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November 28, 1939 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-28

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TUESDAY, NOV. 28, 1939



Essence Lost,
Derry Claims

Speaks On Democracy

Roy Hoyer Will Direct Mimes;
Will Interview Opera Try-Quts


College President
Religious Tenets
Be Reinstituted

"Democracy has lost its soul, and
can meet its problems only by a re-
turn to its original religious founda-
tion as stated in the Declaration of
Indapendence," Dr. George Derry,
former president of Marygrove Co-
lege, said in a lecture Sunday eve-
fiing in the Rackham Auditorium.
European nations have abandoned
Vemocracy by the unanimous consent
of the people, he said, because de-
mocracy has failed to perform its
~undamental duties. Tracing the de-
cay of democracy from Rosseau's the-
:y of the natural rights of man, as
opposed to his duties to God, Dr.
Derry outlined Adam Smith's laissez-
faire system of government. The
Darwinian theory of the survival of
%he fittest, he said, completed the de-
struction of the democratic principle.
Speaking on "Pope Pius XII. and
the Modern Democracies," Dr. Derry
made frequent reference to the papal
pronoundement that "We should quit
our quackery in economics and in
other social sciences, and cut out the'
causes of the social question."
. Striking at tthe Soviet State, he
called communism a "sophisticated
synthesis of seven pseudo-sciences all
inventing false causes for things." It
Is a system, he continued, which pre-
tends to establish the communism of
Karl Marx, but which has established
an omnipotent state endowing a fe:
men with -unchecked power.
'Spree' To Be Held
By SigmaRho Tau
"Varsity Spree" is the caption giv-
en the annual shindig which will be
presented by members of Sigma Rho
Tau, honorary engineering speech
society, at 7:30 p.m. today in the
Varsity Grill on South- University,
Henry C. Billings, '40E, president,
announced yesterday.
The program will include a radio
skit directed by John K. Mills, '40E,
imitations by Carl 'Mena, '43E, im-
promptu speeches, singing, refresh-
Gients and a showing of official first
world war pictures.
Oscar H. Benson To Speak
On 'Being A Scoutmaster'
Oscar H. Benson of Gettysburg,
Pa., national director of rural scout-
ing, will talk on the topic, "If I Were
A Scoutmaster" at 5 p.m. Thursday,
Dec. 7, at the Annual Scouters Con-
vention in Ypsilanti.
Talks on, "Scouting Goes For-
ward" and group discussions con-
cerning "Advancement," "Rural
Scouting," "Cubbing," "Sea Scout-
ing" and "Troop Supervision and
Guidance" will follow the dinner at
4:30 p.m.
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Small Groups,
Seen Helpful
To Religion
Smaller religious groups have the
opportunity of giving their student
members more thorough training, ac-
cording to Dr. Edward W. Blakeman,
counselor in religious education, as
evidenced by the appointment of two
ministers for 139 Disciples and the
same number for 1,511 Presbyterians.
Although more than 25 faiths are
listed in a census recently compiled,
the University classifies them into
four main groups, Dr. Blakeman
said. These are Protestantism which
includes Baptists, Brethren, Chris-
tian Disciples, Congregationalists,
Episcopalians, Evangelicalists, Luth-
erans, Friends, Methodists, Nazareens,
Presbyterians, Reformists and Union-
ists; Judaism for Jews and Catholi-
cism which includes Greek and Rus-
sian Orthodox and Far Eastern
Four distinctive differences in ado-
lescent teaching, terminology, meth-
ods of worship - and theories can be
noted in these divisions, Dr. Blake-
man explained.
Of a grand total of 11,677 students,
6,848 expressed a preference for the
Protestant faith, 1,132 selected Ca-
tholicism, 1,186 preferred Judaism
and approximately 450 selected Far
Eastern denominations. No prefer-
ence was designated by 2,061 students.
Religious work on campus is con-
ducted in an advisory capacity by
Dr. Blakeman: Forty-four courses in
religious education are offered in
seven different departments. The so-
cial religious activities are conducted
at Lane Hall under the leadership of
Keneth Morgan, director of the Stu-
dent Religious Association over which
a Board of Governors, comprised of
five faculty members, three students
and two alumni, presides.
Speech Group-Will Hold
Practice Drill Tomorrow
Alpha Nu, campus speech organi-
zation,,will have a practice parlia-
mentary drill at their weekly meet-
ing at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Al-
pha Nu Room on the fourth floor of
Angell Hall, John D. Williams, '43,
president, announced yesterday.
Members of the organization plan
to introduce a motion, then amend

When try-outs for the cast of theI
Jnion Opera display their theatrical
talents within the next few days,
he man who will judge them will
:ave behind him the experience of
taging nine of the most successful
productions that appeared during
the halcyon days of the Opera.
That man is Roy Hoyer, who has
been chosen director of this year's
revival Opera, the first since 1935.
Working with the late E. Mortimer
Shuter, director of the Operas from
1918 until 1929, Hoyer saw the pro-
ductions he staged tour the nation's
largest cities, become the leader of
collegiate shows and set an attend-
ance record at the Metropolitan
Opera House in New York City that
any other amateur production has
yet to surpass.
Planned Dance Routines
Hoyer planned and dire.cted the
dance routines while appearing as
a dancing partner of Dorothy Stone
in two of Fred Stone's productions.
Since Stone never gave a perform-
ance on Sunday, Hoyer was free to
return by fast train or by airplane
to Ann Arbor, where he rehearsed
the dancers each Sunday.
After starring with Stone for nine
years, Hoyer ..appeared with Jean-
ette MacDonald in "Angela," and
then with FQl Baker and Jack Pearl,
"The Baron Munchausen" in "Plea-
sure Bound."
The biggest problem faced at pres-
ent by Hoyer and his assistant, Bill
Collins; is to find a man who will
fill the shoes of "Madcap Lee Grant,"
pra kish freshman character who is
the lead in; the play. A demonstra-
tion of Grant's "type" was given re-
cently when .Opera publicist Charles
Heinen, '41E, hoaxed the campus in-
to believing-that Grant was an actual
Seeks 'Hedy La Tour'
Hoyer also seeks a "Hedy La Tour,"
slinky glamor girl who can out La-
Marr Hollywood's Hedy. "In addi-
tion,"he announced yesterday, "there
will be many bit parts. I am look-
ing now for 16 of the University's
best-looking men, si feet and
streamlined, to form a male chorus.
,Other students will be selected for
a 'girl's' chorus and for a comedy
Tryouts, which began Sunday,
will continue until Thursday. The
times are: today, 1 to 3 p.m. in Room
318 of the Union; tomorrow, 7 to 9
p.m. in Room 304. Students may try.

Church Group
Plans To Study
As a result of the recent confer-
ence of ministers called by the Mich-
igan Child Guidance Institute this
month, 'a Study Commitee of clergy-
men has been set up to determine
how the churches of Michigan can
specifically contribute toward the
reduction of juvenile maladjustment
and the control of delinquency.
The committee, which comprises
three groups, has been authorized by
the Conference to make recommen-
dations and report its progress to the
whole committee when it meets again
next year.
The Wayne County group will place
its main emphasis on the relation
of the church to delinquency in the
community, by urging clergymen to
pay more attention to children who
are sentenced to, and released from
correctional institutions. The Middle-
Sized-Cities group will center its at-
tention on the relation of the church
to the community,. by advising min-
isters to make the church function
as a community center and inter-
pret the work of the courts.
The remaining division, the Rural
Village group, will concern itself with
pointing out to the community the
important conflicts in our present
culture between "those agents such
as advertising; which stimulate cer-
tain wants, and social lags, such as
unemployment, which block the sat-
isfying of those wants."

Ticket Exchange Declared Success

The operation of the Union's ticket
resale exchange last week signalized
the close of that service's operation
for the 1939 football season, show-
ing according to Harold Singer, '41,
of the Union executive staff, exceed-
ingly extensive success.
The exchange, Singer said, grossed'
between a $370 and $400 turnover for
each of the season's home games this
year. Only a fraction of one per-
cent of the hundreds of tickets turned
in for resale could not be disposed of.
In operation, the exchange is open
to anyone holding tickets which have
been purchased and are neither stu-
dent nor faculty tickets. Tickets are
sold at face value, no price lower or
higher being acceptable. When tic-
kets are turned in, a receipt is given
in return, with later notification of
sale if such has been made. While


out for dancing, singing and acting
parts. For dancing parts, Hoyer
points out, the student need not have
dancing experience.
From these tryouts will come the
comedians, the heroes, the villains
and the beautiful "girls,?' who will
make up the cast of the Opera next
February. If the precedents set dur-
ing Mr. Hoyer's earlier experience
with the Opera are carried out, some
of the actors will use the Opera as
a steppingstone to success. Russell
Barines, Detroit announcer, Dave
Hempstead, '31,. now a scenario
writer in Hollywood, and S. Sylvan
Simon, a Hollywood director, all got
their starts in the Operas produced
by Mr. Hoyer.
ReV. McCormick
Dies Unexpectedly
Rt. Rev, John N. McCormick, 76
years old, a memhber of the Harris
Memorial Trust .directing the actvii-
ties of Episcopal University. students,
died Sunday morning in Grand Rap-
Rt. Rev. McCormick was a retired
bishop of the western Michigan dio-,
cese, and was preparing to hold com-
munion services at Grace Episcopal
church in Grand Rapids when he was
stricken. He was filling the pulpit
for the rector, Rev. Don 1. Carey,
who spoke in Ann Arbor Sunday

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the Union in no respect guarantees
sale, Singer said, the consistent re-
sults for this season and that of
past years is a guide to wht may be
The resale agency, originated sev-
eral years ago, was reorganized last
year by James Halligan, '40F&C, then
a member of the Union executive
council. It has continued under
that general set up this year,
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