IIII . II Wage Boards Japanese Passe W i l l B e T' I.O P IC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dickiuson, Roover Talk- In Ilackham Lecture Hall Professor Edgar Y. Hoover and Z. Clark D.ickinson of the economics-' departmient will discuiss thieir work' " with wage committees set up under t> the Fair Labor Standards Act at a meeting of the Economics* Club at 7:45 p;rm. Wednesday, No-v. 29 in the-,Rackhaam ,Amphitheatre. fProfessor Hoover was appointed to the wage conmmittee on shoes and allied industries and Professor Dick- inson-Is serving on -the woolen inds- try committee. Both faculty men. were ch~osen -early this year to repre- sefrt the public in the tni-party groups set up-unider the act.--------- ---------- The Fair Labor Standards Act# was passed in order to bfrig about The, JaVanese tpassenger liner. ~40 cent- per hour minximum -wage} been sunk 'by =a mane off the Eng] ~rate -in every industry in the United; Terukuni Maru was the 14th non ,States, according to an official belle- tin. Unlike the NRA which attemp- ted to legislate wage rates Atat -ter-° twin level, the Fair Labor Standards Rfe p or ter Finds C, Act- has set up committees repre- AC, 1 vl sentiig labor groups, employers and' /1r n t.~ vI the public in an attempt to adjust - .~E. ...'. F..35 conditions in each industry gradu- -r -- T - . + . o 4-- t % n sX ri--- rc.-- - a .-- -7 "- nger Ship Sunk Off Coast' Of Englan d 10 U.S.Fraternity Group To Meet " 7R D IUndergraduate delegates represent- nity to the college and to national By June McKee ing interfraternity councils of col-{questions. President Robert Clothier On tis oliay ike enuwe aveleges and universities in this country, of Rimgers University.. -*Il gi-ve an will meet; national officers of 60 col- !address Fridiay afternoon on .The draa, porscatin an colegatelege fraternities at the 31st annual Fraternity as a Provi'ng Ground of capes. oda Prf. oui Eih'ssession of the National Interfratern- Democracy," to be followed by a class presents an, origins!lradio play: ity Conference to be held Dec. 1-2 at sypsu f:Itgaio fci tover WJR at 3:30 p.m. Those com- !the Hotel Biltmore, New York City. lege and Fraternity Programs." This prising .the cy-st are Jamres Notrris, The =program -will concern itself subject will, be discussed from the '40, Jeanette Rose, Grad, Norman Ox- with the relationship of the frater- Ipoints of view of the public, handler, Catherine Dolch, Grad, I _____ Nathalie Schurman, '42 and Maxel -___ _ _________ Kerby, '41. ' fmorrow, Stan Swinton, '40, en- ~gineers another sportscast.o v e r "WMBC at 2:45 p.m. Then "CollegeA \kNI r Ar-i r Fn"conceived by Jack Silcott, Grad, M P\S 'jN I C , I LEWIM I'LEL starts off a new series over. WJ-R at 3:30 p~m. Silcott and" Dick Slade, Music by' the KINGS OF SWING' '41,, will guide it along while Jack 9tl Gelder, '40, and your "scribe together 9t master the ceremonies in which Cecil FO ESFRTELDE TEBU ETR 1Beglinger, Grad, Dorothy- Caughey, FO ESFRTELD E ITRU ETR '40, Frank Firnschild, '40, and George( Ladies 1 5c. Men 25c, Before 9'- 25c and 35c after9 Shepard, '42, take part.., .,. .. _...,, In theMorris Hall studios, "Mike" -s s --_--- reigns in six sundry shapes-as "eight ______________________ ball," carbon, condenser, crystal, ye- i'j locity, and "salt-shaker." Among his I ..!