibit Galleries on the Mezzanine floor of the Rackham Building. Open daily, except Sunday, from 2 to 10 p.m. un til Dec. 9. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Martin P. Nilsson, Professor of Classical Ar- chaeology and Ancient History, and formerly rector, University of Lund, Sweden, will lecture on "Rural Cus- toms and Festivals in Greek Reli- gion" (illustrated with slides) under the auspices of the Department of Greek at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday,eDec. 12, in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. Veit Valen- tin, Lecturer at University College, London, will lecture on "Austria and Germany" under the auspices of the Department of History at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 14, in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre. The public is cordially invited. Wild Land Utilization: Dr. Frank A. Waugh, Professor Emeritus of Land- cape Architecture, Massachusetts State College, will give the following alks in the amphitheatre of the Rack- ham Building at the times indicated: Dec. 8, 9 a.m., "Administrative problems to be considered in the management of wild lands for hu- man use." These talks are intended primarily for students in the School of Forestry and Conservation, who are expected to attend, but all others interested are lso cordially invited. Today s Events The Suomi Club will hold its Christ- mas meeting today in the Lucy B. Henderson room at the Michigan League. The program features Dr. John Stanton who will speak on "Fin- land and the Situation in ,Europe." Exchange of ten-cent gifts and re- freshments. Stalker Hall: Christmas dinner and program at the Russian Tea Room of the Michigan League at 6:15 p.m. to- night. Call 6881 at Stalker Hall for reservations before noon today. Disciples Guild cinema party, to- night. Members and their friends meet at the Guild House at 8 p.m. for a social hour before the 9 o'clock show. The Westminster Guild will hold an ice skating party tonight. Members and friends will meet at the Coliseum at 7:45 and register with Paul Lowry to take advantage of the special rate. Refreshments ,and dancing at the church will follow. Soph Cabaret floor show will go on at 4:30 p.m.' both Friday and Satur- day afternoons and at 10:30 p.m. both evenings. The Lutheran Student Club will hold its annual Christmas party at Lane Hall this evening at 8 p.m. Tickets may be secured from mem- bers of the social committee or at the door. Hillel Ceremony of the lighting of the Chanukah candles will be held in the Hillel Chapel at sundown every day until Thursday, Dec. 14. Hillel Class in Yiddish will meet at the Foundation this afternoon at 4:30 fpp.n A Chanukah Service will be held at the Hillel Foundation tonight at 7:30 p.m. It will be followed by a Cha- nukah program, consisting of two one-act plays, and a social hour, un- der the auspices of the Hillel Play- ers. Coming Events German Faculty Table: The regu- lar luncheon meeting will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Found- ers' Room of the Michigan Union. All faculty members interested in speak- ing German are cordially invited. There will be a brief informal talk by Prof. Benjamin Wheeler on, "Fin- land." The ROTC Drum and Bugle Corp will meet Saturday, Dec. 9, at 1 p.m. in the Drill Hall at Headquarters. The Art Cinema League announces the third of the programs in its Series as HAMLET sand THE LAST LAUGH, with Emil Jannings, on Sunday, Dec. 10. Memberships in the league are still available prior to the 3:15 and 8:15 performances.