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December 07, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-12-07

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THTJUSDA'Y: DEC. - 7:1939

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
'Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff

Carl Petersen .
Elliott Mraniss .
Stan M. Swinton.
Morton L. Linder
Norman A. Schorr
Dennis Flanagan
John N. Canavan . .
Ann Vicary .,
Mel Fineberg .
Business Stafff

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
*Associate Editor
. Women's Editor
. Sports Editor
Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
. Jane Mowers
* Harriet S. Levy

Business Manager
Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's AdvertisingrManager
Publications Manager

has seriously hampered not only interstate com-
merce, but also our international trade policies.
Secretary Hull's reciprocal trade agreements
have, at various times, angered among others
the corned-beef manufacturers, the cotton far-
mers, the wheat growers and, at present, the
oil men.
The reasoning of these attacks has been each
time: "It's all very well for the State Depart-
ment to try to foster foreign trade. It would be
nice to sell our products to Brazil or Venezuela
or Japan. But you can't hurt us in doig it.
As far as we're concerned, we're casting bread
upon the waters and we see no possibility that
we ourselves shall ever receive any returns.
We're being sacrificed so that somebody else may
It comes down to this: We admit that both
foreign and interstate trade is essential to our
national well-being, but too few groups are will-
ing to take the risk of trading beyond their
immediate markets. In the meantime we plead
expediency as an alibi for our economic provin-
And yet it is apparent, though we refuse to
recognize it, that the only final relief to this
period of expediency is a return to freer com-
merce. No state, including Michigan, one of
the richest, can be even semi-autonomous in its
economy. The circulation of money and the flow
of commerce are not principles that can be
confined to an economic text-book, for they
are at the base of national wealth.
Last week Harry L. Hopkins, Secretary of
Commerce, proposed an interdepartmental com-
mittee to study the tariff wars between the
states. Yet it is probable that the Federal
Government will leave the mitigation of state
rivalries up to commissions on voluntary in-
terstate cooperation. What Washington can do,
however, is to inform the people why the de-
struction of these tariff walls is essential. Too
many of us do not see that to "Buy Michigan
Beer" is to proceed up a blind alley.
-Hervie Haufler
Those Bicycles
Again .
derstand the student attitude to-
ward the regulation which forbids the riding of
bicycles on the campus of the University. Last
year, when the rule was put into effect, student
opinion seemed to favor it. After all, it was
rather nice to feel that one could walk across
the diagonal walk without some intrepid cyclist
forcing a poor pedestrian into a patch of mud
which decorated the lawn near the walk.
With the passage of the regulation, bicycle
riding on the campus seemed to drop measur-
ably. Students felt safe. The rule was re-
spected, and little had to be done to enforce it.
It was a success.
This year, however, the aforementioned in-
trepid cyclists seem to have taken matters into
their own hands and to have becoine more in-
trepid than ever. Once more it is a hazard to
life and limb to go from building to building
along a campus walk.
With the regulation nominally in effect and
signs prohibiting people from riding their bI-
cycles on campus-the signs are battered almost
to illegibility, of course-it is more of a hazard
than ever before to be a pedestrian. One does
not expect to have a two-wheeled vehicle smash
into him, and he is naturally off his guard. Be-
fore the rule was made, though, the pedestrian
was on the lookout for "bikes" and was seldom
caught unawares.
The question is up to the students as much as
it is to the University authorities-the regulation
can be made to operate correctly. It can be
respected, or it can be enforced. If it is neither
enforced nor respected, it should be removed-
reestablishing the old system of "do as you like,
and every man on guard."
-William Newton
*1w"" i

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Next One's
On The House . .
THE SIGN READ, "Drink Michigan-
Produced Beer." It was a noble
sentiment. Implicit/min its appeal was the argu-
ment that if you drink Michigan beer, you'll
help Michigan labor, Michigan farmers, Michi-
g'an business men. After that barrage, if you're
'from Michigan you would feel like a traitor to
drink Budweiser. brewed in Milwaukee.
But also implicit in that signboard is the
epitome of the reasoning that has built 48 .tariff
walls in America where'none is supposed to
exist. To reduce the reasoning to its lowest
common denominator, what are Ohians going
toa sy to your drink-Michigan-beer ideal, espe-
cially when you protect Michigan beer behind
a tariff wall? Their only come-back is recipro-
city: drink Ohio beer, protect Ohio beer.
'As a consequence, we have a maze of regula-
tions and limitations on interstate trade--all
designed to give local producers an advantage
over imports from other states. There are
dairy laws, oleomargerine laws, livestock, egg
and general food laws, nursery stock laws, liquor
laws, State use taxes and general preference
laws. There are "ports of entry" that probably
involve more red tape for truckers than the cus-
toms stations between the United States and
Canda. The nadir of it is that in some states
even political subdivisions, such as counties or
cities, are allowed to formulate their own means
of protection.
Sunday's New York Times contains an illus-
tration of what truckers are up against. A five-
ton truck traveling from Alabama to South Caro-
lina has to pay a tax of $400 in Alabama, $400
in Georgia and $300 in South Carolina, $1,100
for the trip. In Arizona an itinerant or mer-
chant trucker has to pay a license fee of $200
for each county in which he seeks to sell his
The Federal Government has been cognizant
of the increasing intensity of these tariff wars
during the last few years. A few months ago
President Roosevelt said, in a letter to the Coun-
cil of State Governments, that "damaging re-
strictions have in the last few years hindered the
free flow of Commerce within American bor-
ders . . . Business, agriculture and labor have
all suffered because of State and regional dis-
criminatory measures adopted in vain hope of
protecting local products from the hazards of
economic fluctuations."
He added that "Interstate trade barriers, if
allowed to develop and multiply, will . . . con-
stitute problems even more serious than inter-
national tariffs."
In trying to argue against this provincialism,
little can be accomplished by pointing to the
first article of the Constitution or to our stereo-
types of "one nation indivisible." Interstate
tariffs are built on bread-and-butter ideas of
necessity, and idealistic theories will not under-
mine them.
For it is apparent that "Drink Michigan Beer"
seems to Michigan to be an economic expedi-.
ency. There is so little trade that the insuffi-
cient amount which Michigan industries en-
gender need to be carefully preserved and
misered. If our trade runs across a state border
it may help the other state more than it does
ours. The trade may all go one way. Michigan
money may help fill the coffers of Ohio.
America is not in this case dealing with
merely another miscarriage of the "state's



Play Production's second offering of the year,
Arthur Arent's ". . . one third of a nation . . ."
struck a note last night that is too seldom heard
in these cloisters, the note of social protest in
its demand for better housing. This play was
the most successful of the "living newspaper"
series presented by the Federal Theatre during
its too-short existence and the version of it
presented here by Director William Halstead
was true to both the spirit and the letter of
the original production.
It must have struck many in the audience
that there was a powerful irony in producing
this play at a time when the government first
took action to solve the problems that the play
poses is doing its best to live that action down,
at a time when the Federal Theatre that first
produced the play has been destroyed for con-
cerning itself with such "radical" matters and
at a time when that government is rushing to-
wards a war on which Mr. Roosevelt's sometime
"one third of a nation" will march bravely out
to die for Western "civilization." It is not, I
suppose, the right of a reviewer to plead but in
these four days that the play is appearing the
best carpenters of two continents are helping
a housepainter in Berlin put the finishing touch-
es upon the flimsy structure that we are going
to be. asked to defend. It may look like a new
house but its the same damned tenement that
has already taken millions of lives and, weak
though the allegory may seem, its a death-trap
beside which the worst of our slums is innocu-
ous and ineffectual in its power to kill. Audi-
ence and actors alike, last night, felt the power
of Arent's protest against a society that cares
so little for the lives of its members and I can
only hope that that protest will carry for them,
beyond the confines of the theatre and be-
yond a single issue, to a protest against any of
that society's efforts to destroy its people.
. . one third of a nation . . " is effective
both as protest and as "theatre" because it does
not hesitate to use any method or means to
make its message dramatically effective. Mov-
ing pictures, the loud speaker, even the audi-
ence itself move on to the stage as actors in
a moving montage that never once slackens its
swift pace. Its people, as individuals, are not
important and for that reason no individual
performance is allowed to stand out above any
other. This is not to say that there were not
some excellent pieces of characterization., But
in the scenes that followed each other with such
sharp rapidity the single and powerful effect
was a product of group and not individual effort.
The play had a point to make and it made it
incisively. And it was able to do this without
once moving from the stage to the pulpit or
soap box. As social protest it may be some-
times accused of pulling its punches but as
drama it never does.
Robert Mellencamp provided a set that was
completely in the spirit of the play, al deserves
equal credit with the play's director for provid-
ing the mobility without which the play would
have lost its effectiveness. This play answers
one of the most widespread criticisms of Play
Production; that too few people are given a
chance to act. It uses a very large cast and
uses it well to produce one of the best efforts
that Ann Arbor has seen in a long time.
Drew Pedrson
WASHINGTON-While Roosevelt was invok-
ing a moral embargo against shipment of air-
craft to Russia, there were between 75 and 100
Russian-employed agents and inspectors in
American factories which produce aircraft and
defense equipment for the U.S. Army and Navy.
Some are Russians, some are U.S. citizens work-
ing for Russia. All are under the direct control

of Amtorg, the Soviet purchasing agency in New
The two companies which have the largest
Russian orders at present are Radio Corporation
of America, which is making radio sets for Rus-,
sian ships and planes; and Wright Aeronautical
Corporation, which is making planes for the
Soviets. Amtorg agents are admitted daily to
these plants, to inspect progress of the work on
Soviet orders.
War and Navy Departments are uneasy about
this practice, and would prefer to exclude all
foreigners from plants producing equipment for
U.S. forces. But government policy thus far
has made no discrimination betwen foreigners;
a Russian or Japanese or German who applies
through the State Department for a permit to
visit or inspect a plant is given the same courtesy
as a Briton or a Brazilian.
Probability is that the question will come up
in Congress at the next session, and an exclu-
sion policy may be enacted into law.
Meanwhile the Navy Department keeps a run-
ning report on all foreign inspectors, to show
and a dog twice the size of the sheep. In the
background, on a fine road are racing cars, tank
trucks and everything just as peachy as you
Turning from here. I came to The Daily build-

The Editor
Gets Told..
Freedom Of The Press
To the Editor:
Finnish cities were bombed, burned
and leveled, the dispatch said and
then added, "in part." The dis-
patches set the toll in thousands,
then later toned it down to "an esti-
mated 200." (more likely fifty).
Four days later the dispatches re-
ported that the cities hadn't been
hurt very much due to the bad aim
of Soviet fliers (Russian airmen were
tops in Spain). However every Fin-
nish soldier was still alive and fight-
ing stubbornly, even victoriously, the
dispatches went on, and far down
the page grudgingly admitted occu-
pation of certain strategic points by
Russian troops. According to dis-
patches the Soviets suffered heavy
losses (in military lingo this means
thousands) and then informed us
that it was a whole company (three
platoons of 32 men each). Airplanes.
especially those piloted by "Amazons"
(this should call up visions of wild-
eyed, blood-thirsty and man-eating
females) were machine-gunning ter-
rified civilians, said the dispatch,
then concealed as well as possible
were the words "it was said." Reli-
able authorities told of heavy Rus-
sian losses from crashing through
thin lake ice and from mines explod-
ing as they advanced (I had no
idea they were advancing,) and four
days later reliable sources were still
referring to the same thin ice as the
result of "heavy Russian losses."
(it would almost seem it was the cli-
mate, not the Finns, inflicting the
damage, but its difficult to believe
that men keep falling through the
same ice for three consecutive days.)
At any rate opening our newspaper
day after day, we could find little
about the "war" that had not been
disclosed by "unauthoritative re-
ports" during the first two days.
It sounded screwy till we remem-
bered the German invasion of Po-
land, which was quite recent. Indeed
the dispatches held the Poles in-
vincible (they had actually turned
the tables on the Germans at first)
and hundreds of thousands were
bombed (Warsaw was the most beau-
tiful city in the world, now it's Hel-
sinki) by the Germans (certainly the
total was fifty times over that which
has occurred in Finnish cities). Then
one day we discovered the war was
over and had been for sometime.
Everyone had given up, including the
Polish staff a week or so earlier, ex-
cept the American press.
Helsinki the dispatches say "ac-
cording to the new 'banker' govern-
ment" is being rapidly evacuated.
And as our atlas lists Helsinki with
only 135,000 population it will be
difficult for us to read of thousands
nay tens of thousands, being bombed,
in Helsinki. I suppose though that
for the altruistic aims of the Finnish
authorities most of the evacuated
could be brought back for one or two
good bombings. This, however, as
one of my newspaper friends pointed
out, would be quite unnecessary, the
AP, UP and INS being on location.
We are also interested in the
whereabouts of the brave pre-war
Finn government. I think some dis-
patch said they were seen in Sweden
or London. Having the "complete
support" of the Finnish people, as
the dispatches "confirmed" (really,
an odd term these days), one ponders
about their disappearance. Peculi-
ar, these politicos.
But then I suppose we shouldn't
be too critical of foreign affairs.
Mind your own business, as some-
one told me. I tried to, but going
through the newspapers on page fif-

teen, embedded in ads and Holly-
wood, I found a picture of some of
the 12,000 Cleveland folk who were
without food and shelter. And they
tell me there are still 12,000,000 un-
employed in this country. Frankly,
during the last few days, I had
thought Finland was our most urgent
Let's turn on the radio and listen
to Finlandia, while awaiting further
unconfirmed reports.
R. Geoffrey McPhie


THURSDAY, DEC. 7, 1939 t
VOL. L. No. 63
Members of the University Senate:1
The Senate Advisory Committee will9
meet today at 4:10 p.m. Members of
the committee will welcome sugges-
tion of matters for the committee's
Open House in West Quadrangle: t
The Board of Governors of Residence
Halls, the staff, and the residents of
the West Quadrangle of Men's Resi-
dence Halls extend a cordial invita-
tion to students, members of the
faculty, and townspeople to attend
the Open House this evening from
8 to 11 p.m. The eight buildings
in the West Quadrangle will be open
for inspection. Guests are asked to
enter through the west gate of the
Quadrangle on Thompson St.
Charles L. Jamison, Acting
Chairman, Board of Gover-
nors of Residence Halls.
Karl Litzenberg, Director of
Residence Halls.
Paul Oberst, Chairman, West
Quadrangle Student Council.
I The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
United States Civil Service examina-
tions. The last date for filing appli-
cation is noted in each case:
Projectionist (The National Ar-
chives), salary: $1,620, Jan. 2.
Technical assistant to the chief of
probation and parole, bureau of pris-
ons, Dept. of Justice, salary: $3,800,
Jan. 2.
Assistant supervisor of classifica-
tion, Bureau of Prisons, Dept. of Jus-
tice, salary: $3,800, Jan. 2.
Protozoologist, salary: $3,800, Jan.
Associate protozoologist, salary: $3,-
200, Jan. 2.
Assistant protozoologist, salary: $2,-
600, Jan. 2.
Junior medical officer (rotating
interneship), salary: $2,000, Jan. 2.
Junior medical officer (psychiatric
resident), salary: $2,000 ,Jan. 2.
Principal engineering draftsman
(patents), salary: $2,300, Jan. 2.
Principal engineering draftsman,
salary: $2,300, Jan. 2.
Senior engineering draftsman, sal-
ary: $2,000, Jan. 2.
Assistant engineering draftsman,
salary: $1,620, Jan. 2.
Junior engineering draftsman, sal-
ary: $1,440, Jan. 2.
Complete announcements on file
at the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.
Mimes: Meeting today at 5 p.m. at
the Union.
Academic Notices
Bus. Ad. 103, Tabulating Practice:
2, 3 and 4 o'clock sections will meet
at 4 p.m. Tabulating Room today.
Paintings by William Gropper and
print's 'by the Associated Aierican
Artists shown in West Gallery, Al-
umni Memorial Hall; daily, 2-5, until
Dec. 15. Auspices of Ann Arbor Art
Exhibitions, College of Architecture
and Design: Student work of member
colleges of the Association of Colle-
giate Schools of Architecture. Dec. 1
to 8.
Photographs of tools, processes,
and products representative of the
Department of Industrial Design at
Pratt Institute. Dec. 1 through 14.
Open daily, except Sunday, 9 to 5,
in Third Floor Exhibition Room,
Architectural Building. Open to the
The Ann Arbor Camera Club's
Third Annual Exhibit of photog-

raphy is being held in the Exhibit
Galleries on the Mezzanine floor of
the Rackham Building. Open daily,
except Sunday, from 2 to 10 p.m. un-
til Dec. 9.
University Lecture: Frank A.
Waugh, Professor Emeritus of Hor-
ance, capture Helsinki, and end fur-
ther fighting. However, the northern
attack may be more significant.
It is expected by Allied strategists
that Russia will march straight
across the northern tip of Finland,
then on across northern Norway and
Sweden to the Atlantic. This area,
sparsely populated, should be easier
to conquer than the south.
These three countries-Finland,
Sweden and Norway-are bunched.
together in the north like three fin-
gers joining a hand. Geographically
the regions are a unit. Economically
they are extremely wealthy. Nor-
thern Finland contains the mines ofl
the International Nickel Company.
Northern Sweden contains the f am-
ous Swedish iron mines, perhaps the
finest in the world. And northern'
Norway is the area of her best fish-

ticulture and Landscape Gardening
of Massachusetts State College, will
lecture on "Humanity Out of Doors,"
under the auspices of the School of
Forestry, at 4:15 p.m. today in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. The public
is cordially invited.
Wild Land Utilization: Dr. Frank A.
Waugh,, Professor Emeritus of Land-
'cape Architecture, Massachusetts
State College, will give the following
talks in the amphitheatre of the Rack-
ham Building at the times indicated:
Dec. 8, 9 a.m., "Administrative
problems to be considered in the
management of wild lands for hu-
man use."
These talks are intended primarily
or students in the School of Forestry
and Conservation, who are expected
to attend, but all others interested are
also cordially invited.
Today's Events
Political Science Round Table to-
night at 7:30, East Conference Room,
Rackham Building. Subject: The.
Application of Scientific Methods to
Political Science.
Actuarial Students: Mr. Henry
Hopper of the Maccabees, Detroit,
will speak on "Selection of Risks" to-
night at 8 p.m., West Lecture Room
of the Rackham Building. All in-
terested invited to attend.
Graduate History Club meeting to-
night at 8 in the West Conference
Room, Rackham Building. Miss Ma-
rion Siney will speak on "The Block-
ade in the Present War." Election of
officers. Refreshments. All Gradu-
ate students in history are invited to
Association Forum: Professor Ar-
thur E. Wood of the Sociology De-
partment, will lead the Forum discus-
sion on "Can a Religious Person Justi-
fy Capital Punishment?" at Lane Hall
tonight at 7:30.
Assembly Board Meeting today at
4:15 p.m. in the League. All repre-
sentatives from the dormitories,
League houses, and the Ann Arbor
Independent women are invited to
attend for the discussion and to sign
up for the Assembly Come Across
Geological Journal Club will meet
in Room 3065, Natural Science Bldg.,
at 7:30 tonight. Professor O. F.
Evans will speak on "The Low and
Ball of the Eastern Shore of Lake
Transportation Club will meet
tonight in the Michigan Union at
7:30 p.m. Speaker: Prof. Baier of
the Naval Architecture Department.
Plans for the trip to Fort Wayne will
be discussed.
Phi Tau Alpha: Saturnalia will
be celebrated this evening at 7:30
p.m. in the Upper Room at Lane Hall,
A discussion of the play will be held,
so all members are urged to attend if
possible. Refreshments.
American Student Union forum on
'Soviet Russia, Finland, and Ameri-
ca's Peace,"' today, Michigan Union,
North Lounge, 3:30 p.m. All invited.
Boolh and Exhibit Committee of
Sophomore Cabaret: Package wrap-
ping in Council Room all day.
Finance Committee for Sophomore
Cabaret meeting at 4 p.m. today
at the League.
Ticket Committee (Peggy Polum-
baum's division) for Sophomore
Cabaret meeting at 3 p.m. today at
the League.
Mass Meeting of all the girls who
are to act as hostesses at Sophomore
Cabaret, at 4 p.m. today in the League

Dance Club meeting in Barbour
Gymnasium this evening at 7:45 p.m.
Interior Decoration Section: "Prin-
ciples of Interior Decoration" will
be discussed by Mrs. Ralph W. Ham-
mett at the meeting at 3 o'clock this
afternoon at the Michigan League.
Michigan Dames: Click and Stitch
group meets tonight at 8 o'clock in
group meets Thursday at 8 o'clock in
the home of Mrs. Ira Smith, 4 Geddes
Coming Events
Freshman Round Table: Mr. Ken-
neth Morgan will lead the group, con-
tinuing the discussion of the religious
views offered by previous speakers,
Lane Hall, Saturday, 7:30 p.m. Re-
freshments and a social hour will
Graduate Students are invited to
listen to a broadcast of the opera
"Boris Godounow" in the Ien's
Lounge of the Rackham Building on
Saturday, Dec. 9, at 1:30 p.m.
Disciples Guild cinema party, Fri-



(Editor's Note: Gulliver has been having trouble
lately. Right now he is suffering from tonsillitis
and Weitschmerz, so he has called on Perspectives
Editor Jim Allen to take over for the day.)
IT OCCURRED TO ME earlier in this greyish
day that perhaps there was no point in get-
ting up. , The subsequent happenings of the day
have given substance to that impression. But
it seems unfortunate that four thousand in-
nocent students (sic) should become embroiled
as a result of my error in judgment. It was a
perfectly uneventful day.
Well, the first thing in the morning (right
after lunch) I strolled up to the campus and
through the Arcade. There I encountered a
rather wistful Jeep Mehaffey staring at a dis-
play. "You know," he said, "it's a crime the way
people dress. Why, this summer I was down at
the airport in Pittsburgh and a guy climbs off
the plane-you know how he was dressed?" I
confessed I did not. "Well, he had on an orange
sport coat and a red tie and a pair of purple
slacks. My sister's boy friend looked at me and
I looked at him and he said, 'Boy I could take
the littlest kid in our neighborhood and just
take that guy apart.' Jeez, the way peop
dress is a crime." I agreed and he stared mood-
ily into the window again, so I walked on quietly.
DECIDED against going to the show, walked
down Maynard to Williams instead. There
I found the most engaging Christmas display
in town-just west of the Dekes' foreboding
chapel. It is I believe a pastoral Christmas
motif. That is, I believe it is pastoral. I am

whom they represent, what plants
they visit and what they see from
day to day.
Capital Chaff
The Jimmy Cromwells, recently
voted the happiest married couple in
society, will not fly to their Hawaii-
an palace this winter . . . Gay Wash-
ing social rendezvous this winter is
the home of Mrs. Edward T.
Stotesbury, widow of the late Phila-
delphia financier. She has taken
the palace which Ray Baker, former
Director of the Mint, built shortly
before he died . . . Construction of
the palace caused one of Washing-
ton's famous social feuds when dirt
excavated from the Baker cellar was
dumped upon the lawn of Mrs. Bor-
den Harriman, now Minister to Nor-
way . . . Ruth Wallace, daughter
of the Secretary of Agriculture, has
been in Helsinki. She is the wife of
a young Swedish diplomat.
! a 4 7 . _.

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