THE MIiCHIGAN DAILY °AllaRLions 'a atd uftnLclForum I ndlutry Prescrib4 w s, Is DenedI' 3Dolrothy PaS M eigAnd *Scholars Some romatic womian student has chse____Hls__rmntc - ]Fey Declares choen boaven Hallser unroatic So10sson To Talk Oni War High Aademrj tadn ._____buleinboSdtoanrdnofiiagcm-te pus "gate bureau." To Annr Arbor Group Is A Good Measure, Bi p On the 1i'',IOY~llboard theseddays i oieT ~ EU1~ whch ead: "an antd. ordate Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the George Beaeh Says oyn weekend. Only requirement, White.- hior"" ea'fiiet, wlls..katth.a _______ eaclYg call Dorothy 'T. Phone 2-286 1 be- WHILMINGTON. Del.- Nigh aca- Chrifivsandanve.eachine ngof the n AbrCommun-- twee fie an seen. eetng An Abordemic standing, participation in ex- Al' churches today-JewishPrtes- An inqruiring reporter who called i' ~u ob eda ~~ o tra-crri cular activities, god' ap is tant, Catolc-are united in thZefr leared that' two 'Drothys 'ived at day, Nov. 27, in the Ann Arbor Nighi pearance and adaptable tempera-a: stand against war, stated Dr. Harold the address. Both denied they had. School Aditriumn. I ment are the four specifications mst ni1 potd, ntc n°baddi-s Fey, Executive Secretaryf of the pot h icead rnddita the Underlying Issues in the Pres-{ desired by industry for its college re- al elWhp o Rchiit, w'a oa.ent Wor14Wa ''' will' be diseufed'cruis."pr &su} i no TsibCturc's &and on With that conclusion, George R. War" Sunday- evening in the Rack-drn thfis a oc me- Beach, Jr., p roinent industrialist, ina Lecture Fall. H. R. Kitt lg e cker ing, and will be followed by a period,'in a spech given before the Associa- Research heas' shown tha the early V * of discussion and questioning by thetc fLn rn Clee n n-c 1isaiiChrch: before Cbnstatn t e WitVeCrie II audience. 1Pro f.Slosson will discuss vriismeig'hr nWligotr "w~,b otiudr~ethe issues on the basis of first-and summarize d industr qi n's requieents w' 'j'hh4k Yf ~niud h Experiences A broad information acquired during his trip fo coimge teachings of Christiantiy have al- to Euriope last_ year. he ,ways been pacfistteachings. In the EuainPinr The Community Forum holds bi- grEatonPimr last ewar those teachings were for- When IH. R Knickerbocker, Hearst Acadmetng o tepupseo ec san dizcaiofidividal.y 6te indth'e cii' scoperated.'newsipaper correspbndenit and viiier mnhyetig'o h proe fBeci niniaino idvda e tt'th' g overniiizzt in elifig lib- of tle -1930lPuitzer Prize speaks poiiga poruiyfrtepersistance.There' is no begging the erty on ds, and 4n'corlconinig tbewar here in the Oratorical Series, the titlezionsfAn-rrdofte fact that a student attends college h * .:, ,sicnin omuiytome ad~te it s supposed purpose. of his lcture, "At'The Ringside o srondf omuiyt me n primarily to obtain an education," he, discuss current local, state and adnHs ssan,terfrit r~hs must not happen again, he I Histry," wilt describe literally much tionlssue.i dfini ely meare byhisrsuess sald:'br.'Ee~ cited I ie example oflth7e f his past life. oa sus 75miisi's n aad~ hofo te Mr. Knibkerbocker has covered al- Dr. C. A. Fisher, of the UniversityJ at the attainment of that education." po ii~ epr 'sti.;,,''t~~paiit tn most' all Of the major European hap- Extension Service' is chairman of Exr urclratvteicu- Ot een e after the outbreak of the war penings in the" last 20 years. He was tebadi hreo di istr-gxta-rkiculars activtiesghnclud ing"wokinho'e'Fwartrouhs.l-in and in spite of heavy pressure. The aresent' °at Hitler's ''abortive' "Beer inthFousege" as well as participation in ath- fact th'at they Were not Arrested was Putsch;' in 1 823 when Trotsky *as letics and other phases of campus Mvt exiled from Russia at thetie of life are excellet indications of in- pee iSgofatti' h.,c towvards conciencious bectors tie ai"lod ge"whnGr- ..Gugen2heim F1+ortune dvdliitiative, Mg.'Beach 'con-oa n'enxeral. m ,an toops reoccupieci t:heeRie- Is Given TO Foundtiot1Cdiued. i z DrFejiaPhlpie . lfld, wheni Anschluss 'occurred be- Appearance Importantm for the Chirch of mis siorytwveen Alx tria and the Reich, at the New York, Nov. 220.-()-Murry "We find a mans appearance fore- I lectii e''wthef Ch'rit blsei's luich Conference last' year, when Guggenheim, philanthropist and' mm-i shadows the quaity of his Work after-~ i called "The Religious Aspets of"C i h"=ran ok zcosoaiaading.magnate whio died last week., left graduation. 'Sloppy appearance'and n rent"P'rob'fenis" pbsorre 'by the 'he as on hand whvien thlepresent ecentriities in dress serve oly as y a'etit' °Religious Assbclation. Stu ropean' war-w-as declared, a trust of $5,000,00 to the Murry and barriers in' his relations "with fellowmo At the present time Mr. Knicker -Leonie Guggenheim Foundation, the emi'ployes," he state. I'i nki lcuetu inicii rmwihi't rc n bockr' s mkin a ectre ourin ncdiiefro whch s t' eectand Adaptable teperaent or per- - ~ ' Any' parts of the United States. e operate clinisfr antanci-oaiy"thfutqaliaine Sally Ranid Goes To Court will come to 'Anni Arbor only a Wfew dren. The will, fled today in Sur- emphasized, is an intangible, idefi- SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 20eesaferrt(nM- fo Erpe rogates court, provided that the res- iite caracteristic, yet one that s S'ai'1;az+,of ~an ndu~blale~t dncedue, personal effects, real estate and impotant, 'h' continued, though Safl' ~~dof an nd ubbe dnceGuggenheim's interest in Colorado based on the eccenricities of the faemae a personal apparzc Child Chokes To Death bp~ tadn-omonyadec property go to his widow, Mrs. Leonie employer DETROeaITadNov. 20.-G' audinLe s11,R&Guggenheim. Citing the rising importance of .nknrpc or oaadsi Mlaurent, four-year-old daughter of she rea~lly cofldn't explain very much police Patrolman Louis St _Laurent, j abbut her tangled r'finanice° It was choked to' death this 'afternoon when I l' too' 'coriplieated. °The' dlocueits a balloon with which she was playing lII e D r et r i1d"'Say that estate consists 'f $8;- forced itself into her throat. A' phys- 1 00?i in ne Very 'doub'ffVil assets. The cian' removed the obstruction but ef -_____ __________ dets abou t&t $64,'63T. " forts to iresuscitate the chaild failed. TYPINGMiss L. V.Hyod 1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Maynard St. Phone 5689. 43 CASIFIED' PUBLIC STEOGRAPHIC work want- 'I ed. Available 9-5 daily or by ArtCinem a LeagueADETSN ADE-TI IN, special appointment. Phone Miss sponsors by special arrangement RATES Tessman, 3330. ' 88 D ean ERICHT A. WALTERi, introducing Effective as of February 14, 1939 MSELNOS 2 FtA T RE VI0 1D INE '2$12 per reading line (on basis of SPECIAL-$5.50 Mahieless Per- _ F A CSR Y O DLN ,'2 five average words "to line) for one manent $'.50; $3 oil cocoa $150; who0illrese^nt off" tw' isertions. end permanent $1. Shampoo and- l0cper reading line for three or fingerwave 35c. Phone 810, 111 lss mre isertion.' Man. 36 MFiimrium of 3 lines per inser- TRNP TAIN2 LA u O L ~ rTes low rates are on the basis WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL - rImportant factor in European Crisis of cash payent before the ad is Driveagrvlwshdpbe, A film taken just prior to the outbreak of the European war inserted. If it is inconlveientfor KL~llins Gravel Company Phone covering all phases and'i sections of the country. Yo oclla u ffcst mk 12 payment, a messenger will be"'sent __________________ Depicting Country's modern develpmet, social aspect, youth o' pik up your ad'a at a slight etra ini Arctic "sections of Finland. PFo further information call ' 23-24-1, or stop at 420 Maynard _ Street. Lydia1MENDELSSON Thea re _1 IOOR TESDAYONL...NOVEMBER 21STAELSFND-I ECICOR LOST: Back ad whiteSchaeffer " Tickts 5c atine 400' Evenng :15fountain pen. ob Wagner, 22"565 ______________________________________________LOST - Saturday, gold Waltham .y~x: ., h , . ..wrist watch between Economics }. ~Building and 'Washtenaw. RHe- ward. Cal 8590. 9 Yrou should know that LOTBow ipe ascnan ing bone rimmed glasses and pen. " Reward. Call Yvonne Westrate sells: Drugs -Cosmetics -Tobaccos oFOUNDay Placth prse on di- .Q tDErod r oe Ask for Blanchard. 90,1 at lowest possible prices 365 days a year! LOT- ut-oordkntpus I0dtoreaw ___________________________________________ Wensdynight. Call 4808. Re- spread their ter Wvard. 89 ror,.;", , 4s>:" Tues.- . - Thurs -- Lbw Pri ces LAUNDERING --9 it'ge4 +S {; LAUNDRY- 2-1044. Sox darned. .: Careful work at 'low prices. 16/c 105cACE HAND LAUNDRY-Wants only sad GENUINEMETOA D one trial to prove we launder our CAJET ER shirts best'. Let our work help you fflrhn ASPRIS ISSUES look neat today. 11i14 S. Univ- ASPIRI'S COLBERT" runuA sity. 9wt 9C11_ _ _ _ _ _ _ EDNA MAY OLIVER" EDDIE COLLINS ___________________________C~' TYPING - T8$JIN CARRADINE DORRIS BOWDON ______________ TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen, SPECIAL 408 S.'Fifth-Ave. Phone 2-2935 or P re-Holiday Eve Owl Sho'w 502-1416. *WENEDA lOc VE®tSAYNIGHT CLEANSING i VIOLA STEIN- Experienced typist "MY' LUCKY STAR" TISUS OODBgU RY and notary public, excellent work. SO NJA H EN IE TISSSOAP 706 Oakland, phone 6327. 20. 14c5cSHOWS DAILY'AT 2 _-4- 7,-9' P.M. !r Matinees 25c -- Evenings 35 c Today and "Wednesday! 5-cPUDiu TOGETHER AGAIN I.. AND- DR. LYONS FRESH0 FUNNIER THAN EVERI T~ty ,Phe Foaeign Legion TOT OWDER PRINCE ALBERT Toau h ems 28c -59C C44 es Activities ship For Sw y ndustry to "men with cnemistry! Prof. Palmer Christian, of the1 opinion expressed by Mr. Byrn. nd chiemical' engineering as a basis 'School of Music will give a rewital atj A number of faculty members, oan which to build leadership. "It 14:15 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditori- townspeople, and students attend the recognized today, more than at' um. The general public, wiith' the ex- meetings held every Tuesday eve- ny time in the past, that the tech- j ception of small children, is invited nling Lid participate in such hobbies ically° trained man is neededI not 'free of charge,' it was announced. as metalwork, lathe work, and wood- Ione in research or design but in Among the selections scrheduel towok Int-shpteclsfid 'odluction and sales," he- said, be heard on the program is Rameau s machines, tools, and materials with y ~ which to create the objects of their Outlines Difficulties "Air MNajestueux" (Z'oroastre), Cou- desire. MBeach also outlined the diffi- pem byo "dei oiu, i " ~valdi's Concerto in D and Preludio b alty faced by the college man in Corelli, " nst ion from the comparatively B__________ artender Is nrested ell-scheduled school life to indus- y"The inescapable fact remains," 8 ;5 Die On Simon l'Bolivalr IMNT. CLEMENS, Nov. 20.-(A')- - sad, thatindstr doe no LODONNov 20-(~P-Agnts Macomb County Prosecuitor Ivan A. raduate its top executives every four LCNovNv 0- } nsof ;Johnston today authorized - a ar i anit Ias This comes as a distinct sur- the Netherlands steamer, Simon B- charging Clarence Shipperley, ;32, Uti- eivrrsuk.wthmu 'ise to the average college graduate, eiarstuas by mines off England's ca, bartender wt uder in the slay- difcltfrhi ounesand cos Saturday, issued an official iiig of James McManius, 63 pool r~om is dffiultforhim to developd casualty' list' of only 85 mnissing and operator. Mclvanus was fatally Zat he is being employ1-11ed t evlpdead'tngtPrvosy uhia wnddelySdymrigwen rto an' executive over a period of tietngt.r.iuly uhnt-Iwuddeal udymrigw~ me;tha thre re o fxedcliax iveestimates had placed the dead he attemtpted to act as peacem7akei ih Dints such as midyear examinations, qurelbtwe romotion fr~om class toh class and the Cher way-st'ations of educational life industry. GONG HOME? in' his conclusion to the meeting, lr. Beach stated: "You in education ~~n greatly as~sist in preparing men SE DT A LU G E tthis period of seemingly slow pro-, resand its inevitable routine, which FA T AIWA. lore than one of them will conclude, iy FS AL A EXPRESS! tt h a great deal of"' factual proof, s To Auld be- done as satisfactorily by toe an- college ma'n, I f we can get a dust phone the Rail- Dung man over this period of 'Sopho- way Express agent r X, ie Blues.' his assimilation in the when, your trunk or d'ustry is virtually assured." bg r pceand~~"~ I I I I.