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December 03, 1939 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-12-03

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SUNDAY, DEC. -3, 1939
IT wThere will be double cuts for anyone.
SDAILY OFFabsent unexcused.
Graduate Outing Club will meet
_ this afternoon in the Rackham
Building at 2:3.0. Mr. A. E. Staebler
(Continued from Page 4) of the Museum will take the group on
a bird hike. Those wishing to go ice
Waugh, Professor Emeritus of Land- skating at the University Rink may
scape Architecture, Massachusetts from a group for that purpose.
State College, will give the following n
talks in the amphitheatre of the Rack- Initernational Center: Prof. Martha
t Colby, who has an interesting collec-
ham Building at the times indicated: ' tion of musical records, will speak
Dec. 4, 11 a.m., "Basic elements in on Oriental Music, illustrating her
the study of wild lands: Land forms- talk with her own records, this eve-
I ni~im 4- 7 n~~n'


PAVIF. gpvrlv

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meet today at 5:30. Fellowship
hour from 5:30 until 6 when dinner
will be served. Professor James K.
Pollack of the Political Science de-
partment will speak on the present
situation in Europe.
Westminster Guild: "The Making
of Christmas," a program of Christ-
mas music, legend and history, fea-
turing slides of great Christmas
painting, will be presented today at
6:30 p.m. following a buffet supper
at 5:30. Students are urged to attend
the program whether or not they can
come for supper.

Folk dancing after supper, led by Mrs.
Sidell. Anyone interested is invited to
Coming Events
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet in Room 319, West Medical
Building, at 7 p.m., Wednesday, Dee-
6. The subject o be discussed is
"Protein-Lipid Complexes." All in-
terested are invited to attend.
Botanical Seminar will meet Wed-
nesday, Dec. 6, at 4:30, Room 1139
ilS. Bldg. Paper by Elzac~a U. Clov-

Tuesday at 4 p.m., 3201 A.H. Profes- Union. All faculty members interest-
sor Rainich will speak on "The Use ed in speaking German are cordially
cf C. F. for the Computation of the invited. There will be a brief inform-
Incomplete Beta Function." al talk by Prof. Helmut Callis on,
"Erfahrungen in Genf 1938 und
Psychology Journal Club will meet 1939."
on Wednesday, Dec. 6, at 7:30 p.m. Junior Research Club meeting
in the West Conference Room of the Tuesday, Dec. 5, at 7:30 p.m. in the
Rackham Building. Professor B. D. amphitheatre, third floor, of the Hor-
Thuma will discuss the book "The ce H. Rackham School of Gradu-
Place of Value in a World of Facts" ate Studies. Program: C. A. Brass-
by Koheler. Miss Penelope Pearl and ield, Asst. Prof. of Physiology: "The
Mr. Robert Kleemeier will report re- Application of the Glass Electrode in
cent studies on the Psychology of H Determinations in Biological
Art." Fluids," and J. S. Koehler, Dept. of
Physics: "Methods and Problems in
German Table for Faculty Members: nfra-red Molecular Spectra."
The regular luncheon meeting will be
held on Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Assembly Executive Council will
Founders' Room of the Michigan sse tnedonPce8

Students To !Give Concert
On Woodwinds Tuesday
Students of Mr. William H. Stub-
bins, instructor of wind instruments
in the School of Music, will give a
varied program at 8:15 ,p.m. Tues-
day, Dec. 5, in the School of Music
Auditorium on Maynard Street. The
general public, with the exception of
small children, is invited.
Included on the program are the
Bach concerto No. 1 for violin tran-
scribed for clarinet, to be played
by Arthur Hills, and a Beethoven
quintet, featuring the University
Woodwind Quintet.

Dec. 5, 11 a.m., "Basic elements
continued-the forest and its ecol-
Dec. 6, 11 a.m., "Lines of approach.
to an understanding of natural ele-
ments in wild lands."
Dec. 8, 9 a.m., "Administrative
problems to be considered in the
management of wild lands for hu-
man _use."
These talks are intended primarily
for students in the School of Forestry
and Conservation, who are expected
to attend, but all others interested are
also cordially invited.
La Sociedad Hispanica lecture at}
4:15 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 5, in Room
103 R.L. Bldg. Prof. Dudley M.
Phelps of the School of Business
Administration will lecture (in Eng-
lish) on "Our Direct Investments in
Latin America."
'Rabbi James G. Heller, of Cincin-
nati, will speak on the subject: "Can
Religion Be Saved ih the World To-
day?" at the Rackham Lecture Hall,
tonigh at 8:15 -p.m., under the
auspices of the Student Religious As-
sociation and Hillel Foundation.
The Rev. W. P. Lemn, of the First
Presbyterian Church, will give the
ninth lecture in the series on "I Be-
lieve," which is sponsored by the Stu-
dent Religious Association, in the
Rackham Amphitheatre, Wednesday,
Dec. 6, 8 p.m.
Today's Events
Eta Kapp aNu: Formal initiation
and banquet will take place in the
Michigan Union tonight at 6 o'clock.
Varsity Glee Club rehearsal at Mor-
ris Hall at 11:30 this morning for the
broadcast which will be at 12:15.

ning at 1 ocloek
Ballet Dance Commtitee for Sopho-
more Cabaret meeting at 2:30 p.m.
today, in the League. Attendance
The Michigan Christian Fellowship
meets regularly at 4:30 p.m. today
in the Fireplace Room of Lane Hall.
The Lutheran Student Club will
look over the pictures taken
at the dance last night..
Keep a photo record of
your college parties.
Nickels Arcade

er: "Botanical explorations in side
Evangelical Student Club of the canyons of the Colorado."
Bethlehem Evangelical Church is - -
having a supper meeting at 6 p.m. Continued Fractions Seminar on

Founders' Room of the Michigan Pao.~ ~ Woodwind Quintet.
- ~ *4b'*- JJ

; .
.V ,.'
.. _{:
:. s,
..1. v

1 A pretty girl would dance with this bag on her
wrist; an unusual pyramid of green or blue
rayon satin. 5.00.
2 Silver-plated jigger to go over a bottle-neck.
(You can't lose it unless you lose the bottle;

then who cares?) 1.0G. 8 For the man who love
3 ' A daisy for a buttonhole-specifically, a con- pouch of clan-tartan
ventionalized daisy clip-pin of silver and gold with oiled silk. 100
metal. 3.00._a
1t9 Big as all outdoors-
This beautiful bow-knot of antique gold metal saddlst etdn co'
set with turquoise and ruby stones would leather lining. 10.00.
gratify any woman. 6.00.
20A mighty atom-this
5 Contribution to a daughter's joyous Noel- c
_~ " '~tis~kcase of ginger cowhide
this collar necklace of gold metal mesh and - man bi o 600
crystal danglers. 3.00 " e
e21Pigskin trio-braces, be
6tBegin hunting now for this spectacular bib -in i-raebe
mapigskin-grained ca
necklace - baroque pearls dripping from for ties later on). 4.00.
three gold-metal chains. 10.00.
,- I22 Suggestion for a son or
7 A baby-turtle clip of gold metal; with one ow w
jewel color stone. 1.00 o sne brownhcowhie
for suit and hat. 4.00.
8 For the charm-bracelet set-a single compact
withatraditional charms engraved on its gold
,_ ,c y r r w v m e t a l s u r f a c e . 5 . 0 0-os r <
TA9 and 10-Twig-wgight necklace of wooden
n , y . .lnks and its bracelet, by Leo Glass. Necklace
~ 5.00. Bracelet 1.00.
11A shell-dish of aluminum, dipped for a per-
manerit gold finish. Grand for flowers, fruit,
j « : ' °" := retc. 5.00.J
ts -hrtam 12Overnight success--this bag of lizard grained
y, It's Christmastime .. J. 1
cowhide. Room for over-night gowns, etc.
at CO4L L N S . . . Brown or black. 10.00.
The GIFT she will 13 A glove thatatweed-fancier can wear even
The G FT se wil a«in town-knitted wool in the beloved cable-
welcomestitch. 1.25.
welcome ....
.: 14 One gift that does two things-magnifies
whatever it sits oniacts as paper-weight.
Tooled baby calf binding. 1.00.<$
01/CJ1 5 Colored gloves for Christmas. Classic slip-ons z
of washable mocha; a good foil for black 4.00.
Women simply love good ]in-
genie, nd they know from"
experience, that Collins ln-
gerie combines good quality
with high fashion. Choose 0gold lame threads is a
fa23 Safe convoy for bottles-a bag of washable
from frothy, lacy affairs, washes. 1.00.
beige corduroy, its lining stainless; 2 bottles;
shimmerim in their satin
2 jars. 5.00. 3 For a woman of any g
loveiness or from trim taior- rayon satin sachets.2
ed styles. 24 To transport the master's ties unwrinkled-a a fur coat. 3.00.
1.95 to 10.00 tie case of hazel pigskin. (Not a chancy choice, 32 Sports mittens with wh
like ties). 8.00.
like ies). 8.00.red capeskin palm s appi
For the "First Lady" on yourr c.nl.
Christmas list, one of these 25 Homage to a hostess-cherry patterned, ivory-
glazed plates for hors d'oeuvres or coffee or 33Tribute to femininity-
reathtaking robes. Chenille,brandy. 6.00 a dozen. of Lierre lace on pastel
Flannel, Moire, Quilted Satins.b0
' 4.00.
3.95 to 19.95 Pale hands of white porcelain to serve as ash- Handkerchief hoarders
tray or hold a floating flower. 7.00. chiffon evening one w
silver metallic border.
27 and 28-A Marguerita Mergentime luncheon
cloth, "Spencerian," linen, 72" by 54", 6.00. K35 For the party-going y
Napkins 7.00 a dozen hood of wool jersey, ed
bou. White, brown, blac

s his brier-a tobacco
Botany worsted, lined
-a city-country bag of
whide. Green morocco
miniature travelling
It holds as much as
elt and garter packed
ise, rayon-lined. (Good
husband-two brushes
handle. A brush each
ill handkerchief with
leasure. Practically, it
eneration-this trio of
Nice for perfuming a
ite lambskin backs and
ealing as kittens' .paws.
-a handkerchief case
Celanese rayon satin.
will thank you for a
itha pink, gold and
oung-a curl-covering
ged with fluffy mara-
k. 3.50.

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