PACE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY re __ _ ___. _ U.S. Business Expert Speaks on Commerce Struggle For Dominance Is Named As-Fact o r ResponsibleFor Change The seemingly endless struggle for dominance among manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers has caused several recent changes inthe work- ,ings, of the economy of this nation, Dr. Nathaniel H. .iEngle, assistant di- rector of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, said in an ad-. dress on "Changing Channels of Distribution" yesterday in the Rack- 1 ham Amphitheatre. ..Manufacturers have experienced an increase in the size and strength of their concerns, Doctor Engle ex- plained, tending toward direct dis- tribution of their products to retail- iAag agencies,. This direct distribu- tion policy, he said, has caused the wholesalers, alone of the three groups, to lose ground. They still have enough :business to continue, though, he pointed out, and it ap- pears that their place will be main- tained for some time. J. Knox Is Chosen Forestry President Final outcome of the long contest- ed senior forestry election was an- nounced last night by Carl Wheeler, '40E, with James Knox of Green Bay, Wis., being selected president of the class, The tie between Knox and Oscar Traczewitz, for the presi- dential position existed as a result of their mutual;non consent to a chance selection after they had been tied .up in the first election. . Knox polled 22 votes in yester- day's election held in the Natural Science Building, while Traczewitz received 15. The election was under the charge of Peter Brown ,'41E, of the Union executive staff. Elec- tions were under the supervision of the Men's,. Committee, of which ,Wheeler is the head. Trotskyite Will Speak ' At Socialist Party Today. Jules Geller of the Socialist Work- er's Party, will speak at 8 p.m. today at Unity Hall under the auspices of the Young Socialist League, Larry Tenenberg, '42, secretary, announced ,yesterday. . His topic will be "What is Trotskyism?" Mr. Geller has long been prominent in trade union circles in Minnesota and Michigan, Tenen- berg said. Everyone interested is cordially invited.t Modern Typesetter AddedTo oDaily Shop Gone from The Daily's composing room is the glamour of the old-style hand-set headline-in its place a sleek, efficient Ludlow type casting machine, the latest addition to The Daily's expanding print shop, is per-, forming the tedious task of setting the larger news headlines and ad- vertising display lines. An engineer's dream and a de- signer's nightmare, the new contrap- tion is being used for the first time in this issue.of The Daily. Chief application of the machine will be in casting the larger head- lines which are. not available on the linotype machines. Advantages gained are the unlimited type sup- ply made available, the greater ease of handling and composition and the added feature .that each issue will contain new type faces. Cadets Sought By Air Corps Flying Board To Convene Here For Five Days. As part of an extensive program to strengthen the national peace- time defense mechanism of the United States, a Flying Cadet Board will convene at the.University to- morrow through Dec. 5 to accept applications from and examine for fitness eligible students who wish to enter the Army Air Corps. Although no definite announce- ment has as yet been made as to the time and place of the Board's meet- ings according to the ROTC offices it is probable that the Board will' meet at the ROTC Building from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day. Applicants must be unmarried male citizens of the United States and in good physical condition. While minimum educational re- quirements for selection as a flying cadet call for only two years of col- lege, the Board recommends that only senior students apply for exam- ination. Capt. A. R. Springer of Selfridge Field who released the an- nouncement of the Board's visit some time ago indicated that this recom- mendation is intended to discourage those students who might leave school for the sole purpose of join- ing the air force. Hillel Will Discuss Plans The Hillel Players will hold a meeting at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at the Foundation to discuss plans for the rest of the year. A one-act play, the title of' which has not yet been an- ,nounced, will be given. Finn Commander One Third0f A Nation' Costumes Plague Play Production Designer, Ann Arbor Here Is Today's News, In Summary An argument with her husband Gen. Hugo Osterman, chief of Finland's forces, is shown study- ing a map as Russian maneuvers continue to harass this debt-pay- ing nation.. Kircher To Speak On Cooperatives Leonard C, Kircher, of Western State Teachers College, Kalamazoo, will give an illustrated lecture on, "Finnish Dominated Cooperatives in the North Central States," at 8 p.m. today in Lane Hall, Mrs. Carl E. Burklund, chairman of the education committee of the Ann Arbor Coopera- tive Society, announced yesterday Any persons who are interested in the cooperative movements are in- vited to attend the meeting. Members of the Board of Directors will be present to answer questions about the Ann Arbor Cooperative Society, Mrs. Burklund stated. Prof. Norman Nel- son of the English department will 'reside. Costumes for Play Production's next play given Dec. 6 through 9,. Arthur Arent's " . . . one-third of a nation . . . ," present numerous diffi- culties, according to Emma Hirsh, the organization's designer. First of all, she explained, action in the play takes place at times rang- ing from 1750 to the present. That fact creates the problem of costum- ing by period, she said. Secondly, 83 actors will actually play 186 roles, she observed. Each actor takes at least two parts, and some even seven or eight, she ex- plained. (For example, the man who _ l ub'Entoertains H,.igh School, Teamsl High school squads of Washtenaw County were guests of the University of Michigan Club of Ann Arbor at a dinner yesterday in the ballroom of the Union. Motion pictures of the Michigan-, Ohio State football game were shown. Coach Herbert O. "Fritz" Crisler .and Charles Bachman, Michigan State football mentor,, spoke briefly, Mich- igan's varsity squad attended. President Ruthven Returns From Alumni District Tour President and Mrs. Ruthven will return tomorrow from their. thpee- week tour of alumni groups in the eighth alumni district. *During the tour they were guests of honor at alumni dinners given by University of Michigan Clubs in Tulsa, Okla- homa City, Fort Worth, Dallas, San. Antonio and Houston.- plays "Aaron Burr" in the 18th tury returns as a renting agent later scene in 1853). However, Miss Hirsh lamented, caused Mrs. Ira Mason possible seri- such disguise will be impossible in at ous injuries when -she jumped from least one case. One man in the play, her moving automobile on Ford Rd. she explained, is 6 feet, 5 inches tall, Monday. Examination at St. Joseph's and has red hair, and that's abso- Mercy Hospital disclosed that Mrs. lutely impossible to disguise! We Mason suffered possible fractures of have gto rent costumes for him too, the back and pelvis * . . as well as she added, as Play Production ha-, severe cuts and bruises. nothing near his size. (Two firemenĀ§' costumes and a "plutocrat's outfit A typewriter', some purse money, must be obtained for him. In the cash from milk bottles, a spare tire, last scene, in modern times, he can and a silo belt and wheel were re- wear his own clothes). ported to the -police as stolen in sev- In a fire scene, will appear people eral petty thefts Monday who might, by any stretch of imag- ination, be watching a tenement fire, Prof. Charles Remer, of the Miss Hirsh said. A slumming party, political science department, will complete to top hat and tails, may address a forum at Ann Arbor be included in this group, she added . high school at 7:30 p.m. Thurs- cen- in a i Classified Dfurectory LOT.lckadwie cafe to Percy W. Whitlock, a member of the Ann Arbor. fire -department. Thirty-three men have regis- tered'fo1 snow removal work, rec- ords in the office of the city en- gineer showed yesterday. Men citizens interested in such work are urged to contact the en- gineer's office as qurickly as pos- sible. Avukal Head To Speak Alfred J. Kaha, national secretary of Avukah, student Zionist orgapiza- tion, Will speak on "A Student Thinks of the Jewish Problem" gat' 7:31 p.m. today In the Hillel Foundationv. n gle Sees research Bureau An Aid To Small Business Man THE MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Effective as of February 14, 1939 12c per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. Minimum of 3 lines per inser- tion. These low rates are on the basis of cash payment before the ad is inserted. If it is inconvenient for you to call at our offices to make payment, a messenger will be sent to pick up your ad at a slight extra charge of 10c. For further information call 23-24-1, or stop at 420 Maynard Street. ARTICLES FOR SALE -- 3 WILL SACRFICE my small Grand or Console. Used nine months, perfect condition. Will accept terms from responsible party. Will consider renting. Phone 2-2913. 102 STRAYED, LOST, FOUND - 1 LOST-Round ladies' watch. Ini- tialed MSC; between Green Lan- tern and 1004 Forest early Satur- day night. Reward, Box 1, Michi- gan Daily. 103 LOST-White gold Elgin wrist watch, black cord band. Reward. Barbara Fairbairn, 2-4547. 100 LOST: Black and white Schaeffer fountain pen. Bob Wagner, 2-2565. FOR RENT --5 FOR RENT--Campus, near Lawyers' Club, 3-room furnished front apartment, private bath, shower. Adults. 602 Monroe. 99 1135 LINCOLN AVE. near Tappan school, furnished lower apartment, 4 rooms, bath, heat, laundry, gar- age. 98 TYPING-18 TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen, 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or 2-1416. 34 TYPING--Mist L. M. Heywood, 414 Maynard St. Phone 5689. 43 VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist and notary public, excellent work. 706 Oakland, phone 6327. 20 TRANSPORTATION -21 WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL -- Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Company. Phone 7112. 13 LAUNDERING-9 LAUNDRY -- 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices. 16 ACE HAND LAUNDRY-Wants only, one trial to prove we laundery our shirts best. Let our work help you; look neat today. 1114 S. Univer- sity. 19 MISCELLANEOUS--20 SEWING-Alterations. Also new black taffeta evening dress for sale, reasonable. Inquire 2-2688. Alta Graves. 104 News reporters, bowery bums and little children, among many others, must be costumed, she explained. When we consult style books of any period, she commented, we see fashion plates, the latest style. The chief costuming problem, therefore, lies in translating these "up-to-the- minute" fashions into clothes which would naturally be worn by those liv- ing in tenements, she concluded. L RADI PBy June McKee As "Your Best Behavior" is aired at 2:45 p.m. today, its writer-produc- er Margery Soenksen, Grad., leads Mary Lou McKisson, '41, and Henry Homes, '40, through etiquette ins and, outs. George Shepard, '41, an- nounces. In today's "Student Forum," then,, Prof. Lawrence Preuss, of the politi- cal science department, brings stu- dents to meet "Mike" at 3:30 p.m., for informal discussion over WJR. The announcer is Ted Balgooyen, '40. Catalogued and filed in fireproof cabinets is the Library of Broadcast- ing at Morris Hall. Here is harbored, material of value for future mike- men, advertising specialists, students of broadcasting, and scholars . of Americana, education, and politics, too. Prof. Waldo Abbot has collected the pamphlets and reports that net- works, stations, agencies, and adver- tisers issue, as well as surveys, pub- licity of all types, scripts, of sustain- ing programs, radio addresses, educa- tional broadcasts, commercial an- nouncements, magazines and books. The Library well saves for future research workers the broadcast ma- terial influencing national thought and speech-heretofore thrown away after airing. At the nonce, its spe- cial interest centers round represen- tative scripts of plays, outlines of programs, tie-in campaign material, annual reports, anniversary program scripts, and news releases, Incidentally, Professor Abbot's col- lection surpasses all the libraries in Detroit and on campus for having books like Ted Husing's "Ten Years Before the Mike"-unavailable else- where . Seen 'round Morris Hall of late slaving on more scripts . . . Leonard Schleider, '41, Norman Schorr, '41, Robert Parker, '40, and Michael Kinsella, Grad . Daily at 2-4-7-9 P.M. STARTING TODAY - day. His topic will be, "Living in Switzerland and Germany on the Eve of the Present European War." William Rosentrator, of Dexter, was fined $20 in justice court Tues- day when he pleaded guilty to a charge of stealing a dog belonging Prof. Dow Relates'Job Experiences Prof. William G. Dow of the elec-q trical engineering department took a bus driver's holiday this summer when he accepted a position with the Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incor- porated, of New York City, to work with dial switching -apparatus. In the employment of the Labora- tories the professor reported 50 Michigan men, including a number in responsible executive positions. A. B. Clark, '11, is director of transmis- sion development, which is one of the four major divisions of the Labora-. tories. H. S. Sheppard, formerly of' the electrical factory here, has charge of public relations work, which in- volves cooperation with the Federal,. Communications Commission on rates, and contracts. R. D. Parker, also at former electrical faculty member, is. in charge of development of tele- graph facilities. Lyman Morehouse, BSEE, in 1897, AM in 1904, and, awarded an honorary degree-in 1934,, has for the past several years been, representing interests of the Bell Company in London. Professor Dow feels that associa- tions :such as the one he had with the Laboratories aid materially in the maintenance of proper coopera- tion between industry and engineer- ing education. R RS 4 DAYS LEFT to buy your SEN IOR PICT URE COUPON S, Na ''I, - 4 By WILLIAM NEWTON As'an aid primarily to the small business man, the Department of Commerce is canvassing the com- merce and business administration schools of the nation on the subject of a national business research serv- ice, Dr. Nathaniel H. Engle, assistant director Of the' Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, said yes- terday. The service, as now planned, he continued, will serve as a clearing ho.use for information and .projects having to do with business re- search. Such a bureau, Doctor angle explained, would work in close cooperation with university business research, departments, schools of business ad'ministration and econom- *e s departments. Elimination of duplication and waste effort, resulting in more effi- cient research and handling of its results, will be encouraged by the work of a national bureau, Doctor Engle pointed out. The bureau will probably issue a regular publication, summarizing the results of research projects and telling where copies of these results may be obtained, he .ontinued. Such publications, he UNIVE THANKSGIVING PAY I S 14OVEM SCR 30 I26 slATES said, will be of great service to busi- ness men, research workers and stu- dents of business administration. Another reason for the establish- ment of a national clearing house for information dealing with business problems, Doctor Engle emphasized,, is the dose relationship it will fos-' ter between the Department of Com-" merce and state agencies for re- .search. It is assumed, he continued, that university and college research workers will be able to get the most complete and accurate information possible about local conditions be- cause of their close relationship with local business men. Some kind of stimulus to business and business methods is vitally nec- essary in America today, he pointed out, as the annual per capita income of the country is declining. The bureau planned by the Department of Commerce should be such a stim- ulus, tAking advantage of our per- fected methods of business research and presenting information in a way likely to benefit small business, a field which is now losing the best men to big business which can afford to pay greater wages, Doctor Engle concluded. .A' I 0 i N sr ft3 , !Y I r vu CED Ike Lo HG D t gTgMca RATES R 30 N } $TAT15S To Too SF t F 3 v. IJ AAA I I MGH HERBERT 111111E RICE-' RICHARD CARISON JOY RODGESEDCAR KENNEDY ETIENNE CIRARDOT ERNEST TRUEX FRITI FELD BABY SANDY THE SAME LOW RATES that apply every night after 7 o'clock and all day Sunday will be in effect all day Thurs- day, November 30, on calls to points in states celebrat- ing Thanksgiving on that date. You can take advantage of these reduced rates any time after 7 p.m. on Wednesday up to 4:30 am.Friday. They will not apply on calls between points within Mich- igan. States that will observe Thanksgiving November 30, and to which reduced rates on long distance calls will be effective on that date, are listed below: Alabama Arizona Arkansas Colorado Connecticut Kentucky Maine Massachusetts Minnesota Mississippi Nebraska New Mexico North Carolina Oklahoma Rhode Island South Dakota Tennessee '1'o..l F Florida I I1 i ,"" - I I I