,. - - 0 .. THE Mi~TGNi~I TIMRSPT'IYNO 80, 19,19 ........ ................ i THE MICHIGAN DAMLY s r c n "or- .-- -,a' Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except. Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.I Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00;- by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERISING SY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MDisONAVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO -'BOSTON Los ANGELES *-SAN FRANcISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Carl Petersen . . Elliott Maraniss . . Stan M. Swinton. . Morton L. Linder Normn A. Schorr Dennis Flanagan John N. Canavan Ann Vicary . . Mel Fneberg . Staff Managing Editor Editorial Director . City Editor . Associate Editor Associate Editor *Associate Editor *Associate Editor . Women's Editor . Sports Editor - Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko S Jane Mowers *Harriet S. Levy Business Staff Business Manager Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Publications Manager NIGHT EDITOR: ELIZABETH M. SHAW The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Television: An Economic Question Mark . ELEVISION has overcome most of the earlier technical handicaps, but it stands today at a crucial point in its develop- ment: it must yet be shown that television can economically survive. Future costs of television broadcasting, according to present plans, will be borne by selling time to advertisers. The problem which imnediately arises is how high an advertising rate must be charged to cover production costs, and whether the return from the investment will be sufficient to cover the cost for the adver- tiser. Very often, the analogy between radio and television is carried too far. It is true that the problems faced by television are very similar to those confronting radio in the early 1920's, but both the technical limitations and modified ap- peal of television present a more complex prob- iem to the commercial station which must bal- ance advertising incom'e against operating cost. Most decisive of limitations on television as opposed to radio is the limited range of trans- mission. For transmission of pictures by means of radio waves, a wide band of frequencies, several times as wide as the entire radio broad- cast band, is required by each station. To ob- tain such a wide frequency band, television broadcasters utilized the ultra-short wave zones. In these zones, however, a serious technical limitation arises: the range of transmission is limited to the area between the transmitting an- tenna and the horizon. The shorter waves, un- like the longer radio waves, are not reflected from the upper reaches of the atmosphere, but travel straight out into space, thus they have no way of reaching receivers beyond the horizon. Economically, this means that the entire listening and "seeing" audience of the transmit- ter is limited to a comparatively small area, and the advertiser is thus able to contact fewer people. This is a disadvantage which hangs heavily on the shoulders of radio broadcasters, and since technical restrictions also hamper network syndication of broadcasts, national ad- vertisers will not be easily signed up. Counterbalancing these disadvantages, how- ever, are several unique weapons of dissemina- tion offered by television. No longer will the advertiser be limited to colorful descriptions of his product. With the facilities of television, he will 'be able to visually present the merits of his product, and since eye-appeal is much greater than even the most eloquent and colorful de- scription, his resultant sales will be correspond- ingly higher. "One picture is worth a thous- and words," the saying goes. Television transmission, the higher caliber of talent necessary and the limited range of re- ception all entail larger expenditures than radio, but in its unique appeal, television offers a medi- um yet unexplored by the advertiser, and which holds for him untold possibilities. -Karl Kessler. Equipping The Student The eightieth annual report of Cooper Union, and the first under the direction of Dr. Edwin Sharp Burdell, who came to the New York in- stitution from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, announced several changes in per- sonnel and policy. Dr. Burdell lays special THE EDITOR. GETS TOLD To the Editor: "There is no place in a dynamic world such as ours" for the graduate of Stringfellow Barr's St. Johns, where the student spends four clois- tered years studying the works of the greatest minds that civilization has produced. Or so says Mr. Morton L. Linder, in Tuesday's Daily. Did it ever occur to you, Mr. Linder, that it, might be more interesting to read Homer, as Homer wrote it, than to read what Joe Blow, A.M., Ph.D., says about Homer when writing his Doctor's thesis at some American academic factory? Do you really think that Plato, Aris- totle, Cicero, Erasmus, Montaigne, Voltaire, Bacon, Marx, Hegel and Russell (to pick but a few at random from whom the St. John's man will study) knew nothing about "political and social reforms or economics," as you say? Where, Mr. Linder, do you think Santayana and Stra- chey, and Laski, and Veblen, whom .you prefer as "adding variety and interest" received their ideas? Out of the blue, Mr. Linder? You laugh at the classics Mr. Linder. You deride the study of mathematics and Greek and Latin. You seemingly believe that one can understand the present only by reading the books. of the present :and that the past has nothing to reach us. You dismiss Plato, Aris- totle, Justinian, Dostoevski, Hegel and the rest with an impatient wave as being unsuited for a foundation for "this dynamic world" of today. Your "dynamic" world, Mr. Linder, is not so different from the world of your ancestors, even though the mechanic with the monkey wrench has replaced the knight errant as the Chevalier Bayard of the modern world. Presumably, Mr. Linder, your dynamic world of assembly-line- production (both in factory and in university) can best be conquered, if conquer it you must, by a preparation founded on "modern" books, on "up-to-date" methods, on "streamlined" col- legiate education, etc., etc. Mr. Linder, you sound like the self-made Babbitt lecturing to the Winnemac Rotary Club. Down at St. Johns a group of earnest men are trying out something new-and they are trying it out by going back to something very old. They have started from scratch. Rather than read what Oswald Glutz, professor of English at the University of Michigan considers a typi- cal extract from Chaucer, they read Chaucer himself-and they don't stop with the Prologue to the Canterbury Tales, either. Rather than having to wander through the drivel that some little minds have written about some great minds, they have gone back to those great minds themselves. You are in college, Mr. Linder, not to learn all there is to know about this world, this "dynamic" world which you seem to glorify so much. Might you not be here to secure not learning but a foundation for learning, not certainty but a glorification of uncertainty, not "culture," but curiosity-intellectual curiosity, Mr. Linder? And how better can you prepare yourself for the present than by finding out what the greatest minds in the world' history have discovered in the past. The world is not so changed that their lessons cannot still form the foundation for our own knowledge, Mr. Linder. -Charles F. Clarke, '40 Law. Jfeemrre Heywoo d Broul ONE of the most bitter fights in modern Ameri- can politics has left a singularly small num- ber of scars. I refer, of course, to the Supreme Court battle between the President and the Sen- ate. While that struggle was on many things were. said by spokesmen on either side which were so harsh that it seemed as if the op- GULLIVER'S CAVILS By YOUNG GULLIVER GULLIVER wants to recommend the New York Herald Tribune for good light red- ing. What's more, he gives you his personal guarantee that the Tribune of Monday, Nov. 27, has more laughs than a steamer trunk full of old New Yorkers. For today we will concern ourselves solely with page 13 of last Monday's Trib. The out- side columns are filled with Miss Dorothy Thompson's cavilling On The Record. Evident- ly Miss Thompson decided that Monday was a good day to let the war take care of itself, for her column is devoted to an attack on young people. American young people are a bunch of stinkers. They keep crying about the fact that there aren't any jobs for them when everybody knows that there are plenty of jobs. You don't believe it? I quote: "I cannot avoid the con- viction that a large part of the trouble arises from the degradation of standards, from the lack of self-discipline, from the decline of any per- sonal philosophy, and from an inner sterility and depression that cannot be wholly attributed to economic conditions-that may, on the con- trary, be one cause of economic conditions." But that isn't all. "Now, with all the talk of lack of opportunity, the cold fact is that there are more opportunities than there are young people willing to prepare themselves for them. I am not blaming the youth. I am blaming their educations." Miss Thompson should always make it clear that she is a lady, because one of these days somebody is going to forget him- self. NEXT to the Thompson column on page 13 is a screwy article about Father Divine, with the headline: Officials Shun Divine's Feast In Sutton Manor. Swing Music Played, White and Negro Diners Mingle; Boys Raid Father's Candy. The last two paragraphs .go like this: "five of the nine owners were present at the open house-Peaceful John, Martha Light, Har- riet E. Cripe and Virgin Mary, a spinster from New York, and Anne Shanewise, of Chicago . . . The house . . . is tastefully furnished; the walls abound with pictures of Father Divine. "The feast was held at a table so long it pro- jected out of the dining room and nearly blocked the front door, where a cult member greeted all comers with a subdued mutter of "Peace." Father Divine's speaking, applauded worship- fully by all, was marked by an estimate that he had cost the Harlem cosmetic industry $125,000 by advising his female followers to eschew lip- stick and powder." OVER on the other side of the page is a head- line, Realists, Inc., Is Formed To Preserve Democracy. Realists, Inc., which sounds as though it had come straight gout of an H. G. Wells novel, is located at Rockefeller Center, no less, and is going to put out a magazine called "The Realist." The Realists intend to "uncover the real cause of unemployment, depression. poverty, dictators and wars . . ." which would seem to be a large order. But the boys are con- fident, and maybe they've got good reason to be, since none of them has ever been unemployed, depressed, poor, or dictated to. Founders of the Realists include the Messrs. Beinecke, vice- president of Sperry & Hutchinson Co., Bishop, president of -Sterling Products Co., Carnegie, president of General Drug Corp., Curtis, presi- dent of Bridgeport Hardware Manufacturing Corp., and others. BUT the doozy is the story at the top of page 13: Baby Being Coached by Metaphysicians for Immortality. It is illustrated with a nice big picture (suitable for framing) of six months old Jean Gauntt lying on her belly. Miss Gauntt is being raised at Oakdale, Long Island, under the guidance of James B. Schafer, leader of the RoyalFraternity of Master Metphysicians. These spooks, unlike Realists, Inc., are plenty cosmic. The Trib describes them as "a group of seekers of truth." Miss Gauntt is going to live forever, it seems. "She will learn that there are such things as meat and alcoholic beverages and cigarettes, but she also will learn why they are to be avoided as destructive. She will learn that there is such a thing as death, but will be told that it is an unnecessary evil." But even if Baby Jean doesn't last until the 25th cen- tury, she's going to be comfortable for the next few years, because the Metaphysicians are well heeled, even more so than the Realists. They're set up in Peace Haven, "the 110-room mansion built in 1901 by the late W. K. Vanderbilt at a cost of $2,500,000. Its great rooms are opulent- ly furnished, there are tennis courts, a swimming pool, a souash court, saddle horses, archery ranges, a gymnasium and other recreational facilities . . . It is in this atmosphere that baby Jean will grow up. She now has a trained nurse who has had long experience in metaphysics. When she is a little older she will go on a vege- tarian diet." A LITTLE further down on the page is the story of Mrs. Josephine Marino, age 18, mother of two children, who is in Bronx County jail after a $30 holdup. Mrs. Marino, "who has been living on a home-relief allowance for the last 18 months, wept when Magistrate Abeles refused to release her on bail." Her six- week-old son, Benny, will be taken to the jail at regular intervals to be nursed. Evidently Baby Benny is not going to have things as easy as Baby Jean. Next ttime. we will take up page 14, which concerns Prof. Howard Mumford Jones, former- ly of Michigan. c~e A 00 Drew Pearso4 ad -Robert S.AMen WASHINGTON-It is supposed to be a diplomatic secret, but when the British mission was in Moscow, Sta- lin gave them an explanation of why Russia was taking over strategic points in Latvia, Estonia and Fin- land. He explained that Russia feared an eventual attack from Ger- many, therefore was building up a Baltic barrier against such attack. Later, Foreign Minister Molotoff gave the same explanation to the Finns. He pointed out that Russia would be foolish if she did not seize the present moment, with Germany engaged in war, to build up a defense against Hitler. That was why Russia must insist on taking certain key islands from Finland. Whether this explanation is true, only time will tell. But French and British diplomats are extremely skeptical. They think Germany has more to fear from Russia than vice versa. This is particularly true among the British. Censors are not letting it out, but the greatest bugaboo inside the British Cabinet today is the fear, not of German submarines, but of Communism let loose in Germany. What worries British Tories is that starvation in Germany will encour- age Communism, and that Stalin, in- stead of needing a bulwark against Germany, will actually engulf Ger= many. This is why powerful influences in the British Government are working right now for the end of the war through some internal Nazi explo- sion which would get rid of Hitler. No. 2 Nazi. And the man they place confi-' dence in is Field Marshal Hermann Goering, head of the air force, eco- nomic boss of Germany, and No. 2 Nazi. Goering had a lot of contacts with the British before war brokq. Sir Nevile Henderson, British Am- bassador, used to go boar-hunting at Goering's country estate. British bankers were in contact with Goer- ing regarding the billion-pound loan proposal to rehabilitate Germany. And Sir Horace Wilson, right hand of Prime Minister Chamberlain, took several trips to Berlin to talk with Goering. So today, the British are figuring that if Goering were running Ger- many, they could work out a peace which would stick. The Field Mar- shal, they know, has the confidence of the German Army. He is an aris- tocrat, a professional soldier, had a great record as an aviator during the World War; and although the Army is not keen about many of the Nazis around Hitler, it would welcome Goering as its chief. German Army Stock-Rises The British know that any peace in Germany must take into consid- eration the German Army, for it can be, and some diplomats believe al- ready is, more powerful than Hitler. Weighing all these factors, the British appeasement clique in the Cabinet would be willing to negotiate a peace with Goering which would give Germany most of what she wants. She could keep the Polish Corridor and Danzig. Poland would be re- created only as a very small state on the order of Luxemburg. The Bri- tish would even go out of their way to aid Germany with colonies and loans. Such a peace, British Tories believe, would be far better than Ger- man Communism, which might spread to Britain. BUT this would take place only if Hitler were out of the way and Goering, a man they can trust, in power. So Field Marshal Goering- unless he is bumped off by his rivals around Hitler-is the man to watch in Germany today. U~rs. Roosevelt's Dress Scientific-minded curators of the famed Smithsonian Institution are the last persons you would expect to worry about the third term. But they are worried. Furthermore, a woman is at the bottom of it all. The woman is Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt and the third term issue arises because of her dress-the one she wore at her husband's first in- auguration. The Smithsonian has a wax figure all ready for Mrs. Roosevelt's dress as part of its exhibit of gowns worn by Presidents' wives, from Martha Washington to Mrs. Herbert Hoover. But-and this is the rub-there is a rule that a garment cannot be dis- played until the First Lady has left the White House. So the curators are dangling on the horns of the third-term dilem- ma and asking themselves, "Will he run again?" Next to Lindbergh's plane, the "Spirit of St. Louis," the exhibit of gowns of First Ladies is the most popular in ,the Museum. After them THURSDAY, NOV. 30, 1939 VOL. L. No. 57 Notices Users of the Daily Official Bulletin: In order to keep the Bulletin with- in reasonable limits, it seems advis- able to restrict notices of meetings to the following elements: Name of organization. Time and place of meeting. Program: Ordinarily the name of speaker and his subject, or brief statement of business to be transact- ed. If the meeting is open to others than members, this may be stated. Notices should be presented to the Editor of the Bulletin in this form. Users of the Bulletin are reminded that the Bulletin is intended only for notices in the strict meaning of that term, and that neither news nor ad- vertising matter can be included in the column. To The Members of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The third regular meeting of the Faculty of the Col- lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts for the academic session of 1939-1940 will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall, Dec. 4, 1939, at 4:10 p.m The reports of the several com- mittees, instead of being read orally at the meeting, have been prepared in advance and are included with this call to the meeting. They should be retained in your files as part .of the minutes of the December meet- ing. Edward 11. Kraus. Agenda-- 1. Consideration of the minutes of the meeting of Nov. 6, 1939 which have been distributed by campus mail. 2. Consideration of the reports sub- mitted with 'this call to the meet- ing: a. Executive Committee, prepared by Professor W. G. Rice. b. Executive Board of the Gradu- ate School, prepared by Professor A. E. R. Boak. c. During the past month there has been no meeting of the Univer- sity Council, Senate Admisory Com- mittee on University Affairs, nor Deans' Conference. 3. European Books and Periodicals -Dr. W. W. Bishop. 4. Freshman Tests of Scholastic Aptitude-Professor P. S. Dwyer, 5. New business. Faculty, College of Engineering: There will be a meeting of, the Facul- ty on Monday, Dec. 4, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 348, West Engineering Bldg. Agenda: Recommendations from the Standing Committee (a) Naval ROTC. (b) Limitation of Provisional Admission; Evaluation of Faculty Services; general business. Sophomore, Junior and Senior En- gineers: ' Mid-semester reports for grades below C are now on file and open to inspection in the office of the Assistant Dean, Room 259, West En- gineering Building. Sophomores, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Elections fo4r the second semester are now being approved by the Academic Coun- selors. You will be notified by post- card to see your Counsellor, and it will be to your decided advantage to reply to this summons promptly.By so doing, you will be able to discuss your program carefully with your Counselor and avoid the ,rush and confusion at the end of the semester. Remember that there will be no op- portunity for you to see your Coun- selor during the final examination period. Lectuires University Lecture: Dr. E. M. K. Geiling, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Pharmacology of he University of Chicago, will lecture on "The Comparative Anatomy and Pharmacology of t h e Pituitary Gland," under the auspices of the De- partment of Biological Chemistry, at medical students on "Insulin" at 8 4:15 p.m, this afternoon, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. All Medi- cal School classes will be dismissed to permit the students to attend this lecture. The public is cordially in- vited. Biological Chemistry Lecture: Dr. E.M.K. Geiling, Professor of Phar- macology at the University of Chi- cago, will speak to the first year Spanish Lectures Include Six Talks Six talks will be included in the annual Spanish lecture series, spon- sored by La Sociedad Hispanica. Beginning Dec. 5, with a talk in English on "Our Direct Investments in Latin America," by Prof. Dudley Phelps of the business administra- tion school, the series will include lec- tures on various aspects of Spanish DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN a.m. today in Room 1528 East Medi- cal Building. All those who are in- terested are cordially invited to be present. Today's Events Coffee Hour Conferene today at 4:30 p.m. in the Small Ballroom of the Michigan Union. Program: Charles A. Sink, president of the School of Music, will discuss "Music as a Profession." S.A.E. Meeting tonight at 7:30 in B. D. Harrison of the Ethyl Gasoline the Michigan Union. Program: Mr. Corp. Research Laboratories will speak on Anti-knock fuels. Sound movies of gasoline will be shown and there will be a demonstration .of the use of a test engine for knock-rating gasoline. All engineers are invited to attend. There will be an important business meeting at 7:30 p.m. for members and those who are planning to join preceding the regular meeting. . Glider Club meeting this evening at 7:30 p.m. in Room 348 West En- gineering building. Newsreel pic- tures of gliding and soaring activity will be shown. All members please attend. Varsity Glee Club: Very important rehearsal for all members this eve- ning at 7:30, "Trail By Jury." Association Forum: The Rev. Ches- ter Loucks will lead the forum discus- sion on "Can a ReligiousPerson Jus- tify a Luxious Scale of Living?" at Lane Hall tonight at 7:30. Sigma Xi: meeting in the Amphi- heatre of the Rackham Building to- night at 8. Mr. William C. Hollands of the University Bookbindery will speak on "Bookbinding, Past and Present." Refreshments. Senior Engineering Students (Class of '40E) will meet today at 4 p.m. in Room 348, West Engineering Bldg., to select a class ring. Cercle Francais meeting tonight at 8 in 408 R.L. A one-act comedy will be presented. Michigan Union Opera: Schedule of tryouts for dancing, singing, and acting to be conducted in the .desig- nated rooms of the Union: Thursday, 7-9 p.m., Room 304. All eligible men interested may try- out Modern Dance Club will meet this evening at 7:45 in Barbour Gymna- sium. All those interested are in- vited to attend. Women's Fencing Club meeting to- night at 7:30 in Barbour Gymnasium All members are urged to be present. Mimes meeting this afternoon at 5 at the Union. Peace Committee of the American Student Union meeting today at 5 p.m. in the Union. Theatre Arts dance committee meeting at 4:30 p.m. today at the League. Ticket Committee (Peggy Polum- baum's division) of Sophomore Cab- aret meeting at 3 p.m. today at the League. Booths and Exhibits Committe for Sophomore Cabaret will meet at 4 p.m. today, in the League. Ballet Dancing Group for Sopho- more Cabaret will meet at 4:30 pm. today in the League.e Theatre Arts Committee mass meet- ing at 5 p.m. today in the Leagjie. Hillel Players meeting tonight at 7:30 at the Hillel Foundation. CoUng Events Women Students: A short organiza- tion meeting will be held at the Wom- en's Athletic Building on Saturday, Dec. 2, at 2 p.m. for all women stu- dents interested in winter sports (skiing, ice skating and toboggan- ing). Bring your ice skates if you would like to skate at the Coliseum afterwards. Ice SkatingClass for University wormen will meet at 4 p.m. on Friday at the Coliseum. Theatre Arts Committee: All Usher Committee members interest- ed in ushering for the children's the- atre production. "Thanksgiving at Buckram's Corners," on the after- noons of Dec. 1 and 2, please sign on the list on the bulletin boardsin the undergraduate office of the League before Thursday noon. Faculty Women's Club: The Band Concert scheduled for Dec. 6 has been changed from 3 to 8 p.m. '' ' ponents could never come together again on any issue whatsoever. And yet some of those who opposed Roose- velt's court program are back in the New Deal reser- vation, and everything seems to have been for- given and forgotten on both sides. At least, with a few exceptions, this is true on the Demo- cratic aisles of the upper house. Reconciliation has been possible because both contesting groups won. Franklin Roosevelt in an appreciably short time got what he wanted, while the Senators who defeated his project scored a moral victory. The football is nailed in the trophy room of the Senate, and nothing was left to the poor Presi- dent but the appointments which seemed to him vitally necessary. * ~* * If Mr. Roosevelt does not run for reelection I doubt that the court issue, which was once con- sidered paramount, will be mentioned at all. Senators will not be asked by their constituents, "What did you do in the great war concerning the high bench?" Indeed, I hardly think it will be a major issue in the event Roosevelt runs to succeed himself. Without taking a poll on the subject I ven- ture to predict that a large majority of Ameri- cans feel that the court as now constituted is in better trim to handle the problems of a chang- ing world than in the days when the President