THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, NOV. 21, 19 939 E MICHIGAN DAILY Progressive Movements On Campus Are Menaced By New Dies Demand I r f= :1 ~ta m, r --- ,. . ., lted and managed. by students of the University of gan under the authority of the Board in;Control of ent Publications. blished every morning except Monday during the ersity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press e Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the or republication of all news dispatches credited to not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All a of republication of all other matters herein also ved. bered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as d class mail matter. bscriptions during regular school year by carrier, by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVER%.SING BY . National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative . 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y.- CHiCAGO * BOSTON ' LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO nber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Petersen tt Maraniss . . M. Swinton . ;on L. Linder nan A. Schorr is Flanagan . N. Canavan Vicary Fineberg . . Staff Managing Editor Editorial Director * City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor *Woriien's Editor * Sports Editor Business Staff siness Manager t. Business Mgr., Credit Manager men's Business Manager men's Advertising Manager blications Manager Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratk6 Jane Mowers Harriet t. Levy NIGHT EDITOR: ROY BUEHLER' The editorials published in The Michigan ily are written by members of The Daily ff and represent the views of the waters- ly. isible Stop Signs R't Be See f A FORMALLY-ATTIRED woman re- ceived severe lacerations of the head early Saturday morning in an automobile col- lision at the corner of Hill Street and Oakland Avenue. Other occupants of the two cars were indeed fortunate in escaping injury. But the accident. was very understandable and, more important, preventable. The greenish. gray roadster in which the woman was traveling was tearing up Oakland Avenue bend in the., direction of the campus. It approached Hill Street, a stop street, at a speed no faster than most local cars travel in Ann Arbor-about 45 miles an hour. A -dark sedan was traveling west on Hill Street with the right-of-way. The cars collided with a ter- rific impact. The sedan' crashed into the street sign on the right and the roadster swerved into the stop sign on the far side of the crossing, stopping the flying car's forward motion. At least one stop sign did some good. But stop signs aren't made for that purpose. Stop signs are supposed to tell drivers to stop (or at least drive cautiously) as they approach a right-of-way street. But most Ann Arbor stop signs don't have reflectors and can hardly be seen at night.. It may be claimed that the, corner was well-lighted.- An. investigation showed that the corner lamp is approximately 14 feet behind the stop sign that didn't stop the speeding roadster. So that didn't help very much. Certainly accidents cannot be prevented in the future without the cooperation of careful, con- scientious drivers. But inadequate highway markers, which have made many Ann Arbor crossings virtual No- Man's Lands, certainly do not help the situation. This is difficult to explain in a town where expert highway testing laboratories are located -in the most motor-conscious state in the Union. Accidents will continue to happen until local citizens and local authorities join hands in a concerted drive to make Ann Arbor streets safe. Positive action is imperative: visible highway markers must replace the many inadequate ones now in use; speed limits must be enforced; and above all, automobile drivers must drive sen- sibly, when means abiding by local ordinances, respecting the other fellow's rights, and for- getting about trying to emulate Barney Old- By RICHARD BENNETT IN the midst of all the preoccupation with affairs overseas, a number of tragic incen- tives to war are being overlooked here in the homeland. Probably the one of most immediate concern to the student body at the University of Michigan is the latest demand about to be made by the Dies Committee. That organiza- tion is now to ask for another appropriation from Congress for the purpose of investigating 'leftist' activities in American universities, weeding out those students who are attempting to influence student opinion through any sort of progressive journalism or organizational work. Whether the majority of students at Michigan imagine themselves to be in sympathy with the activities of the Dies Committee or whether they are simply ignorant of them, one thing is certain: each student whatever his sympathies, will be affected by any such investigation, if not directly, then indirectly by witnessing the general suspension of his friends, or (if he be friendless) by the obfuscation and final oblitera- tion of cultural progress here at the university. FOR the direction of a successful attempt to abrogate civil rights takes on a certain in- variable pattern. The first step is to weed out the communists. These are then identified with radicals' and these in turn with 'left-wingers.' But the term 'left-wingers' is so broad that it comes to mean anyone advocating a single liber- al or progressive view. Consequently, those who are the exponents of culture and progress are silenced from fear. The progressive college paper, which had been working in the interest of the student body as a whole, is 'purged' or silenced at once-natur- ally. All organizations active for the maintain- ence of democratic rights are suppressed be- cause the term 'democratic rights' means rights for everybody, including those who do not see things the same way you do. It is found that the Jew has been active in the preservation of those rights, since he 'is constantly reminded that it is the 'alien' who bears the brunt of the first anti-democratic attack: so the Jew is identi- fied with communism (if you doubt it, talk with supposed 'liberals' on the campus and marl their statements anent the 'racial' problem) and his loss of educational privilege becomes effec- tive. For different, but obvious reasons the Negro follows suit. And concomitant with all this the faculty is 'investigated,' the curriculum is altered, and the students are regimented and drilled in a scholastic desert. THE studeit who answers 'impossible!' or even 'improbable' to this is either failing to sense. the trend of public feeling right here in the by- towns of Michigan, since this war started, or is idealizing the intellectual and emotional stabil- ity of the American people to the point where he imagines nothing can occur to them such as occurred to the people of Germany. Yet let him review a modicum of the tomes that cover the shelves of our library and witness the level of scholarship Germany attained before 1933! Educational stability means very little when economic forces come into play. On the other hand, the student who concedes that this threat is an actuality but refuses to fight it on the ground that the forces of opposi- tion are too great is failing to consider the power of mass action against such a threat, no matter how forbidding. But mass action cannot be effec- tive unless organized. This has long been the purpose of the American Student Union-to fight for the preservation of those ideals that make college worth while. (Anyone who has seen the curriculum of the University of Heidel- berg as it is today cannot but rejoice that he is attending a university which upholds the principles embodied in the Bill of Rights.) Since the new appropriation demanded by the Dies Committee and the announced intention for which it is to be used, it becomes imperative that each of us do something to retain those privileges and those ideals. We cannot do this by mere formal disagreement. It must be done by group For me, at least, Miss Skinner's acting expunged the memory of the little girl, her beauty, the memory of the lady. She peopled the stage with a whole host of characters and amazingly enough those shadowy people were sometimes the ones to emerge and dominate the action. In her most sustained effort "Liebestraum," she was, throughout, a good woman and a good wife moving through the joys and sorrows of domes- tic life but the character who is most completely drawn is the husband thta we only see through her eyes. She was sometime sentimental but she clothed sentimentality in a hard cloak of verisimilitude that made- it palatable. All the sketches in which she appeared were written by herself and it is a tribute to her ability as a playwright that she captured her characters in this one, as in the others, at their most telling and revealing moments. She has a feeling for the dramtically effective gesture and word but it is not always the obvious one. She combined the subtle and the obvious with skill. Her completely comic sketches particularly de- lighted her audience but there was often a sharp vein of satire running through them that made something more than just comedy. Her "Visit- ing Lady Lecturer" and her "Homework" were especially enjoyable for this reason. There is one aspect of Miss Skinner's art that, though common to all acting, appears in her work in a particularly pure form. That was the way in which she handled her body in gaining her effects. Her grace of movement was, at times, that of a dancer but she could sink into the heavy, stodgy movements of a lady lecturer or the jerky nervousness of a young girl with complete naturalness. All good actors exhibit this ability but when Miss Skinner is alone on the stage there is nothing else to distract the action. A vacuous intellectualism never got any- body anything more than that which those who act wanted them to get. RECENTLY the ASU has been reviled by num- erous students on campus as a red' organi- zation (with all that term connotes) with aa sorts of queer intentions up its sleeve, intentions it fails (they say) to make explicit because if it did it would no longer remain an officially sanc- tioned organization of the University of Michi- gan. Such statements are made less through willful calumny than sheer ignorance. There is no room here to record the platform of the ASU, but two major contentions of that body should be sufficient to merit its endorsement. (1) It opposes any and all attempts at the sup- pression of the individual's rights as those rights were expressed in the Bill of 1799. (2) It is abso. lutely opposed to the United States involving itself in a European or an Asiatic war. Hence it opposes all those undercover tricks which, while seeming to be peace-preserving, are actually the first steps that any nation takes toward war. Now, if the rest of the platform of the ASU does not negate these points, the intentions of the organization would seem to coincide with, rather than contradict, the desires of the large majority of us. But it is a dangerous business to accept on hearsay the objectives of the ASU or any other organization of the kind. As far as possible, direct contact is the best sort of verification. QULLIVER'S CAVILS By Young Gjulliver Ann Arbor, Mich. November 21, 1939 Jonathan Swift, Esq. Limbo. Dear Daddy, Please accept my apologies for not having written you for such a long time. A lot has been happening in the world, and I know you want to keep posted. Last Friday was Black Friday here in Ann Arbor. Black Friday is an old tradition at Michigan: it is the night when the freshmen and sophomores run around town pulling each others' pants off, and acting in general in a very unscholastic fashion. N that same Friday, in Prague, Czecho- slovakia, which is a little farther from Ann Arbor than Berkeley, California, college boys rioted too. The main difference between the two riots was that the Czech students were fighting for their lives with their bare hands against armed Nazi troops. Ydung Gulliver was all excited about the column he was going to write. Here was the opportunity for a terrific piece of irony. You can imagine, pop, what a rotten feeling it was to open Sunday's Daily and see that Mr. Q., known to nodding acquaintances as Two-Ticket Morty, the man who could chisel passes from a statue, had written a very good column on that very subject. But there is a lot more that could be said about students in 1939, and your brainchild might just as well take up where Morty Q left off. Shooting a dozen students in cold blood and propping them against the dormitory wall as an object lesson was not all that the Nazis did; they closed the Prague universities for the next three years. That is plain proof that the students, unarmed as they are, constitute one of the strongest threats to fascist rule. COLLEGE students have not been spendira all their time learning about life; thous- ands of them have risked everything in an effort to improve the conditions of life for the masses of the people. American students have not been outstanding in this respect, but stu- dents in every country in Europe, in India, in China, have asserted themselves as leaders of the people, consistently fighting against any attempts to impose totalitarian rule on their countries. Gulliver used to have a Chinese friend in Ann Arbor who had been a member of the famous Chinese student movement. Yang had some amazing stories to tell. He used to describe how the college boys would conceal revolution- ary leaflets in the flowing sleeves of their coats and drop them on the street as they walked along. If you were caught with these leaflets in your possession, it meant instant death; stu- dents were caught daily, and were immediately executed on the streets. In our country such heroism has never been required of college boys. As a matter of fact, dad, young men who are studying at American universities are generally looked down upon. Maybe they've done a little to earn their reputa- tion aEs silly fools. It isn't so long ago that students at a nearby college ducked an Ann Arbor minister in the lake because they thought he was a radical. And it isn't so long ago that students were recruited to serve as strike- breakers. BUT American college boys are learning. They're learning that education is worth fighting for. They're learning that fascism means war, it means death, it means no mor(4 universities. They're learning also that they must actively participate in the struggle for a npacefil, demoertiic America. that the nreser WASHINGTON - There is much wailing and gnashing of teeth thesea days among New Dealers. The Presi- dent, greatest spender of them all, has sent blunt orders down the line ' that all estimates for the new bud-e get must be pared to the bone. The boys just don't know what to make of it. They expected economyY demands from Congress, but forY Roosevelt to wield the ax has cut them to the quick. And they know he isn't kidding because of what he already has donet to WPA. He has quietly ordered itse new appropriation slashed to $1,000,- 000,000-a cut of $500,000,000 under the current budget. If anywhere near this percentage of economizing is imposed on other major appropria- tions, then the budget he will sub- mit to Congress in January will amaze his critics. It also will be in line with the advice given him by the Democratic congressional leaders. They have urged him to cut every- thing but national defense sharply. If Congress wants to boost his fig- ures, that will be its responsibility. But the Administration, they insist, should be on record for a balanced budget in order to meet Republican, campaign attacks. Judging from the cries of anguish among his New Deal intimates, the President is definitely acting on this counsel. Supreme Court Battle THERE was a touch of the old Supreme Court fight in what Roosevelt said about the late Justice Butler, but you had to hear the words read aloud to get it. Newsmen at Steve Early's press conference asked if the President had any comment to make on the death of the Supreme Court Justice. Early had anticipated that, and was ready with a statement from the President. He read it aloud in a quiet voice, but when he came to the line about Butler's philosophy, there was an unmistakable emphasis laid upon one word, which loaded it with meaning. his complete frankness," Early read, "in the expression of his philosophy . . . commanded my re- spect.". Early emphasized the word "his", an emphasis which was doubt- less not his own but the President's. It left no doubt that the President's "respect" applied only to, Butler's frankness, not to Butler's philosophy. American Horse Sense HERE are two worth-while quotes by two worth-while Americans: Norman Davis, ex-envoy for dis- armament and now head of th Red Cross: "Waging peace is much more difficult than waging war." Lloyd Stark, Governor of Missouri: "We need our opponents to keep us at our best. In the two-party sys- tem lies our best guarantee that this shall never be a totalitarian state." Inland Waterways THE ouster of Major General T. Q. Ashburn as head of the Inland Waterways Corporation was no sud- den convulsion. It was the climax of a long behind-the-scenes row be- tween the retired army officer and Commerce. Department officials. First blow in the feud was struck by Ashburn, who hotly resented hav- ing his agency put under the De- partment in last summer's govern- ment reorganization. He had been his own boss for years and didn't like being subordinated. At the first meeting of his board after the transfer, Ashburn took the offensive by reading a legal brief challenging-the legality of the shift. To Assistant Commerce Secretary J. Monroe Johnson, two-fisted South Carolinian who was getting his first close-up of the Inland Waterways Corporation, this seemed a deliberate affront and he told Ashburn so in so many words. Thereafter, Johnson lost no time in jdigging into the affairs of the Cor- poration and quickly uncovered three interesting items: (1) that in addi- tion to his $10,000 a year salary, Ashburn was getting $5,000 for per- sonal expenses; (2) he had a gov- ernment yacht that cost $20,000 a year to operate; (3) that IWC barge and river hands were up in irms over low pay and poor food. On orders of Secretai'y Hopkins, Johnson put the ax to the expense fund and the yacht. Ashburn was furious. White House Appeal E renewed his attacks on the legality of the transfer, going over Hopkins' and Johnson's heads' directly to the White House. But this move was thrown for a loss by ani opinion from Attorney General Murphy holding that the President did have the power to make the shift. Meanwhile. .ohnson had started C1he Drew Pecrso Robert S.Alme ~GO TUESDAY, NOV. 21, 1939 h VOL. L. No. 50 0 f Noticesn Hospitalization Groups Announce- i ment. A series of meetings has been i .rranged for the purpose of giving i publicity to the arrangements avail- t able to members of the University i staff through group hospital associa-d tions. These meetings will be held t on the dates stated below. The meetings will all be held at 4:15 p.m. at the Natural Science Auditori- um. In order that all interested may have an opportunity to hear the state-e r.ients of Mr. Mannix and to ask ques-o ions and to participate in the discus- ion the University staff has beend entatively divided into groups for these meetings as stated below. How- ever, any person who finds the datet .assigned to his group inconvenient n ill be welcome to attend with any ne of the other groups. At each of these meetings, alsot there will be present either Dean A.C. urstenberg or Vice-President James I. Bruce, or both, to give informa- ion with respect to arrangementsr thus far not entirely complete for2 furnishing group medical service. S Nov. 21: Faculties of Engineering,I Architecture, Medicine, and Dentis- try. Nov. 22: Faculties of Law, Gradu- te School, Forestry and Conserva- tion, Education, Pharmacy, Music, and Business Administration.t Nov. 24: Staffs of the Libraries, 'Museums, Hygiene and Public Health,I hysical Education. Extension. Michi-. an Union and Michigan League. Nov. 27: General administration, all clerical employees (offices may close t 4:10 p.m. or as required), Build- ings and Grounds, Stores, and Dormi- tories. Nov. 29: Health Service, University1 1-xospital, and any others omitted from this schedule.t Shirley W. Smith.1 Apparatus Exchange: The Regents at their meeting in March, 1927, au-. thorized an. arrangement for the sale of scientific apparatus by one de- partment to another, the proceeds of the sale to be credited to the budget account of ' the department from which the apparatus is trans- ferred. Departments having apparatus which is not in active use are advised to send description thereof to the University Chemistry Store, of which Prof. R. J. Carney is director. The Chemistry store headquarters are in Room 223 Chemistry Building. An effort will be made to sell the appara- . tus to other departments which are likely to be able to use it. In some instances the apparatus may be sent to the University Chemistry store on consignment and if it is not sold within a reasonable time, it will be returned to the department from which it was received. The obJect of this arrangement is to promote economy by reducing the amount of unused apparatus. It is hoped that departments having such apparatus will realize the advantage to them- selves and to the University in avail- ing themselves of this opportunity. Shirley W. Smith. To All Faculty Members: 1. Life Annuities or life insurance either or both may be purchased by members of the faculties from the Teachers Insurance and Annuity As- sociation of America and premiums for either life Annuity or life Insur- ance, or both, may be deucated at the written request of the policy- holder from the monthly payroll of the University, and in such cases will be remitted directly by the Univer- sity, on the monthly basis. The secretary's office has on file blank applications for annuity policies, or ife insurance policies, and rate books, for the convenience of members of the University staff desiring to make use of them. 2. The Regents at their meeting of January, 1919 agreed that any mem-, her of the Faculties entering the serv- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN is medical examination may, at his wn expense, purchase life insurance rom the Teachers Insurance and An- auity Association at its rate. All life nsurance premiums are borne by the ndividual himself. The University snakes no contribution toward life nsurance and has nothing to do with he life insurance feature exbept that t will if desired by the insured, de- duct premiums monthly and remit he same to the association, 7. The University accounting of- fices will as a matter of accommoda- tion to members of the faculties or employes of the University, who de- sire to pay either annuity premiums or insurance premiums monthly, de- duct such premiums from the pay- roll In monthly installments. In the ase of the so-called "academic roll the premium payments for= the months of July, August, September, and October will be deducted from the double payroll of June 30. While the accounting offices do not solicit this work, still it will be cheerfully assumed where desired. 8. The University has no ar- rangements with any insurance or- ganization except the Teachers In- surance and Annuity Association of America and contributions will not be made by the University nor can premium payments be deducted ex- cept in the case of annuity or insu- ance policies of this association. 9. The general administration of the annuity and insurance business has been placed in the hands of Sec- retary of the University by the Re- gents. Please communicate with the un- dersigned if you have not complied with the specific requirements as stated in (3) above. Herbert G. Watkins, Ass't Secy. Faculty Members and Staff: Special Employment Time Reports. must be in the Business Office on Wednesday, Nov. 22, to be included in the roll for Nov. 30. Edna G. Miller, Payroll Clerk Househeads, Dormitory Directors, and Sorority Chaperons: Closing hour for Wednesday, November 22, is 1:30 A.M. and for Thursday, No- vember 23, is 11:00 P.M. Jeannette Perry, Assistant Dean of Women Teacher's Certificate Candidates for February, June and August 1940: Reg- istration with'the Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information, ihich is required before a certificate iay be issued, is now taking place. As a' late registration. fee of $1 is charged after Nov. 22, candidates for 940 are urged to consult the DOB notice of the Bureau and to enroll mmediately. Diploma Applications: Graduate students who expect to be recom- mended for higher degrees to be conferred in February, 1940, should place on file a blue diploma applica- tion by November 25. These forms are available in 'the office of the Graduate School, Rackham Build- ing Attention is called to the fact that today is the last day that registration material may be obtained from the Bureau. After today a late registration fee of $1.00 will be charged. Blanks may be obtained at the Bureau, 207 Ma- son Hall, hours 9-12 and 2-4. The Bureau has two divisions: Teaching and general. The general division registers people for positions of all kinds other than teaching. Both seniors and graduate stu- dents, as well as staff members, are eligibleato enroll. Only one registra- tion is held during the school year and everyone who will be available in February, June, August, or at any other time during the year, should enroll now. University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Infor- mation. A cademic Notices English 153: Copies of "Fifty Best -Norman A. Schorr DRAMA ce of the University since Nov. 17, [American Short Stories," edited by 1915, may purchase an Annuity from O'Brien, are to be found in both An- ,he above-named Association, toward gell Hall Study Hall and the Hop- the cost of which the Regents would wood Room. ,nake an equal contribution up to Five per cent of his annual salary All Music Education students, both not in excess of $5,000, thus, within graduate and undergraduate, will re- the limit of five per cent of the salary ,port at a short meeting to be held doubling the amount of the Annuity tonight in the School of Music Audi- purchased. torium immediately following Choral 3. The purchase of an Annuity Union rehearsal. omder the conditions mentioned in (2) above is made a condition of em-Co erts ployment in the case of all members Twilight Organ Recital: Palmer of the Faculties, except instructors, Christian, University organist, will whose term of Faculty service does give a recital on the Frieze Memorial not antedate the University year Organ, in Hill Auditorium, Wednes- 1919-1920. With instructors of less day afternoon, Nov. 22,'at 4:15 p.m., .han three years' standing the pur- to which the general public, with the 2hase of an Annuity is optional, exception of small children, is invited 4. Persons who have become mem- to attend without admission charge. bers of the faculties since Nov. 17, 1915 and previous to the year 1919- Exhibitions 1920 have the option of purchasing Exhibition, College of Architecture annuities under the University's con- and Design: The best 100 posters tributory plan. submitted in the 1939 National Pos- 5. Any person in the employ of the ter Contest on the subject "Travel", University may at his own cost pur- sponsored by Devoe & Reynolds Co., By JAMES E. GREEN In the bright lexicon of every budding young commentator on the arts virtuosity usually is a term of mild censure but virtuosity as Cornelia Otis Skinner conceived it last night at Hill Auditorium supplied her large audience with almost all of the matter and the trappings of the drama. Her program ranged from the near-tragic to the screamingly comic and if her comedy was more effective than her serious efforts it was largely because her audience lacked the ability to make the swift transitions