_ T H E MIC HIGAN DAILY sA' , IN THE WO RLD OF BOO KS An English Youth Finds MAUGHAMA Different World ..- Cep . ._ __ CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY, by W. Som- erset Maugham. Doubleday, Doran and Co. $2.50. Couirte;y Follett's Book Store.' By ELBI GILENI Charley Mason's world was a small one and a happy one before he went to Paris alone for his Christmas holi- day. By the end of the Yuletide, the bot- tom had dropped out of Charley Ma- son's small, happy world. Charley had become educated. This theme is by no means original with Maugham. If I've read one, I've read 20 books that start and end the same way. It's what's in between that counts, and Maugham's inbe- tweens are refreshingly new and startlingly real. As a matter of fact, for the price of one volume Maugham digs down into his literary jeans and pulls forth two stories, one, a murder mystery, no less, interwoven with the story of Charley Mason's awakening. For when Charley went to Paris with a yen for the night life he had heard so much of, his old friend Si- mon introduced him to the Princess Olga, a Russian prostitute who's real name was Lydia Berger. In the en- suing days while Lydia lived with Charley in his tiny hotel room she took down her hair and told himl piecemeal the story of her husband, Robert, who had murdered for the fun of it and for whose sins she felt she was atoning. All this, plus the great change that had come about in the character of his friend Simon, was how the other half lived to Charley. With his fath- er the treasurer of the Mason Estates and his uncle a dignified M. P. Char- ley had nurtured the strange idea that all people who counted lived in Eng- land's mansions, that the servants and other less well-to-do members of society he had come in contact with were to be tolerated but not under- stood and were really a separate spe- cie quite apart from mankind. He was surprised to find them human also. Simon himself was Charley's great- est surprise. Simon in school with Charley was a quiet sort of a chap, rather hard for the rest of the fel- lows to get along with. An orphan, Simon had been, for all practical purposes, taken into the bosom of the Mason family and had often con- fessed to Charley that he was his only real friend. Simon had found Cambridge not to his liking and had quit, taking a correspondenceship in Paris for an English paper, a job gained for him by Mr. Mason. Then passed a number of years during which the two school chums did not see each other, ending in Charley's Christmas visit. Simon, meanwhile, had. become a changed man. Never a leader in school, he had a decided whole-world- against-me complex. A leader he wanted to be, a leader in the emanci- pation of mankind. Realizing his lack of p'ersonal charm he had decided; tnat his only chance of becoming a leader, or rather a dictator, was through the use of terrorism and the establishment of fear in the hearts of his countrymen. HIis greatest li- ability in purusing such a course he kinew to be his own personal feelings and studying the methods of the leaders of the French and Russian Revolutions, especially those of Dzer- jinsky, he had studiously been fol- lowing a course designed to devoid himself of all emotions and make himself able to live under any hard- ships. He would not rest, he told Charley, until he knew he could order a firing squad to blow Charley's brains out and think nothing of it. Charley found him well on his way. Simon and Lydia, and more so Ly- dia's story, opened Charley's eyes to a number of things he had never dreamed of before. Maugham leaves the question unanswered as to whether his experiences did Charley any good or whether he came, after a few weeks, to look upon the holiday rather as an unpleasant dream and sank back to his original lethargical mode of living. DAILY OFFICI (Continued from Page 4) Imbued in Simon the reader will find a peculiar philosophy. Simon is not the young idealistic radical type who hopes to wage war with blood and iron if necessary against existing political and economic con- ditions in order to make the world a better place for the average man, especially the worker, to live. The reader is convinced that Simon has not the deplorable condition of the lower class in mind in preparing for his revolution. He has only his own welfare in mind with the ambition of being at the top of the heap when the dust clears. Nor does Simon even crave, as most of his type, to be known as the leader and emancipator to his followers; he would be the power be- hind the commanding hand, the brain that controls the dictator's muscles. Once in power, men could fall in line or go to hell as far as he Home Country Suits Prokosch In Latest Book America Is Rediscovered By Author in 'Night Of The Poor' NIGHT OF THE POOR, by Frederic Prokosch, Harper & Bros., New York. By HARVEY SWADOS Frederic Prokosch has come home. Readers of Mr. Prokosch's earlierl novels, The Asiatics and The Sevenl Who Fled, will remember him as a dealer in exoticisms, a writer with a lush, poetic flavor to his style andl an abiding interest in strange, Orien- tal places and strange, abnormal people. But Mr. Prokosch has decided that RIVER RISING-Bu Hubert Skid- more. Doubleday Doran and Co., Inc. Price $2. Courtesy the Hop- wood Room. By ELIZABETH M. SHAW York Allen wanted to be a doctor. Ever since that night his mother and father had died of pneumonia four AStory Of Ten News Writers In Spanish War NOTHING BUT DANGER. Edited by Frank C. Hanighen. 285 pp. New York: Robert M. McBride & Co. $2.75. be held Saturday, Dec. 2, from 9-12 p.m. in the ballroom of the Michigan League. Admission is free to affili- ate members on presentation of mem- bership and identification cards. Non-members may purchase tickets at the Foundation office. The Bibliophile section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet with Mrs. John H. Muyskens at the Michigan League, Tuesday, Novem- ber 28 at .2:30 p.m. Michigan Dames: Art group will meet at the home of Mrs. G. Carl Huber, 1330 Hill, at eight, o'clock, T'esday, November 28. Churches St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Sunday, 8 a.m Holy Communion; 11 a.m. Morning Prayer and sermon by the Rev. Don V. Carey, rector of Grace Episcopal Church, Grand Rap- ids; 11 a.m. Junior Church; 11 a.m. kindergarten, Harris Hall; 7 p.m. Student meeting, Harris Hall. John Mason Wells, professor of philosophy and religion at Hillsdale will speak on "Some Suggestions about the Or- igins and Value of the Old Testa- ment." Disciples Guild (Church of Christ): 10:45 a.m. Morning worship. Rev. Fred Cowin, minister; 12 noon, Students' Bible Class. H. L. Pickerill, leader. 6:30 p.m. "The Guild Looks at It- self and. Plans for the Future." A round table' discussion led by Hoyt Servis, president. H. Skidmore, Hopwood Winner, Writes Third Blue Ridge Novel was concerned. As long as things he loves America, and the result is What happened to the correspon- were different with himself respon- Night Of The Poor, which might dents in Spain during the recent sible for the running of things, Si- well be subtitled America. Is Peachy. revolution is told by 10 of them in a mon would be satisfied. For Mr. Prokosch, in his rediscovery group of chapters which, the editor of America, has found, not only that points out, constitutes as much of a it is beautiful, that it is democratic, book of "men against war" as of that its citizens are, in the main, newspaper men's reminiscences about good, that in it youth can come of 'it A L BU L LET I N age freely, without let or hindrancei One might suppose that, released ut also that it is as "exotic" (to from the inhibitions imposed by cen- misuse the word) as any other coun- sorship, reporters would have taken try in the world. better advantage of their material. Graduate Bible Class. Prof. Leroy The Whitman Quotation But they appear to have believed that ateCnovel begins, as it should, with facts of so sensational a nature need- Waterman, teacher.r a quotation from a Walt, Whitman ed no arrangement for dramatic ef- 10:45, Morning Worship. Sermon poem. It ends, as it should, with fect. Topic,"Deiverancd T e the following sentence: "He started The one outstanding exception - 12, Student Round Table Discus- down the straight white road to San and by far the most stirring part of sion Toi "Wat" Can We lieve Felipe, 44 miles away." In between the book-is the article headed "Cor- about Immortality?" is the saga of young Tom, who leaves respondent's Wife," by Lorna Wood, 6:15, Roger Williams Guild, 503 E. home to wander through the States, who is the only woman represented Huron. is fascinated by American names, among the contributors. While the Rev. William Genne of Michigan places, and people, has adventures, are reportingh State College will report on the World falls in love, and, in the final chap- objectively. Mrs. Wood is translating Christian Youth Conference in Am- 'ter, consumates his love, the incidents in terms of humanun- sterdam, Holland. The reader of this review who derstanding. In reporting emotions, thinks that he has detected a note she makes facts stand out at their First Church of Christ, Scientist: of captiousness in the above para- full value. That there is not a stolid Su a y, m in es ervice - graphs is quite correct. This should line in her story is due no less to her Subjct:"Anien an Moern not, however, be taken to mean that!I timing.. than to the incidents she re- cromancy, alias Mesmerism and Hyp- the reviewer wishes to derogate Mr. lates. notism Denounced." :Prokosch's efforts, for they are praise- cThe thought of war turned her Golden Text : Isaiah 8:19. worthy. It is. as heartening to see a cold with fright. "But then," she' Sunday school at 11:45. young writer return to his homeland says, "so did a dentist's chair or a as it is to see him stop writing about cockroach." It did not prevent her First Methodist Church: Dr. C. W. himself. from accompanying her correspon- Brashares will speak at 10:40 a.m. on Unfortunately Mr. Prokosch has dent husband to Barcelona a few "Radicalism." not broken completely enough with days after their marriage. his first two novels. Thus not only Her first aid raid experience in- Stalker Hall: Student class at 9:45 his style but also his very attitude eluded surprise at the cold tide that a.m. at Stalker Hall. Prof. Roy Swin- have not been adjusted properly, and crept up from her feet when the siren ton of the Engineering School is the the result is that you see America not warning started. The electric lights leader. Wesleyan Guild meeting at as your native country but as a weird dimmed and faded away. Street traf- the church at 6 p.m. The service and withal rather spooky place which fic had stopped. A phonograph on will be on the interpretation of the is charming, but still, don't you .the floor below was playing "Cheek picture "Christ and the Rich Young know, my dear, so foreign-looking. to Cheek." Then silence until "All Ruler." Fellowship hour and supper Hero Is Type One Clear" was sounded. This false alarm following the meeting. As for the hero, young Tom, he is was succeeded in days to come by in effect Type One. Novels about others that heralded destruction. First Congregational Church: 10:45 young men are usually concerned Bombs from the air killed 80 women a.m. Public worship. Prof. Preston W. either (One) with young men who and children who were standing in Slosson will speak on "Platitude and feel or (Two) young men who think, line to buy food-fish that were Paradox in Religion." Type One ordinarily has much the 'cheap after a raid because some of 6 p.m. Student Fellowship Supper,1 easier time of it, since Type One the bombs were almost sure to stun followed by a talk on "Religions of (Stephen Dedalus, Eugene Gant, etc.) them when they exploded in the sea. India" by Francesca Thivy of Ma- is usually artistic and therefore spiri- - The New York Times. dras South Tneia. habits of the people which form a background for his story. River Ris- ing is a true to life account of the experiences of a schoolteacher and years ago in their little old cabin in the Blue Ridge Mountains-that ter- rible night when York had run from Owe to the other in frenzied horror, sensing the worst and helpless in the face of it-he had sacrificed every- thing to prepare himself to attend the medical school down the valley where he might learn enough to come back and help other Blue Ridge people. And now York had been given a chance to become a schoolmaster at Cherry Valley lumber camp where he could earn the rest of the money he needed to put him through medi- cal school. It was to be the culmina- tion of those four years of drudgery when he had harnessed himself to the plow at his uncle's farm and spent every spare moment reading and rereading the two medical texts he had picked up in the neighbor- hood. But the task ahead was not simple. Cherry Valley had not had a school- master in six years and the last one had been attacked by a band of camp ruffians, thrown into the river, and stoned until he could be seen no more. Moreover, the same gang had recently burned the schoolhouse to the ground. Undaunted, York rebuilt the school, cleaned up the molesters, and cleared his name from a plot formulated by logging thieves. It was spring when the ice on the river had broken and the lumbermen prepared the logs to float downstream to the tune of the call, "River Rising," that he fi- nally triumphed over his obstacles and with money in his pocket, trudged jubilantly back home to waist for the fall term at medical school to start. This is the third -book. Skidmore has published concerning the people in the Blue Ridge Mountains. His first, 1 Will Lift Up Mine Eyes, brought the author a' major. fiction award in the 1935 Hopwood Contest. His second novel, These Silent Hills, appeared last year. The author, a native =of: the Bluej Ridge country, is well versed' in the. k' There are never enough RYTEX Christmas Cards to go around... and no wonder for with their smart designs, quality paper and low price they, arc the utmost value ineChristmas Cards s bar none! 50 for $1 Order Now! at FOLLETT'S including Name Printing of yoir on each card COMPLETELY FOLDED.. . WITH 50 PLAIN ENVELOPES TO MATCH . . SMARTLY BOXED. FO LLETT'S s f l 1 l i J c Jw GFTeS& EEYWan WectmC etiSH GIFTS EVERY WOMAN WILL CHERISH ay .clew ~1 ..- h~~ Xo fils e. ti c1 .Ca' a n First Baptist Church: 9:30 a.m.f _. .;."... Ys>..... s; r . r r ".: . j }".} '. f} 1 :l1': :. .. . : ' ' : r".rc''' . 3 ': ' :.. ''f . tually tourtured. Tom isn't tortured Trinity Lutheran Church: Worshi at all; the only thing that , bothers Dr. Hutchins Inaugurated Trinty uthranChurh: orsip him is his virginity, and that he sheds services at 10:30 a.m. Rev. H. O is i igntanhth hd Yoser wsll deliver the sermon. - in the final chapter. The inference BEREA, Ky, Nov. 25.-(A)-Dr. __- is of course that now Tom is a Man. Francis S. Hutchins was inaugurated Zion Lutheran Church: Worship By the time the book is done, Tom's today as president of Berea College, services at 10:30 a.m. Rev. Steil- chest has thickened, it is covered succeeding his father, and reiterated servis dat 10:3 em. n Rev.t-with copious vifrissae, and Tom has the "work-your-way" college's tradi- become what the boys call "one of the tion of open doors to young men and boys." women of the southern mountains. First Presbyterian Church: 10:45 ! r rkshwitsvr el a.m. "Life-On What Terms?" will Mr. Prokosch writes very well. A - be the subject of Dr. Lemon's sermon number of the passages, notably the at the Morning Worship Service. Idescriptions of the scenery, are real- at theMoWrn in Wrs hiSdenrvi ly quite lovely. But Night Of The' 6 p.m. Westminster Student Guild; Poor scarcely has enough solidity will meet for a supper and fellowship and unity enoe tolmpyr hour. Prof. Preston W. Slosson will and unity to enable one to compare speak on "The Role of the Church in it seriously, as has been done, with "The Grape of Wrath.a v., n. Y T1LTV 1 l 't $1 je modern Cr isis Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. "If Winter Comes," a pre-Christmas sermon by Rev. Marley. 7:30 p.m. First of three round table discussions on "Exploring ' Liberal Religion," led by Rev. Marley. Student Evangelical Chapel will hold services in the Michigan League on Sunday, Nov. 26, at 10:30 a.m. Dr. G. Goris will speak on "The Sanctity of Life." The evening service at 7:30 will also be in charge of Dr. Goris. .pis topic will be "Why Pray?" All students are invited to attend these worship hours. Reform. Services will be held at ,he Hillel Foundation this morning at 11:00 a.m. The sermon will be given by Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, en- titled "The People of the Book". UNUSUAL GIFTS for EVERYONE Unique ash trays and cig- arette boxes, brass trays Delicate hand-made brace- lets and pins Oriental dolls Guaranteed to please Oriental Gift Shope 300-B S. State St. Be ta-t.hussy Lips audaciously red...-tenderly soft... with Tussy Lipstick! In- tense in color. Softening even to dry, peeling lips. New shades . REDCOAT, GRAPE and BLUE BLOOD".., as well as the othe famous Tussy indelible shades. Manicure woman. Featuring Peggy sets that will 0 please the most fastidious Sage priced from $1.50. We are also showing rare perfumes, beauty kits, toilet sets, lipsticks, compacts, vanities, bath powder and bath salts-all priced to fit your pocketbook. Deck Yourself With Gay Embroidery TYROLEAN SWEATERS 3.50 to 6.50 Leave your order NOW for Christmas Greeting Cards Sample books 'now ready for your selection. They are TYROLEAN as ayodel ... and just as fascinating! Sweaters in warm, novelty knits lush with quantities of flower em- broidery gay as your holiday spirits. Have them for your- I