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December 02, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-12-02

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SATURDAY, DEC. 2, 1939



Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
a University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rightsof republication of all other matters hereinalso
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
*4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40

Carl Petersen
Elliott Maraniss
Stan M. Swinton
Morton L. Linder
Norman A. Schorr .
Dennis Flanagan
John N. Canavan
Ann Vicar . .
Mel Fineberg . .


Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. City Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
Associate Editor
*Women's Editor
. Sports Editor
* Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
. Jane Mowers
. Harriet S. Levy

Business Staff
Business Manager
Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager
Women's Business Manager .
Women's Advertising Manager
Publications Manager

TODAY's column was to be about the teach-
ing of English, but since Thursday a new
war has begun and there are more important
things to be discussed.
The first incendiary bomb that fell on Hel-
singfors smashed the last vestiges of support
which the Soviet Union enjoyed in the United
States. Without going into the ramifications o
the Russo-Finnish war, we can at least draw
two conclusions: first, that no one but an en-
rolled Communist would even want to try to
explain how Russia is made secure or how
socialism is advanced by the ruthless bombard-
ment of civilian populations; second, that the
Russian invasion gives us the most graphic
demonstration that any hope which we may
have for the future of mankind lies now not
in the British Empire, not in France, not in
the Soviet Union, but in the United .States.
If we are going to look at Europe, throw up
our hands and sigh, This is the way the world
ends, then most certainly this is the way the
world will end. But if we sit down and see what
can be done here at home, then maybe we've
got a fighting chance.
THE GREATEST problem is of course the
war. Once this country is drawn into war,
the energies of the entire civilized world will
be systematically exploited to the end of de-
stroying, not Hitlerism, but civilization itself.
On no account must we allow ourselves to be
used by the British and American imperialists
for the ostensible purpose of smashing that hate-
ful political organism which those imperialists
themselves helped to create and support. Obvi-
ously it is not German propaganda, or Russian
propaganda, which is trying to make a parti-
san of the United States-At is British propa-
OUR second problem is that of civil liberties.
We simply have to face the fact that either
we are going to allow anybody in this country
to get up and speak his piece or we are going
to go the way of France. In France they started
out by outlawing the Communists; yesterday
Daladier was given /complete dictatorial powers
after his speech in which he "paid tribute to
. . . Premier Mussolini and Generalissimo
Franco." Suppression of the Communists means
suppression of the Socialists. Suppression of
the Socialists means suppression of the liberals.
Suppression of the liberals means fascism. The
Communists have signed their own death war-
rant, as far as winning the support of the
American people is concerned, by their defense
of the Russian invasion. Anyone who, follow-
ing in the footsteps of Martin Dies, says that
he wants to save American democracy by sup-
pressing the reds, is simply not being honest.
Nor is Mr. John O'Hara being honest either
when he says "I want to see America a socialist
state." Mr. O'Hara has a short memory, or
possibly he thinks that Gulliver's memory is
not long enough to recall the O'Hara letters of
1938 to The Daily-letters in which he de-
nounced the Spanish government for defending
itself against the murderous attacks of Musso-
lini's legions. Maybe we are going to be told
next that Franco is a socialist too. In any
event, Gulliver is not going to trouble to answer
any further attacks which Mr. O'Hara may
address to The Daily.
THE THIRD problem which we face is that of
reordering our economy with two main ob-
jectives in mind; first, removing the basic drives
toward war which are present in every capitalist
economy, and second, extending democracy into
the realms of industry and agriculture, so that
the United States will once again attain that
preeminent position which it held 150 years
ago-the hope of the world.
For the United States is the hope of th
world. And if we capitulate in any way, if we

. .,,.
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most wars, international law
has been torn to shreds;
neutrals and innocents have
suffered, and the contending
leaders have accused each
other of all the crimes which
can be imagined.
I am not neutral, and I
have my own opinion as to
the accusations which come
closely home. And yet, in

Iim ken cMe
Heywood Broun
The most curious fact in the present war is the
circumstance that up till now the bitterness has
been more localized than is customary. As in

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
And It Is
A Good Cause . .
S ONE SALESMAN put it, "It's got
to be a good cause to keep me out
here in the rain getting money from the stu-
dents." The cause referred to is the annual
Galens Christmas Drive and is undoubtedly a
worthy one.
There have been many articles written in the
news columns of The Daily abot this drive
which uses the money for the benefit of the
crippled children in the University Hospital;
there have been stories about the Soph Cabaret
which has this year been turned into, a benefit
for the crippled children in this area who need
hospital care, but who can't get it. These
stories emphasize graphically the importance of
the situation. They tell the story that the
crippled children are in dire need of aid.
Galens is only one of the organizations which
is doing its bit to help these ','kids". The material
on the back of the tags tells the story: "This
fund maintains the Children's Workshop, the
Children's Library and provides for an annual
Christmas party. Each year several hundred
kiddies are busied during their stay in the Hos-
pital and thus their minds are diverted from
their bodily afflictions. Your support has made
these projects possible."
The continued support of the entire campus
and town will insure continuance of the fine
work. More than ever this year, because of a
reduced Hospital budget, Galens needs money.
Today is the final day of the drive. When you
see some of the members of Galens who are
giving their time, drop some money in the
bucket and wear a green tag signifying that you
have helped the "kids."
-Bernard Dober
Freedom Of The Screen
Just as they will undoubtedly regret its sen-
sational title, adherents of the democratic ideal
will be encouraged to learn that "Beasts of
Berlin" has been freed for showing by the
New York State Board of Censors. Censorship
assumes widespread and authoritarian propor-
tions in time of crisis. Thus, Abel Gance's
tragic anti-war plea, "That They May Live,"
is banned in France. Thus, Canada is reported
to have forbidden the showing of newsreels in
which American neutrality is advocated or
which show German generals of the last war.
Thus, New Zealand has "requested" Warner
Brothers to withdraw "Dawn Patrol," which
concerns the British air force in the last war.
But the United States is not at war. There
is, therefore, no excuse for abrogating the rights
of the American public to hear and-in the
cinema's case-to see all shades of public opin-
ion. To offset those films which may have a
negative and destructive tendency, there will
continue to be pictures like "That They May
Live," "We Are Not Alone," Chaplin's unnamed
lampoon of dictatorships, and "Beasts of Ber-
lin." Surely the best censorship is an informed
and discriminating public-a public which, for
example, can recognize that "Beasts of Berlin"
Is an unfortunately sensational title while yet
realizing the possible worth of the film to which
such a title may be attached.
-The Christian Science Monitor

spite of the true bill which can be drawn against
Hitler, the hatred of the individual English-
man against the individual German, and vice
versa, is far less than in the war of 1914. That
is perhaps the one hopeful symptom in the
present disorder of the earth. And gravely do
I fear that it wil not long obtain.
Sooner or later, if the war continues, the
bombers will move all men to become sons of
Cain, and even between civilian populations,
which have no proper quarrel, all shred of
fellowship will be gone. Action for peace should
come before the day when rage has blotted
out every civilized instinct all along the line.
There ought to be a breathing spell, and I
suggest that the dates on which a, tacit armis-
tice might be observed by common consent
could well be Dec. 24 and Dec. 25.
* * *
If pressure came from all neutral executives
and from religious leaders of all faiths it might
be possible to have Christmas and Christmas
Eve observed on land and sea and in the air.
A majority of the men who fight profess to fol-
low the counsels of the Prince of Peace. The
war will not be won or lost in any 48 hours, and
so I think a gesture should be made to keep
in part, an actual fidelity to a faith which so
many millions profess.
On the night before Christmas no city or
town in any of the contending nations ought
to be blackened out into sullen darkness. Upon
that night in England, in France and in Ger-
many candles should blaze and churches stand
wide open for worshipers. Here is something
which is held in common by men and nations
which differ so violently in all other things that
daggers have been drawn. But no matter what
the loyalty of the soldier may be to dictator,
president or premier, he owes a higher allegiance
upon the night of Nativity.
So why should there not be recognition of a
joint commitment to a creed by which the many
live and die? Nor am I suggesting this as a
mere fruitless and sentimental truce. If two
days passed in which no shot was fired and no
torpedo or bomb loosed, there might be a return
to sanity. Once a gun has been put down it is
hard even for the angry to raise it up again.
permit ourselves to be lured into war, if we
permit our civil liberties to be stolen from us
at this critical period, then we will have con-
demned not only ourselves, but Europe also, to
THE TASK which faces us is extraordinary.
Nowhere in the world has the problem been
critically met and satisfactorily solved-trans-
forming the economy, socializing it, and at the
same time retaining political democracy. Today,
apparently, Franklin Roosevelt has given up
the job; he has capitulated to the war party and
he is going to scuttle his entire security program
in order to build up a war economy. Which
means that for all practical purposes we will
have to start all over again.
But we must start, and we must succeed. We
will be labelled Fascists by those who will want
us to die fighting Hitlerism, and we will be
labelled Communists by those who will oppose
our efforts to rebuild America. But it's our
only chance.

Drew Pearson
and P
Robert S.AI en
WASHINGTON-There is an ex-
cellent reason why the U.S. Navy
has been so secretive regarding the
German magnetic mines which have
been causing such disaster to Allied
shipping. Probably it will be de-
nied, but the real fact is that the
Navy has been experimenting with
this type of mine itself.
Behind the scenes, the British have
known the exact make-up of the
German mines for some time. So
also have our own experts.
The first German magnetic mine
was found washed up on the coast
of Norway, several weeks before the
Germans began their campaign in
the English Channel. Apparently,
the Germans at that time were ex-
perimenting with the mine in Nor-
wegian waters.
The British, however, didn't pay
much attention to the new mine.
So when the Nazis began their cam-
paign in earnest, Allied shipping
was caught completely off base.
Since then, more mines have been
washed up off the English coast,
and have been taken to pieces by
the British.
The principle on which the mine
works is a magnetic compass. The
needle of the compass points norm-
ally north. But when a large body
of steel passes nearby, the needle
is deflected from the north, and
this swerving of the needle ignites
the high explosive inside the mine.
The mine lies at the bottom of
the sea and does not rise to the top.
Therefore, it is effective only in
shallow water. But even 30 or 40
feet from the hull of a ship, its ex-
plosion can be just as deadly as if
it actually struck the ship itself.
Subs Explode Too
Because the mines are effective
only in relatively shallow water, they
have been concentrated in and
around the English Channel. They
would be valueless if strewn around
the deep Atlantic.
One important effect which they
have had on German warfare is to
force all Nazi submarines out of con-
trol waters. Submarines explode the
mines just as easily as merchant
vessels, in fact more easily. So the
Germans have to keep their U-boats
in the deep Atlantic or at home.
Reports from the British navy re-
ceived in official quarters are that
the British now have the mine terror
licked. The British solution is to
tow a large piece of iron behind a
wooden boat. The wooden boat does
not set off the magnetic mine, but
the iron which follows in its wake,
At present the British have aban-
doned the old fashioned mine sweep-
er, and are literally combing the seas
around the English Channel. They
may be too optimistic, but they think
that in another week or even less,
Germany's magnetic mines will be
all exploded.
Meanwhile the British air corps is
extra diligent to prevent Nazi planes
from dropping more mines around
the English Channel. They are not
entirely sure, but they believe most
of the mines were dropped from the
air, unless some were planted by
disguised Nazi wooden vessels.
Scene in Mrs. Roosevelt's New
York apartment about two weeks
ago: Enter Miss Thompson, the First
Lady's secretary.
Miss Thompson: "Well, at last

I've found out when Thanksgiving
Mrs. Roosevelt: "When is it?"
Miss Thompson: "It's on the 23rd.
At least that's the day your news-
paper syndicate is celebrating it.'
NOTE: Mrs. Roosevelt had beer
anxious to find out which day her
syndicate was celebrating, as it was
necessary for her .to write two col-
umns on the day before Thanksgiv-
ing, so the syndicate staff could take
a full holiday off.
Capital Chaff
Keep an eye on Rear Admiral
James Otto Richardson. He iE
scheduled to command the United
States Fleet upon the retirement
of Admiral Bloch next year . .
Washington circles find it hard tc
believe that Senator and Mrs. Ger-
ald P. Nye have agreed to disagree.
The Senator has maintained a separ.
ate residence since late spring, ant
friends insist there seems to be nc
prospect of reconciliation. The Sen-
ator has been in the Far West one
speaking tour since Congress ad-
journed and the family has beer
living at 3802 Gramercy where th
Nyes have resided for nearly fifteer
years . . . The British censors hav
not let it out, but the British ad-
mirals never appointed a board o:
inquiry to examine the reasons foi
the sinking of the Royal Oak. The:
knew that any such inquiry woulb
reveal that they had taken no pre-
cautions to prevent submarines fron
P rin ScannaFl now .Ordinarilv


(Continued from Page 2)
Atomic Theory" by Dr. R. K. Mc-
Discussion and demonstration of
"Electron Diffraction Equipment" by
Dr. L. O. Brockway.
Lunch at the Cafeteria, Michigan
League, at 12:30 p.m. Afternoon
Session, 1:30 ,in East Conference
Room, third floor Rackham Building.
Symposium on "Chemical Com-
pounds and Chemical Reactions." The
meetings are open to all who wish
to attend.
Sophomores, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Elections for
the second semester are now being
approved by the Academic Coun-
selors. You will be notified by post-
card to see your Counsellor, and it
will be to your decided advantage to
reply to this summons promptly. By
so doing, you will be able to discuss
your program carefully with your
Counselor and avoid the rush and
confusion at the end of the semester.
Remember that there will be no op-
portunity for you to see your Coun-
selor during the final examination
The New York State Employment
Srvice has asked us for applicants
for counselors, nurses, physicians, and
dietitians, for the summer of 1940.
There will be a meeting for all those
iterested at 12:45 p.m. Monday, Dec.
4, at 205 Mason Hall. Dr. Purdom
w'ill discuss the qualifications re-
quired. There, are three definite spe-
ifications for camp counselors: 21
years of age or over, at least 2 years
of college training, and at least one
season of successful work as a camp
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Informa-
Pulitzer Prize Play: Students in
English courses may procure tickets
for "Abe Lincoln In Illinois" at 3223
A.H. on Saturday morning 9-10. No
buses will be run. Students who have
bought bus tickets should return them
to 3223 A.H. for refund.
Dr. Leonard A. Parr will resume his
Fortnightly Book Lecture Series Mon-
day, Dec. 4, at 3:30 in the Congrega-
gational Church assembly room.
These lectures are open to the public.
1940 Mechanical Engineers and
Graduates: Monday, Dec. 4, is the
deadline for turning in your 4x6
glossy print.4 -'
Choral Union Members in good
standing will be issued tickets for the
Jussi Bjoerling concert Monday, Dec.
4, between the hours of 9 and 12,
and 1 and 4, at the office of the
School of Music on Maynard Street.
Members are required to call in per-
son, and are reminded that no tickets
will be given out after 4 o'clock.
Phi Gamma Delta has been placed
on Social Probation for a period of
eight weeks for initiating four men
without permission of the Dean of
Students. The action was taken by
the Executive Committee of the In-
terfraternity Council.
Choral Union Concert: Jussi Bjoer-
ling, Swedish tenor with Harry Ebert
accompanist, will give the fifth pro-
gram in the Choral Union Concert
Series, Monday, Dec. 4, at 8:30 p.m.
in Hill Auditorium

formal banquet will be held tonight
from 6 to 9:30 in the Henderson Rdom
of the Michigan League.
Women Students: A short organiza-
tion meeting will be held at the Wom-
en's Athletic Building today at 2
p.m. for all women students interest-
ed in winter sports (skiing, ice skating
and tobogganing). Bring your ice
skates if you would like to skate at
the Coliseum afterwards.
Graduate Dance will be held this
evening from 9-12 p.m. in the
Assembly Hall of the Rackham
Building. Those attending should
come unescourted. These dances will
be open to graduate students and fac-
ulty, and identification cards must be
presented (Small charge). Refresh-
Hillel Fall Dance: All members at-
tending the annual fal dance to be
held at the Michigan League tonight
are requested to bring their affiliate
membership cards and identification
Coming Events
President and Mrs. Ruthven will be
at home to members of the faculty
and other townspeople Sunday after-
noon from 4 to 6 o'clock.
Junior Research Club meeting
Tuesday, Dec. 5, at 7:30 p.m. in the
amphitheatre, third floor, of the Hor-
ace H. Rackham School of Gradu-
ate Studies. Program: C. A. Brass-
field, Asst. Prof. of Physiology: "The
Application of the Glass Electrode in
PH Determinations in Biological
Pluids," and J. S. Koehler, Dept. of
Physics: "Methods and Problems in
Infra-red Molecular Spectra."
German Table for Faculty Members:
The regular luncheon meeting will be
held on Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the
Founders' Room of the Michigan
Union. All faculty members interest-
ed in speaking German are cordially
invited. There vill be a brief inform-
al talk by Prof. Helmut Callis on,
"Erfahrungen in Genf 1938 und
Eta Kappa Nu: Formal Initiation
and Banquet will take place in the
Michigan Union, Sunday, Dec. 3, at
6 p.m.
International Center: Prof. Martha
Colby, who has an interesting col-
lection of musical records, will speak
on Oriental Music, illustrating her
talk with her own records on Sunday
at 7 p.m.
The film announced for Monday
has been changed. Mr. Benz will show
his African pictures at a later date.
Sound reels on the Recreational Fa-
ciltiles of our National Parks will be
Women's Hour on Wednesday, Dec.
6, at 4 p.m. A specialist will speak
f on "Interior Decorating." All foreign
women, wives of foreign students,
P and any of their friends interested
are invited to this special tea hour.
The Michigan Christian Fellowship
meets regularly at 4:30 p.m. Sunday
afternoon in the Fireplace Room of
Lane Hall.
The Lutheran Student Club will
meet Sunday at 5:30. Fellowship
hour from 5:30 until 6 when dinner
will be served. Professor James K.
Pollack of the Political Science de-
partment will speak on the present
situation in Europe.
Tap Dancing Committee for Sopho-
more Cabaret meeting at 4:30 p.m.
Monday, in the League.



Paintings by
prints by the
Artists shown

William Gropper and
Associated American
in West Gallery, Al-


Mr. McKelvey's Dilemma
The second offering of the current season of
the Children's Theatre of Ann Arbor, "Thanks-
giving at Buckram's Corners" by Richard Mc-
Kelvey opened yesterday afternoon at Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre. Mr. McKelvey is also
the director of the Theatre. The play will close
with two performances today.
It is the impiobable story of what happens
when two city gangsters kidnap the proprietor
of the store at Buckram's Corners and is con-
cerned principally with his rescue by the Buck-
ram's Corners chapter of the Lone Rangers.
I use "improbable" advisedly. A gentleman
named Peter who sat beside me, and who was
in a very receptive frame of mind when the
curtain went up, considered the whole thing
very unlikely.
There is little doubt in the minds of those
who have followed the Children's Theatre in
the past few years that its work has been pretty
consistently worthwhile and excellent but the
current offering gives rise to at least one ques-
tion that must be answered if it is to continue
with such work. One can, I think, legitimately
ask if there is not a type of juvenile drama that
can hold the minds of youngsters without sink-
ing to the level of the late afternoon radio serial.
Tf "Thanksgiving atB uckrnm's Corners" is

has provided an answer for many but it is cer-
tainly not the only answer. Such a theatre
must, necessarily, concern itself with the simpler
patterns and values of the life that it mirrors,
but even the very youngest patron can demand
that the stage be peopled with real persons do-
ing real things.
It must allow scope for the spontaneous sense
of mimicry of even the most backward ten year
old but it must scale down every one of the
demands that the theatre makes upon the adult
actor to a size that the juvenile actor can easily
handle. There is really no such thing as a bad
child actor if he is allowed to be natural. The
child actor in the professional theatre can, by
conscious training, be brought to understand
the essential nature of artifice but the amateur
will become stilted and unnatural when weighted
down by highly plotted and, to him, incompre-
hensible matter. In the first act of this play
the younger members of the cast far surpassed
their older fellows but in the second act, which
Mr. McKelvey seemed to be writing with the
stage of the Metropolitan in mind, and which
seemed to be motivated variously by nine younger
cohorts of deus ex machina and a desire to point
the obvious moral, the acting was stiff and
stagey. The children's playwright must write
simple drama but "crude" is not a good syno-
nym for "simple."
Mr. McKelvey, the playwright could learn

umni Memorial Hall, daily, 2-5, until
Dec. 15. Auspices of Ann Arbor Art
Wild Land Utilization: Dr. Frank A.
Waugh, Professor Emeritus of Land-
scape Architecture, Massachusetts
State College, will give the following
talks in the amphitheatre of the Rack-
ham Building at the times indicated:
Dec. 4, 11 a.m., "Basic elements in
the study of wild lands: Land forms-
Dec. 5, 11 a.m., "Basic elements
continued-the forest and its ecol-
Dec. 6, 11 a.m., "Lines of approach
to an uhderstanding of natural ele-
ments in wild lands."
Dec. 8, 9 a.m., "Administrative
problems to be considered in the
management of wild lands for hu-
man use."
These talks are intended primarily
for students in the School of Forestry
and Conservation, who are expected
to attend, but all others interested are
also cordially invited.
Rabbi James G. Heller, of Cincin-
nati, will speak on the subject: "Can
Religion Be Saved in the World To-
day?" at the Rackham Lecture Hall,
Sunday, Dec. 3, 8:15 ,p.m., under the
auspices of the Student Religious As-
sociation and Hillel Foundation.
',r-3rnf ng -s n

Ticket Committee (Peggy Polum-
baum's division) of the Sophomore
Cabaret meeting at 4:30, Monday.
Finance Committee of Sophomore
Cabaret meeting at 4:15 p.m. Monday.
Tryouts for the third Children's
Theatre Production, "Dick Whitting-
ton and His Cat," from 3 to 5 p.m.
Monday and Tuesday in the rehearsal
room of the League.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Sunday, 8 a.m. Holy Communion; 11
a.m. Holy Communion and Address
by the Rev. Henry Tatlock, D.D., rec-
tor emeritus of St. Andrew's Church;
11 a.m. Junior Church; 11 a.m. Kin-
dergarten, Harris Hall; 7 p.m. Stu-
dent meeting in Harris Hall. Profes-
sor Leroy Waterman will speak on
the topic, "About the Prophets" which
is the fifth and last of our Speaker-
Discussion meetings on the Old
Testament section of the series on
Foundations of our Religion. Next
week, special Christmas celebration.
First Congregational Church: 10:45
a.m. Public worship. Dr. Parr, "A
Two-Fold Appeal." 6 p.m. Stpdent
Vn- zln T rn1 FT

Tap and Ballet, Dance Groups
Sophomore Cabaret meeting at
p.m. Monday, in the League.


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