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December 01, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-12-01

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+ MUSic

1{N4P' IESI em G OrslfM2VEw A r-mf.M5warM NdM A oE ...'.w.
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
tights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.'
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40

Carl Petersen
Elliott Maraniss
Stan M. Swinton
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Dennis Flanagan
John N. Canavan
Ann Vicary
Mel Flneberg

Editorial Stafff
Business Staff

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Editorial Director
. City Editor
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. Associate Editor
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. Women's Editor
. Sports Editor
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. Harriet S. Levy

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The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers

GOP Warned
Of Social Disregard.


F IT WERE merely a political move
--a political promise never intended
to be carried out-we wouldn't mind so much.
But it seems that the National Grange which
held its annual meeting recently in Peoria, Ill.,
Js really serious in its demand that the New
Deal reciprocal-trade-agreement program be
Of course the Grange is Republican in out-
look and might be expected to oppose anything
Rooseveltian in order to make political capital.
The announcement, however, comes as the crux
of a long "educational" campaign to convince
Grange members that the trade agreements have
;favored industry at the expense of the farmer.
It is evidently a promise to themselves whiff.
the Republicans aim to keep.
They will have their chance soon, since the
statute which gives the Hull agreement legal
status will expire next June unless Congress re-
news its lease. It is certain now that the Grange
'will throw all the weight of its strong lobby.
against the renewal, in order, it says, "to remove
foreign trade from politics."
It seems that this is blind destruction based
,not on any plausible program of reform, bub
simply on political animosity.
Take, for instance, the program with which
the Grange would replace Secretary Hull's net-
work of agreements. It proposes the establish-
mnent of a "nonpartisan" board representing
both producer and consumer interests to regu-
late and promote the "advantageous exchange"
of goods. Does it take a strong imagination to
see that this is a natural set-up for the lobby-
ists, for political log-rolling reminiscent of the
Hawley-Smoot tariff atrocity fostered by the
Republicans in 1930?
All the Republicans are offering as replace-
ment for a plan that, despite inevitable 'flaws,
has proved at least fairly successful, and for
a man whose calm sagacity has lent confidence
in troublous times, is a return to 1930 economic
The Republicans have a very cogent and pow-
erful argument in their advocacy of a more
stable, less experimentive government than the
New Deal has afforded. The New Deal provided
action when the nation desired action; it may
very well be that America now wants stability.
But what ultimate advantage can the Republi-
cans gain by destroying programs, whatever
party established them, in which Americans now
have confidence? Can we take the attacks on
Civil Service in Michigan and elsewhere, the
slashing of school of health expenditures by
Republican legislatures, the fostering of a return
to Hawley-Smootism, as criteria of the real
definition of Republican "stability?"
With those of us who deplore the follow-your-
nose tactics of politics, it is not so much our
leanings toward any one party that causes us
to express our opposition to such measures as
the Republicans are now supporting; what dis-
turbs us more is the callous destruction of re-.
forms which have been established and accept-
ed, and which we believe America needs.
If the Republicans evolve more feasible pro-
grams than the reciprocal trade agreements or
the Wages and Hours Law or the Security Act,
we will support them. But to destroy the New
Deal measures because of political animosit
and with no intention of replacing them will
be far more than a slap at the rmocrats. It
...ll hn a r .n tl ...ll ,n -t - c .sn nt, .,.

(Author's Note: This is the second in a series of
short articles on the condition of music in belliger-
ent nations. The first concerned music in England.
The present article concerns music in France. The
material is taken mostly from various recent issues
of The New York Times.)
IT WAS inevitable that at the beginning of
the conflict musical activities in France were
to diminish and contract. Even before the war
numerous changes were taking place. The
French Summer resorts, which offer programsj
of symphony and opera, had to halt their sea-
sons directly. In Biarritz, Artur Rubenstein was
scheduled to appear as soloist with orchestra;
the day before the concert a dozen members of
the ensemble were mobilized; another batch was
called to the colors the day of the performance;
it was impossible to obtain substitutes. In Vichy,
the opera company's ranks were thinned out by
the daily calls to the colors. In one day fifteen
orchestral players and a group of choristers
were mobilized, and the show could not go on.
Serious Problem
This is serious business to the continental
European whose opera houses are more numer-
ous than his libraries. It is far more a problem
than it would be in the United States where we
open and close our music halls with every change
of weather. The Frenchman is sensitive also to
the works performed in his opera houses and
is therefore strongly affected musically by na-
tional antagonisms. That is why, at the start,
performances of German opera such as "Lohen-
grin" were banned, particularly when sung by
German artists.
ALMOST a week before the war started pro-
vincial performances were at a standstill.
SEE IT # *
Challenge To Gulliver
To the Editor:
Young Gulliver in answer to my letter to him
concerning Communism retreated to the low
level of sarcasm to defeat its purpose. In n,
part did I say, nor did I intend to say, that we
should deny the democratic rights so generously
given the Communists by our Constitution. What
I said was a statement of fact and not of opin-
ion. Gulliver's answer was wilfully or negli-
gently off point.
Gulliver says that the chief responsibility
that devolves upon us as students is "the main-
tenance of . . . democracy and the preservation
of . . . peace. These ends cannot be achieved
through the denial of civil rights to any minor-
ity, especially a minority which wants to work
for the preservation of peace." Very true, but
it seems to me that Gulliver thinks that the
Communists are not a threat to peace and dem-
ocracy. I think they are and challenge Gulliver
to express his opinion more clearly. As far as
the C.P. is concerned, I agree with them when
they decry low wages, job insecurity, social in-
justice, monopoly interests, the greed of capital-
ism; I want to see America a socialist state, but
not like theirs. Communism is only good in
what it protests against. Its methods and end
are most undemocratic. Russia is their ideal-r-
Russia that has no freedom of thought other
than Communist thought, no freedom of speech
except to talk for Communism, a State "religion,"
athiesm, etc., ad nauseam. They seek to over-
throw our government and set up that kind of
a state; it is nothing more than a Red-Fascist
state. Those statements are easily proved if
Gulliver so wishes.
Maybe Gulliver does agree to that; I'd like
to know then how Gulliver intends to carry out
his duty towards democracy. How does he in
tend to abate that threat. Gulliver will de-
cry Germany's threat and attack on Poland,
Gulliver will decry, and justifiably, anything
Fascist, but why doesn't Gulliver decry Russia's
threat upon us, upon the Baltic states? Gulli-
ver must think they are working for "peace,''
another "piece" of Europe and the Americas.
I agree that we shouldn't suppress the C.P.
but I think it is both The Daily's and Gulliver's
duty to help overcome its hypocritical doc-

trines. Liberty, we must remember, does not
grant license to act against and infringe upon
the civil order and the common good. I believe
Justice Brandeis gave the solution: "To the
courageous, self-reliant men, with confidence
in the power of free and fearless reasoning ap-
plied through the process of popular government,
no danger flowing from speech can be deemed
clear and present, unless the incidence of evil
apprehended is so imminent that it may befall
before there is opportunity for full discussion.
If there be time to expose through discussion
the falsehoods and fallacies, to avert the evil
by the processes of education, the remedy to be
applied is more speech, not enforced silence."
If Communists seek to destroy our democracy
let Gulliver rise to his duty and through his
efforts, seek to overcome their activities. You
know, Gulliver, how they work in this University
through various organizations on campus. Why
don't you seek to expose them on an intellectual
-John O'Hara
Excuse Me
To the Editor:
Some time ago I did something which in the
end seems to have been very foolish. The re-
sults of this act showed in consequent events.
A letter of mine concerning and defaming the
University Health Service was printed in The
T-% ,I- - .P4 . i-..A- Ar ..-'0 r .. - -. 4---,, ......

Foreigners were hurrying to get back home, and
Frenchmen were rushing to the front. But as
Howard Taubman wrote a month and a half ago
"life goes on in combatant countries. Music
there must be, for it has the power to stir and
encourage the minds and hearts of men. Music
will be performed on a restricted basis, but it
will be performed. Its importance is recognized
by national leaders, and an effort is already be-
ing made in France and England to keep per-
formances going as long as possible.
That was written, as I say, a month and a
half ago. Opera is now offered twice a week
at the Opera Comique. It is in advance of the
concerts, though these too have started up.
Small recitals are being offered by artists like
Cortot, Georges Thill (a perennial favorite tenor
of the French public), and Francois Lang, some
of the recitals serving as benefits for the "Asso-
ciation Franco-Americaine pour-les Artistes,"
an organization under the patronage of Albert
Lebrun, the President of the Republic.
Orchestra Concerts Lag
ORCHESTRA concerts, however, have not got-
ten under way as rapidly as in England.
France has placed an enormous force at the
front and few men are available for the large
symphony organizations. But as the govern-
ment is sending many back to civilian life, it is
to be expected the orchestral concerts will soon
commence again. At the moment there is only
one orchestra functioning in Paris, the Societe
des Concerts "at its snug little Conservatoire
Hall in the Bergere quarter under the leader-
ship of the Strasbourger, Charles Muench." It
holds one concert a week, Sunday from 4 to 6,
and one "public rehearsal," Saturday at 10 a.m.
When it is considered that five major concerts
usually took place on Sunday afternoon in
Paris, and that frequently two smaller operatic
productions (those of the Opera and the Opera
Comique) were also given the same day, plus
many other musical events, some idea may be
gotten of the enormous change that has taken
place in the musical life of all France. The re-
turn to normality is difficult, but the important
thing is that a beginning has been made. It is
to be hoped the French public will never during
the course of the war allow its cultural life to
lapse more than necessary. For if there is to
be a final "victory" for either side, it is best that
it be the Victory of those whose heads are clear
and whose emotions have found their catharsis
in something other than premeditated revenge.
Detroit Music Guild
FOR THOSE who are are not acquainted with
the purposes and activities of the Detroit
Music Guild I should like to point out that the
organization is devoted to the public perform-
ance of chamber music and to promote music
student activity in ensemble training and pub-
lic performance. For three years the Guild has
presented composers like Ibert, Hindemith, Jon-'
gen and Dupont along with the classicists. In
addition to the concerts (given at the Detroit
Institute of Arts) the Guild sponsors a series of
membership musicals in the Scarab Club's exhi-
tion hall. Here occur the performances of orig-
inal works of Guild composers and lectures and
discussions. Such authorities as Roy Harris and
Dr. Karl Wecker have addressed the Guild. This
evening at 8:30 at the Institute of Arts the Guild
will present a program of Dittersdorf (Quartet,,
E flat major), Mozart (Quintet, G minor, Koe-
chel 516), and Chausson (Concerto for piano,
violin and string quartet).
C e
Drew Pedrso
RobertS.Aien $
WASHINGTON-Two weeks ago when Ger-
many seemed on the verge of invading Holland
and Belgium, the President and Mrs. Roosevelt
were ready to give sanctuary at Hyde Park to
the three little children of the widower Belgian
King Leopold III.

The offer was made in a personal message
from the President. Furthermore, it still stands
-if the Nazi high command finally decides to
hurl its armies through the low countries.
Intelligence reports are to the effect that the
Germans were all set to strike between Nov. 12
and 15, but that serious differences within the
General Staff postponed the plan. Whether it
has been permanently abandoned is not known,
but most military authorities here doubt it. They
still expect the Germans to attack, and through
Belgium and Holland.
If the two little Belgian princesses and their
young brother, the heir to the throne, do come
to this country, they will be brought over secret-
ly in a specially convoyed ship.
It's a closely guarded secret. but the United
States Lines has a new plan to keep it in the
transatlantic shipping business, despite the Neu-
trality Act.
The company has "informally" sounded out
the Maritime Commission on a proposition
to charter Norwegian ships for the routes over
which it previously operated the nine freighters
for which permission to transfer to the Pana-
manian flag was refused.
own arguments. These are the sole reasons for
the final result and for the act itself. I was not,
at any time, attempting to be radical and some-
. . . . l-_ ..

It Seems To Me
By Hey wood B on.
In the fight against racism ad
all the mounting prejudices concern-
ing creeds and countries I am afraid
that a campaign for tolerance is not
enough. It is a luke-warm world at
best. Fellowship must be founded
on an enthusiasm rather than a nig-
gardly neutrality. Indeed, when a
man says, "I have nothing against-"
and proceeds to name some group,
you nearly always find him coming
up with a "but," and some stinging
generalized indictment.
Pilate himself at the trial made
open declaration, "Ye have brought
this man unto me as one who per-
verteth the people; and behold I,
having examined him, before you,
have found no fault in this man1
touching those things whereof you
accuse him." In other words, Pilate
declared that he had nothing against
Jesus. But this negative attitude
certainly did not lift all responsibil-
ity from the shoulders of the procur-
ator of Judea.
Nothing Against Jesus
The Roman had nothing against
Jesus. but neither did he have the
warmth to take a positive attitude
and save the Son of Man from cruci-
fixion. And cruelty and injustice
will continue among men until we
are ready to make affirmation one
for the other. In the case of anti-
Semitism there is, of course, a utility
in knocking down the slanders and
slurs and false and shabby legends,
but the right of the Jewish people
to their place in the sun in all lands
does not rest only on the fact that
they are guiltless of the accusations
brought against them.
The time has come for non-Jews
to testify out of their hearts, out of
history and out of their own religious
faith that the world stands in debt
to the past and present achievements
of Jewry. One need not be a pro-
found student of civilization to know
that it was the Jews who played the
pioneer part in establishing the foun-
dations of what we know as culture.
Any so-called Christian front against
the Jews is a denial of its own phrase,
since Christianity stemmed out of
Judaism just as the New Testament
out of the Old. In His human na-
ture Jesus was a Jew. The angel who
came to Mary said: "The Lord God
shall give unto him the throne of
His, father David." And so it is pre-
posterous that anyone should pre-
tend to follow the star of Bethlehem
and mock the star of David. The
constellation of Christ was Divinely
ordained, and it can not be set asun-
der by any Coughlanite soapboxer in
Columbus Circle.
Speakers' Hatred
I have listened to the hatred loosed
by speakers in New York's Hyde
Park, and some profess faith which
they deny with every line of their
harangues. They deny the tradition
of the Church and go against the
clear and explicit words of both the
present Pope and his predecessors.
The commitment of the Catholic is
not entirely one of tolerance of thy
neighbor. The command is to love
and understand and cherish. And
for all good Americans regardless of
creed and tradition is like unto that.
Our debt to the foreign born and
their sons and grandsons will never
be paid by any patronizing kind of
mere sufferance. Why should a man
pat himself on the back simply be-
cause he says, "I have nothing
against the Germans, or the Irish,
or the Italians?" Why should he
have anything against any of them?
What have they done to him? The
point is, "What has he got for them?"
If we would take the time to un-
derstand the various peoples of the
world we would come to realize that
every nation has made great contri-

butions to the sum of truth and beau-
ty and happiness. The America
which we know and for which we are
prepared to live and die simply would
not exist if it were not for the im-
migrant. The roads beneath our
feet, the tower over head are part
of their handiwork. You cannot
build a city of brick and mortar and
lime. It requires the sweat and the
soul and the dream of a multitude.
The aspirations of the men and
women from the far corners of the
earth have given the breath of life
to America. Of course, we should
have nothing against them. But let
us go muchtfurther. Let us be alert
to realize that whoever raises the
knife of prejudice against any group
whatsoever stabs with his dagger the
flesh and honor and, indeed, the3
heart of America.
No Time To Learn
Always, or so students are told,
educators are striving to perfect old
methods and discover new methods
and principles of education. Always
or so students are told, this search
has resulted in perfection of educa-
tion technique and progress which
benefit therstudent. Always, or so
students are told, the way to get
the most out of their education is
not just to read the text and parrot
back .the instructor's notes. Notl
that; they must read, read, read out-
side books.
It is not enough that they are of-f
1-n. ri~nr n oi rv r7 .. 1ci n .- A


VOL. L. No. 58 f
FRIDAY, DEC. 1, 1939L
Users of the Daily Official Bulletin:
In order to keep the Bulletin with-
in reasonable limits, it seems advis-
able to restrict notices of meetings tot
the following elements:
Name of organization.
Time and place of meeting.,
Program: Ordinarily the name ofe
speaker and his subject, or briefc
statement of business to be transact-w
ed. If the meeting is open to otherst
than members, this may be stated.t
Notices should be presented to the
Editor of the Bulletin in this form.
Users of the Bulletin are reminded
that the Bulletin is intended only for
notices in the strict meaning of that
term, and that neither news nor ad-
vertising matter can be included in
the column.
To The Members of tjie Faculty of
the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts: The third regular
meeting of the Faculty of the Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the~
Arts for the academic session of
1939-1940 will be held in Room 1025
[Angell Hall, Dec. 4, at 4:10 p.m.
The reports of the several com-
mittees, instead of being read orally
at the meeting, have been prepared
in advance and are included with
this call to the meeting. They should
be retained in your files as part of,
the minutes of the December meet-
Edward H. Kraus.
1. Consideration of the minutes of
the meeting of Nov. 6, 1939 which
have been distributed by campus
2. Consideration of the reports sub-
mitted with this call to the meet-
ing :
a. Executive Committee, prepared
by Professor W. G. Rice.
b. Executive Board of the Gradu-
ate School, prepared by Professor A.
E. R. Boak.
c. During the past month there
has been no meeting of the Univer-
sity Council, Senate Admisory Com-
mittee on University Affairs, nor
Deans' Conference.
3. European Books and Periodicals
-Dr. W. W. Bishop.
4. Freshman Tests of Scholastic
Aptitude-Professor P. 8. Dwyer,
5. New business.
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the Facul-
ty on Monday, Dec. 4, at 4:15 p.m.
in Room 348, West Engineering Bldg.
Agenda: Recommendations from the
Standing Committee (a) Naval
ROTC. (b) Limitation of Provisional
Admission; Evaluation of Faculty
Services; general business.
Faculty, School of Education: The
regular monthly luncheon meeting of
the faculty will be held Monday noon,
Dec. 4, at 12 o'clock noon at the
Michigan Union.
Open House In West Quadrangle:
The Board of Governors of Residence
Halls, the staff, and the residents of
the West Quadrangle of Men's Resi-
dence Halls extend a cordialinvita-.
tion to students, members of the fac-
ulty, and townspeople to attend the
Open House on Thursday, Dec. 7,
from 8 to 11 p.m. The eight build-
ings in the West Quadrangle will be
open for inspection. Guests are
asked to enter through the west gate
of the Quadrangle on Thompson St.
Charles L. Jamison, Acting Chair-
man, Board of Governors of Resi-
dence Halls.
Karl Litzenberg Director of Resi-
dence Halls.
Paul Oberst, Chairman, West
Quadrangle Student Council.
Seniors: College of L.S. and A.,
School of Education, School of For-
estry and Conservation, and School
of Music:

Tentative lists of seniors have been
posted on the bulletin board in Room
4, U. Hall. If your name does not ap-
pear, or, if included there, it is not
correctly spelled, please notify the

filed in Room 2 before Monday noon,
Dec. 4, and appointments made with
the Committee.
Pulitzer Prize Play: Students in
English courses may procure tickets
for "Abe Lincoln In Illinois" at 3223
A.H. on Friday morning 9-12 and
Saturday morning 9-10.
Phi Gamma Delta has been placed.
on Social Probation for a period of
eight weeks for initiating four men
without permission of the Dean of
Students. The action was taken by
the Executive Committee of the In-
terfraternity Council.
Academic Notices
Engineering Mechanics 1 review to-
night from 7 to 9 p.m. in Room 401,
West Engineering Building.
Choral Union Concert: Jussi Bjobr-
ling, Swedish tenor with Harry Ebert,
accompanist, will give the fifth pro-
gram in the Choral Union Concert
Series, Monday, Dec. 4, at 8:30 p.m.,
hi4 Hill Auditorium,
Paintings by William Gropper and
prints by the Associated American
Artists shown in West Gallery, Al-
umni Memorial Hall, daily, 2-5, until
Dec. 15. Auspices of Ann Arbor Art
Rabbi James G. Heller, of Cincin-
nati, will speak on the subject: "Can
Religion Be Saved in the World To-
day?" at the Rackham Lecture Hall,
Sunday, Dec. 3, 8:15 p.m., under the
auspices of the Student Religious As-
sociation and Hillel Foundation.
Today's Events
Tap Dancing Committee for Sopho-
more Cabaret meeting at 4:30 p.m.
today in the League.
Ticket Committee (Florence Gate's
division) of Sophomore Cabaret meet-
ing at 4 p.m. today, in the League.
The Westminster Guild will hold its
emi-formal Christmas Dinner-Dance
at 7 o'clock this evening, at the
church. A few reservations are still
available, and may be made by call-
ing 2-4466.
Stalker Hall: Bible Class at the
Methodist Church tonight at 7:30
o'clock. Dr. Brashares is the leader.
At 9 o'clock there will be a party at
the church.
Newcomers' Section of the Faculty
Women's Club will have a party to-
night in the Assembly Room of the
Rackham Building from 8:30 to 11.
Newcomers and their husbands are
cordially invited.
Michigan D a m e s homemaking
group meeting at 7:30 tonight at the
Washtenaw Gas Co. Those expect-
ing to attend should call Mrs. Mc-
Kee (7437).
The Painting Section of the Faculty,
Women's Club will meet today at 1:30
p.m. at the home of Mrs. Joe Lee
Davis, 206 W. Davis St.
Conservative, Services will be held
at the Hillel Foundation tonight at
7:30 p.m.. Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz will
lead the Fireside Discussion on the
subject "The Nazis Pacify Poland."
A social hour will follow.
Yiddish Class will meet at the Hillel
Foundation this afternoon at 4:30
Coming Events
Freshman Round Table: Mr.'Ken-
neth Morgan, Director of the Student
Religious Association, will continue

the discussion of 'Humanism' which
was begun at last week's meeting, Sat-
urday night at 7:30 in Lane Hall.
Graduate Outing Club will meet
Sunday afternoon. in the Rackham
Building at 2:30. Mr. A. E. Staebler
of the Museum will take the group on
a bird hike. Those wishing to go ice
skating at the University Rink may
form a group for that purpose. Reser-
vations for supper may be made by
signing the sheet on the door of the
Club Room on Friday.
Pi Lambda Theta initiation and for-
mal banquet Saturday, Dec. 2, from
6 to 9:30 p.m. in the Henderson Room
of the Michigan League.
Ballet Dance Committee for Sopho-
more Cabaret meeting at 2:30 p.m.
Sunday, in the League. Attendance
Westminster Guild: "The Making
of Christmas," a program of Christ-
mas musi'c, legend and history, fea-
turing slides of great Christmas
painting, will be presented Sunday,
Dec. 3, at 6:30 p.m. following a buf-
fet supper at 5:30. Students are
urged to attend the program whether
or not they can come for super.

counter clerk.

Sophomore, Junior and Senior
gineers: Mid-semester reports


grades below C are now on file and
open to inspection in the office of the
Assistant Dean, Room 259, West En-
gineering Building.
Sophomores, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Elections for
the second semester are now being
approved by the Academic Coun-
selors. You will be notified by post-'
card to see your Counsellor, and it
will be to your decided advantage to
:eply to this summons promptly. By
So doing, you will be able to discuss'
your program carefully with your
Counselor and avoid the rush and
confusion at the end of the semester.
Remember that there will be no op-
portunity for you to see your Coun-
selor during the final examination1
Faculty members and teachingj
fellows of the College of Literature,t
Qn-an -r the Art.- fn a e enot+

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