Weather Ciludy and wanner; nrtnerly -ads !'Y r e A t r t n aitj Editorial Successful Opera Without Women?,. ' 1 VOL. L. No. 52 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOV. 23, 1939 PRICE FIVE CENTS Gov. Dickinson Hits Demands For Crippled Children's Aid Commission Reprimanded For Rejecting Financial SupportFrom Hospital Ramsey Defends Work Of Agency LANSING, Nov. 22.-(A )-cover- nor Dickinson accused the Michigan Crippled Children's Commission to-. day of having attempted to induce the Clinton County Probate Court to make the care of crippled children more expensive for the State. Dr. W. S. Ramsey, secretary of the commission, said Dickinson was "mistaken" in his charges that the agency has shown a "lack of cooper- ation." Intended Further Investigations The Governor, declaring he in- tended to have a further investiga- tion made, said the Crippled Chil- dren's Commission had rejected an invoice sheet totaling $93 submitted by the Clinton Memorial Hospital at St. Johns, on the grounds the bill was too low. "The Crippled Children Commission sent back a memoran- dumn asking the hospital to correct the same (the invoice) and increase it to $119," Governor Dickinson said. "The Probate Court was told this was 'for the purpose of uniformity in fees throughout the State'." ickinson spoke of "the same lack of cooperation concerning Gen- esee County," declaring the Com- mission 'had "haggled" when the Mott Foundation offered to contri- bute an amount equal to the State's grant for crippled children's care in that county. Conceded Facts Correct Dr. Ramsey conceded that the facts concerning the Clinton Coun- ty complaint were correct, but in- sisted that they had been misinter- preted. He said his staff had be- liedthe $93fi gures safubmitted by error because it did not coincide' with the schedule of fees the Co- mission established. "Apparently the Probate Court made a good dicker with the doctors and forgot to tell us about it," he said. "We have saved the State many thousands of dollars by reducing the allowance for fees to the level of our schedule, and here is just one instance in 'which by error the fees were raised. "We are trying to get along on the money we have, and we are not em- ploying propaganda." Emerson AR. Boyles, Dickinson's legal adviser, had added his voice to the controversy with a statement that the Commission was using pro- paganda because it wanted "more money to spend." More Than 400 Attend Annual International Dinner At Union Banquet Is Characterized As Picturesque; Greeting Given ByShirley Smith By LAURENCE MASCOTT More than 400 of them from all parts of the- globe came there and sat down and ate together-in peace. They were there in their native costumes. Present were the turbans and robes of India, the headdress of Arabia, the kimonos of Japan, the "butterfly" dresses of the Philip- pines, the robes of China. Present were every race and almost every nationality on the globe. Spoken was almost every language in the world. Alive was the conflicting spirits and ideas of almost every na- tion. And they broke bread togeth- er-in peace. The occasion was the annual In- ternational Dinner, the University's welcome to its foreign students, held last night at the Union Ballroom. The affair this year was given in the form of a Thanksgiving dinner, guests being distributed among small tables in order to be typical of Thanksgiv- ing celebrations as practiced in American homes, according to Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, director of the International Center and in charge of the dinner. The American harvest and its crops, especially those associated with the Thanksgiving feast, provid- ed the theme for the dinner's decora- tions. Each table was presided over by a faculty member and his wife, serving as host and hostess and spe- cifically in charge of carving the typically American turkey before their cosmopolitan audience. Characterized by Professor Nelson Misters Plan Services Today For All Sects President's Proclamation To Be Read At Services; Rahl Berger Will Speak Community services in which Cath- olics, Jews and Protestants may par- ticipate will be held at 10:30 a.m. today in the Rackham Auditorium, under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Ministers' Association, according to Rev. Theodore Schmale, of the Beth- lehem Evangelical Church, program chairman. President Roosevelt's Thanksgiving proclamation, read by Joseph W. Mundus, will open the union services, Reverend Schmale said. Rabbi Elmer Berger of Flint will deliver the main address, and Rev. Henry Lewis of the St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, pres- ident of the ministers' association, will preside. Special music will be furnished by the two church choirs of St. Andrews Episcopal Church under the direc- tion of Tom H. Kinkead, organist, and by the Lyra Male Chorus under the leadership of R H. Kampf. Ann Arbor ministers participating in the program are Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, counsellor in religious edu- cation, Rev. C. W. Carpenter, Second Baptist Church, Rev. C. Loucks, First Baptist Church, Rev. Fred Cowin, Disciples of Christ, Church, Rev. W. P. Lemon, First Presbyterian Church and Rev. Charles Brashares, First Methodist Church. In addition to the Union Services, eight local churches will mark Thanksgiving Day with special serv- ices of their own. Rev. George Muedeking will talk on "Gratitude Gives Orders" at 10 a.m. at the Zion Lutheran Church. Other churches who will have spe- cial services are St. Paul's Lutheran, Free Methodist, First Church of Christ, Scientist, St. Mary's Catholic Students Chapel, and Bethel, A.M.E. Five To Attend Forestry Meet Experts Will Offer Plans For Reforestation Five University faculty men were invited yesterday by the joint Con- gressional Committee on Forests to attend a conference on forestry pro- blems at Madison,- Wis., Dec. 18 and 19. Those invited include: Dean Sam- uel T. Dana, Prof. Donald M. Mat- thews, Prof. Willett F. Ramsdell and Pnf, Chirav Wm la ri ffha . as one of the most picturesque events of the year, the dinner not only at- tracted foreign students but Ameri- can students from Hawaii and Puerto Rico as well. Shirley W. Smith, vice-president of the University, extended the Uni- versity's official welcome to the for- eign students at the dinner immedi- ately after the serving of the meal. He offered "Thanksgiving that we are here tonight." Claiming that "every thoughtful person realizes that here there are signs of promise for greater future world brotherhood," Vice-President Smith said: "After eating here together in peace, stu- dents will find it much harder to fight these people whom they have learned to know and to understand and mutual respect and friendship are the greatest preventives of war." He concluded with the quotation: "Life's final star is brotherhood." Mr. Harib Kurani of the Univer- (Continued on Page 3) Natators Make Debut In Fifth Swim.Carnival Program Will Help WAA Pool Project; 20 Events Are Scheduled By Mann ' By DON WIRTCHAFTER Michigan's mighty natators, cham- pions of the Western Conference and top college team in the nation for the past six years, will make their 1939-1940 debut tomorrow night in the fifth annual Swim Gala at the I-M pool The first event will start at 1:30 p.m. This year's carnival willbe a regu- lar, three-ring circus on the water with expert speed and endurance swimming, girls, diving, comedy and stunts all included in the program, Coach Matt Mann, has 20 events planned plus a host of special attrac- tions, to thrill the capacity crowd of over a thousand that is expected to attend. Ladies first is the correct way, and therefore it's the Michigan coeds who will lead off tomorrow's all-star card with a 25-yard free style race. After that, the Wolverine squad, varsity and freshmen, will take over and demonstrate the aquatic speed for which they are famous. Three 50-yard free style handicaps are listed on the program which will headline the collegiate sprint champ, Charley Barker, along with Gus Sharmet, Bob West, Bill Beebe, and John Gillis. Gala fans are in for some thrilling races since each man entered has been handicapped according to his past performances. Following the sprints will come two 150-yard breast stroke handicaps with Veteran Johnny Haigh and sophomore John Sharemet drawing the heaviest assignments as far as the handicaps are concerned. In the back stroke event, Bill Beebe, Ted Horlenko and Dick Riedl wil lall be in action. And there's plenty more on tomor- (Continued on Page 6) Reich Accuses BritishAgents Of Bomb Plot Gestapo Claims Captured English Intelligence Men ImportantPrize Of War London Officials Deny Conspiracy By MELVIN K. WHITELEATHER BERLIN, Nov. 22.-(P)--German authorities today accused two cap- tured British secret service agents of direct connection with the Munich bomb plot which Adolf Hitler escaped by 11 minutes Nov. 8. Making no secret of their belief that the captives were one of the most important catches of the war, Nazi officials said the two agents were responsible jointly with two oth- er men for the bombing. The ex- plosion killed eight persons shortly after Hitler left the Munich beer hall. Two Germans Held Otto Strasser, a German long-time enemy of Hitler who lives in France, and Georg Elser of Munich were blamed with the two Britons, who were captured at the Netherlands frontier the day after the explosion. They were identified by the Gestapo as Capt. Richard Henry Stevens, 42, chief of the European division of the British Secret Service, and Sigis- mund PayneBest, 54, an intelligence officer for the Britsih General Staff during the World War. Previously the secret police had blamed British instigators for the explosion, but had not mentioned Stevens and Best as connected di- rectly. Said Elser Confessed Heinrich Himmier, chief of the Ges- tapo, said Elser had confessed setting the beer halltime bomb. (The British Foreign Office denied that any British agent knew of any German "described as having placed a bomb in the Munich cellar" and said the bombing had no connection with "the kidnaping of two British subjects on the German-Dutch fron- tier.") The Gestapo said Stevens and Best were captured while attempting to enter Germany from Venloo, the Netherlands. Ohio Relief Crisis Gains Momentum CLEVELAND, Nov. 22.-()-The demand "no more taxes" clashed head-on in Ohio tonight with the cry "we want food."* The Buckeye State, which has writ- ten into its constitution a one per- cent limit on realty taxes for all com- munity purposes, was groping with a grave relief situation. In Toledo a survey by the Council of Social Agencies showed 5,193 per- sons-employable residents and their dependents-were suffering from lack of food, fuel and clothing, and in danger of starvation and sickness. Cleveland, with 60,000 persons de- pendent upon direct relief, discon- tinued all but "strictly emergency" rations and discharged a fourth of its administrative staff. Four Ships Are Reported Sunk As Warfare On Sea Is Increased In Intensity Dutch Cancel Ship Sailings When Germany's Goods Are Called Contraband Nazi Outlet Barred By Britain's Action AMSTERDAM, Nov. 22. -(P)- Sailings of all Netherlands ships from7 Netherlands ports were cancelled to- day by their owners acting upon the advice of the government. The step followed by one day Great, Britain's announcement that all goods of German origin on the high seas would be subject to seizure, re- gardless of the nationality of vessels carrying them. There was no explanation for the 'cancellations, but it was noted that Netherlands ships have been taking German goods aboard. A total of 10,000,000 tons of German exports were transshipped from Rotterdam and Amsterdam in the first nine months of this year. This action by Britain would, therefore, remove one of German's chief export outlets. Ship owners met today to con- siderthe hazards to shipping as a result of the war, including the danger from mines. The Holland-American liner Rot- terdam left Rotterdam at 3 a.m. to- day before the ban was enforced. The Statendam had been scheduled to sail tomorrow at midnight, but doubt was expressed tonight that she would return to the United States until the situation is clarified. Shipping is one of the largest in- dustries in the Netherlands, and the war, in addition to costing large sums of money, has disrupted busi- ness which normally depends upon imports. Outside of Britain, Germany, Italy and Norway, no other European country has so large a merchant 'fleet as the Netherlands. Her fleet is more than twice as large as it was in 1914, and the country already, as a result of the British blockade, has felt the effects of this war more than this proportion would indicate. Train Wreck Kills Engineer Homeward Bound Students Shaken in Derailment NORTH CHICAGO, Ill., Nov. 22. -(P)-The engineer of the Chicago and Northwestern's "Winnebago" passenger train, loaded with North- western University students home- ward bound for the holidays, was killed and several persons shaken late today when the locomotive and first four cars left the track near here. Harry Anderson, the engineer, was killed when he was pinned between the engine and tender. The fire- man, Stanley Mack, Elmhurst, was severely burned when the engine rolled into a ditch. No passenger was injured seriously, the C.&N.W. office reported. Sheriff Thomas Kennedy said he was investigating a report that the locomotive had overtaken a handcar operated by three railroad work- men, who jumped and ran when they saw they could not get the car off the track before the train struck it. W. E. Harmsen, boatswain's mate at Great Lakes Naval Training Sta- tion, said he was standing a quarter of a mile north of the on-coming train when he "saw the engine veer over to one side, rock back on the track and then roll in the ditch." Russel Wins Wager, Conviction In Murder CHICAGO, Nov. 22.-(iP)--Jack Russell won 15 cents today but lost a court battle for his life. The Oklahoma desperado was con- victed of kidnaping and killing Wil- ham sicot Hamilton. an Arkansas Youth's Mania 4 40 Are Lost When British Destroyer Strikes Mine; French Sink Two Subs For Firearms BringsInjury A 14-year-old boy whom the courts accused of having an "incorrigible" mania for guns was in a serious con- dition in University Hospital last night as a result of his second esca- pade with firearms. The boy, Chris Simpson of Climax,, was treated for a bullet wound in his head, suffered, according to Dr. Wil- lard N. Putman, Calhoun County Coroner, when he attempted to break his pet dog of gun shyness. The accident occurred in the living room of his home Tuesday night. Deputy Sheriff Claude Watts said the boy apparently did not believe his .22 calibre rifle was loaded, and was try- ing to get the dog used to the sight of the gun. Young Simpson's first escapade came a year ago when, in revenge for having been expelled from school, he returned armed with a gun and threatened his teacher and class- mates. An operation was performed yes- terday in an effort to save the boy's life. The bullet entered his fore- head and pierced his skull. Dr. Crothers Will Add ress Medical Group Parley Opens Tomorrow. At Rackham Building; Dr. Jordan Will Speak Speaking on "Structural and Psy- chological Changes After Cerebral Accidents to Children," Dr. Bronson Crothers of Harvard will give the first address at the Annual Meeting of the University's Pediatric and In- fectious Disease Society, to be held tomorrow and Saturday at the Uni- versity Hospital and the Rackham 'Building. Dr. Clement E. Smith of Brookline, Mass., president of the Society, will open the meeting tomorrow, at which Dr. Crothers, assistant professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and a specialist in nervous diseases in children, will appear as feature speaker. On the same program Dr. Paul H. Jordan of the Michigan Child Guid- ance Institute will speak on "Per- sonality Changes Occasioned by Cer- ebral Accidents in Children, and Their Management." Other speakers are Dr. Max Peet of the University Hospital, whose topic is "The Sur- gical Aspect of Cerebral Accidents in Children" and Dr. J. E. Kempf of the University bacteriology department. Speakers on the afternoon pro- gram are: Dr. John H. Ferguson of the pharmacology department, Miss Betty Nims Erickson of Ann Arbor; Dr. Ernest Watson of Detroit, Dr. L. Dell Henry, Dr. Harry A. Towsley and Dr. John J. Engelfried of the pediatrics and infectious disease de- partment; Dr. Mark Osterlin of Traverse City, and Dr. George M. Brown of Bay City. Court Defends Civil Liberties Handbill Ordinances Held Illegal In Three Cities WASHINGTON, Nov. 22.-(P)-Re- ferring to pamphlets as "historical weapons in the defense of liberty," the Supreme Court today held un- constitutional three city ordinances restricting their distribution. The opinion, written by Justice Roberts, said the ordinances struck "at the very heart of the Constitu- tional guarantees. Justice McRey- nolds dissented but did not appear in court to deliver an opinion. Jus- tice Butler, who died last week, had not participated in the formulation of Finance Chancellor Tells Of War Cost (By Associated Press) Belligerent and neutral alike counted fresh losses yesterday in Europe's increasingly bitter sea war- fare after Germany proclaimed swift retaliation against Britain's unre- stricted blockade of Nazi ports. The day's sea toll, recorded also during a day of increased aerial war- fare and recriminations on both war- ring sides, included: The 1,335-ton British Destroyer Gipsy, 17th vessel to run afoul of mines and torpedoes off the British coast within five days, hit a mine Tuesday and was beached. Forty men were missing and 21 were in- jured ofrher normal crew of. 145. The French announced the sinking of two' German submarines by the same torpedo boat within three days. Intercepted Freighter A British warship intercepted the 4,110-ton German freighter Bertha Fisser off Iceland, picking up the crew from lifeboats to which they took after trying to scuttle the ship. A Reykjavik, Iceland, dispatch in- dicated the Nazi craft may have been shelled. The Germans declared 11 commer- cial ships, eight of them British, had failed to reach British ports during the two weeks since Winston Churchill on Nov. 8 declared Nazi undersea a n d surface raiders whipped. The 6,660-ton Italian freighter Fianona hit a mine off Britain Tues- day night but still was afloat yes- terday with her crew of 33 safe. Private information received by the Associated Press in New York in- dicated the new 10,000-ton British, cruiser Belfast had been damaged slightly by a mine. The New York Times said a torpedo fired by a German* submarine, which slipped into the Firth of Forth, damaged the warship. Justify Sea Warrfare Nazi authorities j stfied their conduct of sea warfare, declaring Britain assumed responsibility by putting shipping lanes under mili- tary protection and introducing the warship convoy system. British Chancellor of the Exche- quer Sir John Simon, appealing to Britons for investment in new Na- tional, Savings Certificates, said the war was costing the British Govern- ment at least £6,000,000 ($23,580,000) a day. The Brtish reported German bombers hit and set afire a British seaplane in a raid on the Shetland Islands. Correspondents with the British Air Force in France reported Allied planes shot down seven German planes and that an eighth was downed by anti-aircraft guns. Storm Greets Bear' Heading Into Antarctic BOSTON, Nov. 22.-(P)-Bucking a foretaste of the storms she will encounter in Polar seas, the 68-year- old Barkentine Bear headed south- ward tonight for the Antarctic after slipping away from this port in a swirling snowstorm, whipped up by a stiff nor'easter. Back in the service of the Navy again for the first time since she fought the Arctic ice floes in 1884 to rescue survivors of the hapless Gree- ly Expedition, the historic sealer, reve- nue ship, and veteran of one other Antarctic venture completed the fleet for the Government's exploratory and possibly land-claiming expedition to the bottom of the world. Three members of the expedition received a lucky "break" when the Bear anchored temporarily in the outer harbor until the storm lessened. Late in arriving, Leland Curtis of Seattle, L. M. Berlin of Alaska, and an unidentified man, were "taxied" .I Deer Hunters I EscapeDeath In Plane Crash Rifle bullets in Michigan's 1939 deer hunt claimed their sixth human life yesterday, but it remained for Herman Rufus, of 2015 Pine Ridge Road, to become the first air casualty. A two-seated plane piloted by Rufus crashed Tuesday night near Novi while he and Earl Adams of Toledo, 0., were returning from a hunting trip to Sault Ste. Marie. State Police said Rufus was treated for facial and scalp lacerations, but Adams was uninjured. Police said the plane had made an emergency landing when the gasoline supply was exhausted and that it crashed while taking off after refueling. Two more deaths yesterday boost- ed the total to six as the 16-day season reached its halfway mark, ac- cording to the Associated Press. Wil- liam Sinclair, 43 years old, of De- troit, died yesterday of wounds sus- tained last Saturday when he was accidentally shot by his brother, Gor- don, 38 years old, also of Detroit, while hunting near Newberry. Special Carillon Program Planned For Thanksgiving A special Thanksgiving Day pro- gram of compositions by Prof. Per- rval Prints will ha oivann tha eoaril-. Alumnus Burton K. Wheeler Straddles Fence For Nomination By LEONARD SCHLEIDER Michigan alumnus Burton K. Wheeler, '05, senior U.S. Senator from Montana, last week shifted into position as a possible compromise Democratic candidate for the presi- dency in 1940, in the opinion of poli- tical observers. In a speech at Baltimore, the vet- eran Senator, who has alternated between the anti-New Deal and pro- Administration camps during the past six years, appealed for the selec- tion of a Democratic presidential candidate "behind whom both the party's embattled factions can unite." He praised President Roosevelt, but said he was against "his meth- ods." He said he agrees with the President's "fundamental beliefs" but feels that a third-term would be a "mistake." This expression of opinion, Washington experts say, makes Senator Wheeler's ideal can- didate no one but himself. Senator Wheeler has in the past ,s4-f,. nr -.aim t. Admin - factions is sufficient to command the support of each." A few months ago the Montana Senator revealed that representatives of both the New Deal and the Gar- ner-for-President movement had asked him to be a vice-presidential candidate on their respective tickets. It is said that a Democratic con- vention deadlock next year, in which Rooseveltian and anti-New Deal forces fight each other to a stand- still, may find Wheeler a receptive candidate. Mr. Wheeler is now chairman of the strategic Senate Interstate-Com- merce Committee and recently con- cluded an investigation of railroad finances. Born in Massachusetts of an old Bay Bay family, Senator Wheeler worked his way through Michigan. Upon graduation from law school he opened an office in Montana's boom- ing copper-mining region. As a State Senator Wheeler became the bitter opponent of the Copper Trust. TT nnncP a m, a, n