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November 28, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-28

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Edited and managed, by students of the University, of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
'tudent PublicationĀ§.
Published evey moiring except Monday during the
University year, and, Summer Session.
Member of 'the 'ssociated Press
The Associated Press'"is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
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Subscriptions during regular school year 'by carrier,
44.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, ine.
College Pubhisbers Representative
'Member, Adsaciated Collegiate Press, 1939-40


Varl Petersen
Miiott Maraniss
Stan M. Swinton
Uoron L. Linder
-Norran' A. Schorr
Dennis Flanagan
'John Ns C~aavan
Ann Vary
'Mel .ineberg

ditorial Staff
3usiness Staff

Managinig Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
SAssociate Editor
SAssociate Editor
*Women's Editor
* Sports Editor

'usiness Manager
Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager
Womens Bsiness Manager
AWonen's Advertising Manager .
PubIcations Manager .

Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zeiovia Skoratko
.. Jane Mowers
. Harriet S. Levy

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
The WarSphrit'
And The Road To Peace,...


UT THERE IS inherent in them a
passion for obedience and for
leaders, especially, leaders wh'o will tell them it
is"right and just to kill children abroad and
torture Jews at home."
This rather common, yet dangerously un-
thiilkinig conception of the German character as
expressed by Henry G. Leach in a recent issue
of Forum, is the type of broad statement of
suspiicion and 'resulting hate that unconsciously
breeds that -"war spirit" which must so inevit-
ablybring the end of our peace.
Such a statement, in the first place, has little
basis in fact. Though it is quite true that cer-
tain nations do have special characteristics in
greater degree than others, those characteris-
tics are not inherent; they are rather bred into
a nation by its experience and history. When a
nation Nis torn by internal economic upheaval
and external foreign persecution, it is almost
inevitable that a strong leader will arise and
be hailed as a "saviour". When prosperity and
security are present, when the nation's people
have been educated and trained in the ideal of
democracy, democracy is inevitable. Democ-
racy, in.that light, cannot be an inherent tend-
ency of a people.
LEACH'S essay continues with the inference
that it would not be a too unhappy state of
affairs if all Germany could be entirely de-
stroyed (a viewpoint which contrasts strikingly
with the German idea that all non-Germans
should be destroyed). But, Leach claims: "It is
doubtful if even America with all. her strength
could ever perform the task." "Therefore," he
concludes, "the Germans will never be exter-
minated, and in that case it would be futile for
America to go to war in the hope of saving
Thus does Leach express a desire for peace
which every American will echo. Yet, wittingly,
or not, he has already helped to defeat his hope.
America did not enter the last war in order to
"lick the Germans." The United States entered
the war because it thought that the Germans,
' as a people,' were incapable of democratic
thought, that they were barbarous "Huns" who
loved fighting and destruction. "For two thou-
sand years the Germans have been tearing up
the boundaries and upsetting the peace of Eur-
ope," says Leach. Leach, infers that German
nature, not the ambitions of kings of all coun-
tries and the general barbarism of the middle
ages was responsible.
SUCH propaganda is certainly the type that
sends the most tolerant people on the road
to hate, inevitably leading to the road to war.
If we are really sincere in our desire for peace,
we must learn that it is war and hunger and
greed and hate that are the causes of war, not
the "nature' of the warring nations. We must
learn that the Germans, too, if given the fair
chance of peace and security and good govern-
ment would sincerely "be kind to Jews at home
and children abroad." If we can understand
and appreciate these precepts we will have taken
a long step ahead on the road to peace, per-
manent peace.
-Jean Goldstick
An otherwise absurd saying, now sweeping
the country, will soon cause abundant political
writings. Ie goes like this: "When Mussolini's
widow went to see Stalin who was on his death
bed to tell him Hitler was murdered at Franco's

(From the Daily for Nov. 10, 1915)
Compulsory Military T rd ing
The board of regents being willing, Michigan
students will soon be enrolled as members of
President Wilson's "armed citizenry." The edict
has gone out from the faculty and now awaits
the decree of the court of last resort.
The idea is all right and we believe that most
of the students on the campus are in favor of it.
But to amake it a success we must improve on
the methods in which it is handled in some of
the institutions of our acquaintance. This
means that the board which passes on excuses
from training must be made up of stiff-back1
'individuals supported by a hard and fast list of
rules. It means further that the commandant
cannot tolerate peanut eating and gum chewing
in the ranks.
We have compiled and sent out a question-
aire in hopes of getting the nation-wide student
opinion as to the merits and demerits of the
plan. When these results are tabulated we may
have some interesting results to lay before our
If it did not sound too much like Pollyanna,
we should be tempted to say that even the Euro-
pean war offers a compensating side in making
possible the continued stay of the European
paintings from the two fairs here in America. At
any rate, it is something to be thankful for
and discreetly overlook the cause, for the col-
lection now on exhibit at the Detroit Institute
of Art is really a once-in-a-lifetime show!
Approaching the exhibit from a systematic
line, it is possible to study any number of artis-
tic problems or simply any number of artists.
Rembrandt is well represented, five of his paint-j
ings illustrating three of his periods being hung
in the first room. Of these the most powerful
and the one most likely to catch popular atten-
tion through its subject matter is one of his self
portraits. Thickly painted and lighted with the
typical burst-through-dusk we find in his later
works, it expresses a lack of joy, a simple ac-
ceptance of the bitter with the sweet that is par-
ticularly gripping.
Rubens, too, has three of his works on display,
all with his women like pillars and his pillars
like women; all, too, with real movement and
genuine flesh.
In the second room we find Hans Memling's
"Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian" whose colors
are of a clearness almost impossible and whose
detail is almost miraculous. Beside it rests Van
Der Goes' sincere and hoy "Virgin and Child with
St. Anne and a Monk," one of the few virgin and
child pictures whose child might actually grow
up to save the world from sin and whose vir-
gin has certainly looked deep into another
Most of us have long listened to the New York
Philharmonic Orchestra over the radio during
the past few years, btt few have had the pleasure
of watchingMr. Babirolli conduct. As a natur-
al result of this most of our attention was direct-
ed toward the conductor, at least during the
first half of the performance.
Mr. Barbirolli is indeed a fascinating musi-
cian. He conducts with an almost mathematical
feeling for phrase length and with a strong
sense of the build-up necessary to have a climax
ring true. Not once during the course of the
evening's concert did this sense of climax play
him false. No wonder that Mr. Weinberger was
deeply impressed upon hearing a portion of his

opera Schwanda under the leadership of Mr.
Barbirolli and decided "on the spot that he had
found the ideal orchestra and the ideal con-
ductor for his new work." There are no false
colorings, no tricks, in Mr. Barbirolli's interpre-
tations. As a conductor he reminds us of Sergei
Rachmaninoff as a pianist. Clear, concise, and
uncompromisingly exact, he is indeed a conduc-
tor any composer would be honored in having
his works performed under.
The overture "The Roman Carnival" of Ber-
lioz did not seem particularly striking, either in
its dialogue of themes or flashy orchestration at
the close. We should far rather have heard a
more sophisticated work, at least structurally.
There is too great a store of richer music that is
at the same time "light" enough and interest-
ing enough that it should not be necessary to
resort to that sort of thing.
The Elgar composition was, on the other hand,
a noble work, of sophisticated (using that word
always in its best sense) form, composed of a
wealth of thoroughly musical thematic material.
It is a work of no mean proportion, resting on a
well-written counterpoint, and employing a
number of different contrasting moods. The
sudden turning from one mood to another saved
it from the too-watery harmonies that Elgar wap
so often unable to escape. In spite of the tend-
ency toward academism in the fugato passage
Elgar's fine feeling for the holding value of
sequence sustained it. And there was one not-
able quality of the composition that stood out
above all others-its sincerity. That was what
Elgar always strove for, complete honesty of.
musical thought. He did attain it.
The program notes of Jaromir Weinberger
on his Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree are
almost as interesting to read as the composition



THE one and only Gulliver (one-count him-
one) went tearing off to Detroit Sunday to
grab off a little extra culture through the cour,-
tesy of the Detroit Institute of Arts.
For two bits you can get into the room where
the New York World's Fair exhibit of Dutch
and Flemish Old Masters is hung. After you
get into the room, you're on your own. On Sun-
day afternoon there were, at a rough guess, a
thousand people jammed into a room built to
hold a hundred. What made it especially tough
was that most of the thousand were dowager!
ladies, who are notorious for taking up too much
It is true that things were made much easier
for Gulliver because he was with Earle Luby,
who still weighs two hundred and twenty pounds,
and who hasn't forgotten how to open a hole
right through the middle. Even so, it was no
easy job to get right up to the pictures without
losing all the buttons off your vest. Once you!
got-there you found yourself face to face with
a detailin the lower right hand corner of the
painting. When you managed to get your head
about six inches back from the picture and wiped
the paint off your nose, you were free to con-!
centrate on the commnts of the ladies who sur-!
rounded you. The chatter of the younger set
ran something like this: "Notice the purity of
line in this. Steen was of course a master of
such and such." (This one came straight out of
the catalogue which cost you another two bits).
The girls who had been to college and knew
their Art41 could sigh with assurance, "Ah, such
chiaroscuro!" and the older ones concentrated on
trying to find out where in heaven's name the
forget-me-nots were in the Madonna And Child
With Forget-Me-Nots.
ALL in all, it was a trying time for real honest
to God art lovers like Luby and Young Gul-
liver. If you go in to see the exhibit, and you!
really want to get a good look at, say, Bosch's
terrific Temptation Of Saint Anthony, Gulliver'
stands ready with a few suggestions:
(1) Wait until they lock up and then sneak in.
This one is tough, but worth the trouble.
(2) Bring a periscope. Lie flat on your back
on the floor and practice 'until you can sight the
desired painting at a moment's notice.
(3) Bring a ladder.
Anyway, as Luby said, it wasn't the crowd
that was remarkable, it was the fact that the
pictures ever got into Detroit. But there they
are, and you owe it to yourself to go in and see
them before Dies makes a bonfire out of all
unAmerican art.
To the Editor:
I am very much pleased with Gulliver's reply
to my cavils! In tone and temper, in courtesy
and dignity, it is so much superior to his original
article that provoked my strictures that I am set
wondering whether or not there are two Gulli-
vers, just as the higher critics have discovered
two Isaiahs (query-thesis for a Ph.D.?). If so,
I hope that -there are also two Maranisses and
two Petersens, and that we shall have in the
future more editorials outlining plans for per-
manent peace and world reconstruction and
fewer frantic appeals to cut off trade, to cut off
sympathy, from the wicked Old World.
If, as is very possible, I have been unjust in
not seeing through tiese superficial Boake Car-
terisms to the latent internationalism beneath,
there has been excuse for my error. How could
I guess that Gulliver, for example, was a Well-
sian when he spoke of "that Wellsian never-
never world nonsense"? How could I guess that
those who wanted no trade at all in wartime
were really working for a future of universal
free trade in peace?
But if my remarks were completely beside.
the point, so much the better. We can now
fight side by side instead of face to face. There
are still some minor points of ambiguity. For
example, I do not know quite what an "elder
statesman" is. I presume it to mean any poli-
tician over fifty. If so, Wilson was one, and so
were nearly all of his Senatorial foes. The young

students martyred in Prague were avowed
disciples of the elder statesman Masaryk.
As for Lippmann, he is at present some de-
grees more conservative than I am on sundry
domestic questions, but as a "fellow traveller"
(to quote our late Communist friends) toward
peace I would not altogether refuse him a hand.
I dislike all imperialism, but if there is any it.
had better be international than national, so as
to cut out colonial wars. I confess I do not know
just what Lippmann meant by "corporations of
some sort in which all may own shares and par-
ticipate in the management;" it does not sound
like an ordinary private company and may bN
some vague hint at any international Board of
Control to prevent exactly the sort of exploita-
tion of native labor to which Gulliver rightly
objects. I shall wait till Lippmann clears up
this ambiguity before passing any comment on
his rather nebulous scheme.
The most important question which seems to
divide the New Gulliver from myself is as to
whether any "cooperation is possible, even after
peace, with Britain and France. From my close-
up study of those countries I am convinced that
there is as -much danger to world peace 'from

It Seems To Me
By Heywood Broun DAI LY OFF IC
If I am ever a college president,
which seems most unlikely at the
moment, I would make Tim Mara
an honorary doctor of something or (continued from Page 2)
other. I do not refer to the fact
that Mr. Mara majored in mathe- so doing, you will be able to discuss
matics in the days when he held his your program carefully with your
slate up at the race tracks but rather Counselor and avoid the rush and
to his activities in promoting pro confusion at the end of the semester.
fessional football. The pro game is Remember that there will be no op-
growing so rapidly that presently the portunity for you to see your Coun-
college contests will be secondary in selor during the final examination
interest. And that would be just period.
Once there is general realization Pre-Medical Students: The Medi-
of the fact that the undergraduates cal Aptitude Test will be given today
are merely bush-leaguers compared at 9 p.m. in Natural Science Audi-
to the Giants, the Green Bay Packers torium. The test is to be taken by
and the rest, the game will actually students planning to enter a medical
have gone back to the boys. Already school in the fall of 1940. A fee of
the decline of the East and the Ivy one dollar is charged for the test for
eleven has lessened the tension. A which there are still a few tickets
contest between Yale and Harvard available at the Cashier's Office. Be
may stir Cambridge and New Haven, on time.
but the nation as a whole is able to,
take this climax quite calmly. An Concerts
end may muff a pass square in his
hands and still attain the respect, Twilight Organ Recital: Catharine
if not the love, of his community, Crozier, Guest organist, a member of
by the time he reaches 50. No longer the faculty of the Eastman School
is the brand of Cain indelibly set of Music, Rochester, New York, will
upon the brow of the college quar- give a recital on the Frieze Memorial
terback who called the wrong play Organ in Hill Auditorium, Wednes-
on the one-yard line. day afternoon, Nov. 29, at 4:15 p.m.
Things were not ever thus, for The general public, with the excep-
some 30 years ago I knew a student tion of small children, is invited with-
who went slinking through the yard out admission charge.
even at nightfall, because he was
known to all his fellows as "the man Lectures
who dropped the punt." Some traces University Lecture: Dr. E. M.K.
of the old tradition remain and crop UGniers re:ndr. E. mnK.
out, as in the recent speech of Mr. eiling, Professor and Chairman of
Ducky Pond, who denounced his Blue the Department of Pharmacology of
charges in the press after the Dart- the University of Chicago, will lecture
mouth game. But this was impulsive on "The Comparative Anatomy and
and exceptional. For the most part Pharmacology of t h e Pituitary
there is general agreement - that Gland," under the auspices of the De-
"Harvard was old Harvard when partment of Biological Chemistry, at,
Yale was but a pup.4:15p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 30, in
Y a . the Rackham Lecture Hall. All Medi-
Accordingly, one football victory or cal School classes will be dismissed
defeat more or less does not matter to permit the students to attend this
a great deal in the stream of exis- lecture.. The public is cordially, in-
tence. It will all be forgotten before vited.
the next ice age descends upon us. Biological Chemistry Lecture: Dr.
I believe that this more intelligent BilgclhestyLtu:D.
k t E.M.K. Geiling, Professor of Phar-
point of view is known as perspective EMK elnPoesro hr
and that undergraduates have at macology at the University of Chi-
least laid a finger on its coattails. cago, will speak to the first year
The boys don't fall for oratory as medical students on "Insulin" at '8
they did in the mauve decade. A a.m. on Thursday, Nov. 30, in Room
good coach a quarter of a century 1528East Medical Building. All
ago had to be kind of cross between those who are nterested are cordially
the discus thrower and Demosthenes.i-p


Cabaret meeting at 4 p.m. today in
the League.
The Christian Science Organization
will meet tonight at 8:15 p.m. in the
Chapel of the Michigan League.
Tea-Dance: The Union Executive
Council is sponsoring its weeklytea-
dance today in the small ballroom
between the hours of 4:30 and 5:30
p.m. The student body is cordially
The Bookshelf and Stage Section
of the Faculty Women's Club Will
meet today at 2:45 p.m. at the"home
of Mrs. Ernest F. Barker. 18' Ridge-
The Bibliophile section of the
Faculty Women's Club will meet
with Mrs. John H. Muyskens at the
Michigan League today at 2:30 pn.
Michigan Dames: Art group will
meet at the home of Mrs. G.{'Carl
Huber, 1330 Hill, at 8 o'clock tonight.
The Monday Evening Drama Sec-
tion of the Faculty Women's Club
will meet tonight at 7:30 in Rooms
316-318 of the Michigan Union. Please
note that the meeting is again on
Tuesday evening instead of Monday.
The Hillel Players will hold tryotits
for one-act plays, to be given in Flint,
at the Hillel Foundation this after-
noon from 4 to 6 p.m. Especially
good male roles are available.
'llitiel Class in Jewish Ethics, led by
Dr. Hirsch Hootkins, will meet to-
night at 8 p.m. at the Hille!i Fotida-
Hillel Class in Conversational He-
brew will meet at the Foundation to-
night at 7 o'clock.


* * *
Sometimes a coach would be too
eloquent for his own good and findf
his team piling up offside penalties
in its eagerness to die for dear old
Tack Hardwick told met
once of his own sad fate in provokingc
too much stimulation.
"I was sent to talk to a backs
named Bradlee before the Yalea
game," he said. "He was a good
player, but somehow he just seemed
to lack that last element of fighting,
pitch. I was supposed to arouse
him. It wasn't an easy job, because
I didn't know him at all, but after
we talked for a few minutes I found
that he had a brother in Nahant,t
Mass., my own town. And so l
worked on that.
"I told him, 'When you get out
there tomorrow against the Elis youx
don't want your brother in Nahant1
or my brother in Nahant to be
ashamed of you.' Finally he began
to cry, and so I knew I'd done thet
trick, and I said goodby and that I
hoped he'd have a good night's rest.
But when he showed up on the field
the next day just before the game
he was still crying. The college doc-
tor wasn't going to let him play, andr
so I had to walk up and down the
sidelines and unwind him.
"I had to take it all back. 'For-
get about Nahant,' I told him. 'To
hell with Nahant! As a matter of(
fact, my brother lives in Lynn." But
he got in there. and played a whale
of a game. I guess I didn't know1
my own strength."
'Bird Hike' Will Be Held
By Graduate Outing Club
Arthur Staebler, graduate student,
in the ornithology department, will
lead the Graduate Outing Club in a
"bird hike" at 2:30 Sunday, Abra-
ham Rosenzweig, president, an-
Members of the club not attend-
ing the hike may go skating at the
Coliseum, Rosenzweig added. Those
who wish to' have a dinner in the
Rackham Building afterwards must
sign up on the door of the Club
excessive American isolationism as
from Anglo - French imperialism.
There is an enormous amount of
genuine internationalist and pacifist
sentiment in both Britain and
France, and even the fatal "appease-
ment" policy had much more sheer
pacifism in it than pro-fascism or
anti-communism. Since 1930, at all
events, all the sins and errors of
Anglo-French diplomacy have been
those of feebleness rather than those
of ruthlessness.
It is not impossible, I fear, that at
the end of the war the British and
French may be willing to go further
in building a world federation than
the average American. I still think
we would be living in a better world
if we had followed the Wilson path'
rather than the Borah -road in 1919.

Dr. N. H. Engle, Assistant Director,
Bureau of Foreign and Domestic
Commerce, will speak on "Changing
Channels of Distribution," this af-
ternoon at 3 o'clock in the Amphi-
theatre of the Rackham Building.
Students in economics and business
administration and others interested
are invited.
The Rev. Charles W. Brashares, of
First Methodist Episcopal Church,
will give the eighth lecture in the
series on "I Believe", which is spon-
sored by the Student Religious Asso-
ciation. The lecture will be held in
the Rackham Amphitheatre, tonight
at 8 o'clock.
Rabbi James G. Heller, of Cincin-
nati, will speak on the subject: "Can
Religion Be Saved in the World To-
day?" at the Rackham Lecture Hall
on Sunday, Dec. 3, 8:15 p.m., under
the auspices of the Student Religious
Association and Hillel Foundation.
Today's Events -
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet in Room 319 West Medical Bldg.
at 7 o'clock 'tonight. All interested
are invited to attend.
Seminar in Continued Fractions
today at 4 p.m, in 3201 A.H.
Botanical Journal Club will meet
tonight at 7:30 in Room N.S.-1139.
Junior Mathematical Society meet-
ing this evening, instead of Monday,
as previously announced, at 7:30 in
Room 3201 Angell Hall.
Deutscher Verein will meet tonight
at 8 o'clock in the League.
International Center: Correction:
Because 6f the Philharmonic Or-
chestra program last evening, the
movie on "Around South America,'
which was to have been shown, was
postponed till this evening at 7 p.m.
The film, which is in technico'or, is
a record of a recent trip of Dr. and
Mrs. La Fever around South America,
and is said to be unusually beautiful.
Tau Beta Pi. Regular meeting to -
night at 6:30 'p.m.
Omega Upsilon: All those girls in-
terested in speech, come over to the
broadcasting studio at Morris Hall
tonight at 7:30. There will be try-
outs for Omega Upsilon, National
Speech Sorority.
Michigan Union Opera: Schedule
of tryouts for dancing, singing, and
acting to be conducted in the desig-
nated rooms of the Union:
Tuesday, 1-3 p.m., Room 318.
Wednesday, 7-9 p.m., Room 305.
Thursday, 7-9 p.m., Room 304.
All eligible men interested may try-
'uture Teachers of America will
meet ftoav at 4: 15 nm_ in the -ranu-

Coming Events
Economics Club: Professors Z. C.
Dickinson and E. M. Hoover will 'dis-
cuss "Experiences with Minimum
Wage Committees" on Wednesday,
Nov. 29, at 7:45 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. Graduate students
and staff members in Economics and
Business Administration are cordial-
ly invited.
Chemistry Colloquium will 'meet in
Room 303 Chemistry Building at 4:15
p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 29. 'Mr.
J. L. Sheldon will speak on "A Study
of Ferric Hydroxide Precipitated by
Urea and its Use in Quantitative Sep-
Association Forum: The Rev. Ches-
ter Loucks will lead the forum discus-
sion on "Can a Religious Person Jus-
tify a Luxious Scale of Living?" at
Lane Hall, Thursday, at 7:30 p.m.
Senior Engineering Students (Class
of '40E) will meet on Thursday, Nov.
30, at 4 p.m. in Room 348, West En-
gineering Building, to select a class
Sigma Eta Chi meeting Wednes-
day will be from 5 to 7:30 p.m. All
who can, meet at 5. After eating
supper, we will sew on the dolls for
the children in the 'hospital until
7:30 or later for those who do not go
to the lecture. Everybody please
bring a needle and thread. The mu-
sical program will be postponed for
one week.
Women's Swimming Club will meet
at the Union Pool on Wednesday at
4 p.m.
Hostess Committee of Sophomore
Cabaret meeting at 4 p.m. on Wed-
nesday, at the League. All names
and definite times must be handed
in then.
Theatre Arts Committee mass meet-
ing at 5 p.m. Thursday in the League.
The Chicago Club will have Prof.
Muyskens of the speech department
give a short lecture in Room 317 at
the Union on Wednesday at 7:30
p.m. Also plans for a mixer and a
special car for transportation home
at Christmas will be discussed.


Theatre Arts Committee: All
Usher Committee members interest-
ed in ushering for the children's the-
atre production, "Thanksgiving at
Buckram's Corners", on the after-
noons of December 1 and 2, please
sign on the list on the bulletin board
in the undergraduate office of the
League before Thursday noon.
Congregational Fellowship -Dude
Ranch Party on' Friday night. Old
time and modern dancing, western
games. All students welcome. Sport
clothes suggested.
The Painting Section of the Facul-
ty Women's Club will meet on Fri-
day, Dec. 1, at 1:30 p.m. at the h me
of Mrs. Joe Lee Davis, 206 W. Davis
Michigan Dames: Music group is
having a potluck supper at 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 29, at Lane Hall. All
wishing to attend who have not
sigmed uD should call Mrns.Shicke at


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