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November 26, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-26

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Drew: Ordo



dited and managed by students of the University of
higan under the authority of the Board in Control of
lent Publications.
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versity year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
e Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
for republication of all news dispatches credited to
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its of republication of all other matters herein also
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ubscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
0; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
mber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40

Editorial Stafff

t Maraniss
M. Swinton
on L. Linder,
an A. Schorr
is Flanagan
N. Canavan


. .

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
* A City Editor
Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
. Associate, Editor
. Associate Editor
. Women's Editor
Sports Editor

Business Staff

ess Manager
Business Mgr., Credit Manager
n's Business Manager
n's Advertising Manager
ations Manager

. Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
. HJane Mowers
H arriet S. Levy

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
State Economy
And Social Welfare ...
R ECENT press dispatches from such
states as Massachusetts, Ohio and
Michigan show the terrific difficulties en-
countered by would-be budget-balancers.
In Ohio, for example, the Associated Press
carried the story: "Holiday gaity was missing
tonght as a shortage of funds closed Toledo's
public schools to 45,000 children and left more
than'a thousand teachers without back pay they
had expected for Thanksgiving." The School
Board is planning to "take steps to eliminate
edutational frills: kindergartens, physical ed-
ucation, health work, art, music and supervisory
activities." At the same time, another dispatch
stated: "Cleveland, with 60,000 persons depen-
dent upon direct relief, discontinued all but
'strictly emergency' rations and discharged a
fourth of its administrative staff."
Ohio's situation, to be sure, is complicated
by its constitutional law limiting all realty taxes
for community purposes to one per cent. As
roledo's School Superintendent said "Demands
for public services have been constantly growing
but the tax system has not been revised to meet
Fundamentally, however, Ohio's situation is
ne in which attempts to balance the budget
and iestrict taxes; in other wors economy, has
been considered more essential to the state's
welfare than the continuation of the school sys-
em and relief for the indigent.,
r HE recent O'Hare murder in Chicago with
its resulting ramifications in Massachusetts,
ias not only shown the extent of American
rime but has also revealed the way in which
tates are forced to rely increasingly upon gam-
ling for revenue.
To much of mid-western America, the Bay
tate is still the refuge of Puritans, blue laws
and rigid codes of morality. The average mid-
Westerner does not realize that Boston and
Iassachusetts are just as "corrupt and content-
d" as Lincoln Steffens years ago characterized
hem; that gambling, vice and racketeering still
lourish in Boston's West and East Ends and
yen in aristocratic Brookline; that some of the
argest "takes" in horse and dog racing history
ave been recorded under the Bay State's pari-
autuel laws.
IASSACHUSETTS' political corruption, how-
ever, though it is quite unique in that no ma-
hine or "boss" dominates the state, has been
aced with the peculiar factor of having a gov-
'nor who is determined to balance the budget.
his attempt by Governor Saltonstall has called
or increased taxes, especially the bitterly con-
sted cigarette tax, and increased state per-
entages in the "take" and "breakage" of the
ace tracks. In other words, the state govern-
lent is forced to condone some of the unethical
actics of the tracks in order to get the most
ossible revenue from them. Such a situatiort
oes not create better or more honest state gov-
Not only however, does a budget balancing
lministration attempt to increase state rev-
aue, it also tries to decrease state expenses. In
ie same way that increase in revenue in Mass-
chusetts has meant increased leniency toward
ie tracks, it has also meant the reduction of
uportant social services. Though the Bay
tate's situation is not so critical as that of

Shrill Shrieks In The Night Ai
NIGHT hangs low over the trenches. The barb-I
ed wire, marking the front line looks like
a long black spider-web. It is quiet. Only the
dull boom of guns in the distance. Now one of
the shells overshoots its mark and splatters dirt
on the brown men huddled closely to the walls
of the dug-out.
The subdued murmur of nervous voices rolls
along the trenches and the shell-holes. Now a
weak light glimmers and quickly disappears.
Another bomb bursts, lighting the entire sector,
revealing the tops of the mudded helmets. The
men are resting; nervously.
A whistle sounds far down the line, echoing
and re-echoing like fire running a powder fuse.
A second's pause, the long row of helmets rises
and the men cry out as they charge. From the
rear comes the roar of the big guns moving
into play; the ground is soon churned into a
heaving sea of earth. Bombs, hand grenades,
shrapnel fill the air with noise, dirt and death.
And now a plane overhead zooms crazily from
side to side like a tail-less kite caught in a high
wind. It shatters into flames and spins to the
ground. The crash can be heard above the oth-
er din as plane and pilot crackle and burn.
The machine guns spit and staccato steel all
about the charging men; the screaming shrap-
nel shrieks and explodes. Gaps appear in the
long line of helmets as the wounded and dead
fall. Bayonets gleam. The thinning line stum-
bles on, vaguely aware of what is happening.
There ahead is the enemy's trench. They
charge viciously as bayonets are lowered and
Suddenly a shrill cry rents the night air;
"Cut", calls the director.
A HEAVY silence envelopes the house like a
thick fog. There isn't much noise about a
lonely country farm-house at three o'clock in
the morning. Only the moaning creak of a
rusty hinge now and then as the wind rustles by.
Now it begins to rain a hard driving rain;
There has been already circulated so much
adverse criticism of the program of the New
York Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra's con-
cert for tmorrow evening that the problem of
writing a preview is by no means an enviable
one. Here is the program as it stands at this
time: Mr. Barbirolli will open the concert with
Berlioz's overture, "The Roman Carnival," this
to be followed by Sir Elgar's Introduction and
Allegro for Strings, scored for quartet and
orchestra. The first half of the program will
close with the initial Ann Arbor performance
of Weinberger's Variations and Fugue "Under
the Spreading Chestnut Tree." The second half
will consist entirely of the Symphony in E minor,
No. 4, of Johannes Brahms.
The general objection is not so much to the
actual program as to the fact that it was this
specific program which the rarely-heard New
York Philharmonic chose for its long-awaited
Ann Arbor recital. For my part, I do not find
the objection a tenable one. For it appears to
rest on ignorance of the work of Jaromir Wein-
berger and the exhaustive emotional and mental
demands of the Brahms Fourth Symphony.
It .is no more than fitting that a brief sketch
be made public of the life and work of the cele-
brated Czech composer, Weinberger, at this
time. Mr. Weinberger is now forty-three years
old. He was born and studied in Prague, later
studying with the academic Reger in Ger-
many. In the twenties he came to America as
professor of composition at the Ithaca Conserv-
atory in Ithaca, New York. Later still, he re-
turned to Europe, conducting opera at Bratislava
and teaching in Eger, Moscow, and Vienna. His
works deal mostly with opera and pantomime.
The opera for which Weinberger is most famous
is, of course, Schwanda, the Bagpiper. This
drama was first performed in Prague, then
Breslau, and several times since then by the
New York Metropolitan Opera Company.
Though I have not heard Schwanda, I under-
stand it is a work full of jocosity and charm,

neither being nor pretending to be profound or
of prophetic musical importance. A kind of
Bartered Bride, shall we say, seen through the
harmonic colorings and rhythms of early Proko-
fiev. Weinberger has also written exclusively
instrumental works of which the Variations and
Fugue "Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree"
is the most recent. It is reported that the work
is ideally suited for player, conductor and audi-
ence. If this is the case, the composition should
prove effective; for there is nothing so satisfy-
ing as an unlabored fugue.
But my point is, the work of Weinberger is
almost unknown to Ann Arbor audiences and it
is not a too dim circumstance that it is to be
presented by one of our leading symphonies.
doubtful if substantial savings have been on the
whole realized.
State governments, then, if they sincerely
wish to balance budgets and balance them in
the spirit of true economy must first analyze
their tax systems. They must realize the "ability
to pay" principle in their taxation, especially
the inclusion of the state income tax when rev-
enue is needed. This latter suggestion partic-
ularly applies to Michigan.
State governors too must define economy.


Have Their Day .


. ..
cold and wet. Thunder shatters the darkness.
Intermittent lightning streaks point an illumin-
ated and jagged finger at the little cottage, hud-
dled in black. The steady rat-tat-tat of the pelt-
ing rain on the windows seems to beat out; this
is the night . .. this is the night . . . this is the
night .. .
The clock on the mantle in the dark living
room tolls the hour; three lonely and hollow
chimes reverberate and echo throughout the
house to be swallowed hungrily by the shivering
walls. Now again all is quiet; a suspicious quiet.
The floor creaks.
Suddenly, from behind the curtain, a large
hairy hand stealthily feels its way into the room.
The grasping, twitching fingers move toward
the center of the room. A deep heavy breathing
can be heard. Now quiet. The hand stops-lis-
tening-now the shuffle of feet across the thick
carpet again and the hand slowly advances to
the other side.,
It stops before the door-quiet-listening.
Only the rain and thunder and lightning and
The door opens slowly; the hairy hand fin-
gers it sway into the other room. Quiet. Dark-
ness. Breathing. Now a streak of light bolts
through the window. There in the room, the
lightning-light is reflected from a long, thin
knife poised in the air. It comes down with a
whining thud. A shrill shriek cuts the night air:
"Henry, is that you in the kitchen?"
"Yes, my love," says the hairy hand.
Unwashed Faces

YOUTH throughout the nation was
vindicated last week when a
prominent dermatologist warned the country
of dangers of washing one's face too
much. Little boys and some girls have
protested long and loud over the unwanted wash-
ing and scrubbing proud mothers and fathers
have forced on them. They warned their too-
zealous parents of the dire calamities that
might one day befall them if the unwanted
cleansing were not de-emphasized.
And now science backs them up.
What is more, science finds now that old
people are more susceptible to the ailments that
can arise from too much washing than are oth-
ers. Broad ramifications in the problem can be
imagined when one realizes that, besides a mul-
titude of tots, proponents of less washing can
now claim for their movement a crowd of old
people, fearful in the belief that they may one
day wash too much and-poof!
ANY day now, we may look for counter-soap
advertisements in the columns of the news-
papers of the country. Protest meetings will be
order. Instead of hunger marches, there will be
huge parades with all those marching bearing
grinning, happy, begrimed visages. When one
adds a band of boy scouts and camp-fire girls
to the strength of an organization the size of
the Townsendites, a movement, the size of
which has never before been seen, can be vis-
The picture is one to cause those who rule
many a sleepless night.
-Alvin Sarasohn
ft eeinr toM
H-eywood Broun
The Connecticult house in which I live has
stood only about a century but the foundations
are older, and outside the door is a big maple,
at least two' and a half times as ancient, which
was planted by the first settler. So on these
premises there must have been celebrations of
the old-fashioned Thanksgiving.

Robert S.Allen
WASHINGTON-Most stupendous
cocktail party ever held in Washing-
ton was staged by Paul McNutt, then
the newly appointed High Commis-
sioner to the Philippines, and would-
be President of the United States.
That cocktail party was the most
daring piece of political showman-
ship ever staged in Washington and
now, two years later, long-headed
political strategists still are debating
the wisdom of it.
Whether wise or not, all agree that
the strategy of Paul McNutt today
has changed. Furthermore, all agree
that he-of-the-platinum-hair has
made more progress toward the
Democratic nomination than any
other candidate in the stable.
McNutt's strategy today is subtle,
steady and successful. In the first
place, he has been doing a good job
as Federal Security Administrator.
Second, he has visited with small
groups of key political leaders in im-
portant States. Finally, he has made
a strong bid for the inner New Deal
This last move is especially signi-
ficant. When first appointed Secur-
ity Administrator, the Brain Trusters
were openly hostile toward McNutt.
Now they are thawing out.
In fact, some of his speeches have
all the earmarks of being inspired,
if not actually written by potent New
Deal advisers. Obviously they are
written with the idea of laying low
the previous reputation that McNutt
was conservative and dictatorial.
Note-A recent McNutt speech be-
fore the Washington unit of the Na-
tional Lawyers' Guild was a ringing
defense of civil liberties.
Wendell Willkie
But while McNutt has been busy
courting New Dealers, he hasn't ne-
glected the other side of the political
fence. One of his strong supporters
is Wendell Willkie, head of Common-
wealth and Southern, and the No. 1
foe of Rooseveltian power policies.
Willkie was a classmate of McNutt
at Indiana University, and they have
been close friends for years. Neither,
however, is advertising the fact that
McNutt has Willkie's backing. When
the two men were in Cleveland on
the same day last week, newspapers
playfully speculated that Willkie
might run for President himself.
Asked what he thought of General
Johnson's nomination of Willkie for
President, Willkie replied: "It's the
best offer I've had yet."
Privately, Willkie says, with a grin:
"Yes, sir! I'm for McNutt, but I'm
saying so for fear it might hurt
Note-In school in Indiana, Mc-
Nutt and Willkie were friendly en-
emies. McNutt, the son of a prom-
inent judge, was the nattily groomed
leader of the fraternity faction;
while Willkie, son of a Socialist law-
yer, was a rumpled radical who led
the "barbarians".
Two Per Cent Club
Another tip-off to McNutt's am-
bitions is the sudden resignation of
Frank McHale and Bowman Elder
as treasurer and director of the Two
Per Cent Club. This is the club or-
ganized in 1933 during McNutt's
first term as Governor, to supply
Indiana Democrats with campaign
funds. Each appointive office holder
is required to contribute two per
cent of his salary to the club.
"Pressure of other duties" was the
explanation given by McHale and
Elder for stepping out, but real reason
was to dissociate McNutt's presi-
dential campaign from any connec-
tion with the club.
Retired Brain Trustersj

Two of the biggest headliners of
the early New Deal are back in-
Washington again, and nobody pays
any attention to them. One is the
much harried ex-Administrator of
Resettlement, Rex Tugwell; the
other, Labor Department's former
crack conciliator, Ed McGrady.
In the late Resettlement days,
when the lightning had struck about
Tugwell's head, he withdrew from
public contacts, became almost in-
accessible. Today, he is so accessible
'thatanybody can find his name in
the phone book in the Washington
suburb of Alexandria, Va.
No longer is his telephone un-
listed. Tugwell does not even have
an individual line, but a two-party
line which saves him 75 cents a
month over the cost of a private
Rex is Washington representative
for New York City's Planning Board.
Ed McGrady, whose name was daily
news until two years ago, works ob-
scurely in the Translux Building in
Washington, where, he says, "I'm so
unimportant that nobody pays any
attention to me."
Still with the Radio Corporation
of America, which took him from
Washington to New York, McGrady

SJUNDAY, NOV. 26, 1939
VOL. L. No. 54

G r o u p Hospitalization: Final'
meeting for explanation of plans of
Michigan Society for Group Hospita-
lization will be held in the Natural
Science Auditorium at 4:15 p.m.
Monday, Nov. 27. Meeting originally
called for Wednesday, Nov. 29, has
been cancelled. This hospitalization
plan is open to every person regu-
larly drawing salary or wages on the
University payroll and all interest-
ed, not already informed, should be
present at the meeting of Monday,
Nov. 27, 4:15 p.m., Natural Science
Shirley W. Smith.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
Civil Service examinations. The last
date for filing application is noted in
each case:
United States:
Principal Editorial Clerk, salary:
$2,300, Dec. 11.
Editorial Clerk, salary: $1,800, Dec.
Instructor, Air Corps Technical
School, salary: $3,800, Dec. 11.
Associate Instructor, Air Corps
Tech. School, salary: $3,200, Dec. 11.
Assistant Instructor, Air Corps
Tech. School, salary: $2,600,Dec. 11.
Junior Instructor, Air Corps Tech.
School, salary: $2,600, Dec. 11.
Assistant Inspector of Ship Con-
struction (U.S. Maritime Commis-
sion), salary: $2,600, Dec. 11.
A ttendant Nurse B2, salary range:
$90-l1, Dec. 2.
Institution Cosmetic Therapist CI,
salary range: $95-110, Dec. 2.
Steam Fireman B, salary range:
$105-125, Dec. 2.
Steam Electric Operating Engineer
I, salary range: $150-190, Dec. 2.
Bridge Engineering Draftsman Al,
salary range: $140-160, Dec. 1.
Bridge Designing Engineer I, salary
* range: $150-190, Dec. 1.
Bride Designing Engineer II, sal-
ary range: $200-240, Dec. 1.
Architectural Engineering Drafts-
man AI-salary range: $140-160, Dec.
Architectural Engineer II, salary
range: $200240, Dec. 2.
Detroit: (Must be residents of De-
* Junior Stenographer, salary: $1,-
560, Nov. 25.
2 Junior Typist, salary: $1,500, Nov.
Complete announcements on file
at the University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information,
202 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
and 2-4.
Choral Union Members, whose rec-
ords are clear, will be issued pass
tickets for the New York Philhar-
monic-Symphony Orchestra concert
Monday, Nov. 27, between the hours
of 6 and 12, and 1 and 4, at the of-
fice of the School of Music, Maynard
Street. After 4 o'clock no tickets will
be issued. ;
Academic Notices
E.E2. will not meet Tuesday at
8:00 a.m. Next assignment: Prob-
lems 3, 7, 14 and 15 in Chapter 8.
H. S. Bull
Choral Union Concert: The New
York Philharmonic-Symphony Or-
chestra, John Barbirolli, Conductor,
will give a concert in the Choral
Union Series, Monday evening, Nov.
27, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium.
The concert will begin on time, and
doors will be closed during numbers.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: The best 100 posters
submitted in the 1939 National Pos-
ter Contest on the subject "Travel,"
sponsored by Devoe & Reynolds Co.,
Inc., of Chicago. Third floor exhibi-

tion room, Architectural Building.
Open daily, except Sunday, 9 to 5,
through Nov. 27. The public is cor-
dially invited.
- Lectures
University Lecture: Dr. E. M. K.
Geiling, Professor and Chairman of
Department of Pharmacology of the
University of Chicago, will lecture on
"The Comparative Anatomy and
Pharmacology o f t h e Pituitary
Gland," under the auspices of the
Department of Biological Chemistry,
at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 30,
in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The
public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Frank A.
Waugh, Professor Emeritus of Hor-
ticulture and Landscape Gardening
of Massachusetts State College, will
lecture on "Humanity Out of Doors",
under the auspices of the School of
Forestry, at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday,
December 7, in the Rackham Am-
phitheater. The public is cordially

First Methodist Episcopal Church,
will give the eighth lecture in the
series on "I Believe", which is spon-
sored by the Student Religious Asso-
ciation. The lecture will be held in
the Rackham Amphitheatre, Tues-
day, November 28 at 8:00 p.m.
Today's Events
International Center: At seven
o'clock tonight Prof. Preston James,
Director of the Institute of Latin-
American Studies, during the last
Summer Session, will speak on Bra-
Michigan Union Opera: Schedule
of tryouts for dancing, singing, and
acting to be conducted in the desig-
nated rooms of the Union:
Sunday, 3-6 p.m., Room 318.
Monday, 3:30-5:30 p.m., Room 318.
Tuesday, 1-3 p.m., Room 318.
Wednesday, 7-9 p.m., Room 305.
Thursday, 7-9 p.m., Room 304.
All eligible men interested may try-
The Lutheran Student Club will
meet at Zion Parish Hall at 5:30
this afternoon. Dinner will be
served at 6:00. Because of the gen-
eral interest shown, the discussion
about the Inter-Guild Conference will
be continued.
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meet-
ing will be held Monday at 12:10
p.m. in the Founders' Room of the
Michigan Union. All faculty mem-
bers interested in speaking German
are cordially invited. There will be
a brief informal talk by Professor
Henry A. Sanders on, "Was macht
ein Professor Emeritus?"
Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-
ences meeting on Wednesday, No-
vember 29, at 7:30 p.m., in Room
1042 East Engineering Building. A
paper on "Aviation Fuels" will be
presented at this meeting by Profes-
sor Edward T. Vincent. Arrange-
ments will be made for the trip'tto
Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, on De-
cember 8. It is important that all
members intending to, make this
trip be present at this meeting.
Physics Colloquium: Professor W.
W. Sleator will speak on "Simple
Types of Motion" Monday afternoon,
Nov. 27, at 4:15 in Room 1041 E.
Physics Building.
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet in Room 319 West Medical
Building, at 7 P.M., Tuesday, Novem-
ber 28. The subject to be discussed
is "The Utilization of Isotopes in the
Study of Protein Metabolism". All
interested are invited to attend.
Seminar in Continued Fractions
on Tuesday, November 28, at 4 p.m.
in 3201 A. H. Dr. Elder will speak on
"Number Theoretical Applications of
C. .
Junior Mathematical Society
meeting on Tuesday evening, No-
vember 28, instead of Monday, as
previously announced, at 7:30 in
Room 3201 Angell Hall. Mr. Book-
stien will discuss "Finite Groups."
Tau Beta Pi: Regular meeting 'on
Tuesday, Nov. 28, Michigan Union,
at 6:30. Mr. Harland Dodge will
speak on the Ann Arbor Sewage Dis-
posal Plant.
House Athletic Managers meeting
on Monday, November 21, at 4:30
p.m. in the small lounge of the Wo-
men's Athletic Building.
Ticket Committee sections for
Soph Cabaret will meet at the fol-
lowing hours:
Florence Gates' group, 3:00 Monday
Peggy Meaghers group, 3:30 Monday
Dorothy Couzens' group 4:00 Monday

Deutscher Verein will meet Tues-
day night, November 28, at 8 o'clock
in the League. Mrs. Ruth L. Wendt
will present the lecture, "Personliche
Erlebnisse in China."
Ticket Committee (Peggy Mayer's)
for Sophomore Cabaret will meet
Monday at 3:30 p.m. at the League.
Publicity Committee for Sophomore
Cabaret will meet at 4:30 p.m. Mon-
day at the League.
Theatre Arts Committee: All
Usher Committee members interest-
ed in ushering for the children's the-
atre production, "Thanksgiving at
Buckram's Corners", on the after-
noons of December' 1 and 2, please
sign on the list on the bulletin board
in the undergraduate office of the
League before Thursday noon.
International Center: At seven
o'clock Monday night, Dr. and Mrs.
LaFevre will show the movie films
in technicolor of a recent trip
"Around South America".
Fellowship of Reconciliation: Regu-
lar meeting Monday, Nov. 27, 7 p.m
at Lane Hall. Discussion of housing


I have always been cur-
ious to know just what kind
of parties the Puritans
threw. Unfortunately, the
only witnesses of the go-
ings-on of my predecessors
are mute. Perhaps it is just
as well. I wouldn't want to
have the maples peach on
me to those who wil come
after. Such researches as

I have made give little information as to
whether the Pilgrim jinks were high or low. .
A man down the road found some. old papers
in his attic and boasts that he is maintaining a
tradition, since an account book of the early
18th century shows that the current owner
bought a quart of gin from the general store
every other day. I have pointed out to him that
this proves practically nothing, since the Mather
or Wigglesworth in question may have been in
the habit of setting up cocktails for the neigh-
bors. After all, there's nothing like a Martini
in the morning to keep the Indians out of your
Around here they were Pequots, but they
have gone, leaving almost no trace of their cul-
ture. In brisk weather such as this you have to
dig deeply for worms, and occasionally I find
an arrowhead. From such speciments as I have
recovered the Pequots were a lazy lot and not
skilled in handicraft. There's no cutting edge
on the missiles which they made. and if they

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