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December 08, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-12-08

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VOL. L. No. 64 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DEC. 8, 1939


Cabaret To Benefit
Crippled Children

Opens Run


Program Of Sophomore
Women To Be Offered
Two Days__At League
Winter Wonderland
Is Theme Of Show
"Winter Wonderland," twelfth an-
nual Soph Cabaret, backed by more
than 28 campus and local organiza-
tions as an expression of commun-
ity sympathy for the crippled, indi-;
gent children whose opportunities
for necessary corrective treatment at
the University Hospital have been
curtailed, will be presented from '3:30
to 5:30 p.m. and from 8:30 p.m. to
1 a.m. today in the League, according
to Agnes Crow, '42, general chair-
Soph Cabaret will be open from
3:30 to 5:30 p.m. and from 8:30 p.m.
to midnight tomorrow.
To Set Up Rink
The Ballroom will be transformedI
into a huge skating rink where a
floorshow, in which 50 girls will par-
ticipate, will be presented at 4:30,
p.m. and' 10:15 p.m. on both days.'
The entire second floor of the League
will be converted into a sports car-
nival with exhibits and booths from
campus and local organizations. Free
movies of the State-Michigan foot-
ball game will be shown tonight.
Movies of .the Ohio State-Michigan
game will be shown tomorrow.

Experts' Role
Cited In Talk
By Edmonson
"Democracy is doomed unless we
can develop a greater reliance on
expertness in our democratic life."
That was the warning Dean James
B. Edmonson of the education school
expressed during a discussion on, "Co-
operation" yesterday before the morn-
ing session of the Association of. Sec-
ondary School Principals, meeting at
"I do not believe," he declared, "it
is undemocratic to insist upon only
qualified persons holding public of-
In the discussion, which developed
into a debate on American democracy,
Dean Edmonson was answered by Dr.
Harold Alberty, director of University
Schools of Ohio State University, who
said that Dean Edmonson's is the fas-
cist position, and added that if it is
carried far enough it would set aside
democratic interests. "I believe in the
ability of the common man," he
added, "and it is our task to cultivate
that ability."
Dr. Alberty also gave two other ad-
dresses at the meeting, one describing
the results of progressive education,
which, he said, "apparently showed
them (the students) to show more
initiative and selective taste." His
other speech attacked schools which
"drift" without any purpose. In an-
other talk, Dr. Charles Anspach,
president of Central State Teachers'
College, set up the standards he be-
lieves teacher training must meet.
Be A Goodfellow
Finnish Society
Suomi Club To Celebrate
Finn Independence Day
Despite the present Russian men-
ace to her freedom, Finland's Inde-
pendence Day will be celebrated as
usual by Fininsh students here, ac-
cording to Toivo M. Liimatainen, '41E,
president of the Suomi Club.

Meet To Plan
Monday Drive
Annual Charity Campaign
Rolls Into High Gear;
Money Allocation Cited
Needy, Deans' Fund
To Share Proceeds
The fifth annual Goodfellow drive,
an all-campus endeavor to provide
assistance to student and Ann Arbor
needy, not only at Christmas but
throughout the whole year, rolled in-
to high gear yesterday.
The 25 campus leaders, comprising
the executive committee for the cam-
paign, met together and rededicated
themselves to the collection of a
new, all-time high in financial con-
tributions. The committee also
planned the approximate and tradi-
tional appropriation of these funds
to be collected from Monday's sale
of the special Goodfellow Daily.
The fund, conceived as a single
campaign in which all students might
combine their efforts to aid both
needy students and families, as well
as hospital patients, is usually dis-
tributed as follows: ,
Sum For Social Service
1. The Social Service Department
of the University Hospital receives
about $150 to purchase toys, pic-
tures, additional work shop facilities
and books for underprivileged pa-
tients. These needs are not met by
state funds available only for medi-
cal and surgical care for these pa-
2. About 25 per cent of the re-
maining funds go to the Deans' Dis-
cretionary Fund to help. needy stu-
dents, both male and female.
3. The rest of the money is sent to
the local Family Welfare Bureau to
be used for the purchase of Christmas
baskets and clothes for Ann Arbor
families and for the year- ound work
of the board.
A 1937 statement of the exact allo-
cation of funds received by the Fam-
ily Welfare Bureau from the Good-
fellow Fund was issued yesterday as
a clarification of the needs met by
the funds, by Mrs. Gordon W. Bre-
voort, local secretary of the Bureau.
Of the $1,029.31 received from the
Goodfellow fund of that year, the
following distribution was made by1
the Bureau:
(Student Goodfellow Fund)

S _.

Waugh To End
Speech Series
On Wild Lands-

In the last of his five talks on
the general topic of wild lands, Dr.
Frank Waugh will speak at 9 a.m.
today in the Rackham Amphitheatre
on "Administrative Problems to be
Considered in the Management' oft
Wild Lands for Human Use."
Dr. Waugh, who was introduced by
Dean Samuel T. Dana of the Forestry
School as a scientist, artist and phil-
osopher, discussed "Humanity Out of
Doors" in his address yesterday. He
connected his subject with the Ro-
manticist Movement, and said that
Landscape Architecture outlines the
movement more than any other field.
Health, inspiration, consolation, and
recreation are among the benefits
to be derived from contact with the
landscape, according to Dr. Waugh.
These talks are intended primarily
for students in the forestry school,
and all students in that school will
be excused from classes during the
time of the lecture.
Be A Goodfellow
Holiday Motifs
To Deek Party.
For Children
Fraternities To Entertain
5000 At Annual Affair

Hull To Hold
British Order
Is Unlawful
Stopping German Exports
Interferes With Neutral
Trade, Note Will State
U.S. Keeps Right
To Press Claims
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7.-(IP)-Sec-
retary of State Hull. it was learned
reliably tonight, has drafted a note
telling Great Britain in effect that
her order in council stopping Ger-
man exports to overseas countries is
contrary to international law in that
it interferes with trade between neu-
tral and neutral.
The British blockade program calls
for stoppage of German-made goods
even though they are shipped, not di-
rectly from Germany, but through a
neutral, country to another neutral.
The United States government be-
lieves that some of the imports this
country used to receive from Ger-
many are essential, such as precision
instruments that are difficult, if not
impossible, to buy elsewhere.
The note, which will go forward
tomorrow, was described as more in
the nature of a reservation of rights
than of a protest. The reservation
gives the United States the right to
advance claims at some future date if
damage is proved as a result of Brit-
ain's halting of German exports.
The tenor of the note was said to
be reasonably conciliatory and to
have avoided' the sharp language
which characterized a similar note
addressed to the British Government
when it invoked a similar order in
council in March, 1915, during the
World War.
Since the British order which went
into effect Monday is almost identi-
cal with the World War order, ob-
servers expected the conclusion of
Secretary Hull's note to follow the
lines of the note sent by Secretary of
State Bryan in March, 1915. Bryan,
after outlining the possibilities of seri-
ous interruption of Ameica trade,
said: "It is therefore expected that
his Majesty's Government having
considered these possibilities will take
the steps necessary to avoid them,
and, in the event that they should
unhappily occur, will be prepared
to make full reparation for every
act, which under the rules of inter-
national law constitutes a violation
of neutral rights."
Northwest Farm Heads
Tell Troubles To Dewey
MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 7.- (P) -
Thomas E. Dewey carried a lot of
first-hand information about the
Northwest's farm problems with him
tonight as he headed toward Wash-
ington after keynoting his campaign
for the Republican Presidential nom-
He carried also, his aides said, about
300 telegrams of congratulation on
this speech last night, when he as-
sailed New Deal "defeatism" and
predicted Republicans would have to
fulfill the promises of the Democratic
A dozen leaders of Minnesota farm
cooperatives and farm organizations
poured facts about the farmer's
troubles at the New York District At-
torney for two and a half hours to-
day in answer to his questions.

Leading the tickets
Alpha Xi Delta .....
Sigma Chi .........
Lambda Chi Alpha ..
Alpha Epsilon Phi . .
Delta Gamma .....
Kappa Delta Rho ...
Phi Delta Theta ....

sales are:

New Maginot Line
Doubles France's
Defense On Rhine




Debaters Hold
Final Contest
On Railroads'
Michigan affirmative debaters met
Northwestern last night in the North
Lounge of the Union in the semester's
final contest on government owner-
ship of the railroads. No decision
was rendered.
In building up the affirmative case,
John Huston, '41, and Edgar Clin-
ton, '41, claimed that the railroads
were now operating in a contracting
instead of an expanding economy,
that trucks and buses are too much
competition for the railroads, and
that it is a period of decentraliza-
tion of industry. Inasmuch as a
private industry must make a profit
to continue operation, the affirma-
tive claimed that they were fighting
a losing battle which would eventu-
ally be solved when the government
operated the railroads as a public
Basing their arguments on eco-
nomical statistics, Austin Ranney
and Dwight Croessmann from North-
western argued that in view of the
fact that the railroads made a profit
during the depression when other
industries were failing, that the
affirmative could not point to an in-
herent defect in private ownership.
Furthermore they claimed that the
opposition had failed to show inher-
ent' strength under government
ownership and that the plan would
be unprofitable in the cost aspect.
They advocated consolidation of the
railroads under private ownership.
-- Goodfellows-Monday - -
Special Session
Hopes Dwindle
Legislative Aid To Crippled
Children Grows Dim
LANSING, Dec. 7.-(QP)-Governor
Dickinson said tonight that pros-
pects of a special session of the legis-
lature this winter to provide addi-
tional funds for relief or the care of
crippled and afflicted children, or
to act upon any of the thousand and
one other issues that various groups
have sought to raise, were "dwind-
"It doesn't look to me that there
are any immediate prospects of a
special session-or that there wil
be any prospects very soon," the
Chief Excutive asserted.
Dickinson skilfully parried ques-
tions concerning his plans for special
elections to fill 'three, and perhaps
four, prospective vacancies in the
House of Representatives and one
vacancy in the Senate. He chose
instead to go directly to the point of
whether there would be a special ses-
"As far as any special elections
are concerned," he declared, "none
would be necessary unless there is
to be a special session. Then again
we might have to get a session going
before we could have the elections."

Mayme Swan, professional . for-
tune-teller from Detroit, will give
two-minute readings today only as
an added attraction, Louise Keatley,
'42, chairman of booths and exhibits
said. Special one-hour readings may
be secured by making early after-
noon appointments. A fee will be
charged for such readings, Miss
Keatley added.
Two hundred thirty girls have
been chosen to act as hostesses at
both afternoon and evening presen-
tations to provide partners for stags,

French Paper Announces
Completion Of Second
Ring Of Fortifications
Launched By Finns
PARIS, Dec. 7.-(R')-The French
Maginot Line of steel and concrete
now has a second line backing it up,
the French newspaper Le Matin an-
nounced tonight in its early editions.
"The Maginot Line has been
doubled and the work is completed,"
the newspaper said, adding that the
new fortifications contained all the
features of its famous forerunner-
forts both big and small, casements,
dugouts, tank and armored-car traps.
Neutral Borders Reinforced
In addition, Le Matin declared,
French fortifications along the Bel-
gian and Swiss frontiers have been
extended and strengthened.
French and British troops wait-
ing for the "zero hour," the news-
paper said, are protected now by im-
pregnable fortresses from the Jura
Mountains to the North Sea.
"The assault of 1,000,000 men
which migit break over the Maginot
Line," Le Matin said, "still would
have to take the second line.
'Assault Would Be Broken'
"It is enough to say that the
assault would be broken abruptly
and that the armies behind the suc-
cessive outposts and behind Maginot
Line No. 1 and Maginot Line No. 2
are located behind impregnable for-
Hard-hitting French infantry was
reported today to have routed Ger-
man troops from temporary positions
in no man's land after beating off
heavy Nazi assaults on outposts along
the entire north ernflank of the
Western Front.
The heaviest fighting was report-
ed along the Taipale River and along
the southern edge of Lake Ladoga
near Sakkola, which is 20 miles from
the frontier, and at Uusikirkko, about
121/2 miles from the frontier and 15
miles southeast of the fortifications.
Finnish Troops Start
HELSINKI, Dec. 7.-(IP)-Finnish
troops launched a fierce counter-at-
tack today in the Karelian Isthmus
in an effort to halt a Russian army
surge toward the eastern terminus of
their Mannerheim Line.
The Russians bombarded the south-
ern coast of Finland from the sea and
renewed their land attacks on the
central front.
Contrary to Russian assertions, a
Finnish army spokesman said, the in-
vaders were not yet threatening the
Mannerheim Line, a water defense
system composed of an irregular chain
of lakes extending almost across the
narrow isthmus. The line begins at
Sakkola on the East and follows a
westward course through the town of
Moulaa to Kuolema Lake, "The Lake
of Death."
Be A Goodfelow
Brown Suggests
Dawson For Post
William Dawson of Ann Arbor was
recommended by Sen. Prentiss Brown
to fill the post of census supervisor
in the Ann Arbor District, in a list
handed in to the Census Bureau yes-
Brown named 34 men to fill 13
census districts in Michigan in his
list of recommendations to the Bu-
reau. Recommendations of the other
four district supervisors and their as-
sistants near Detroit were made by
Democratic Representatives in Con-
Brown made his recommendations
after conferring with Charles Por-

ritt, Michigan Democratic Chairman
and Edmund C. Shields, Democratic
National Committeeman.

according to Margot Thom, '42, chair- ' A program commemorating the
man of the hostess committee. Declaration Of Independence of Dec.
Music for dancing will be furnished 6, 1919, will be given by the Suomi
by Woody Mack and his Orchestra. Club 8 p.m. today in the Mary B.
Petersen Cites Need Henderson Room of the League.
"The need for funds for needy The program committee, consist-
crippled children at this time can- ing of Irving Rantanen, '42, chair-1
not be stressed too much," Carl man, Elwood Lohela, '40, Milma Pet-

Petersen,' '40, chairman of the7
Crippled Children's Benefit Commit-
tee, declared. Many of the 600 chil-
dren who have been discharged
from the' University Hospital since
June 1, and were classified as "non-.-
emergency" cases include children7
afflicted with advanced cancer of
the mouth, congenital dislocation of
the hip, acute rheumatic fever and;
bilateral clubfeet, Petersen stated. It
is for cases like these that funds
are being solicited, he said.
Ticket sales have been very favor-
able to date. Rosebud Scott, '42,
ticket chairman said, "We hope to
reach our goal which is set at 6,000.
Large charts showing organization
cooperation in the drive to sell 6,000
tickets have been placed in the
Union, the League, Angell Hall, Ro-
mance Languages Building and the
Be A Goodfelow
1,000 At Fete
In West Quad'
Visitors See All Facilities
In Men's Dormitory
One thousand- persons attended the
first annual open house of the West
Quadrangle, new men's dormitory,
last night.
Students, faculty members and
townspeople browsed through the
lounges, four dining. halls, kitchens
and 457 rooms which comprise the
8-house unit. They were escorted
by more than 100 hosts, selected from
the 945 students living in the dormi-
+^.. Tz .-e Aia .n,. ,.nm..P ~a t]P

rell, '40, and Olivia Petrell, Grad.,
has made the following plans: recita-
tion of "The Conquest of Finland"
by William Bilto, Grad.; group sing-
ing of Finnish national and folk
songs; playing of "Finland," by Se-
belius; and serving of refreshments
in the League's Russian Room. Mem-
bers are urged to bring small gifts for
a Christmas exchange bag.

Cash grants .. ...".. . ......$ 70.00 vH - - - - - - - - - - --
Loans .................:..359.98 Held In Hill Auditorium
Rent ......................27.10
Fuel .......................34.35 Decorations for the Interfraternity
Groceries...................21.75 C.ouncil's second annual Christmas
Milk .......................67.22 !arty for Ann Arbor grade school
Clothing and shoes .........233.70 bildrer at 4:15 p.m. Monday in Hill
Household furnishings...... ..8.30 Auditoriumi will be in the traditional
Public utilities ..............33.00 .,uletide motif, Jerome B. Grossman,'
Medical relief...............54.46 '41, publicity chairman for the party,
Vacations ..................12.00 announced yesterday.
Care of children.............4.00 . Council members are still working
Services (housekeeper, at the task of getting ready the
mother's helper, etc.) . . .. 134.17 candy, apples and other delicacies
Plumbing...................5.20 which will be distributed among the
Balance-Dec. 1, 1937 .......$50.08 kids on Monday, Grossman said,
Be A Goodfellow and it is quite possible that they will
not be finished until Saturday.
Although the party does not offi-
Quadrangle, honorary fraternity of cially begin until 4:15 p.m., the doors
engineering school juniors, last night will be open at 3:30 p.m., Grossman
tapped David B. Sutherland, '41E, for, said, in order to take care of the
membership. A formal initiation more than 5,000 expected. The
banquet will be held Sunday in the' Council had the unfortunate experi-
Union. ence last year of making prepara-
tions for only 2,000 and approximate-
ly 4,500 showed up, Grossman ex-
ichard Outline plained, so they are taking no chances
this year.
Details of the program have not
AtPeace F orum been announced as ,et, but it has
already been planned to have the
Ann Arbor High School Band and
the ASU's limited embargo proposals. the University Glee Club to provide
"We must reassert our resolve: The music, and there will be a short nov-
Yanks Are Not Coming'," Reichard, elty motion picture furnished by the
chairman of the Peace Commission Michigan Theatre.
maintained. "We must be deter- May Dwyer '41, and Neal Seegert
mined to resist all war fever; we must '41, members of the entertainment
be determined to resist all moves that commitee are doing all possible to
might result in American involve- give the kids a good time, Gross-
ment; we must vigilantly guard man said, and the other work con-
against the blackout of war, he nsid an the ty work con-
emphasized. nected with the party is being carried
Reichard first outlined his view- out by other committees, the build-
points on the press treatment of the ing committee of Al Copley, '41, and
Pinnish nivasionhation James Kreiger, '41; the refresh-

Duesenberry, Re
War Views
The conflicting opinions of stu-
dents who expressed their fervent
desire for peace but differed on the
means for obtaining that end fea-
tured yesterday's meeting of the
Peace Forum sponsored by the Ameri-
can Student Union, in the North
Lounge of the Union.
More than 200 attended the meet-
ing characterized as an attempt to
formulate definite, pragmatic pro-
posals to further the cause of Ameri-
can peace, and heard James Duesen-
berry, Grad., and Hugo Reichard,
Grad., render their analysis of the
European conflicts. Both speakers
considered "Soviet Russia, Finland
and American Peace." Their talks
were followed by open discussion from
the floor.
Claiming that, at this time, there
should be no attempt to make any
moral justifications for either side in
the Finnish-Soviet conflict, Duesen-
berry, speaker of the Student Sen-
ate. emphasized that this new out-

Students Ask Change. In Policy
To Insure 'Gargoyle's' Success

More humor or more cartoons; more
pictures or more features; these are
some of the problems which confront
the editorial staff of the Gargoyle.
To please all is impossible; to please
the majority is the aim of the staff,
but to please the majority, it must
know what the majority wants.
It is with the idea of sounding out
the opinions of Gargoyle readers on,
the campus that the inquiring re-
porters today ask:
What suggestions can you offer
which, in your opinion, would in-
crease the populraity of the Gar-
goyle among students on campus?

and statements of President Roose-
velt, the opinions emanating from
war circles and the opinions of "tie
spokesmen of 'Big Business' here."
Cites General's History
Reichard cited the history of Fin-
land's General Mannerheim, especial-
ly the record of the Finnish leader
during the post-war period and the
establishment of Finland as a repub-
lic. He claimed that this record seri-
ously detracted from the "press' glori-,
fication of the Finn democracy."
Reichard alsr annned the recent

ments and decorations committee of
Lowell Moss, '41E, and Merrill John-
son, '41E; and publicity, Grossman,
are all working under the general
chairmanship of Charles Wade, '41.
Be A Goodfellow
Play Production Continues
Showing Of Slum Drama

tures depicting campus life. Increased
sales in picture magazines in the last
few years indicates a definite trend
in the public taste, and photographs
of local events and personalities
would be especially interesting to stu-
Margaret Dodge, '42, "The Gargoyle
this year seems to have lost, along
with the 10-cent drop in price, just
a few of the features that add to its
sales. A more personal touch with
the -students, more campus surveys
and a more plausible type of humor
might help its popularity.
Richard Strain, '42, "I think that
a more personal touch to the Gar-
goyle's articles would arouse a great-
er interest among the student body
The editorial policy seems too con-
servative, and I believe that more
jokes of the type that just pass the
censors would be a great help."
Leonard Perry, '42, "I wish they
wu,, i,, ' mor ,, 1 ea m h um oirI


. 'O
, i 4 1
l1 ' r
1 .-

one third of a nation . . . ," Charles E. Karpinski, '42, "I believe
presented for the second time by the Gargoyle should take a more
Play Production last night in the serious turn, unless it wants to revert
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, will Ito the racoon coat age. If the Gar-

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