ri .'t3'-°ii 7 f T C+ ' . . '. T,' News Writers PlanFraternity Reovganizationi Sigma Delta Chii Is Noted For 'Oil Can' Awards And 'Gridiron Dinners' MexicanCaicdidates Tapping .Is Sponsor Mchigan's actual and neophyte newspapermen took time off from their typewriters this month to re- juvenate the local chapter of the na- tional professional, journalistic fra- ternity, Sigma Delta Chi. Once a potent campus organization, the-University chapter of Sigma Del- ta ,Chi is still remembered as the lit- erary brotherhood which sponsored the local "Gridrpn Dinners," orl- inated the. "oil can" awarded a- nually to Michigan's "loquacious lub- ricator" professor and which sent many of its members to high places in the newspaper world. Thie grop's "modernizEation " pro- gram began this month when affiliat- ed gentlemen of the press laid plans for regular meetings, strengthened their tapping system to include oily thidse who intend to enter journalis- tic work and invited prominent speakers in the field to future ses- sio'is. Even the "oil can" presentation, it is said, may be revived. The new sponsor of Sigma Delta Chi here will be T. Hawley TapPing, secretary of the Alumni Association and 4'dtio of The Michigan Alumnus. Mr; Tapping is a past national presi- dent of the organizatioh. The Michigan chapter of Sigma Delta Cli is the outgrowth of Mada- gascar, a purely social newspaper- nieh's club, which existed fron 1905 until 1908 iii Ann Arbor. Two years aftex', six campus journalists met to establish a serious press club. They were Paul Greer, of the Kansas City Star, Dana Jones,. Lyman Bryson, nw p Columbia Tniversity profes- sor And radio commentator; Lee A White of the Detroit News, Russell James, once city editor of the Colum- bus News and Arthur Abbott. All were members .of the literary and law classes of 1910. f the two single-chapter national groups, Sigma Delta Chi and Pi Delta Epsilon, they chose to affiliate them- selves with the former. The move wa recorded as a "pfre gamble." To- day Sigma Delta Chi has 42 under- graduate branches. Meiibers of the Michigan chapter include the University's late Presi- dent James Buffill An-gell, Prof. John L. Brunin ,f t e journalish depart- merit, former-Governor Chas S. Os- brn, Stuart Perry of the Adria Tele- gfai Malcolm W. Bingay of the D- tiot sfree FPress, VWifred B. Shaw, di- rector o aluni reations; Paul Scott Mowrer, foreign correspondent of the Chicago DailyNews; Profs. Donal V. I-eisns and Wesley M urer of. the joutinalis iepartment, Prof. Waldo Abb4Fof the speech department and aithors Martin Codel and Harold Titus. Sgma Delta Chi has attracted U.S. Seniators, overnors and state, and uniiersity offcials to its annual Grid- irpn banquets. 4though their in- vititjr lists have salways been e- clusive gnd their mode of dress for- mal, once undr .way the gridiron affairs usually forgot formality. Each guest, no ,matter what his station, had to read his own epitaph and wit- ness siits .about his personal peculi- arities. The "oil can" wAsawaded with an embarrassing citation to the n most proficient in spilling the Another campus institution, the Michigan News Bureau, a news serv- ice handling personal items about student activities, was initiated by Sigma Delta Chi. It has noWv been replaced by the University News Serv- ice in the Bureau of Alumni Rela- Sigma Delta Chi's national head- quarters are in Chicago; its birth- place at Depauw University. Two of its.major national activities are pub- lication of the journalistic maga- zine, "Quill," and maintenance of a personnel bureau. National conven- tions, the last in San Francisco and Los Angeles and the next is Des Moines, are held every year. Archeological Associations Will Hold Joint Meetings Members of the American Philo- logical Association and the Archeo- logical Institute of America will hold joint annual meetings in Ann Arbor on Dec. 27, 28 and 29. The more than 356 delegates will discuss arts, thought, and other as- pects of ancient civilization. It will be the first neeting of the two groups in Ann Arborimoir than 18 years. Headquarters will be the Michigan Un~ion. -- 19~40 Bid -G.en. Juai Almnazan (above) is independent candidate for Mexico's presidency to succeed Cardenas whose term expires Dec. 1, 1940. Speech Society Study Of Fluorescent Properties Ruthvens Conti uAlumni Todk Meets Tuesday Aid To Industry, Says Willard President and Mrs. Ruthien con- an invitation issued two years -_pleted their tour of the eighth alum- by the eighth district afid the 14 _,;.":-ni district yesterday when ihynr ht srcVro Debate With Toledo Team Vast Commercial And Practical A V 'ication Found gu5fstrathey wsit.d Verno FhlUstr ppicatin guests of honor at an aluni dinner' vicepr Planned For Thursday For Eimissions Of Chemical Substanlee given y or a an ou accompte Rt.ndurig __ie__by the University of Michigan their stay in Teas. lubs of HOdSton. Members of Sigma Rho Tau, hon- By KARL KESSLER same samples are viewed under flu- Since leaving Ann Arbor two weeks orary engineering speech society, will Recent studies of the fluorescent orescent light, a striking difference ago, the iutivens have visited lu- hi berlan TO BrOde t celebrate with their annual "Spree" properties of various chemical sub- may often be observed. ni groups in Tulsa, Oklahoma City, NEW YORK Nov. 25.-(P)-PIzl at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. stances have led to vast commercial The difference in appearance un- Dallas, Fort Worth and San Antonio, Minister Chamberlain's talk fr6ixi Musc, skits, imitations, communi-i and practical applications, Prof. Ho- der the ultra-violet light is due to besides Houston. London via British broadcast and bart H. Willard of the chemistry fluorescent ingredients which appear The trip was made in response to short waves, is set fr 4:15 ty singing, stunts, eats, and scalp- department pointed out recently. identical under ordinary light, butdpnhr, e4. ing, anattempt by members of the Many chemical compounds, when which fluoresce differently. society to "scalp" others who are not exposed to radiations of ultra-violet Used In Industry able to name them, will provide en- light, commonly known as "black Modern industry, Professor Will- mlight", reflect this invisible light ard stated, has also found fluores- _- tertainment for the evening. as a visible glow similar to that cec ob s fou ndmn fed The University of Toledo will send emitted by a radium dial watch. This of ractical application Suh sb a debate team here Thursday night phenmena which results in the stances have made possible the pres- to debate a suad from the local glowing of the mineral is known as ent type of television receiver known chapter on the question "Resolved: fluorescence, as the cathod ray projector. In this 11Most spectacular of its applica- type projector, a fluorescent screen That the 17-Year Period of Paten tions Is in a new type of electric ys redth a srea f in Protection Should Be Shortened." lamp recently placed on the market, visible electrons. The energy from SELDOM SEEN, BU' NOT Be comfortable, be attractie i i This is the third contest of the sea- This lamp makes use of the fluores- these high-speed projectiles excites FORGOTTEN are the men in this a skating outfit from the CAM- son, others being at Wayne Univer- cent emissions of certain chemical the fluorescent material on the column. But this time CALKINS- PUS SHOPPE. I know the snow sity, Oct. 19 and one here against substances to produce a soft, "cold" screen and a visible image results. FLETCHER .has caught up with has not hit us yet, butt it won't the University of Detroit Nov. 14. light. A knowledge of fluorescent prop- this slight. They present for your be long, so be prepared - the A Michigan team will. go to the De- Mix Mercury, Argon erties has also greatly sided pros- approval-it's practically given- scouts weren't far wrong. Their troit Institute of Technology for The lamp consists of a tube in pecting for certain minerais, Pro- the Yardly and Lentheric shaving snow suits are not the last contest of the semester Jan. which a mixture of argon gas and types of metallic ores, such as those combinations. Take your choice-- only wari, pradtl- 5. mercury vapor is excited by the fessor Willard indicated. Several after shave lo- cally priced, but passage of an electric current of zinc and tungsten, emit fluores- tions, soap, . yam come in such gay through the tube. When excited, cent radiations when exposed to cream, powder ' and lively colors.;. A F rL e this mixture gives off some visible ultra-violet light With the aid of -just whatev- bright flash in the and considerable ultra-violet light.oab ultra-violet ray lamps, er you person- cold air, that's wh .m .portableulr-iltry ams In uriesThe inside surface of the tube, veins of ores can easily be located, aly lik4 to use we like to see. They've types to. which is coated with fluorescent under the influence of these rays, and need the suit all tastes - plaid, plai. 00 - substances, then converts this invis- the minerals sought are seen to glow most. As you ors, canvas with inner linings, oible ultra-violet radiation into vis- a characteristic manner, can well imagine the prices are hoods. And as for skating socks, accident last Sunday caused the ible light of a color depending upon _most reasonable. With such fine I saw the keenest pair there. In death last Friday of Fred J. Linde, the nature of the substance with reputations as both firms have the higher sock, pure white wool 51 years old, maintenance superin which the tube is coated. you couldn't go far wrong. You've with a red furry trim. Would be tencdent of the Ann Arbor water de- Py properly blending the mineral got something here. This really warm, cute and would blend we ll constituents in the coating of the makes up for overlooking you, with your suit. For the gteaf partment, in Hurley Hospital, Fint. tube, light varying from almost pure doesn't it? issktprting values, see the Campus Linde was injured when his auto- monochromatic to a blend closely * * * Shoppe. mobile collided with another as he resembling daylight *are produced. -i* A BARGAIN-IT'S A BAR- , * was returning to Ann Arbor from a Perhaps the most publicized use FU..IUsIUIIamGAIN. Just think of getting two hunting trip. The driver of the other of fluorescent properties is in the perumes, a dip stick and a good LAST CHANCE FOR PAN- car, Roy Kienitz, 25, of Brant, was investigation of forgeries by police looking compact in one buy! HELL! Look smooth, give your killedto'iinstantly.entswh The frto eiso ocrsby killedinstantlylaboratories. Two documents, when the 90-piece University Concert Band QUARRY has it for you It's date the thrill of a lifetime 1g Linde had a long record of service examined under ordinary light, may under the direction of Prof. William Helena Rubenstein's too. very- appearing in a formal from DLI- with the city, joining the water de- appear identical to the expert even Revelli will be broadcast at 12:15 one knows LON'S. He's already leyed up partment here in 1918. upon close scrutiny, yet when the her values, by your invitation to the dance, to fJR, t orris H over The lip stick now blow it over and he wil really The program will open with an and compacts be hooked. If sophis- are not only*. tication be your motto, tiipal L eague G ives A id arrangement of Bach's "Prelude and larlingbut it's in the bag This Fugue" prepared especially for theg. University Concert Band. to add more, black moray taffeta Also included in the program will are jewelled., with bustle back will 7 lag s nd To nsIn St te beAsobaruditn ol, C reso unsracledaveveiellitl be a biriine so toClnrcke' " oundsThe perfumes hit the spot. It has From the Hudson," payed by Donald are called a velvet belt with a __r '4he HTown and Country. Two delicate, bow in front and hal- Marrs, '4SM. atlzn drdsicl i- trncwihde concerning municipalities and on relatively small number of commu- Featuring the entire Concert Band ftantalicing odors distinctly dif- terhioryohichudoes the attitude of corporate community nities are performed by the League will be Johnson's ."Hero Overture for TeCntryac mildersweet the . tg r igres governments toward prospective leg- for municipalities that desire them Band." "National Victors," a concert The Coun y milder, s eete he a r din nd s islature affecting them. at an added charge, since regular march written by Olivadoti, will also Vary them to our on situation:.With ieague Instruiental dues do not cover the functions be included. The price - most interesting. You corsettop and butter- The Municipal League has been limited to a few communities. Some There will be a clarinet quartet Tun ask fo m unstmrn d fly krt the ndr loktlr- instrumental in the passing of many typical "special" services are tech- but the selection which is t be played couldntask for must more-and fly sirt, the , dress looks e important bills dealing with the nical assistance in the drafting or has not yet been chosen. ner.srr ded by, ,little flowr sefts mmunity by the state, legislative redrafting charters, purchasing ma- ner._produced commuity * *at shoulder and waist with : cur'- body. Typical have been beer, liquor, terials for communities and adn START OUT ON THE RI edostich feather tin t personal property and road con istering merit system examinations Mid-Semester Date Gien FOOT, theC fis d of t Yu is nora nit struction tax bills. 'Equally, if not for city, vilage' or township civil S__i_______th________dayof________g________ hancisno__gra___________________ 1 more significant, Olson stated, have service appointments. The mid-semester examination .in . been bills defeated with the help One of 42, such leagues through- 'Landscape Architecture 151, . course of the Municipal League, such as a out the United States, the Michigan in "Parks and Recreation," will be proposed gasolinie tax reduction bill Munidipal League is affiliated with held Thursday, Nov. 30, at the regu- and thie recent "homestead exemp- the American Miunicipal Association lar class meeting, Prof. George G. tion" tax' measure which would have with offices at the University of Ross of the College of Architecture reduced the valuation of the average Chicago. and Design announced yesterday. municipality's property 30 to 40%. Aspirant-Labor support for Gen. Manuel Camacho (above) may elect him Mexican president, suc- eeedig Cardenas whose social program he favors. Michigan Mua By DAVID LACHENBRUCH Incorporated cities, villages and townships of the state of Michigan, ate given legislative aid and tech-I nical information by the Michigan' Municipal League, an independent cooperative enterprise, whose head- quarters are located in an old home- stead north of the campus on South State Street. Founded in 1899, the League was originally classified as "an organ- ization of municipalities to protect their own interests in legislative problems," according to Herbert A. Olson, director of the League. Since its reorganization in 1927, however, the League's purposes and interests have been broadened to include oth- er services to municipalities, al- though the legislative program still overshadows all other branches of the organization.- 240 Commiunities The League itself represents some 240 incorporated communities in the state of Michigan, representing over 90% of the state's urban population. Supported entirely by dues paid by member municipalities, the League's legislative operations are not to be confused, Olson stressed, with muni- cipal lobbying organizations, since the League's function is to "ap- proach legislature from, the stand- point' that we are representing all municipalities in the state." The approach, Olson emphasized, is al- ways from the factual side, after thorough investigation and the League's aim is to keep the state legislature informed about measures In vaddition to its legislative ca- pacities, the League functions as A source of technical information to municipalities. The Michigan Muni- cipal Review, a monthly magazine published by the League, is issued to all member communities and' deals with problems confronting Michigan municipalities. 2,00. Average The League receives an average of 2000 written requests for informa- tiori each year. Because of the great demand the League issues special "Information Bulletins" concerning problems which must be faced by many communities. They are based upon such subjects as "Assessed Val- uations," "Liquor Control" and "the Advantages of City vs. Village Gov- ernment." Special services which interest a il I AIHARIWLI And The PHiI LHARMON IC - SYMPHONY at fisch$ers . . . ..o. on your way downtown stop and see the smartest stationery and Christmas . .,. a ?l .. sn° S . F;x Wi, e . W aiw - ', s Cards in Ann Arbor. THE NEWEST IN SMART MONOGRAMMED STATIONERY Ina 50K' alkI$Tnlnas y 6 bETII Hurry? TWO-COLOR C'UT-OmUT MO NOGRAMS We do expert shoe repairing - service while you wait. There is no need for you to delay. Bring your shoes to us and get speedy service and fine IKK, AOR 61r T 00iRSF workmanship. We feature comfortable waiting V TYPEWRITERS RENTED Student Rates 1 month $3.00. °_ rl booths for your convenience. Heel Lifts. . . . 5-Minute Service Half Soles . . . 25-Minute Service 36Seets 36 Envelopes Lfly , ,_ j Must Be Ordered Now! MONDAY, NOV. 27 at 8:.3 I V alt, AOW E U!! I It'll