PAGE FOURB THE MICHIGAN DAILY IYv DN SDA-% Y. C. 6; 1939 THE MICHIGAN DAILY A Letter To The Editor:Reader Asks For Clarification Of Mr. Maraniss' Stand " * """" 10ThJWCATI, " NP"D-=5 Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications.. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associaed Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL AOVER..SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO ' BOSTON LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial. Carl Petersen Elliott Maraniss Stan M. Swinton Morton L. Linder Norman A. Schorr nennis Flanagan John N.C anavan Ann Vicary Mel Fineberg . . . . . Staff Managing Editor Editorial Director S City Editor . Associate Editor, . Associate Editor Associate Editor *Associate Editor *Women's Editor . Sports Editor . Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko . Jane Mowers . Harriet S. Levy Business Staff Business Manager . . Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Manager NIGHT EDITOR: ROY BUEHLER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Wendell Wilkie And Free Enterprise . . " T HE GREATEST THREAT to the American system today comes from effort to restrict free competitive enterprises," says Wendell Wilkie in his article "The Faith That Is America" in the current issue of the Reader's Digest. Mr. Wilkie is the president of Commonwealth & Souhtern Corporation, the large utility hold- ing company that but recently sold its Tennessee Valley holdings to the TVA. Of the evils of such holding companies the 'Federal Trade Commis- sion's report, as recorded in the hearings of the Temporary National Economic Committee, list : "Pyramiding, attended with the issuance of highly speculative securities, enabling a few me4 to gain practical control of vast utility en- teririses with a minimum of investment." .Wilkie's incongruent statement can only bejmderstood as part of the polemic against government ownership and control in which it appears, also containing the following: "We must be careful that, under the guise of 'emergency,' the powers of government are not extended as to impair the vitality of free enterprise and choke off free expression of thought." The Federal Trade Commission's report indi- cates that it is not the government, but large holding corporations like Commonwealth & Southern who now "impair the vitality of free enterprise." It is plain to be seen that Mr. Wilkie is not a stuanch defender of "free enter- prise," and that his use of the popular concep- tion of American free enterprise is but a guise with which to disparage government control and ownership. Mr. Wilkie's warning against choking off of "free expression of thought" also deserves at- tention. Besides stating that "since 1919 the electric and gas utilities have engaged in thE greatest peacetime propaganda campaign ever conducted by private interests in this country," the Federal Trade Commission's report states, "Their (utility holding corporations) efforts were thus not confined to affirmative propa- ganda but included efforts to block full and fair expression of opposition views, especially in books intended for school and research use" One is forced to the conclusion that Mr Wil- kie's concern against the choking off of 'freee expression of thought" is not only fictitious, but is the misleading use of a popular conception to create sentiment against government control and mask the monopolistic practices of his and other corporations. Some of the anti-social activities and results of private monopoly are testified by the follow- ing quotations from the Federal Trade Commis- sion's report of the evils of the holding-company management: "The exaction of various kinds of excessive fees from controlled operating com- panies; inflation of capital structures accom- panied by pressure to obtain earnings on inflated values at the expense of the rate-paying public; retaining excessive funds collected from operat- ing companies as purportedly required for Fed- eral income taxes." Even Mr. Wilkie admits, in his very depreca- tion of them, that the measure and purpose of government control and ownership are, as they' should be, humanitarianism and the greatest social good. "We must not be misled," said Mr. Wilkie, "because suggested restrictions are for humanitarian purposes . . ." The Question .. . To the Editor: On Wednesday of last week I attended a public meeting of the American Student Union. A film about the southern sharecropper was shown, and Mr. Tarini, Mr. Furay and Mr. Mar- aniss urged concerted action in defense of civil liberties in America. Mr. Maraniss called on students present to line up behind the ASU in its excellent program, and there was circulated a petition denouncing the Dies committee. In common with some others present, I passed on the petition without signing it. At a recent meeting of the Young Communist League in Unity Hall, Mr. Joseph Clark, secretary of the YCL in Michigan, explained the new party line which loyal Communists of necesity must follow-that the democratic front is passe, and the new password is peace for America. "We've got to face the new conditions," said- Mr. Clark, implying, can it be, the Communazi pact and Comrade Stalin's Baltic excursions? A mem- ber of the group at that meeting was Mr. Mar- aniss, who is editorial director of The Daily, and who was chairman of the ASU meeting in the Union Building. As a result of what I observed at the YCL meeting, I write on the assumption that Mr. Maraniss is a devout Com- munist. Now Mr. Maraniss has a right to affiliate himself with the YCL and we would fight to maintain that right for him. He has also, I suppose, a right to affiliate himself with the American Student Union; but comparing the phraseology and tenor of remarks at the YCL meeting and Mr. Maraniss's strictures on civil liberties and peace at the ASU meeting, a ques- tion arose. Was Mr. Maraniss acting as an American intent on defending the rights of Americans to enjoy the Bill of Rights, or as "a Communist following the party line? I am making no accusations. I am asking a question. I think it is important enough to ask and have answered in The Daily, in which Mr. Maraniss regularly advances his opinions. There have been published denials that the American Student Union is guided by Commun- ists. But because Mr. Maraniss, who was ob- served taking part in a Communist meeting, also headed Wednesday's meeting of the ASU, an inevitable doubt arises. The American Stu- dent Union is placed in a dilemma: Is it what it professes to be, or is it what a leader must of necessity profess as a member of the Young Communist League? The motive upon which Mr. Maraniss was acting may become important if Communist policy changes as rapidly in the future as it has in the past. The American Student Union, with its program of peace and civil liberty, is quite separate from imperialist Soviet Russia. Five months ago it would have been possible for a man to be both a Communist and a member of the American Student Union. In light of the Communazi pact, the invasion of Poland and Finland, the demands on the Baltic states, it no-longer is possible. I would resent being asked to join an American Student Union whose meeting is chairmaned by an exponent of a party line dictated by a cyni- cal Russian imperialist, who has no more con- cern for my welfare than for that of the youth of Latvia, or Esthonia, or Finland. By all means let us take a stand for peace and for civil liber- ties. Let us defend the right of our own earnest communists to attempt to convince us their way is the right way; but let them be consistent friends of the American worker and student, calling a spade a spade and a Russian imperial- ist a Russian imperialist. Mr. Dies, perhaps, is not a friend of the American liberal, and his witch-hunting may entitle him to his own epithet of un-American, but certainly no friends of American liberals, nor of American workers and students, are Stalinists, Trotskyites, Nazis and other agents, conscious or innocent, of alien leaders. The American Student Union should of course protect itself from the conclusions that will be drawn by the activities of its leaders. To do that it can continue to support peace and civil liberties consistently. Further, in good faith, it can pass a resolution (1) uncategorically repudiating Communist support, and (2) un- categorically denouncing Russian invasion of Poland and Finland and threat to the Baltic states. --Robert Anderson, Grad. Jifecemsfio~e Heywood Broun After watching the New York Giants and the Washington Redskins at the Polo Grounds recently it seems to me that the professionals have pretty much taken football away from the col- leges. Not only do the pros play a faster and a better game. but they are eminently suc- cessful in giving every run, and tackle the old university try. Not even the Army and Navy put on a better rough- house. When a man is slapped down, not only do his teeth rattle, but several players who weren't really in the opera- tion at all jump on the prostrate body just for luck. There is nothing lackadaisical about the efforts The Reply ... The crucial question which Mr. Anderson would like me to answer is this: was I acting as an American intent on defending the rights of Americans to enjoy the Bill of Rights or as a "Communist following the party line" when I urged concerted action in defense of civil liber- ties in America at a recent meeting of the American Student Union? First let me make clear some important points that have been confused by the manner in which Mr. Anderson has framed his question. We are both in agreement apparently, that it is my unquestioned right as an American citizen, as an editor of The Daily, and as a member of the American Student Union to urge concerted action in defense of civil liberties in America. My motives in this regard are actuated only by a conviction that America must remain at peace, that the American people have nothing to gain from entrance into the bloody conflict in Europe, that we must prevent our involvement by continuing to make progressive advances in our domestic affairs and by safeguarding with all our vigilance the civil liberties guaranteed to us by the Constitution. These things are on the record: I first advocated this platform in the first issue of The Daily and I have consistent- ly stood by it. I have no other motives today: I am in fact more convinced than ever, as the threat of war becomes more imminent, as the attack on civil liberties becomes intensified, and as the liberal advances of the last few years are negated by a concerted reactionary drive, that my position is logical and correct, and that rather than requiring defense and apology, on my part, requires affirmation and support. My motives, my interests and my allegiances are entirely American. I stand with the tremendous majority of the American people in their un- equivocal refusal to be stampeded into war. I feel it my duty and responsibility as an American interested in the peace and security of the American people, and as editorial director of The Michigan Daily to attend as many meet- ings, forums and parleys, at which different viewpoints are expressed, as I can; to insist upon the rights of Communists or anybody else to hold such meetings, and on the right of Mr. Ander- son, myself and all others to attend such meet- ings. I am not a member of the Young Com- munist League. As far as I have 'been able to determine the Young Communist League is also opposed to American entrance into the war. I refuse, therefore, to allow myself to be intimi- dated into a repudiation of the right of Com- munists to express that conviction and to publi- cize it. One other point in this regard: I fur- ther maintain that for every American who is sincerely interested in peace it is suicidal to reject the support and cooperation of any group, Communists included, which is actively en- gaged in the fight for peace. The war forces in this country are united in their efforts to get us into the war: if the American people are not to be led to the slaughter-block it is necessary that the peace forces in this country also organ- ize and unite. I have been a member of the American Stu- dent Union for two years. I feel that the ASU represents a step never before achieved in American student life. It is a coalition of every progressive force on the campus. The American Student Union is independent of any political party; it proposes to unite students irrespective of political parties or religious faith, in defense of their lives and liberties. It offers to them an instrument through which together they may strive to achieve a better, secure and fruit- ful life. These are tasks confronting all of us; these are aspirations which I share with every American student. It was therefore, as an American citizen "intent on defending the rights of Americans to enjoy the Bill of Rights," and, intent on helping to keep America out of war, that I undertook to act as chairman of a meet- ing of the American Student Union in which I urged a vigilant defense of our rights, our liber- ties and our peace. -Elliott Maraniss ments with all the enthusiasm of old grads. The man to my left confided that he was himself limited to a short career in Tenth Avenue Prep, but he rooted with the fury of one who was sending Bull Karcis through Mara Seminary on an athletic scholarship. After the final whistle blew a group of the educationally underprivileged tore down the goal posts with all the eclat of Princeton men who had just trampled down the Crimson. And even in the Yale Bowl I have seen no greater number of hip flasks or freer usage of second- half stimulants. Yes, the pro games have all the usual features of a college contest and many more to boot. After the second quarter any lady fan may well have imagined that she was a visitor in Har- vard's archaic stadium, because no one can possibly get into the powder room unless she is proposed at birth and brings a letter from her pastor. As far as the technical aspects of the pro game go the rooter notices chiefly the vast in- crease of skillful forward passing which comes with maturity and a living wage. There may be a few college quarterbacks who can sling them almost as well as Danowski, but the col- leges simply do not produce the syme sort of receivers. A professional end apparently needs do no more than get a finger on the ball in order to snare it. Moreover, the professionals kick much better, particularly in the matter of field goals. There is more precision and greater speed in running off plays, and when a man is hurt he demand that Roosevelt withdraw the! American Ambassador from Russia has put the present incumbent of the White House on an amusing and paradoxical spot. Inside fact, is that FDR seriously considered recalling Ambasasdor Steinhardt some time ago, but the State Department opposed. And now that Mr. Hoover has decided to do some coaching from .the sidelines, Roosevelt is not so likely to follow the advice. For one sure way of not getting something done around the White House is to have Mr. Herbert Hoover urge it Not many people knew it at the time, but Roosevelt was very much irked at Moscow during the seizure of the City of Flint. At that time, Ambassador Steinhardt suffered all sorts of indiginities When he tried to telephone Captain Gainnard, com- mander of the vessel, the connection was cut. When he tried to see Foreign Minister Molotoff, he was kept cooling his heels for ten hours. When he went anyplace outside of the Embassy, he was shadowed. It is a long established rule of in- ternational law that an ambassador represents the person of his chief. An insult to him is an insult to the head of his state. So Roosevelt, increasingly pro- voked at the Russians, proposed to Steinhardt, though he did not wa to sever diplomatic relations. The State Department, howevl objected that Stalin wouldenot gi a snap of his fingers whether t] United States kept an ambassador Moscow or not. Only the Unit States would suffer. So Steinhardt remained, and r gardless of Herbert Hoover, the Sta Department still leans toward ti policy. They believe that withdra ing our ambassador or sever diplomatic relations merely would cutting off our nose to spite o face. For they have totdo busin with the Russians even if they do like them. Acting Secretary Charles Edis who has been battling against e trenched Navy bureaucracy, gave t brasshats a new shock the other dk One of the admirals brought in report on a ship-building questi and remarked : "We're all in agre ment on this." "All?" asked Edison. "Yes, sir." "I'm sorry to hear that," shot ba Edison. "I'd feel a lot better ab this report if there were a few d sents. What this Navy needs is few 'yes' men and more 'no' men. Ini private business, if there are no d agreements, I make some. It he keep everyone on their toes. Y ought to try that sometime." Of ALL Things!... S.. by Morty Q. THE man in gray wearing a police- policeman's hat with a Santa Claus bag slung over his shoulder went up the stairs slowly, breathing heavily under his weighty load. He paused at the top, glared about him and then bellowed: "Where in hell is this guy Morty Q!" The man cleaning the building dropped the wastebasket he was emptying and the linotyper dropped three stitches on his machine. Mr. Q. joined the dropsey brigade, al- lowing his scissors and paper dolls to clatter and flutter respectively to the floor. "Here he is," he whis- pered, "How much is it?" THE postman barged into the room and stood before Mr. Q., hands on hips, sneeron face. "So, you're the guy," he snarled, "Do you see how my poor back bends? Look here, how crooked it is. And do you know what it's from? Well, it's from lugging all this mail for you up here every damn day. I oughta punch you in the nose." Mr. Q. rose to his full height, standing on a chair so he could look the mailman in the eye. He said he was sorry to cause him all that trouble but that lots of people had lots of problems, and it was only natural for them to write in to Mr. Q. for help. And the postman had the wrong attitude: he woudn't want all those people to be disappointed, would he? "Well, how do I know you're help- ing- them," he wanted to know. qO MR. Q. explained how he an- swered all kinds of questions: sort of an advice bureau. And finally it was agreed that Mr. Q. would print some of the questions and answersI in the column so that the mailmanS could understand that his crooked back wasn't in vain. So the man in gray shouldered his collapsed bag and went down the stairs. And Mr. Q. here presents the first few letters in his new "Help Wanted" series. Dear Mr. Q.: I am in a lot of trouble and would like some advise from you. I am leader of a nation in Eas- tern Europe.. My people love me and I really can't blame them for I am quite a guy. I have been very much interested in your column and can -understand and appreciate how you color your stories because I used to be a painter myself. Anyhow, I have the situation hereunder control and soon I'll be the big guy in the world. But there are two things worrying me: my stomach is getting too big and I sweat an awful lot when I sleep. What can I do? yours for advice, A.H. Dear A.H.: You eat too much and you smell bad. sincerely, . Q. Dear Mr. Q.: I am president of a big state university in the midwest. I think I have done a fairly good student reception teas or both" or neither? perplexedly yours, A.G.R. Dear A.G.R.: I think the best thing for you to do is throw the tea bals out of the nearest window and put in a good stok of brew. I assure you the at- tendance will increase no end and you will attract some of the more in- teresting elements on campus. hopefully yours, Mr. Q. Dear Mr. Q.: Eleanor dropped in for a visit the other day and told me about your work. She was still a little excited over the invitation from a certain Texas congressman who wants her to come and help him discover how many of the White House janitors have a swastika sewed on their under- wear. But she did remember enough of her trip to Ann Arbor to whisper sweet compliments of Mr. Q.'s work. I'm not jealous, understand, but just to find out what she thought was so wonderful about you I had Steve (he's my press secretary) buy me a couple of papers that carried your column. And, would you believe it, Mr. Q., I too became fascinated by your intelligent prose and weigh- ty reasoning. Already my heart seems lighter and my health is better. Mr. Q, I'm beginning to get something out of life again because of you! I think that I can talk confi- dentially to you, and so I'm going to ask you a couple of personal questions. I'll never forget it if you can furnish the answers: 1. Mr. Q., will you run for President next year, and make all the boys stop bothering me? I would quit- the job in a min- ute if I thought some capable person would take my place. And you are the best one in the world I know. 2. My only other question is about Eleanor. She seems to think that she needs a cowboy suit to go help that Texas ranger, Dies, conduct his investigation. I tell her that we've got a lot of bills and can't afford any more new clothes. What do you think, Mr. Q? I know that I've already been an awful botler, so I'll end this letter.- Faithfully yours, F.R. Dear F.R.: I was very glad to hear that Eleanor was pleased with her visit here. Somebody asked her if you were going to run in 1940 and she seemed to think that at the rate you're going you'll be lucky to crawl in 1940.. But that's neither here nor answering your questions. About running for President: the only way I would run in relation to that posh tion would be far away. As a good friend of yours, I would suggest that you put an amendment through do- ion Lck out is- Ner my lis- lps 'ou CIL DAILY4AINOTON WERRY ROUND TRADE MARK REGSTED By DRE!W PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN WASHINGTON-Herbert Hoover's show his displeasure by recalli Psychology Journal Club will meet this evening at 7:30 -pm. in [the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Professor B. D. Thuma will discuss the book "The Place of Value in a World of Facts" by Koheler. Miss Penelope Pearl and Mr. Robert Kleemeier will report re- cent studies on the "Psychology of Art." Chemical Engineers: The AIChE will hold its Fall Banquet tonight at 6:15 p.m. in the Michigan Union. Harvey M. Merker will talk on "The Story Behind Your Medicine Chest." Institute of the Aeronautical Sci- ences meeting of all members making the trip to Wright Field today at 5:30 this afternoon in the De- partment of Aeronautical Engineer- ing Drawing Room, B-308 East En- gineering Building. Final arrange- ments for departure will be made. Graduate Education Club meeting this afternoonat 4 p.m., in the Grad- uate Library, University Elementary School. Dr. Claude Eggertsen of the School of Education and Dr. Rich- ard Fuller of the Department of So- ciology will discuss the topic, "What Sociology for Education." All gradu- ate students in education invited. Phi Sigma meeting at 8 tonight in Outing Club Room of Rackham Bldg. Professor C. D. LaRue will present "The Green Folk." Refreshments. Sigma Eta Chi meeting at 5 p.m. to- day with Mrs. Smith, 1008 Oakland Ave. Review lesson for the National Exam. University Girls' Glee Club meets tonight at 7:15 in the Game Room of the League. The Hiawatha Club will meet to- night at 8 p.m. in the Union. The program will feature full length moveis of the Penn. football game. 1940 Mechanical Engineers and Graduates: Mr. F. L. Pierce of the American Machine and Foundry Co., Brooklyn, N.Y., will outline the op- portunities with this company- at 7 o'clock this evening in Room 348 West Engineering, after which ap- pointments will be given for inter- views on the following day. Alpha Nu meeting tonight at 7:30 in the Alpha Nu Room in Angell Hall. Final Union Opera Tryouts for dancing, singing and acting parts will be held in Room 319 of the Union tonight from 7 to 9. International Center program of re- corded music for tonight at 7:30 is as follows: Gloria Patri, by Palestrina; Concerto in A Minor by Bach; Sym- phony No. 13 in G Major, by Haydn; and Symphony in D Major "Prague," by Mozart. Women's Rilfe Club: Those mem- bers scheduled for instruction at 4 and 5 this afternoon please report at 4:30. If not able o make the change, call Helen Nutting at 3318. Women's Swimming Club meets to- day at 4 p.m. at Union Pool. "One-Third Of A Nation"-Opening tonight, Mendelssohn Theatre. Pre- sented by Play Production tonight through Saturday. Curtain at 8:30. Tickets on sale at Mendelssohn box office, phone 6300. Michigan Dames bridge group in- vites all Dames to its Christmas party tonigh at 8 at the League. Ten cent igfswill be exchanged. Faculty Women's Club meeting to- night at 8 in the ballroom of the League. The University of Michigian concert band, under the direction of Prof. William D. Revelli, will present a program. The husbands and friends of the members will be special .DAILY OFFICAL (Continued fromi Page 3) meet in Room 122 Chemistry Build- ing at 4:15 p.m. today. Dr. J. H. Hodges will speak on "The Photo- chemistiy of the Halogens." Algebra Seminar will meet today ng Iat 4 o'clock in 3201 A.H. Mr. Savage nt will conclude his talk, and Dr. Thrall will speak on "Polynomial Ideals." er, ye Biological Chemistry Seminar will he meet in Room 319, West Medical in Building at 7 tonight. The subject ed to be discussed is "Protein-Lipid Complexes." All interested are invit- re- ed to attend. ite his Botanical Seminar will meet today W- at 4:30, Room 1139 N.S. Bldg. Paper ng by Elzada U. Clover: "Botanical ex- be plorations in side canyons of the ur Colorado." ss n' t Mathematics Club will meet tonight at 8 p.m. in the West Conference on Room of the Rackhamn Building. Dr. n- Margarete C. Wolf of Wayne Uni- he versity will speak on "Transformation ay I of Bases of Relative Linear Sets." ofLna