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November 29, 1939 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-29

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WEDNESDAY, NOV. 29, 1939




Governor Asks
Crippled Aid'
Board Resign
Private Help Will Suffice;
Dickinson.Says, As Move
Is Taken To Cut Costs
LANSING, Nov. 28.-(A')-Gover-
nor Dickinson today climaxed six
months of controversy over the care
of crippled children by a demand for
the resignation of every member of
the Michigan Crippled Children Com-
mission in his efforts to cut State ex-
(The Governor's attitude toward
this dommission had been realized
earlier and students here on campus
had circulated petitions asking him to
keep the board).
"I know where I can find public-
spirited citizens of Michigan who are
thoroughly interested in crippled
children and who will make every
dollar do the most possible good to-
ward helping the greatest number of
crippled children," he wrote.
"I would like cooperation along
that line. I am reluctantly brought
to the conclusion that I should ask
the present commission to resign, in
order to further the welfare of crip-
vled children, rather than trying to
further the interests of certain groups
of organizations. May I ask that you
reply by offering me your resignation
as a member of the commission?"
Such was the demand he issued to
the members today,
lAS To Inspect
ArmyAir Field
' More' than five professors and 60
members of the University branch
of the Institute of Aeronautical Sci-
ences will leave by automobile for
Dayton, Ohio early Friday morning
to inspect Wright Field, which is a
material division of the United States
Of special interest to the students
at this field of 6,000 acres will be new
testing devices, research develop-
ments and aircraft equipment. After
viewing this airways center Friday
afternoon and Saturday morning, the
group will begin the return to Ann
Arbor. I

Institute Gets
Read Opinion
IDr. Waggoner's Request
On Examinations Decided
LANSING, Nov. 28.-(M)-Attorney
General Thomas Read said today he
found nothing in the 1939 "moron'
law" which granted judicial privilege
to psychiatric examinations made'
l under the law, unless the subject is
forced to submit to such examina-
In an opinion asked by Dr. Ray-
mond W. Waggoner, director of the
Neuropsychiatric Institute at the
University Hospital, Read held "that
the accused maynot be forced to sub-
mit to an examination but may claim
the constitutional privilege against
Read said, however, that if the
subject is warned of his constitution-
al rights and submits to the examina-
tion, the psychiatric report is admis-
sable in court. Read said the physi-
cian-patient relationship did not en-
ter into the question of those terms.
The psychiatrist must file his re-
port with the court without being
subpoenaed,, Read held.
Sellars To Speak
On 'Men And Books'
Prof. Roy Sellars of the philosophy
department will give a talk on "Men
and Books Which Have Influenced
My Mind" at 8 p.m. Friday in the
Hillel Foundation, immediately* fol-
lowing the regular Friday night Con-
servative Services.
This is the fifth in a series of bi-
weekly lectures which are given by
various members of the faculty on
Fridays at the same time.and on the
same topic. Among those profes-
sors who have already spoken are
Prof. Preston Slosson of the history
department, Prof. Norman Nelson of
the English department, Prof. Robert
Angell of the sociology department
and Prof. John Shepard of the psy-
chology department.
Physicist To Talk Today
"Super Finish" is the subject of the
talk Dr. E. F. Abbott, Ann Arbor re-
search physicist, will give at 7:30 p.m.
today in the Michigan Union to the
American Society of Mechanical En-

Polloch Predicts Presidential
Campaigns Will Be Shorter

Debate Squad
To Meet Illinois

Famous Visitors Are Common
Event At The Rackham Building
By JEANNE CRUMP Man" organization, and Dr. Olav
Famous visitors are almost "run of a Janse, French archaeological explor-

Republicans Still Consider
F. Roosevelt As Possible
Candidate For 3rd Term
"The time for presidential nomin-
ating conventions should be set for
Labor Day or shortly thereafter,"
Prof. James K. Pollock of the poli-
tical science department recom-
mended yesterday in an interview.
National committees of both major
parties will meet soon, Professor Pol-
lock pointed out, and' they can by
simple resolution change the times
of the convention meetings. (The
Republican National Committee will
meet Tuesday, and the Democratic
group a short time later, probably
in January.)
Public Interest Flags
With the conventions coming as
they do in June, Professor Pollock
explained, the campaign lasts about
four and one-half months. This
length of time, he asserted is entirely
too long to hold the public's inter-
est. The campaign usually works
up to a high pitch sometime in Sep-
tember, he commented, and one more
month of speeches only wears the
people out..
Professor Pollock also pointed out
that unsettled business conditions,
always prevalent during a presiden-
tial campaign, would be alleviated if
the nomination and election dates
were moved closer together. He add-
ed that huge campaign expenditures,
so much criticized lately, would be
considerably lessened by shortening
Only custom dictates the time of
nominating conventions, Professor
Pollock said. In the days of William
Jennings Bryan, he explained, such
a long campaign probably was need-
Fifth Recital
Will Bie Given
At 4:15_Today
Catharine Crozier, of the faculty of
the Eastman School of Music in
Rochester, N.Y., will give the fifth in
a series of Twilight Organ Recitals at
4:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
The general public is invited.
Miss Crozier received her early
musical training in Pueblo, Colo., af-
ter which she entered the Eastman
School of Music graduating with the
degree of Bachelor of Music in 1936.
In that year she also received an
Artist Diploma, the highest award
given by the school, and was appoint-
ed a member of the faculty.
Among the selections scheduled to
be heard on her program are the Toc-
cata, Adagio and Fugue in C major
by Bach and four of Bach's Chorale
Preludes, "The Old Year Math Passed
Away," "Comest Thou, Jesus, from
Heaven to Earth," "To Thee I Call,
Lord Jesus Christ" and "In Thee Is
Joy." She will also play Sowerby's
Symphony in G major.
V ocaioiial Gutidance
President Charles A. Sink, of the
School of Music will talk at the third
of the season's Union-sponsored vo-
cational guidance programs to be
held at 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
small ballroom of the Union in con-
junction wih the regular Coffce Hour
held at that time.
The series of talks was designedt
to enable the student interested in
entering a professional field, to bene-
fit by a more intimate contact than
other circumstances could afford, to
learn of the real nature of his intend-

ed work. Talks and dsicussions are
carried oi by members of the Uni-
versity faculty. The series is planned
to continue during the entire winter,
covering as many professional fields
as possible.

ed to enable candidn-es to give the
public adequate knowledge of major
issues. However, in this day of im-
proved transportation, communica-
tion and advertisement, he declared,
an eight-week campaign would be
a more reasonable length.
More Time To Spend Party Funds
Professor Pollock indicated that
the desire to make party jobs last
longer, coupled with the increased
opportunities to spend campaign
funds, are some probable reasons for
the illogical continuance of long
campaigns. However, he added, that's
all the more reason to shorten them!
The Republicans in particular
have good reason to change the date
of their nominating convention (us-
ually early in June) to a later date,
Professor Pollock pointed out. If the
Republicans nominate a; certain man,
not considering Roosevelt as a pos-
sible opponent, and Roosevelt is
actually nominated by the Democrats
(meeting late in June), the entire
Republican campaign could be
He observed, however, that a det-
errent to such a move might be fearJ
that the Democrats, with a longer'
campaign, would have an advantage.
Muyskens To Speak
On Upper Peninsula
Present conditions in Michigan's
upper peninsula wlil be discussed by
Prof. John H. Muyskens, of the
Speech Department, at a dinner meet-
ing of the Hiawatha Club 6:30 p.m.
tomorrow in Room 318 of the Union.
Philip Westbrook, Jr., '40, presi-
dent of the club, will act as toast-
master. Invitations have been ex-
tended to Prof. Robert Craig, Jr., of
the Forestry Department, and T.
Hawley Tapping, general secretary of
the Alumnus Association, to attend.
The program committee, consisting of
Albin Schinderle, '42, Robert Luerry,
SpecE, and John K. Jenson, '40, have
arranged a group discussion to fol-
low the-main address.


Argument Will
Home Seasan

" "'''. ' the mill" for the Rackham Building.(
Government ownership of the rail- Many University students have not
roads will be under discussion as yet gone through the building, but
Michigan's varsity debate team opens the House Director can testify that
iint o s it is of interest to most celebrities
its home season against an Illinois who come here. One of her favorite
squad at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the !stories is about Symphony DirectorI
North Lounge of the Union. Sergei Koussevitzky. When she
Karl E. Olson, '40, and R. Erwin turned on the lights in the Lecturel
Bowers, Jr., '41, will Hall, he stood still, looked about,
Brstv Jru'41, wi thpresent the af- then putting his hands over his ears,
firmnative argument in the semester's exclaimed, "It's too, too, too beauti-
third Big Ten contest on the ques- ful," and rushed out.
tion, "Resolved: That the Federal During the morning of Mrs. Roose-
Government Should Own and Oper- velt's day in Ann Arbor, she visited
ate the Railroads." The public is the WPA Art Exhibit at the Rack-
anted th Ralrads" The publs tham Building, and returned in the
invited to attend the contest at afternoon to see the lounges and lec-
which no decision will be given. The ture halls. The. poet, Louis Unter-
home varsity debates are sponsored meyer, came to visit and lecture in'
by the Union executive committee Ann Arbor in March, and spent much
and no admission charge will be time in the building. Lord Bertrand
ad n admissin carge will h Russell, following his lecture here
ae.A oprguen forumwi ben he last fall, spent some time looking at
after both arguments have been pre- the rooms, as did Carl Van Doren,
sented. who gave the Hopwood Lecture in the
Rackham Building.
On the Central Missouri State Other interested visitors, the House
Teachers College campus, corner- Director continued, have been Drane
stones of all but one campus build- Lester, of the Federal Bureau of In-
ing bear the Masonic emblem. vestigation, better known as the "G-
I - -- - _ - _

er of Indo-China. Many people came
to see the exceptionally fine examples
of furniture, it was added. A few
weeks ago, Consul General David Ber-
ger, of Tientsin, China, saw the fur-
niture, and, on his return to China
plans to have some of it duplicated
in Chinese rosewood.
Most people connected with the
many conferences held in the build-
ing usually take time off, from their
meetings to have a thorough look at
all the rooms, the House Director ex-
plained. Within the last year, there
have been 15 national conferences,
17 state, and over 50 local, graduate
and faculty groups that have cen-
tered their activities in the Rackham
The Lecture Hall, which the House
'Director testified attracts most atten-
tion, is open to visitors from 10 to
10:30 a.m., and 3 to 3:30 p.m.

* U.

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We serve a
Noonday Lunch
Toasted Sandwiches
Light Lunches
Fountain Service
Betsy Ross Shop
(Vhere students meet to chat and eat)

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December 2nd
Order your Personal
50 smart cards
only $1
-your narne imfrinted
Statc St. at South Univ.


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Law School Case Clubs Offer
Students Courtroom Practice


One of the great disadvantages of
legal education has always been the
lack of facilities for transition from
"classroom law" to law as practiced
in the courtroom. Recognizing this,
the Law School sixteen years ago.
inaugurated a system of case clubs,
through which law students might
gain some first hand knowledge in
the actual routine and handling of
cases before the bar.
It is true that the Law School
offered a course in Practice Court,
and for that matter, still does. But
this course is only taken by seniors
and so for the first two years of
study in the School, students had
only brief reference to and hearsay
knowledge of actual practice. It was
for this reason., that the case club
system was devised. The earliest
records available on the clubs date
back to 1923 and 1924. At that time
Prof. Paul Leidy was the 'senior ad-
viser to the Cooley Club, which ap-
pears to have been the only club in
Student Juries Heard Cases
Cases at that time were argued be-
fore a jury of students; the questions
of fact being argued, as well as ques-
tions of law. As an incentive to
competition, an award of $75 was
offered to seniors successful in their.
argument. But only 16 seniors par-
ticipated as compared with the 330
members in all of the clubs today: In
1924 the membership had increased
to 24. In 1925, the club system, as
it exists today, was formally organ-
ized by Professors Holbrook, Stason
and Durfee. The clubs organized
were called the Marshall, Kent, Story
and Holmes, Clubs. A statement at
that time says, "The purpose of these
clubs is to furnish an extra-curricu-
Jar opportunity for the preparation
of, and argument of concrete law
cases, and it is the thought of those
behind them that they would some-
day supplant the course in "Practice
The program set up called for in-
tra-club arguments between the
freshman members, and for inter-
club arguments between the junior
members, each team composed of two
students. Interest was stimulated
Eleanor Hazzard Peacock,
Internationally Recognized
Singer, Teacher, Lecturer
Vocal Studio
"To be able to do a great many
things in a manner invariably con-

by the announcement that the two3
leading juniors each year would
represent their club in a final com-3
petition and that a prize would bef
awarded the winners.
Law Firm Sets Up Fundl
An unexpected boon came the way
of the clubs at this time with thet
offer of a $4,000 fund by a Detroiti
law firm in honor of their former1
partner, Henry M. Campbell, '78L.I
The income of this gift, amountingI
to $150 a year is used to reward thej
winning counsel. However, in prac-E
tice the award is split up among the
four members of the two finalist
The organization today is con-
ducted by a student Case Club Con-
nittee,selected on the basis of com-
petition during their junior year in
,lub work. Participation is open to
the first and second year students.E
According to John Pickering, '40L,.
mernber of the committee, the funda-
mental purpose of the competition is
to give students opportunity to co-
rdinate substantive law with prac-s
tic al application to a concrete case.j
Three features cannot be over-em.-
phaSiefd, namely, the experience in
writing briefs. orally arguing cases,t
and learning the rudiments of legale
bibliography and the necessaryf
library legal research conected. o
First-round competition in thel
clubs will be over just before Christ-e
mas vacation, Pichering said, andc
winners will be announced at the be-v
ginning of the second semester, at t
w.hich time final competition will be-c






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AND. .. in the same issue-George Halas, coach of the
rlln nrr Qn sa nl zni.7 + mln. --r.+. .. ,4 -s 2 - -4---

Jabjam Motor Trip . .. Demaree Bess shoots a timely
T77 -. T . . TWA T ( f 1V_

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