PAGEFOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY Evolution Of Equitable Society Is Only Hope For Solution To Problems Of Minority Qroups ~1 iI S Irs4 c ,or. .-.W.,, Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the ise for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPAESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVE"I'SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK,-N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO - Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Carl Petersen Elliott Maraniss Stan M. Swinton . Morton L. Linder Norman A. Schorr Dennis Flanagan John .N. Canavan Ann Vicary . el Fineberg. Staff Managing Editor Editorial Director- . City Editor SAssociate Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor *Associate Editor SWomen's Editor * Sports Editor Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko Jane Mowers . Harriet S. Levy Business Staff Business Manager Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager. Publications Manager NIGHT EDITOR: MILTOl! ORSHEFSKY The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Soviet Bombing Can't Be Justified . . USTIFICATION of Russia's action in subjecting Finnish civilian popu- lations to aerial bombardment is impossible. On Sunday of last week the Finnish Govern- ment dispatched a note to Moscow in reply to Ritssian protest over alleged firing by Finnish batteries of seven shells into Russian territory. In the note, denying that Finnish troops had fired the shells and asserting it had been Rus- ,ian batteries which were in action, Foreign Minister Eljas Erkko of Finland declared: my government is ready to deliberate the Russian proposal with the intention that troops be removed by both sides to a fixed distance from the frontier. I have noticed with satisfaction your intimation the Soviet Government does not intend to exaggerate the importance of a frontier incident that they . . . believed had taken place." i On Wednesday the Russian government, through Foreign Commissar Molotoff, replied to the Finnish note, saying: "The reply of th Government of Finland to the note of the Soviet Government of Nov. 26 constituted a document reflecting profound hostility on the part of the Government of Finland toward the Soviet Union and carries to the extreme the crisis in relations between the two countries." Declaring that the bombing of Soviet troops could not be explained by any other reason than "a desire to lead astray public opinion and deride the victims of the shooting;" that refusal of the Finnish Government to withdraw the bor- der troops and its demand for simultaneous withdrawal of Soviet and Finnish troops con- stiuted a hostile act incompatible with the non- aggression pact between the two countries, the note concluded: ". . . the Soviet Government deems itself compelled to state that from this date it considers itself free from the obliga- tions undertaken under the non-aggression pact concluded between the U.S.S.R. and Finland and systematically violated by the Government of Finland." This action was followed Wednesday night by the breaking off, by Moscow, of diplomatic relations with Finland, while the Russian army and navy units concentrated along Finnish land and sea frontiers were ordered to "be ready for all emergencies." This action by Moscow came before the Finnish Government could deliver a note to the Kremlin offering to withdraw Fin- nish forces from the frontier as a gesture toward settling their quarrel. The note, signed by Erkko, said: "My government is ready to settle with the Soviet government the question of the removal of Finnish defense forces on the Kare- lian Isthmus . . ." He said the Finnish Gov- ernment desired "to prove emphatically there is a sincere effort to reach an accord with the Soviet Government, and refute the Soviet Gov- ernment's allegations that Finland has adopted a hostile attitude toward the U.S.S.R. and is desirous of threatening the security of Lent- grad." The severing of diplomatic relations was fol- lowed on Thursday by active military moves by Russia against Finland, including three air- raids on Helsinki, the Finnish capital, in which official estimates of the dead were placed at 80. Russian objectives apparently were the railroad station, the harbor and airport, but many pro- iectiles fell in the central part of the city. By ROBERT SPECKHARD SEVERAL WEEKS AGO on this campus Dr. Ludwig Lewisohn, noted Jewish author and Zionist leader, discussed the Jewish minority problem, and, by his own definition, involved the question of minorities in general. In his analysis of the present condition of the Jewish minority Dr. Lewisohn pointed out that, in times of general economic well-being the minority of a country is in a "tolerable" posi- tion. That is, although the life of a minority is filled with innumerable insults and miseries, it is yet able to share employment, decent living conditions, educational facilities, and other bene- fices of society to a "tolerable" degree. As an example he pointed to the life of the Jewish minority in the United States as being "toler- able" compared to the life of the Jewish minor- ity in some of the European countries. It may be emphasized, however, that the very presence of a minority problem in the United States in- dicates that this country's economic well-being and the "tolerableness" of the position of minor- ities are only relative. THE CONDITION of the minority, Dr. Lewi- sohn pointed out, gets inevitably worse as the economic well-being of a country declines. In the cases of Czarist Russia, post-war Poland, and Nazi Germany, the murderous attacks and persecutions of Jews manifested the decline of those economies. The growth in the last few years in this country of anti-Semitism, expressed by such men as Father Coughlin, is a graphic illustration of hatred of minorities increasing as economic depression stresses the bitter com- petition for existence.' After this analysis of the causes for minority problems, Dr. Lewisohn formulated his solu- tion on the premise that the Jewish race is a thing immutable, that it is incapable of assimi- lation. Forgetting his economic bases for the existence of minority problems, he failed to arrive at a solution that would correct the causes he had just described. Dr. Lewisohn based his arguments on a biologically and lin- guistically weak premise, disregarded his eco- nomic analysis and emphasized the immut- ability of the Jewish race, a concept founded on racial emotionalism rather than rational inter- pretation. DR. LEWISOHN's solution, transplanting mil- lions of Jewish people to the arid land from music By RICHARD BENNETT THERE IS NOTHING particularly outstanding about Jussi Bjoerling's program for his Choral Union recital tomorrow evening. Most interesting inclusions are two songs ("Ich mochte Schweben" and "I drommen du ar mig iara") by Emil Sjogren and two ("Say, Say, Susa" and "Slicken kom") by Jan Sibelius. Johann Gustav Emil Sjogren, the post-roman- tic 'Stockholm composer, organist and teacher, was the writer of about eighty songs which are still as highly regarded in Sweden as. those of Adolf Jensen in Germany. His works do not display the almost exclusively Scandinavian character of Grieg, but show an infusion of German ideas. They are characterized by a certain amount of Scandinavian style, however, coupled with a warm emotionalism which was derived from more southern countries. (In the middle eighties Sjogren made a tour through Europe, visiting Vienna, Munich, Venice, and Paris.) Although Sjogren's activity was'devoted main- ly to writing songs-they belong to the best in the post-romantic style of the period 1880-1900 -he has enriched the scanty store of Sweden's chamber music with some important and valu- able works. These latter have the same qualities that distinguish his songs-instinctive lyrical feeling, freshness of invention, and an enthusi- astic love of nature. Much of his work shows a highly developed harmonic instinct capable of fine modulatory effects. His style, while per- sonal, is not highly original; it bears, as was said, an unmistakable northern stamp, but without any specifically national means of expression. Being, as he was, a lyrical composer, Sjogren avoided speculative tendencies (especi- ally in his youth) and seldom devoted himself to serious technical work. This particular limi- tation of his creative ability is evident in the working-out sections of his sonatas for piano and for violin, for he had no idea of compli- cated thematic development. For the same reason, presumably, he never attempted any work on a large and difficult scale. SJOGREN'S EARLY WORK is full of youth- ful passion and daring, strength, and tender romanticism; the later works show richness of imagination, fine sensibility in the best light,. and are not without a note of pathos, though they have less individuality and charm. The work of Sibelius will be sketched at- a later date. Other compositions Mr. Bjoerling will offer are: "Adelaide," an early song by Beethoven; "An Sylvia," Schubert's setting of Shakespeare's "Who Is Sylvia?" from Two Gentlemen of Verona (it is to be hoped Mr. Bjoerling will sing the work in English); also Schubert's "Die Boese Farbe;" two songs, "Mor- gen" and "Caecilee" by Richard Strauss; three operatic aries, "O Paradiso" from Meyerbeer's L'Afrlcana, "The Dream" from Massenet's opera Manon, and the "Flower Song" from Carmen; and a group of songs by the American writers, Clay, Foster, and LaForge. which their ancestors were forced centuries ago, is erroneous in its concept and impractical in its application. As a general solution to the problem of minorities, the creation of suitable homelands for the many minorities is a practical impossibility, and when viewed in the light of historical experience, offers no assurance of permanence. Mere realignments of minorities and majorities or of territories is not a per- manent solution to the problem as European post-war events bear out. The only permanent solution to the minority question is a correction of those forces that create the problem which)Dr. Le'visohn so ex- cellently analysed. The persecutions and suf- ferings of minorities increase in proportion to amount of economic depression, and therefore the competition for existence is made keener. Hatred of a minority is not a biologically in- herent thing, but the result of the bitter eco- nomic competition for existence in our capi- talist society, which acts upon majority and minority alike, and in which the minority is always the weaker and powerless competitor. THE ELIMINATION of the stupid, exhausting, and everlasting competition for existence in our capitalist society and the evolution of a society in which an equitable and decent exis- tence is a heritage of man and not the doubt- ful prize of bitter human struggle is the only permanent solution to the minority problem. So long as men must compete with each other for the right to an existence, so long will there be persecuted and suffering minorities, be they of race, religion, color, or class; for minorities are the weaker and powerless competitor. Of ALL Things!. . .....y MortyQ . . . OH, FOR THE TIME in the not-so-long-ago when a man's best friend was his dog, a woman's place was in the home, when two wrongs didn't make a right, and when a bowl was simply a kitchen utensil to be used, in collaboration with a spoon and a mouth, to con- vey soup from the stove to the digestive tract. At this time of the year, every chamber of com- merce in the nation casts a searching glance around the countryside surrounding their par- ticular vale-where the sun always shines, a perfect spot for your new factory, ideal loca- tion for anything, etc.-in an effort to spot a playing field with a spectator stand where a post-season game could be held. And, of course, for some unknown reason, they must call this game a "Bowl" game. So we have the Rose Bowl and the Orange Bowl and the Cotton Bowl and the Sugar Bowl and the Sun Bowl and a slew of other kinds of bowls. The latest suggestion for an additiqn tp this bowl family, coming from Portland, Ore., is by far the funniest of the bunch. It is a Brain Bowl idea, proposing a game between Chicago-some- times referred to as The Hapless-and little Reed College of Portland, a cultural center that has deemphasized the grid game to the point of allotting only $100 for the football budget. THIS WEEK'S Time magazine carries an amusing story of the history of the Brain Bowl movement. It seems that when a gentle- man by the name of Dexter Merriam Keezer took over the President's office at Reed five years back, he thought the best way to start his administrative career there was to pop off with a joke. You know how some of these edu- cators are: the one's who grouch into a class- room with a puss hanging around the region of the knees and then crackle some grotesque epi- sode that couldn't even get a smile from a ticklish laughing hyena. Well, anyhow, Dexter came through with what he thought would be a hilarious little bit: he said the best possible thing he could do for Reed was hire a good foot- ball team and enlist a bunch of extra faculty men to keep the grid boys scholastically happ. An action of this sort, of course, isn't par- ticularly amazing to those who have observed the antics of some of our major colleges in try- ing to develop winning elevens. But to the good scholars of Reed, it was revolutionary, and to the cultured alumni it was not a little bit funny-especially when, a few days after Dex- ter had his little joke, scores of big bruisers came bouncing into town waving press clippings, and mousey little guys accompanied them with "pee-kool-yar" brief-cases, clamoring for the jobs as football players and faculty men re- spectively. SO DEX told them he was only kidding and that Reed had no use for football. So the bruisers and the brains departed and Dex settled down to the business of teaching Reed's 546 students the intracices of living happily in a cozy ivory tower. Everything went quite well for a time: that is, everything went well on the academic front. But on the athletic side, there was some difficulty. The handful of muscular academicians who thought they might delve into the philosophy of football didn't have enough equipment and were getting hurt. So Dex de- cided to appropriate $300 more for shoulder pads and guards. But it seems that a couple of ex-football men on the faculty thought that Dex was at last recognizing the importance of the game in thr educational set-up and decided the least they could do was offer to coach the boys and per- haps arrange a couple of games. They worked with the boys and taught them a few funda- mentals. They evolved a real hipper-dipper offense, with the quarterback calling the signals in Latin and the guards assigned to engage In view of the new develop- ments in the north of Europe, the editors are deferring until a later date their promised analysis of the war in Europe. Free Speech I n A War Nation (From the McGill Daily, Toronto, Canada) SINCE the start of hostilities, there4 has been marked interest shown in the methods employed to desem- inate war news. Likewise consider- able attention has been paid to the1 degree of restriction placed upon the expression of individual opinion on these topics. With this in mind it is opportune to consider what is meant by "the right to freedom of speech" espec- ially under war-time conditions. We may grant at the outset man's right to freedom of speech. However, the word "freedom," as used here, must be defined. It is obvious then, that freedom of speech means free- dom to speak the truth-asone sees it.-It does not give anyone the right to lie, even when the laws of the land don't forbid it. Again the right to freedom of speech is limit- ed to the known rights of others, either individuals or the state. Thus we have laws against libel, perjury and sedition. In short it must be realized that this freedom of the written or spoken word can and must be of a restricted nature. Hence the government, in time of war, has a perfect right to censor the utterances of its citizens, if the safety of the nation is at stake. It must be remembered, however, that such censorship must be guided care- fully. The restriction of public ut- terances. in a democracy, is a serious step to take. Hence in blunt words, no government has the right, under the pretext of war, to impose a cen- sorship any stricter than is abso- lutely necessary for the preserva- tion of national security. ANY sound system of ethics recog-' nizes that the existence of a right calls into being a corresponding duty. Hence once the citizens of a country lay claim to the moral right to speak freely, they shoulder the burden,, the duty, the responsibility of using and not abusing this liberty. Since wartime conditions exist, and since definite censorship under the War-Measures Act, is at present im- posed on the country, the above men- tioned duty falls upon two classes of people. Those whose utterances might conflict with the censorship laws, have the duty of remaining silent. A far graver responsibility, however, is shared by those states- men and journalists whose opinions may be freely expressed. This class of people, who are our 'sources of information at the present time, have the solemn duty to print or speak the undistorted truth. Under this heading comes the question of war propaganda. It is obvious that our press and our politicians must pre- sent facts concerning the war in a cool, logical manner. They take up- on their consciences a great responsi- bility, if they attempt to stampede the public along a certain course of action by calculatingly appealing to hatred, or other emotions. The de- cisions that a citizen must make re- garding the war are of paramount importance, both to himself and to the state. Surely they must be ren- dered after a cool summation of the facts and must not flow from blind hysteria. To add to the responsibility that lies upon our newspapers and our governing bodies, one of the funda- mental tenets of our democratic way of life is at present totally under their control. We refer to that spirit of tolerance for the other person's opinion. Without this the democ- racy for which the nation is strug- gling is a sham, purely and simply. THEREFORE, considering the facts as they apply to Canada our press has no right to attack under the guise of patriotism, that class whose ideas concerning war differ from those of the group in power. This class of people, under the pres- ent laws, cannot defend themselves from verbal attack. We are not condemning this condition, but we are contending that their rights, as defined, must be respected. There is no logical contention against a necessary limitation of free speech in time of war, but there is a strong objection to unjust ad- vantages taken from this limitation. Clever Propaganda The Ohio Lantern reports receipt by the university of a letter appar- ently by a British tommy, requesting a souvenir program of an Ohio State football game. The note's author explained he is an ardent follower of the Buckeye's football fortunes. He adds, parenthetically but in great detail, that he might be in France at the front when the program reaches England. But thanks any- way, old chaps. It's quite a touching note. Or would be-if it weren't that the Uni- versity of Wisconsin and Northwes- tern have also received similar let- ters. -Daily Illini NoticesI President and Mrs. Ruthven will bet at home to members of the facultyr and other townspeople this after-~ noon from 4 o 6 o'clock. Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students Wednesday afternoon from 4 to 61 o'clock. To All Faculty and Staff Members: Those who have not yet signed up forl group hospitalization under the plan of the Michigan Society for Group Hospitalization may do so between now and the close of business ont Tuesday, Dec. 5. Thereafter there, will be a 60-day waiting period so, that anyone who wishes to enter the plan will not be allowed to do so until Feb. 5, 1940. Enrollment cards and. information may be obtained either at the respective Deans' Offices or the Business Office. Shirley W. Smith. Notice to all Members of the Uni- versity: The following is an extract of a by-law of the Regents (Chapter II-B, Sections 8 and 9) which has been in effect since September, 1926: "It will hereafter be regarded as contrary to University policy for any- one to have in his or her possession any key to University buildings or parts of buildings if such key is not stamped as provided (i.e. by the Buildings and Grounds Department). If such unauthorized keys are found the case shall be referred to the Dean or other proper head of the University division involved for his action in accordance with this prin- ciple. Any watchman or other proper representative of the Buildings and Grounds Department, or any Dean, department head or other proper University official shall have the right to inspect keys believed to open University 'buildings, at any reason- able time or place. "-For any individual to order, have made, or permit to be ordered or made, any duplicate of his or her University key, through unauthorized channels, must be regarded as a spe- cial and willful disregard of the safe- ty of University property." These regulations are called to the attention of all concerned, for their information and guidance. Any per- son having any key or keys to Univer- sity buildings, doors, or other locks, contrary to the provisions recited above, should promptly surrender the same to the Key Clerk at the-office of the Department of Buildings and Grounds. SHIRLEY W. SMITH Any member of the University staff who may have purchased 1940 license plates, may, if eligible to receive park- ing permits, obtain them at the In- formation Desk in the Business Of- fice. The University Council's Com- mittee on Parking urgently requests that the plates be attached as soon as possible and that both plates be used, front and rear. Herbert G. Watkins, AssistantGSecretary. Faculty, College of Engineering: There will be a meeting cf she Facul- ty on Monday, Dec. 4, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 348, West Engineering Bldg. Agenda: Recommendations from the Standing Committee (a) Naval ROTC. (b) Limitation of Provisional Admission; Evaluation of Faculty Services; general business. To The Members of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The third regular meeting of the Faculty of the Col- lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts for the academic session of 1939-1940 will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall, Dec. 4, at 4:10 p.m. The reports of the several com- mittees, instead of being read orally at the meeting, have been prepared in advance and are included with this call to the meeting. They should be retained in your files as part of the minutes of the December meet- ing. Edward H. Kraus. Agenda- 1. Consideration of the minutes of the meeting of Nov. 6, 1939 which have been distributed by campus mail. 2. Consideration of the reports sub- mitted with this call to the meet- ing: a. Executive Committee, prepared by Professor W. G. Rice. b. Executive Board of the Gradu- ate School, prepared by Professor A. E. R. Boak. c. During the past month there has been no meeting of the Univer- sity Council, Senate Admisory Com- mittee on University Affairs, nor Deans' Conference. 3. European Books and Periodicals -Dr. W. W. Bishop. 4. Freshman Tests of Scholastic Aptitud--Professor P. S. Dwyer, 5. New business. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SUNDAY, DEC. 3, 1939 VOL. L. No. 60 ed. If the meeting is open to others than members, this may be stated. Notices should be presented to the Editor of the Bulletin in this form. Users of the Bulletin are reminded that the Bulletin is intended only for notices in the strict meaning of that term, and that neither news nor ad- vertising matter can be included in the column. Student Loan Committee meeting in Room 2, University Hall, at 2 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 5. All applications to be considered fpr the meeting must be filed in Room 2 before Monday noon, Dec. 4, and appointments made with the Committee. Seniors: College of L.S. and A., School of Education, School of For- estry and Conservation, and School of Music: Tentative list of seniors have been posted on the bulletin board in Room 4, U. Hall. If your name does not ap- pear, or, if included there, it is not correctly spelled, please notify the counter clerk. The New York State EpiAloyment Service has asked us for applicants or counselors, nurses, physicians, and ietitians, for the summer of 1940. here will be a meeting for all those nterested at 12:45 p.m. Monday, Dec. at 205 Mason Hall. Dr. Purdom ill discuss the qualifications re- quired. There are three definite spe- ifications for camp counselors: 21 ears of age or over, at least 2 years f college training, and at least one eason of successful work as a camp counselor. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Informa- tion. 1940 Mechanical Engineers and Graduates: Monday, Dec. 4, is the deadline for turning in your 4x6 glossy print. 1940 Mechanical Engineers and Graduates: Mr. F. L. Pierce of the American Machine and Foundry Co., Brooklyn, N.Y., will outline the op- portunities with this company at 7 o'clock, Wednesday evening, Dec. 6, in Room 348 West Engineering, after which appointments will be given for interviews on the following day. Choral Union Members in good standing will be issued tickets for the Jussi Bjoerling concert Monday, Dec. 4, between the hours of 9 and 12, and 1 and 4, at the office of the School of Music on Maynard Street. Members are required to call in per- son, and are reminded that no tickets will be given out after 4 o'clock. Commander A. D. Brown, USN, will lecture on "The Navy Afloat" at the third U.S. Naval Reserve Lecture to be held Tuesday, Dec. 5, in Room 336 West Engineering Building at 4 p.m. Concerts Choral Union Concert: Jussi Boer- ling, Swedish tenor with Harry Ebert, accompanist, will give the fifth pro- gram in the Choral Union Concert Series, Monday, Dec. 4, at 8:30 p.m., in Hill Auditorium. StudentuRecital: Students of Wil- liam H. Stubbins, instructor in wood- wind instruments in the School of Music, will appear in recital Tues- day evening, Dec. 5, at 8:15 o'clock, in the School of Music Auditorium on Maynard St. The general public is invited. Exhibitions Paintings by William Gropper and prints by the Associated American Artists shown insWest Gallery, Al- umni Memorial Hall, daily, 2-5, until Dec. 15. Auspices of Ann Arbor Art Association. Exhibitions, College of Architecture and Design: Student work of member colleges of the Association of Colle- giate Schools of Architecture. Dec. 1 to 9. Photographs of tools, processes, and products representative of the Department of Industrial Design at Pratt Institute. Dec. 1 through 14. Open daily, except Sunday, 9 to 5, in Third Floor Exhibition Room, Architectural Building. Open to the public. The Ann Arbor Camera Clubs Third Annual Exhibit of photog- raphy is being held in the Exhibit Galleries on the Mezzanine floor of the Rackham Building. Open daily, except Sunday, from 2 to 10 p.m. un- til Dec., 9. Ledures University Lecture: Frank A. Waugh, Professor Emerius of Hor- ticulture and Landscape Gardening of Massachusetts State College, will lecture on "Humanity Out of Doors," under the auspices of the School of Forestry, at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 7, in the Rackham Amphithe- atre. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. Martin P. Nilsson, Professor of Classical Ar- nhnn-rrr oA nno f. i -, ,va