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November 25, 1939 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-25

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Cloudy today and probably
tan oirow

C, r



Panacea? ..



British Admit
New Cruiser
Was Damaged
In Nazi Raid
10,000-Ton 'Belfast' Hit;
Total Of English Ships
Destroyed Reaches 83
Attack On German
LONDON, Nov. 24.-()-Breaking
a three-day silence, the Admiralty
admitted tonight that "a torpedo or
mine" had damaged the new, 10,000-
ton cruiser Belfast last Tuesday at
the Firth of Forth naval base with
injury to 20 men.
The Admiralty had withheld com-
ment on reports abroad since Tues-
day that the Belfast had been dam-
aged and the announcement today by
the German High Command that a
Nazi submarine commander had con-
firmed a raid on the Firth of Forth.
The latest victim of East coast
mines-some of which the British
assert were laid by Nazi planes-
was the '8,886-ton British steamer
Mangalore, whose crew of 77 was
(She was the 83rd British ship,
naval and merchant, reported sunk
since the war began Sept. 3).
Meanwhile, the British turned to
the laboratory and to the overall-
clad fisherman for help in overcom-
ing Germany's intensified mine war-
fare, which one naval authority
termed "an extremely grave menace.".
With Britain now determined to
attack German exports as a retalia-
tory step, an order in council author-
izing the seizure of such cargoes on
the high seas, even in neutral ships,
was expected next Tuesday.
Nazis Threaten Retaliation
If Britain Seizes Exports
BERLIN, Nov. 24,-()-The Ger-
man high command proclaimed to-
day a new success in submarine war-
fare against the British navy, heavy
damage to the new cruiser Belfast in
the Firth of Forth in the second
serious raid on that base.
Authoritative Nazis at the same
time threatened sharp retaliation
against Britain's campaign to destroy
Germany's commerce.
The British decision to seize Ger-
man exports drew the warning from
one official that "our principle of
conducting the war, namely firing
10 shots back for every shot against
us, will be used in the economic
sphere also."
Student Anion's
New Magazine
To Go On Sale

Talent Preview Presages
Successful Swim Season


000 To Watch Varsity Attempt
Thwart Title-Bound Ohio State


Than 1,000 Watch Newcomers Steal
With Record Performances At Carnival


Coach Matt Mann tuned up his
natators, sent them through the pre-
lude last night in the fifth annual
Swim Gala at the I-M Building and
more than a thousand thrilled spec-
tators went home convinced that an-
other brilliant movement is to be
added to the already spectacular
Wolverine swimming symphony of
the past.
For it was the sophomores and
some of the freshmen who stole the
show from the squad'that last year
walked off with top honors in the
National Collegiate and Western
Conference meets.
It was Jim Skinner, the phenom-
enal yearling, who rocketed to a 1:03.1
time in the 100-yard breast stroke
exhibition to better Jack Kasley's
mark of 1:03.5 that now stands in
the books.
Skinner's time although under the
present accepted record is, not the
fastest that has ever been done in
this distance. At Exeter last Janu-
ary the local lad turned in a 1:02.5
and shortly afterwards, Dick Hough,
the Princeton ace, swam the event in
1:00.7, but these marks will not be
considered until the A.A.U. board
meets in Hollywood, Florida, next
Newcomers Hold Spotlight
It was natators like Gus and John
Sharemet, John Gillis, Dobson Bur-
ton, Francis Heydt and Dick Riedl,
men who had never worn a Wolverine
uniform before, that sent the fans
home talking last night.
In the team's first appearance of
the year Gus Sharmet swam the 50-
yard free style in 23 seconds flat and
returned later with a :52.4 time in
the century. Brother John came
back from a 12 count handicap. to
splash home to an easy win in the
150-yard breast stroke in 1:45.d.
Husky Gillis swam the 100-yard
free style in :54.8, Burton churned
a 2:05.4 for the 200 yard distance in
the same stroke and Riedl held off
a two count handicap in the 100-
Eight InjuredI
In Auto Strike

I yard back stroke to defeat yeteran
Bill Beebe in :62.2. Beebe, who
was given the heaviest assignment as
far as the handicaps were concerned,
was timed at :60.2 in the race.
All in all, it was a great day for
the newcomers, but the veterans also
put on a show of speed and action
that made Billy Rose's Aquacade ap-
pear like a funeral march in com-
Varsity Does O.K., Too
Beebe, Charley Barker, Johnny
Haigh, Bill Holmes, and Tom Haynie
all turned in expert performances
that kept the capacity crowd on the
edge of its seats.
Since the carnival was held for
the WAA's swimming pool project,
't was only appropriate for the
grammar school girls to start things
off by staging a 25-yard free style
race. Little Margaret Ohrestron won
the first heat in :17.5 and tiny Mary
Gray splashed her way across the
'pool in :22.5 to take second.
Then came the Varsity speed dis-
play with three 50-yard free style
handicaps. Bill Garvey, a freshman
with a one count handicap, sped to
victory in the first, Vincent Oatis,
another frosh, won the second and
Charley Fries from Ann Arbor High
took a first in the third.
In the opening 150-yard breast
stroke handicap, Paul Clifford, also
(Continued on Page 3)
Roosevelt Hints
Defense Budget
Addition Of Half-Billion
Dollars Forecast By FDR
At His Press Conference
WARM SPRINGS, Ga., Nov. 24.-
()-A half billion dollar addition to
the bill for national defense, possibly
financed by a special new tax, was
forecast at a Presidential press con-
ference today.
President Roosevelt asserted such a
tax, coupled with a reduction of the
Government's budget for the year
starting next July 1 and continuation
of an upward trend in Federal reve-
nue, might be instrumental in halv-
ing the deficit.
Nothing has been decided about a
new levy for defense, the President
said, adding that he thought the peo-
ple should study the question whether
emergency expenditures for defense
should be met by borrowing or wheth-
er the program should be put on a
pay-as-you-go basis.
Undoubtedly, the Chief Executive
declared, more money must be spent
for defense because of the present
world situation. He said this year's
sum would have to be boosted by
about $500,000,000, and that the new
total would be less than $2,300,000,000
but in excess of $2,000,000,000.
A thing the country ought to under-
stand and think about, he said, is

In Final



Of Season

Expected To Spark Buckeye Attack

Five Wolverine Seniors To Play Last Game;
Scott, Harmon Expected To Wage Duel;
Both Teams Hampered By Injuries
Ohio State's title-hungry Buckeyes, undefeated in Big Ten competition
and esconced on the front porch of the Conference crown will 'find the
Wolverines at the door this afternoon, ready and waiting to keep the in-
vaders from their first undisputed championship since 1920.
A near-capacity crowd of 85,000 will jam every corner of the stadium
as a disappointing Michigan eleven attempts to come back from two de-
feats in three weeks to trip up the Bucks and salvage something from what
had been heralded as "a Michigan year."
But regardless of the outcome of today's game, Ohio is assured of at
least a partial share of Conference honors. The Bucksare the seaon's
surprise. Rated as a dark horse in pre-season predictions, they have come
through five Big Ten victories and have dropped only one game, to unde-
feated and untied Cornell. The Francis Schmidt-coached team has,
whipped Minnesota and Illinois, the two clubs that beat Michigan, and it
wants to make it unanimous by revenging last year's 18-0 defeat. Only if
they lose and Iowa downs North-

Triple-threat, All-Big Ten quarterback Don Scott will lead the
crown-conscious Ohio State Buckeyes against Michigan this afternoon
in the Stadium. Scott, a 214-pound junior, is the spearhead of the
Scarlet attack, and is the "Evashevski" of the defense. Ohio fans claim
the big boy will at least hold his own in the offensive duel with Tom
'Intrepidus' Selected As Name
For New MichiganWolverine



Is Staged

DETROIT, Nov. 24.-(lP)-A bar-
rage of bricks and stones injured
eight persons and resulted in 22 ar-
rests today but failed to prevent 57
workers from passing a CIO-United
Automobile Workers picket line and
entering the closed Dodge main plant
of Chrysler Corp.
The first mass violence of the 50-
day-old contract dispute between the
UAW-CIO and the corporation came
a few hours before negotiations for
settlement were adjourned for the
weekend with "no progress" reported.
Arthur E. Raab, chairman of the
State Labor Mediation Board, said
that a recess until Monday morning
was decided on "in the hope that the
parties can produce some new ideas
by Monday."

The first issue of the monthly
magazine, "The Challenge," edited
and published by the American Stu-
dent Union and designed to reflect
liberal opinion on pertinent campus
and national problems, will be orb
sale next week, according to June
Harris, '40, chairman of the publica-
tions commission.
"Suffer Little Children," an article
by Elliott Maraniss, '40, editorial
director of The Daily and Harry
Stutz, Grad., depicting the plight of
crippled children who have been re-
fused hospitalization because of the
reduction in appropriations, will
highlight the first issue, Miss Harris
said. The article will analyze the
political, social and economic causes
of the cut, will describe the reaction
of the people of the State, and will
present a sketch of the activity be-
ing undertaken to correct the situa-
Campus sentiment on the last war
as revealed by Daily files will be de-
scribed by Albert Mayio, Grad., for-
mer editorial director of The Daily.
Another feature is a letter from Wil-
bur Davidson, '40, of the Interfrater-
nity Council, discussing the attitude
of sorority and fraternity members
toward the ASU which will be
answered by Robert Rosa, Grad.,
president of the ASU.
Establish New Coalition
Government In Rumania
BUCHAREST, Nov. 24.-(P)-
George Tatarescu, fourth premier of

Three-Day Fall Parley Plans
To Include Peace Discussionsi

Rivette, Former University
Student, Wins '40, Auto;
10 Others To Get Radios,
With cries of surprise and disbe-
lief, Donald E. Rivette of Ann Arbor,
expressed his happiness when in-
formed last night that his sugges-
tion "Intrepidus" had won first place
in the wolverine naming contest.
Rivette, a student here last semes-
ter, who is now working as a sales-
man in downtown Ann Arbor in order
to securedfunds for the continuation
of his education, was declared
winner out of 7,500 entrants in the
contest for first prize of a 1940 Chev-
Ten others, including Mrs. Augusta
Jorn of Ann Arbor, won portable ra-
dios for the "ten next best names and
reasons submitted." They are: Mrs.
Frankie H. Barnes of Pleasantridge;
Mr. E. M. Lyons of Jackson; Mr.
Paul A. Begun of Detroit; Mr. Jo-
seph A. Biadwin of Albion; Miss Bar-
bara Imes of Detroit; Miss Dorothy
B. Kimmall of Saginaw; Mr. Harvey
Boyd of Detroit; Mrs. Rosaline A.
Gewinger of Saginaw and Mr. C. A.
Schario of Detroit.
The wolverine was presented to theE
University as its official, live mascott
at the beginning of the present foot-
ball season and shortly afterward
the contest to determine its name
was announced. The competition was
open to all students at the Univer-
sity and all residents of the state.
"If the wolverine can stand its new
name, I guess I can stand driving a
new 1940 car," Rivette exclaimed,
when phoned by The Daily. "And you
can bet I'm going to keep it-for a
while," he added.
Claiming that he had merely
Japanese Claim
HONKONG, Nov. 24. -(Y)- The
capture of the Kwangsi Province
capital of Nanning today at the end
of a 10-day, 100-mile thrust by Jap-
anese troops aiming at China's3
southwestern "lifeline" supply routes'
was announced by Japanese army
While Chinese official quarters re-

scanned the dictionary for some in-
spiration, and that thus he saw the
word "Intrepid" and sought the Latin
root, Rivette said that "Intrepidus"
seemed to him to be the name that
best embodied "the ferocity, the
fighting spirit of the animal and
Michigan's athletic teams."
Mrs. Jorn, whose suggestion
"Pacer" won her a portable radio,
explained that when telephoned by
The Daily last night that this name
was first conceived by her daugh-
ter, Elsie M. Jorn, '42.
The judges-Prof. William H. Burt,
instructor in zoology, and curator of
mammals, Museum of Zoology; Wal-
lace Weber, freshmen football coach;
Carl Wheeler, football manager;
Fielding H. Yost, director of athletics,
and Mel Fineberg, sports editor of
The Daily-made their choice on the
basis of "originality, unusualness and
aptness, according to the announce-
ment of the advertising company re-
sponsible for the contest. The en-
tries not only had to suggest a name
for the wolverine but also to submit
a reason of not over 20 words for
that choice.
A second announcement of these
winners will be made during today's
broadcast of the Michigan and Ohio
State football game.
Exchange Hits
Season's Peak
Heavy Demand For Tickets
Forces Early Opening
Football ticket resale hit its peak
of the season yesterday when
for the first time this year the
Union exchange was forced to open
its facilities a day earlier due to an
unprecedented rush for tickets.
The success of the exchange was
evidenced this year by the astonish-
ingly small percentage of tickets
3 which failed to be resold, only a frac-
tion of one per cent. Financial fig-
ures of the exchange's popularity re-
vealed by Harold Singer, '41, of the
Union executive staff, showed a gros.

Galens' Annual
Charity Drive'
Medical Group's Campaign
Aids Crippled Children
In University Hospital
Galens, junior and senior honorary
medical society, will conduct its 11th
annual Christmas Drive for crippled
children Friday and Saturday.
"In order tb compensate for the
present curtailed program for these
children, we are attempting to make
this our most successful campaign,"
Percy J. Murphy, '41M, publicity di-
rector, said yesterday.
The aim of this drive is to raise
funds to suport the Galens' workshop,
a project in vocational therapy for
all the crippled children in the Uni-
versity Hospital and to give these
children the "most pleasant kind of
Christmas party possible," Murphy
pointed out.
The Galens Workshop is more than
a place for the crippled children to
occupy their time and forget physical
handicaps, he explained. "It is a gen-
eral vocational shop supervised by a
regular instructor in vocational arts.
It affords a medium of expression giv-
ing these children, boys and girls, an
opportunity to develop and prove
their self-confidence," Murphy de-
Emphasizing that the main source
of this fund comes from the student
body of the University during the an-
nual two-day tag sale, Murphy said
that the need this year is greater than
ever, "since aid to crippled children
from other sources has been seriously
Rome Warns
British, French
Anti-Gerian Blockade
Is CriticizedBy Ciano
ROME, Nov. 24.--(AP)-Count Ga-
leazzo Ciano, Italian Foreign Minis-
ter called the attention of the French
Ambassador and the British Charge
D'Affaires today to the possible con-
sequences which the Allied blockade
of German exports might have on its
Ciano received first the French
envoy, Andre Francois-Poncet, then
the British Charge D'Affaires, Sir
Noel Charles, to discuss the situation.
The conferences were announced in
an official communique.
Fascist circles attributed special
importance to the meetings since this
was the first time in many weeks that
an official announcement was made
s of visits of French or British diplo-
mats to the Italian Foreign Ministry

western can they get as little as a tie.
Evie's Return Helps
The Wolverines have been heart-
ened and strengthened by the return
of Forest Evashevski, blocking signal
caller, who is depended upon toshake
Tom Harmon past the line of scrim-
mage. It has been said that as
Harmon goes so goes Michigan, but
this year has proven empirically that
as Evashevski goes so goes Harmon.
Michigan dropped its two games
while Evie was either badly injured
or entirely incapacitated. But Coach
Herbert Orrin (Fritz) Crisler said
last night that the One-Man-Gang
"would play as long as possible."
So with the exception of Ed Frutig,
varsity end who was injured in the
Minnesota defeat, the Wolverines

The parade of All-American
honors for Tom Harmon picked up
another beat yesterday with the
announcement that the Gary Flash
was picked for the International
News Service team.
This was Harmon's second selec-
tion thus far, the other being on
the team named for Life maga-
zine by Bill Stern. Harmon also
won a position on the United
Press All-Conference team named
come up to today's game at top
strength. And that is more than
Ohio State can boast. For Jim Lang-
hurst, first string fullback, has been
hobbling around on crutches for the
last three days and whatever weak-
ness the Michigan team has been
discredited with this year, it is not
likely that any of it would be evi-
denced against a cripple. But a
simple thing like the loss of a full-
back is not expected to handicap the
heavily-manned Buckeyes. All they
do is reach back into their reserves
and this time they came up with
Johnny Hallabrin, a sophomore, who
was kept on the bench only because
he hadn't Langhurst's experience.
Buckeyes Have Big Three
But outside of this easily-replen-
ished hole, Ohio State brings plenty
of trouble. In its entourage are
three all-Conference possibilities and
an entire squad studded with ability.
The shining satellites are Don Scott,
EscorSarkinnen and Capt. Steve
It is the Scott-Sarkinnen combi-
nation that will catch the spectators'
collective eye this afternoon. Scott,
214 pounds of triple-threat quarter-
back, leads the Buckeye offensive.
He kicks and he passes. He runs
and he blocks. And he's a power-
house on defense.
Sarkinnen ranks right with him on
attack. Scott has thrown six touch-
down passes this year and two of
them have been to the rangy end
who is playing his first full year as
a regular despite his being a senior.
And in Andrako the Bucks have the
steady linebacker to pair with Scott.
Next to their record of six won and
a lone defeat, the most impressive
thing about the Buckeyes is their,
(Continued on Page 3)
Speech Department
Will Hold Contests
The best speakers in Speech 31
classes will meet in an elimination
series, the first of two intra-depart-
mental contests of the semester, at
4 n~ m Mr, i inR, 1nm 49(13A LN

Plans for a Fall Parley, younger
brother of the traditional Spring Par-
ley, will get under way at 4 p.m. to-
morrow when the student and fac-
ulty continuation committees of the
1939 Spring Parley meet in the
Robert Reed, '41, general chairman
of the parley, announced that various
aspects of peace will be discussed at
the parley to be held Friday, Sat-
urday and Sunday, Dec. 8, 9 and 10,
in the small amphitheatre of the
Rackham building.
Originating as the brain child of'
the peace committee of the Student
Senate, plans have gained momen-
tum and the idea is being turned
over to the central committee of last
spring's parley with the recommen-
dation that it be made an annual
As in the Spring Parley, panel dis-
cussions of the general topic will be
organized into small groups with the
introduction and summary being
handled by individual speakers who
will keynote the parley and organize
the conclusions reached in the dis-

Tom Downs, '40L; Bernice Kleiman,
'40; James Duesenberry, Grad. and
Clarence Kresin, Grad.
The list of committee members
continues with the names of Lelan
Sillin, '40; Joan Outhwaite, '41; Al-
berta Wood, '40; Dekel Taylor, '40;
Daniel Suits, '40; Tom Adams, '40;
Frank Rideout, '41; Ronald Freed-
man, Grad.; Tom Root, '40 and Bar-
bara Bassett, '40.
The faculty continuation commit-
tee is composed of Assistant Dean
Erich A. Walter of the literary col-
lege, Dr. Edward Blakeman, counselor
in religious education, Prof. Arthur
Smithies of the economics depart-
ment, Prof. Paul Henle of the phi-
losophy department, Prof, J. F. Shep-
ard of the psychology department,
Prof. Mentor L. Williams of the Eng-
lish department, Prof. Arthur W.
Hammett of the architectural school,
Prof. Karl Litzenberg of the English
department, Prof. Charles M. Davis
of the geography department, Dr.
Isaac Rabinowitz, director of Hillel
Foundation, Prof. George C. S. Ben-
son of the political science depart-

Students Get Chance
To Air Game Opinions
Michigan students will get a chance

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