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VOL. L. No. 54 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOV. 26, 1939 9
German Bombers Launch Attack On English Fleet
80,000 Tense Fans
Reich Claims
Effective Hits
On Warships
In North Sea
British Admiralty Admits
Raids; Refutes Reports
By Nazis Of Four Hits
Berlin Charges Use
Of 'Mystery Ships
BERLIN, Nov. 25.-(.')-Nazi Ger-
many tonight claimed for its bomb- 1
inig planes a signal success against the
British navy-square hits on four
warships in the North Sea.
DNB, the off icial 'German news
agency, said the attack occurred 560
miles from the German' coast.
Eluding heavy fire from ati-air-
craft guns, DNB said, the German
planesreturned safely.
The DNB account ended there, giv-
ing no additional particulars.
Mileage Computation
(On °a mileage computation as an-
nounced by DNB, the attack would
have occurred somewhere in the area
of°I the Shetland Islands or the Ork-
neys. The huge British naval base,
Scapa Flow, is located in the Ork-
In the Orkneys residents specu-
lated on whether German planes,
reporte prsnt in a "large conce-
tration" late today, might have been
engaged on a mine-sowing mission.
A 35-minute air raid warning was
sounded at the Orkneys. Before that
a German bomber appeared over the
Shetlandsfo r the ith time in four
German press propaganda at the
timne .hammered away at another
point-that neutral shipping must
avoid the British Isles.
Turns The Tables
Germany proposes, in other words,
to turn the tables on Britain as com-
pared to 1914 by starving her out
rather than let her starve the Reich.
Oe of the most outspoken dailies,
Schlesische Zeltung of Breslau, de-
"We arefirmly convinced we will
succeedin defeating England with
her own weapons, reverse the block-
ade dart aimed at us 'and isolate this
pestilential island."
Deutsche Algemeine Zeitung dis-
cussed "the dangerous lanes" leading
to the British Isles and adjured neu-
trals to follow the United States ex-
ample of forbidding American ships
to go there.
London Admits Attack
But Denies Success
LONDON, Nov. 25.-()-The Bri-
tish Admiralty announcement, issued
after the Germans published their
claim that Nazi bombers scored
direct hits on four ships in 'the North
Sea attacks, said that "although
many bombs were dropped no hits
were made and there were no casual-
The British gave no details of the
Residents of the Orkneys, site of
Britain's great Scapa Flow naval
base where a "large concentration"
of planes was heard during the day,
expressed belief that Nazi airmen
were on a mine-laying expedition.
Charges have been made in Bri-
tain that some of the mines, which
have virtually disrupted all shipping
on England's east coast, were dropped
from German planes.
Germans Report Sinking
Of British U-Boat Trap
BERLIN, Nov. 25.-()-The high
command asserted today a German
submarine had sung an English U-
bot trap, an auxiliary, 7,000-ton war-
ship, and the press recalled with bit-
ter phrases Britain's world war use
of such mystery ships.
Tn itsd raily ommuniie the high
New York's
To Play Here
The New York Philharmonic Or-
chestra, John Barbirolli conductor,
will stop off here tomorrow on its
14-appearances-in-14-days tour long
enough to give the fourth concert of
the 61st annual Choral Union Series
beginning at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Audi-
A capacity crowd is expected to
greet the orchestra on its first visit
here and its first tour since 1929,
but Dr. Charles A. Sink, president of
the University Musical Society, indi-
cated last night that some tickets
may still be obtained at the School
of Music and at Hill Auditorium
box office.
Highlighting tomorrow night's
program will be the playing of
Brahms' Fourth Symphony in E
minor. Other numbers are: Ber-
lioz's "Roman Carnival Overture;'"
Elgar's "Introduction and Allegro for
Strings, Opus 47;" and "Variations
and Fugue, Under the Spreading
Chestnut Tree" by Weinberger.
Barbirolli, who has conducted the
104 musicians comprising the oldest
orchestra in this country, since 1937,
is the youngest leader of a large sym-
phonic organization. He follows a
long line of celebrated baton-wielders
who have appeared with the orches-
tra, including Walter Damrosch,
Willem Mengelberg, Gustav Mahler,
Arturo Toscanini.
U S. Of f icials
Scott-Marino Pass Accounts For First O.S.U. Touchdown;
Interception By Kodros Halts Buckeye Scoring Threat'
I Closing Seconds
Intercepted Passes And Fumbles Provide
Scoring Opportunities; Buck Tallies
Made In Game's Initial Quarter
One final burst of Michigan brilliance broke through the sullen, shape-
less skies that hung over the Stadium yesterday afternoon and when the
last bit of lightning had struck in the last 50 seconds of play, the Wolverines
had humbled the new Conference champions, Ohio State, 21-14.
Eighty-one thousand fans, jammed into every corner of the bowl,
watched in awe and admiration as a Michigan team that wouldn't give up
overcame a first period 14-0 deficit. But to do it the Wolverines had to tear
a page from Francis Schmidt's own book of football legerdemain as two
of the touchdowns came on razzle-dazzle that would have done the Ohio
mentor's heart good-had his own Buckeyes been the perpetrators.
The climax came in the last minute when, with the score knotted at 14
all and the ball on the Ohio 23-yard line, Tom Harmon faked a field goal
and Fred Trosko, who had simulated holding the ball for the attempt, picked
Trosko Score
Galens Plans
Annual Drive.
For Children.
Study Effects
Of Blockade'
State Department Experts
Consider Protesting Plan
Of British And French
WASHINGTON, Nov. 25. -(P)-
State Department legal' experts
studied 24 year old precedents today
in considering whether the United
States should protest the latest Bri-
tish-French plan for strangling Ger-
many economically.
In 1915 Secretary of State William
Jennings Bryan protested vigorously
that a British-French order similar
to the present Allied plan to seize all
German exports, was without prece-
dent in international law.
The p r e s e n t Administration's
stand will not be determined defin-
itely, officials said, until Great Bri-
tain issues the formal order in coun-
cil which Prime Minister Chamber-
lain said would retaliate for German
submarine mine attacks. The order
is expected next week.
Meanwhile, the State Department
reported that 14 more American ships
had been detained by the British and
French and, in several instances,
cargo removed which was adjudged
to be destined for Germany.
-Daily hoto by Merriman
In the upper photo: Ohio State made the initial score of the game in the first period when quarterback
Don Scott threw a pass to Vie Marino, a guard but eligible to receive because he lined up as an ends, who
caugh it in the end zone behind Michigan's Toam Harmon.
In the lower photo: Capt. Archie Kodros halted a dangerous Buckeye threat in the final period yesterday
when he leaped into the air to snatch Don Scott's pass on the Michigan 18-yard line. Other Wolverine players
in the picture are Trosko (crouched) and Harmon.
urches BeOTin PsHidy DPrograms
Derry To Talk On, Pius, Democracies
Faculty Speakers Featured ment" will be discussed by John Ma-
AtS on Wells, professor of philosophy
A Student Fellowshipand religion at Hillsdale College at
Meetings Held Today the Episcopal Student Guild meet-
Student fellowship groups of Ann Rev. William Genne of Michigan
Arbor churches will begin their holi- State College will give a report at the
day programs by participating in dis- World Confeence of Christian Yoth
cussions led by prominent faculty held in Amsterdam, this summer. The
speakers at meetings this evening.hediAmtrahssu e.Te
sPer Pret gW. Shossonng. o first of three consideration of the
Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the subject. "Exploring Liberal Religions"
history department, will discuss, "The will be discussed by Rev. Harold P.
Role of the Church in the Mcdern Marley at 7:30 p.m. at the meeting
Crisis" following the fellowship sup- of the Liberal Students Union at the
per at 5:30 p.m. Unitarian Church.
"Some Suggestions About the Or- "Religions of India" will be dis-
igins and Values of the Old Testa- cussed by Francesca Thivy, Grad., of
Second 'Religious Aspects'
Lecture Given Today
-In 'Rackham 'Buildin g
Union Officers Start New Search
For Madcap Grant' In Opera Role.
Union officers will start a new
search for "Maacap Lee Grant"
whom Sleuth Dean 3ursley found
out isn't a madcap freshman after
all, when they hold the first try-
outs for parts in this year's revival
production of the Opera. Lee Grant
is the lead role in this production.
Try-outs for dancing, smging and
acting parts will be held for five
days in the Union. The times are:
today 3 to 6 p.m. in Room 318; to-
morrow, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. in Room
318; Tuesday, 1 to 3 p.m. in Room
318; Wednesday, 7 to 9 p.m. in Room
305; and Thursday, 7 to 9 p.m. in
Room .304.
In issuing the plea for tryouts
yesterday, the Executive Committee
announced that "The main purpose
of the Opera is to give you, the men
of Michigan, the opportunity to par-
of the Opera's publicity committee,
made the campus actually believe
that Grant was a flesh-and-blood
mischief-maker. Dean Bursley and
the Apostles' Club of prominent fac
ulty men finally succeeded in un-
masking the whole hoax last week,
but not until the campus knew the
type of personality that is needed
for the Opera's "leading man."
The leading lady of the show will
be Hedy La Tour, a slinky "glamor
girl" who will be selected from
among the ranks of the men in spite
of a vehement protest by women
students last week.
According to Robert Mix, '40,
"There will be room for practically
every type of talent-singing, com-
edy, dialect, imitations of the Presi-
dent and Mrs. Roosevelt, of Samuel
Goldwyn, of inebriated newspaper
men, even of dogs."
Roy Hoyer, who operates a danc-
Madras, South Africa, 6 p.m. at the
student fellowship supper to be held
at the First Congregational Church.
Communion services will be held at
8 and 11 a.m. at the St. Andrew's1
Episcopal Church. The Rev. Don V.
Carey, rector of Grace Episcopal
Church, Grand Rapids, will deliver
the morning sermon. "If Winter
Comes," a pre-Christmas sermon, will
be delivered by Reverend Marley at
the Unitarian Church.
A SU Publ ication
'The Challenge,
To Be Sold Dec. 4
Designed to reflect liberal student
and faculty opinion on pertinent and
national problems, the first issue of
"The Challenge", monthly magazine
edited by the American Student
Union, will be on sale Monday, Dec.
4, June Harris, '40, chairman of the
publications commission announced
An article, "Suffer Little Children"
Dr. George Derry, former presi-
dent of Marygrove College in Detroit,
will speak on "Pope Pius XII and the
Modern Democracies" at 8 p.m. to-
day in the Rackham Lecture Hall,,
The lecture is the second in a series
on, "The Religious Aspects of Cur-
rent Problems" sponsored by the Stu-
dent Religious Association.
Educated at Holy Cross College,
Worcester, Mass., Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore, Md., Stone-
hurst CJliege, England and the Uni-
versity of Paris, Dr. Derry is the au-
thor of many monographs and ar-
ticles and has lectured in seven lan-
guages on themes of social, political
and economic science in all parts of
the United States, Canada, Great
Britain and France.
This series on "The Religious As-
pects of Current Problems" has been
designed to deal with social prob-
lems, from a religious point of view,
but with little restriction- on the
range of topics and ideas which
speakers may introduce, according to
Kenneth W. Morgan, director of the
Red Cross Drive
Will EndThursday
As the annual Red Cross roll call
and membership drive marks its end
this Thursday 1,763 Ann Arbor inem-
bers have contributed $3,361.91, local
campaign officials announced last
Medical students armed with tin s
pails and ready to exchange little t
tags for contributions will soon be onx
the campus and downtown Ann Arbor f
again. e
The students,. junior and seniors a
who are members of Galens, honor- a
ary nmedical society, will conduct r
their 11th annual drive for crippled E
children Friday and Saturday. c
Galens, which sponsors the Uni- v
versity Hospital's Galens Workshop, s
is making a special effort this year t
to raise its greatest fund in history, 1
Percy J. Murphy, '41M, stressed yes-.
This workshop, he explained, is ar
project in vocational therapy for allr
the crippled children in the Uni-s
versity Hospital. "We give thesei
children regular vocational instruc-
tion in order to give them a medium1
of expression and an opportunity to
develop and prove their self-confi-
cnidence," Murphy said.I
Claiming that reduced appropria-
tions for crippled children this year
makes the success of Galens' drive1
even more essential, he emphasized
that students, from whom the main]
source of funds is obtained, must
"support us to even greater lengths"r
in the yearly, two-day tag sale.
McNutt Orders,
Probe Of FSA
Administrative Efficiency,
Costs Will BeSurveyed
WASHIIJGTON, Nov. 25. -(R)-
Paul V. McNutt has ordered a sur-
vey of the administrative costs and
efficiency of his Federal Security
Agency with a" view to its possible
Now one of the major enterprises,
the Agency has. 21,000 emrployes and'
an annual budget of about $800,-
Fowler Harper, FSA general coun-
sel, said the object of the .study was
to bring about "efficiency, economy
and consolidations," and to elimin-
ate "excessive red tape."
One of the questions involved is
whether the present three-member
Social Security Board should be re-
placed by a single director.
Abolition of the Board, Harper
said, is within "the realm of possi-
He emphasized, however, that the
survey was being made "without any
preconceptions of what should be
"It might turn out," he said, "that
a board is or is not the best way to
administer the Social Security Act."
Ann Arbor Camera Club
. V Wlr a A - r . :
t up, wheeled and went all the way
,hrough a completely bewildered
Ohio State for the winning touch-
lown. The play was a masterpiece
if football hypnotism as no one in
the packed stands or, more impor-
;ant, on the Ohio State team, was
ble to penetrate the deception.
-Michigan Magic
It took all of this magic to exceed
that on which Michigan scored its
econd touchdown. The ball was on
the Ohio 16-yard line in the early
minutes of the second half, and on
first down, Michigan again astound-
d the spectators and Ohio State on
a fake buck' and lateral which only
a few people were able to decipher.
None of them were Buckeye players.
Bob Westfall took the pass from
enter and on his way through the
fiddle handed the ball to vashev-
ski who had remained motionless in
the short position. Evie faked a
ateral to Rogers on an end-around
and then threw a short shovel lateral
o Hkarmon'.who had run to his left,
reversed and then cut back to the
right to take the pass. The Hammer
scampered unhampered down the
right side lines, over the goal line
as the Ohio team was completely de-
The other- Wolverine touchdown
came in an entirely orthodox man-
ner but once again it was astute
quarterbacking on the part ofEva-
shevski 'that set the scoring play up.
Michigan had driven from its own
44-yard line to the Ohio five on four
plays and then, with the Buckeye
backs expecting an end sweep, Har-
mon faked to the right and threw
a short bullet pass to the One-Man-
Gang all alone in the end zone. Har-
mon converted on all three occa-
Breaks Determine Play
Notwithstanding t h e excellent
football that was displayed all after-
noon by both teams, in the final
analysis it was the breaks that led
to four of the five scores and to the
final winner. Ohio's fumbling was
disastrous. They dropped the ball
eight times and on half of these alert
Michigan linemen recovered. The
Wolverines had the same difficulty.
They lost the ball once on a fumble
(it led to a Buckeye touchdown) and
in ,the first period, their recurrent
threats were repeatedly broken up
by wide-awake invader backs inter-
cepting aerial thrusts.
Both the Buckeye scores came in
the first period and both came be-
fore the last of the fifth largest
throng in Michigan history had filed
into their seats. They scored twice
within a minute and for a time it ap-
peared that' the Michigan football
season that had started out so bril-
liantly would end in complete dis-
grace. Less than 1 minutes after
Charley Maag kicked off. to Harmon,
the Bucks had notched their first.
And a minute later they did it again.
First Break Comes
Their first break came when Tros-
ko's bullet pass was intercepted by
Jim Strausbaugh, a threat all day,
on the Ohio 40, and returned to the
Michigan 25 where Westfall stopped
him. They failed to gain and when
Maag's attempted field goal from
the 17-yard line went awry for a
touchback, the Michigan supporters
began to breath easier. They might
just as well have saved themselves