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September 26, 1939 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-09-26

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PNever Used To Be Like This,'
Union Watchman Now Moans

y DIVisions
Tutorial Students
ned To Seminars
Varied Subjects
s of study of the newly-
tutorial honors system have
ounced by Assistant Dean
)dburne of the literary col-
mately 30 students were
st fall from the sophomore
embark upon programs of
concentration. Michigan
st state-supported institu-
ve the tutorial plan a trial.
re years, enrollment is ex-
reach 150 specially-chosen
'isions of study carry five
lit; the remainder is earned
y-scheduled courses. Tutors
enslve reading and research
and administer comprehen-

. _

For Seventeen Long Years
George Shooed Women
From Union's Entrance
Women are streaming through the
front doors of the Union by the hun-
dreds, but don't blame George John-
son, the 72-year-old watchman who
has made a national reputation for
himself as a living Michigan tradi-
F6r 17 long years old George kept a
faithful post on the Union doorstep
so that he could shoo the women of
the world away from the doors of a
man's building. His blue cap and
chewed cigar became famous.
Building Boom Ends All
Then last spring a building boom
in the back of the Union put an end
to the rule that.made the front steps
a blissful retreat from all that is
feminine. When they started* to
build dormitories, they tore up the
walk that runs along the side of the-
building. Because of bad walking
conditions it was then decided that
the "no-women" rule should cease.
That ended George's reign as czar
of the front door. He still stands at
his post, wearing the now-familiar
blue coat and cap, but when a young
lady steps into the building he can
only turn his back and pretend not
to see. "It never used to be like this,"
he moans.
George doesn't know when they
will again enforce the rule against
women. He hopes it will be soon. The
dormitories and surrounding groundsI
are nearing completion. That -makes
the future' look brighter.
Back in the old days the reputation

unced and their
rood of the poli-
nt; "Industrial-
rd," Prof. Stan-
geography de-
e in An Age of
hos of the Eng-
e, Development
ude," Prof. Bur-
psychology de-
in the Eigh-
rof. Morley S.

of the pleasant-mannered, old watch-
dog spread all over the United States.
Only the other day a woman from
Cleveland came to the Union and
asked him, "Are you the famous
George I heard about in Cleveland?"
Similar greetings come from Michi-
gan alumni everywhere.
George's unique experience has
made him a respected judge of fe-
male beauty, but he refuses 'to ven-
ture any opinion of the new fresh-
men women which have arrived in
Ann Arbor for University inspection.
"I haven't met very many," he de-
clared, "but I wouldn't want to say
He has ley rned to be careful of
what he says about real women stu-
dents. Once he told a reporter that
the year's crop of female students
was under par, and had, angry wom-
en bothering him for several months.
Many celebrities have placed their
feet on the Union doorstep, and
George says that he has seen most of
them. "I wouldn't remember them,
I'm afraid though," he warns.
One of the least frequent visitors,
according to him, is President euth-
according to him, is President Ruth-
ven, who is "a very busy man."
George says that he has only seen theI
Prexy enter the building a dozen
times or so during the last 18 years.
War Seldom Mentioned
The boys who come in the Union
talk about "lots-of things," George
says, "but most of them seldom men-
tion the war abroad. The footblal-
season is more important."
He watches football practice fre-
quently,' incidentally, and as a foot-
ball forcaster picks Michigan to cele-
brate and undefeated season this fall.
What does he do after he leaves his
work? Just about what any other
bachelor college student would do.
He spends his time at the downtown
taverns with the other boys. More
often than not he can argue them
into buying him a drink.
George has received much publicity
from his work. About 10 years ago
a Union Opera publicity director had
a brain storm, and persuaded him to
pose throwing two brawny female im-
personators out of the door. Nobody
knows how many real ;women he has
shoed away with a doff of his hat.
Igach Minute A Lifetime
He was born on a farm near South
Lyon, 14 miles from Ann Arbor. His
great delight was to come in from
the farm on weekends to race horses
along the ;dirt State street of 50 years
ago. George boasts that he once
won a $16 blanket, had a trotter that
did 2:12. He also has worked in an
air rifle factory, with a troop of bell
ringers, doing a tap-dancing act,
singing in public, and plowing on a
farm. He claims that his present
work is the most interesting, however.
Yes, the women are beating a path
past George at the Union door. But
don't blame him, he'll stop it in a
few weeks.

Regents' Rule
Bans Student
Use Of Cars
(Continued from page 11)
license number will be issued at no
additional cost to the holder. All
permit tags obtained this fall will be
void as soon as it is unlawful to drive
with 1939 license plates. Permits
must likewise be renewed for those
who obtain extended use of the 1939
tags by paying the half year fee.
Hence, after the date upon which{
1940, license sor half-year extensions1
of 1939 licenses are required, con-
tinued use of old permit tags will
constitute a violation of the Regula-
"Where any appreciable saving i
transportation costs is realized, stu-
dents may drive their cars to Ann
Arbor and place them in dead stor-
age until vacation periods. This pro-
vision will not be available to stu-
dents whose homes are relatively
close to the University; for example,
cities within a 150-mile radius of
Ann Arbor. Such an arrangement
when approved will not entitle the
owners of the cars to any especial
consideration with respect to tem-
porary or weekend driving privileges.
Full information on stored cars, in-
cluding name and address of owner
and location of storage, should be
reported to this office at the opening
of the school year. After that date
cars may not be brought to Ann
Arbor unles sthe circumstances are
first approved by this office.
"The operation of a car by an out-
of-town student in and about his
home will not be considered a matter
of concern to University authorities
provided: (a) the car is not driven
through. or within the immediate
vicinity of Ann Arbor; (b)such driv-
ing does not involve a violation of
any law or driving ordinance.
"Those who are entitled to exemp-
tion privileges are reminded that
such exemption is not automatic and
that application for the same must
be made without further delay. Those
students who have brought cars to
Ann Arbor for storage purposes must
likewise report them at once."

"Athenia' Disaster Is Described

n(ontinued from Page 10)
stantwe feeldthe wet of the sea
aantour bodies.
Down once, twice, in the swirling
swell of black water. A hundred
bodies bump into each other; a
thousand legs and feet all kicking
against each other at the same time.
Some come up under the overturned
lifeboat. Others bash their heads
against her frame. We are fighting
too insanely to be sure what happens:
The sea is not verycold. We strike
out to reach our overturned boat;
the coxswain is sitting on her keel
trying to help people out of the water.
From the rescue ship rains a deluge
of life preservers. Women without
lifebelts struggle frantically to grab
hold of something-half drowning
others in their frenzy. One girl
catches a lifeline from the Swedish
ship and is hoisted overside. The
swell, which seems to be increasing,
carries us farther and farther away
in the direction of a half-sunk life-
boat. Some scramble aboard her
knowing it is only safety for a few
minutes. Nearby a woman yelling
for her child; her screams half-
drowned each time as the waves
close in on her.
Each minue is a lifetime until the
crew of the rescue ship sends out a
boat. One by one strong arms drag
us out of the sea. A heavy wave
smacks the side of the boat and a
baby shoots -to the surface, a tiny,
shrunken little thing.jn a brief night
shirt. A man grabs it by the leg and
pulls it into the boat. Another wo-
man who cannot find her son fondles
it, calling for her son. A man with
an injured arm rolls on to the floor.

Next comes the baby's mother and
takes her child.
The other woman calls blindly,
"Geoffrey, Geoffrey." Across the
water comes a young boy's voice,
"Here I am, n'other," and before they
can stop her the woman jumps into
the water again.
Minutes pass and "they are back
together; the son having guided her
to him. More people. are hauled
aboard. There is only one thought.
How long to safety and warmth? Will
the sea never stop churning?
At last we pick up a few remain-

Down Through the Years*..*.
Starbucks have been known as the meeting place for
students. The pleasant inviting atmosphere, and the high
quality beer and food have become another one of Michi-
gan's traditions. When you're deciding, say Starbucks.




ing people floundering in the water
and turn the prow of the boat towards
the rescue ship. Time passes as an
instant. Somehow we are hoisted
aboard with ropes anc' carried into
warm rooms. Most of us know noth-
ing more until the morning.
In two hours the sun is shining.
Day dawns bright and clear. Safe
at last.
Fountain Pens
302 S. State St.

College Inn




Union Underpass Seen
actical By Prof. Morrison





een pedestrian and
Ic on State Street in
on has been of some
Univiersity and city
e past, and with the
dormitories housing
nts, the traffic prob-
int has again come
ation, University re-
at a solution of the
erection of an amber
. front of the Union
This, however, does
solve the problem,
f. Roger Morrison of
ineering department.
a proposal for the
o traffic-pedestrian
of the Union and at
of State and South
s was given to the
the police commis-
onference called by

trians, he pointed out, will not make
use of such structures.
Quoting from an extensive survey
of underpasses and their use in Los
Angeles, Professor Morrison showed
that less than five per cent of the
adult pedestrians used such under-
passes. Pedestrians, he concluded,
will not make use of such structures
unless it requires no more effort to
use it. Such a case would occur
when a change of level is affected re-
gardless of the manner of crossing.'
In regard to the proposed pedes-
trian light, Professor Morrison point-
ed to the effect produced by a traffic
light several years ago at the inter-
section of Church and South Univer-
sity Streets. This light, he pointed
out, had not the slightest effect on
the flow of students across the inter-
section, and succeeded only in halt-
ing vehicular traffic. It is doubtful,
Professor Morrison prophesied, whe-
ther the walking habits of the stu-
dents have undergone any radical,
change since then.u
The only form of traffic separa-
tion which would be at all used by
the students, he indicated, would be
one leading from the basement tap-
room of the Union, under State S.t
and up on the other side, since any
alternate plan of la'ying out the tun-
nel would involve unnecessary chang-
ing of level by pedestrian traffic.
Then too, there is the problem of
cost. A 313 foot underpass built in
Los Angeles in 1928 cost approxi-
mately $20,000, according to the sur-
vey figures.

Shoe Repair
Telephone 3400



4 , rI


Sign upfor a 1940




$3*50 on Campus

posed light, the
I the construc-
'- or an under-
and suggested
that the Coun-_
i everyway pos-
undertook such
r cities, Profes-
ized, indicates,
r an underpass
one were built,
idents. Pedes-


Fall Term Opens Sept.25
All graduates have been placed in business and Civil Service
positions. Our Employment Department contacts business
- firms regularly, cp-operates actively with graduates desiring
Secretarial, Stenographic, Business Administration Account-
ing, Executive Secretarial, Calculator Dictaphone.
Courses are limited to practical business subjects only. Each
students advances independently as assignments are com-
pleted to 18 months, depending on course selected.
High school graduates and former college students who wish
to supplement their academic education with specialized
training leading directly to business employment or assisting
them while at the University of Michigan.

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