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November 25, 1939 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-25

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SATURDAY, NOV. 25, 1939

Fire-Lighting Features
Tlhanksgiing In orimn

British Naval Vessels Passing T hrough Mined Waters



I'ioF. Karl litzenibei, director of
residence halls, lit the first fire in
the fire-place in the main lounge of
the West Quadrangle Dormitory
Thanksgiving afternoon.
The fire-lighting ceremonies which
came directly after the Thanksgiving
dinner were marked by a short talk
by Professor Litzenberg in which he
gave thanks "for being able to eat
this dinner in peace in a world torn
by war."
The official dedication of the new
dormitories will take place at an
open house Dec. 7.
Student Bureau
Supplied 1,233
Jobs Last Year
The one university department
where statistics are unimportant,
where students are tested for char-
acter and not for their cramming
ability, and where few applicants
have gone in need and been turned
away, is the Student Employment
Bureau in the Office of the Dean of
For the past 10 years Miss Eliza-
beth A. Smith, officially assistant
of the bureau, has been by the very
nature of her work an adviser extra-
ordinary to students in need. Re-
garded as a sort of clearing house
for work, the bureau provided 1,233
jobs during the 1938-39 school year.
All of the applicants were inter-
viewed by Miss Smith, who assigned
themdto positions calling for every-
thing from taking dogs for airings
to assistance in University labora-
A classified work file is kept for
experienced workers who are skilled
in stenography, selling, chauffering,
cooking, and even farming, but most
applications are from men who wish
to work for board, waiting on tables,
or for room, doing housework, or for
odd or steady cash jobs. A good
percentage of the men for whom
work of this sort is provided are
putting themselves through school,
according to Miss Smith.
Because there is fluctuation yearly
in the number of applications for
work and the requests for workers,
Ithe bureau has been unable to pre-
dict the number of students it can
aid. However, requests from Ann
Arbor residents, fraternity and sor-
ority houses, and the University it-
self are being made continually
throughout the year so that there is
a good deal of opportunity for work.
Gratifying reports on the caliber of
student help are usually received
from employers.
Dr. Rabinowitz To Speak
Dr. Isaac Rabinowitz, director of
the Hillel Foundation, will give a
talk on "The People of the Book" at
11 a.m. tomorrow, during the regu-
lar Sunday morning Reform Serv-
ices. This is the third in a series
of bi-weekly talks given by Dr. Rab-
inowitz on "Principles of the Jewish

Varsity Debaters
T4o Meet Iinoks
Discuss Railroads Topic
At Union Thursday
Michigan Varsity debaters will
open their home season against the
University of Illinois at 7:30 p.m.
Thursday in the North Lounge of
the Union discussing government
rt ,,I I rShip of the railroads.
El.. Erwin Bowers, '41, and Karl
Olson, '40, will take the affirma-
tive of the question, "Resolved: That
the Federal Government Should Own
and Operate the Railroads" in the
Third non-decision contest of the
Northwestern University will send
a squad here Dec. 6 for the last Big
Ten contest of the season. The
Michigan team for that discussion
has not yet been chosen.
1,166 Lose Lives In Autos
LANSING, Nov. 24. -R)- A sur-
vey by the State Health Department
showed today that 1,166 persons lost
their lives in automobile accidents in
Michigan in the first 10 months of
the year.

Ships of a British convoy, stretching toward the horizon are shown as they passed through dangerous
waters off the British coast under the protection of the Royal Navy. Mines in European waters have sunk
many ships of neutrals and belligerents in the past week.
Espionage Activities Play Large Part
ia Military Fortune Prof. Davis Says

Espionage in the present war de-
spite all attempts at secrecy is never-
theless recognized, if only by results,
Prof. Charles M. Davis of the geog-
raphy department declared yester-
day in an interview.
Professor Davis, who has dabbled
in espionage as a hobby for many
years, spoke purely as a hobbyist in
explaining recent activities on the
war front. Germany's campaign
against Poland, for example, he ob-
served, could have been successful
only if Polish positions and strength
were known to the German High
Command. In order for the Ger-
mans to conduct their campaign by
utilizing lightning thrusts deep into'
enemy territory, forgetting all about
flanking movements, he explained,
locationstof Polish weakness in rela-
tion to strength had to be known.
A short time ago, a giant spy ring
was revealed on France's Maginot
Line. The French, of course, lost no
time in cleaning up the men in-
volved, Professor Davis said.
Spies Better Off In France
In the last war, he recalled, spies
fared better in France. When the
French intelligence service submit-
ted a list of suspects to the army
command, the officews refused to "go
after" those on the list, for the simple
reason that it contained too many of
their friends.
On the other hand, he observed,
the British were busy lining up spies
long before war was declared in 1914.
Then immediately after hostilities
commenced, they conducted a gen-

eral and successful cleanup, which
presented Germany with the diffi-
cult problem of replanting its spies.
British Agents Active
There is some reason to believe,
Professor Davis said, that British
and French tactics on the Western
Front to date have been dictated by
knowledge gleaned from agents
plantedin the Reich, that it is only
a matter of time before Germany
collapses internally. British spies in
Germany during the last war, al-
though they received relatively little
publicity, were very successful, he
added. In this regard, Professor
Davis recalled an incident wherein a
British spy, Reilly by name, actually
attended a military and naval con-
ference with the Kaiser, and what's
more, he attended as the military
attache supposed to represent the
A spy's toughest job, Professor
Davis commented, is not to get his
information, but to get rid of it.
This simple fact explains in part
Great Britain's unusually strict cen-
sorship of all communicaitons leav-
ing the country.
Another result of probable espion-
Secrecy Policy Scored
WASHINGTON, Nov. 24. -(A')-
The Army and Navy Journal says
in an editorial to be published to-
morrow that the Navy's "policy of
secrecy" was to blame for Congres-
sional proposals for an inquiry into
admitted defects in 12 new de-

age in the present war, Professor1
Davis said, is the Germain raid at
Scapa Flow. For a German sub-
marine to penetrate the heavily for-
tified Scapa Flow harbor and leave
it safely, he explained, the U-boat
commander had to be in possession
of detailed maps of the fortified
avea. Espionage undoubtedly sup-
plied the necessary maps, he added.
Union Will Sponsor
Intramural Debates
Intramural debates, for the first
time in many years, will be sponsored
on the Michigan campus, according
to an announcement by Charles Ker-
ner, '41E, member of the Union
executive staff in charge of the pro-
Sponsored by the Union, the de-'
bates will be open to members of all
fraternities, independent and cam-
pus organizations wishing to partici-
pate. They will be started soon
after Christmas recess. Organiza-
tions planning to enter teams were
urged to notify the student offices
of the Union as soon as possible.
Topic of the debates will be an-
nounced at a later date. The stan-
dard rules of debate will prevail,
and a cup will be presented to the
winning team.

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