TI-E MICHIGAN DAILY GAN DAILY Further Talks Should Find Answer To Crisis In Finland, Editor Says - - ~' , i FI E~dited any managed by students of the University of Michigan urder the authority of the Board in Control of Stuldent Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the. use. for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or niot otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. 'ntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPBRS$NTED FOR NATIONAL ADVEI.,,SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADIsoN AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. cHIcAGO - BOSTON -'LOS ANGELEs -SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939.40 Editorial Staff Carl Petersen . a Managing Editor Elliott Maraniss . . . Editorial Director Stan M. Swinton . . . . . City Editor' Morton L. Linder . . . Associate Editor N'orman A. Schorr . . , . Associate Editor Dennis Flanagan . - - Associate Editor John N. Canavan . . . . Associate Editor Ann Vicary . . . . . Women's Editor el Fineberg . . . . . Sports Editor Business Staff Manager, iness Mgr., Credit Manager Business Manager Advertising Manager . ons Manager PaulB,. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko . JaneMowers. *Harriet 'S. Levy IGHT EDITOR: RICHARD HARMEL The editorials published in The Michigan Daily arewritten by members of The Daily' staff and represent the views of ,the writers only. Dickinson HelpS D. Student . . G OV. Luren D. Dickinson has received a flood of bitter criticism during his reign in the Michigan governor's office, but his recent action in the case of John P. Kava- naugh, ousted news editor of the University of Detroit student newspaper, will earn him the ;respect of college journalists everywhere. Gov. Dickinson came to the assistance yes- terday of Kavanagh, who had been zremoved from his newspaper position by University of Detroit officials Tuesday. One of the factors in- volved in his suspension was a Kavanagh-writ- ten editorial published in September criticizing some of Gov. Dickinson's views on moral issues. The editorial in question was never published, supposedly because of censorship by Dr. Mar- shall J. Lockbiler, faculty moderator of the stu- dent publication. Informed of the dismissal, Governor Dickin- son yesterday asked Father Lockbiler to "forgive and forget." "I confess that I would feel badly if I knew that this youth wag being punished because of any unfavorable opinions he may hold of me,".the Governor declared. "If young Kavanagh gave his honest opinion I would be the last to censure him. In fact, I think I would. be glad to commend the young man for his fearless interest in public affairs." The editorial on Governor Dickinson was one of three articles deleted from the September issue of the Detroit paper. Kavanagh is pres- ident of the Sodality Council, highest Catholic office open to a U. of D. student. He earned all A's in his studies last semester, and has been named by the managing editor of his newspaper as "one of the most talented men on the staff". His dismissal seems to be completely unfair. Father Lockbiler has said that Kavanagh "displayed a lack of cooperation" for a long period and that he had refused recently to revise an article on Catholic education. Father Lock- biler said this attitude perhaps grew from "im- maturity". It is hoped that University of-Detroit officials. will heed the plea of Gov. Dickinson and of the Detroit student body and give Kavanagh a clean reinstatement. His work has been honest and straightforward. By CARL PETERSEN RUSSIAN troops are concentrated today on the Finnish border, reports from Moscow and Helsinki tell us. But most of these reports fail to point out that the number of Russian troops drawn up along the Russo-Finnish border is about half the number of Finnish troops op- posing them. ThIis one fact, viewed in the light of the tremendous man power at th disposal of the Soviet, is enough to assure that Russia has, at least in short run terms, no aggressive designs on Finland. The attitude of members of .theFinnish gov- ernment in this connection is also reassuring. Finance Minister V. A. Tanner, a member of the Finnish delegation to Moscow, last week issued a statement to the effect that the Finns had been treated with courtesy throughout 'their Moscow visit, that there had been neither threats or ultimatums, that Joseph Stalin' had wished Finland good luck and that it was now ne'essary 'to seek a new basi .for negotiations, following the suspension of the. Russian-Finnish talks early last week. It is generally accepted that the next move in the present situation is up toRussia, but there is little basis'for believ- ing that move will be military. The Russian .demands upon Finland, as orig- inally published, include the following points: 1. A pact of mutual assistance. 2. An exchange of territory in .Finnish and Soviet Karelia to strengthen the defenses of Len- ingrad, which lies approximately 20 miles from the Finnish border. 3. A naval ,base at Ixangoe at the entrance to the Gulf of Finland. 4. An exchange of'Finnish islands and some strips of mainland for Soviet territory. 5. These concessions to be balanced by demili- tarization of part of the Soviet-Finnish border and withdrawal of Soviet opposition to Finnish fortification of 'the Aaland Islands, in the Both- nian Sea. One fact that has filtered through the secrecy of the discussions in Moscow is that the main stumbling block in the negotiations was the -Russian. demand .for a naval base at Hangoe in southwestern Finland. While the Finns, through Foreign Minister Eljas Erkko, have emphasized their willingness to cooperate with Russia in -moves that would strengthen Leningrad's de- fenses, they have steadfastly maintained their demand that their own defences not to be un- dermined. Erkko pointed out last week, in his first public statement to the press, that the. Finnish desire to reach an adjustment of the difficulties had led the delegation to make new proposals, change old ones. But he empha- sized that any stubbornness 'Finland has shown in the meetings has arisen from the conviction that weakening of Finland's national defence system means abrogation of their traditional neutrality. ND -:Finland is determined to maintain this neutrality, for she values her freedom far too highly to jeopardize it in any way. Twenty years ago, after centuries of oppression by Swed- en and Russia, Finland won her independence. The long struggle of a determined, democratic people against autarchy finally bore fruit in the establishment of the Finnish republic. His- tory tells us that .the Finns drifted into' their land of swamp and snow from Asia many cen- turies ago, seeking, in the deep forests and swamps that have given their name to Suomi, a refuge' from oppression. But eight hundred years ago, the warlike Swedes invaded Finland, coming across the Sea of Bothnia on a stepping ler aggression by political pressure exerted by the man in the street. The Labor Party warned the government that it would not tolerate any compromises with Hitler over the Polish ques, tion. Therefore how can the Pacific Coast Sea- men be correct In their statement that this is an imperialistic war led by the ruling classes? Point 2: Any .newspaper reader can testify to the innumerable warnings issued by leaders in American business and finance as to the disastrous long term effects on business pros- perity that wartime destruction of wealth and life will bring. These men point to the stagger- ing tax burdens, the governmental regulations and controls imposed on business by a disrupted war economy. They also cite the carefully pre- pared plans now existing in the War Depart- ment Offices in which capital as well as man- power will be conscripted in any future war which we foolishly enter into. International bankers realize that another war with its costs will de- stroy what is left of our free enterprise order. Point 3: The recent neutrality legislation. coupled with such old statutes as the Johnson Act insure us that no belligerent at war now will get so much as a thin dime in credit. With no credit extended what investments and loans\ will our troops have to go over to protect? In view of the limited space I think that these three points show the ridiculousness of the Paci- fic Coast Seamen's Union's premises. This raises the question why did the Union drag out old wheezes of Big Bad Business-and Munition Makers? Common knowledge hath it that the Communists control the West Coast CIO Maritime Union. Common knowledge also hath it that Communist Russia is allied with Hitler. The conclusion to the question is obvi- ous. An anti war movement based on such an op- . portunistic foundation is not of a "positive char- acter that can unite all the public in a solid wall." We know that should\ another Spanish Franco arise that these American Communistl will be very militant. We know that if by some long chance Japan should come to terms with, China and turn on Russia. that our "peace lovers" will advocate that our navy move ever stone bridge formed by the thousands of islands that dot it. They settled in Finland, occupied the best parts of it, Christianized it, and made Finland's borders one of the main European frontiers against Russia. They tied Russia's hands in the Baltic, made it a Swedish lake. But Russia was not to be denied her window on the Baltic. In 1721 she gained ., small part of .inland, and followed this in 1809 by com- plete annexation. Under the last two Czars, :Alexander III and Nicholas II, the Finns were subjected to oppressive, autocratic rule which met with wide popular resistance, and with the collapse of the Czarist empire in 1917, Finland, with the help of Germany, Russia's traditional rival in the Baltic, threw off foreign domination and for the first time in history became a free state. While this strategic "pawn of diplomacy" on the European chessboard has passed from the hands of Sweden and Russia, to the position it .now holds as a virtual double bulwark against German expansion eastward and Russian expan- sion, westward, it has made marked cultural advancements all its own. Finland is a far from rich country, the per-capita annual income hovering around 125 dollars. The people, deriv- ing their livelihood from the abundant forest products and from agriculture, live simply, al- most spartanically, yet they enjoy high cultural standards. In education, in music, in architec- ture, they have made themselves known the world over. The democracy of the Finns springs from the years of oppression that the Finnish peasant knew under Sweden and Russia and is nourished by the unyielding determination of every -Finn not to give up the freedom which was won after so many centuries and such a cost. IN the present dispute, Russia claims her chief interest in securing military concessions from Finland is to safeguard Leningrad, her second largest city and chief martime center. The Finns have indicated their willingness to allow Russin to control certain strategic islands in the Gulf of Finland, in order to support Leningrad's chief defenses at Kronstadt. The desire of Russia to secure naval dominance of the Gulf of Finland is understandable. The Gulf extends eastward from the Baltic between the coasts of Sweden and Esthonia with Lenin- grad lying at its most easterly point. No great power can long be content seeing one of the chief avenues of her commerce under the mili- tary domination of another power or powers. And Finland has recognized the fact. But Russia's demands for lease of naval rights at Hangoe do not appear justified in the light of a desire to secure Leningrad, for Hangoe lies at the extreme southwest tip of Finland where the Sea of Bothnia joins the Gulf of Finland. Russia already holds naval bases off the Esthon- ian coast on the islands of Dagoe and Oesel, and these, together with the islands Finland if willing to relinquish in the Gulf of Finland, should guarantee the safety of Leningrad. The demands that Russia makes for territory to the west on the Finnish mainland smack of imper-I ialistic venture, and if the reports from Latvia that Russia has occupied five cities not men- tioned in her treaty with that country are true,. the action of the Finns in balking at this Russian demand is more than justified. However, the tone of reports emanating from both Finland and Russia indicates a lessening of tension over this dispute, and it seems likely that,, despite the anti-Finnish blasts in the Soviet press, thedtalks will be resumed and a settlemenrtworked...out. By RICHARD BENNETT! (The ollowing is an attempt to answer, though some- what sketchily, queries concerning the status of music in England today.) WHEN the war first broke in England all con- certs were stopped, the opera houses were closed, and artists, professional and amateur, were thrown out of work and placed in a mostI difficult position. The British Broadcasting Corporation substituted gramaphone recordings for original broadcasts and the standard of mu- sical broadcast itself soon fell lower than the lowest of the low-brows could wish. It was felt that there was no time for 'art' with a suicidal war ahead. But as the black-outs continued and the tension became less acute, partly because of the, monotonous repetition, partly from a real- ization that the worst was no worse than the senseless existence being forced upon them, the English people asked that their theaters and concert-halls be re-opened. The British Broad- casting .Corporation was severely criticized for aggravating the already serious unemployment problem by the substitution of mechanical de- vices and for allowing the general calibre of the broadcasts to drop so low. This was around the end of September and the beginning of October. It is heartening to note that since that time the British Broadcast- ing Corporation has admitted its mistake and re-engaged performers. It has also sought to raise the standard of broacast to what it was formerly. Recovery was initiated by a few pi- oneers offering- encouragement to the rest. In London Sadler's Wells was perhaps the first-in the field. It is gratifying to note that enthusiasm and attendance at these operatic productions is greater than before. Soon a series of Sunday afternoon concerts by the London Symphony Orchestra was introduced under the conductor- ship of Mr. Charles Hambourg and later under OF ALL TH INGS!. By Mortyj-q. NOV. 17 was Black Friday and the underclassmen of the University of Michigan had lots of troubles. In th first place, the freshmen couldn't find any sophomores to depant or beat up, and the undermanned soph- omore forces had a tough time try- ing to find places to hide. The police kept close watch on them so they couldn't raise a lot of com- motion and the University officials warned them to behave. Yes, they had big problems. Nov. 17 was also Black Friday in Prague and the underclassmen there also had lots '.of' troubles. They weren't" playing any class games, though; they weren't trying to estab- lish the physical superiority of one class over the other; they weren't particularly interested in tearing off the pants of the other boys and toss- ing them into the river. They were more concerned with fighting for their rights and their liberties; they were rebelling against tyranny and oppression; they were struggling to throw off the yoke of German bar- barism. Y ES, Friday was very blacks in Prague as nine students were put to death in front of a firing squad because they dared raise their voices in a cry for human treattment, for liberty, for the right to think and act for themselves as self-respect- ing human beings, with minds and consciences. Nine students, young, vigorous, wanting to live and 'live freely, were killed.eAnd what had they done? Murder? Robbery? Rape? No, they had objected to the cold and brutal 'German control over Czechoslovakia; they had objected to being told what to read and write, what to study and how to do it; they had objected to being forced to re- spect a government for which they, as rationally thinking students, could have nothing but the deepest ab- horrence and hate. They objected and they were killed. They were lined up on Black Friday and big, brave German storm troopers leveled their rifles and shot them. It is very easy in a situation like this to say how fortunate we students here in America are to be able to speak freely, to assemble and voice protests, to think and write as we choose. And it is very easy to dis- miss the Black Friday event in Prague as another in the long series. of European atrocities. And it is all very well for us to regard the matter with that it-can't-happen- here attitude.' BUT we must realize that the same forces are now working here that were operating in Czechoslo- vakia. Those nine students who were killed once had as much free- dom as we. They, too, never dreamed. of being forced to undergo such in- tolerance and oppression. But we see what has happened and now we hear, following the Black Friday massacre, that German ordinances have closed Prague Un~xiversities and academies for three years.'This ac- tion was taken to restore and main- tain order because they realize that the greatest threat to German op- pression in Czechoslovakia comes from those young people who, as stu- dents, are cognizant of the cruelty and inequalities forced upon them and who would attempt to show the test of the nation the way out. And so the greatest threat to any kind of limitation of liberties and freedom here must come from the students and Mr. Q. sincerely hopes that Black Friday will continue to be a matter of freshman-sophomore depanting exercises rather than a workout for a muscle-man firing' squad. heaval he finds himself turnmg away from the symphonies of Bee- thoven to the music of Bach and Gluck. Another writer hopes. that an exaggerated sense of nationalism will not corrupt the present friendly- reception toward the art of all na- tions. Music cannot be revised to fit an emergency. The very integ- rity and unassailable illumination of great masterpieces is something to, steer one's course by when every- thing else is dark." And later the same editor says: "We can be grate- ful to the British Broadcasting Cor- poration for refusing to acknowledge1 'the distinction of race which tem-~ porarily afflicted the 'Proms' in 1914. We want no nonsense of that kind. It is tremendously important in time of war to think clearly, to maintain and even strengthen our sense of values. The importance of music lies not in the nationality or faith of its composer but simply in itself. The empire of politics has no claims on the kingdom ofrculture; the at tempt to incorporate that kingdom would be a wanton and foolish ag- gression. For ,that reason contem- porary German music, if it is avail- able, should be accepted on exactly the same footing as the music of any other nation.. This. doctrine will. DAILY OFFICIAL BULL .. (Continued from Page 2) Tuesday, Nov. 21, from 9 to 4:30 to] interview .senior men who are in- 'terested in applying for Flying Cadet- ship, U.S. Army, affording oppruni-1 ty for qualifying as Air Corps Re- serve Officer with possivility of ap- pointment in Regular Army Air Corps. Senior and Graduate Students in Aeronautical Engineering: Announce- mnent is made of a Civil Service Ex- amination. for Junior Engineer. Ap- plicatgons must be filed with the Civil Service Commission by Dec. 11, 1939. Those interested may examine the an- nouncement concerning this position, which is posted on the Aeronautical .ngineering Bulletin Board. Attention is called to the fact that Monday and Tuesday are the last days that registration material may be obtained from the Bureau. After Tuesday, a late registration fee of $1.00 will be charged. Blanks may be obtained at the..Bureau, 207 Ma-i son Hall, hours 9-12 and 2-4. The Bureau has two divisions:; Teaching and general. The general division registers people for positions' of all kinds other than teaching. Both seniors and graduate stu- dents, as well as staff members, are eligible to enroll. Only one registra- tion is held during the school year and everyone who will be available In February, June, August, or at any other time during the year, should enroll now. University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Infor- mation. Cornelia Otis Skinner Program: The third offering of the Oratorical Association Lecture Course will be presented in Hill Auditorium Mon- day night at 8:15. Ticket holders who arrive late will not be seated during a .number. There are still a, fewsingle admission tickets avail- able. Hill auditorium box-office will. be open Monday from 10 until 1 and from 2 until 8:30. Diploma Applications: Graduate students who expect to be recom- mended for higher degrees to. be conferred in February, 1940, should place on file a blue diploma applica- tdon by November 25. These forms are available in. the office of the Graduate School, Rackham Build-a ing. Househeads, Dormitory Directors, and Sorority Chaperons: Closing hour for Wednesday, November 22, is 1:30 A.M. and for Thursday, No- vember 23, is 11:00 P.M. Jeannette Perry, Assistant Dean of Women The Automobile Regulation will be lifted for the Thanksgiving holiday period at 12 noon on Wednesday, Nov. 22, until 8 a.m. on Friday, No. 24. Academi Notices Elective Classes in Ice Skating, Be-. ginning swimming, and body nechan- cs: Beginning the 'week of Nov. 20, the Department of Physical tduca- ion for Women will conduct classes in the following activities as indicat-l ed: Ice skating, Friday, 4 p.m. at Coli- seum Be ginning swimming, Friday, 4:3 p.m. atBarbour Pool. Body mechanics, Thursday at 4:30j p.m., Barbour Gymnasium, Students interested in these classes register in Office 15, Barbour Gym- nasium. Badminton Courts in Barbour Gymnasium will be open to Univer-- sity students on Monday, Wednes- day, and Friday evenings .from 7:30 to 9:-00for mixed badminton, start- ing Monday, November 20. Concerts Carillon Recital: On account of the faculty concert this afternoon, 'at 4:15 in Hill Auditorium, the carillon. ecital by Percival Price, Carillon-' reur, will be given at 3:15 instead of the usual hour. New York Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra program: For the interest f those specially interested in the rogram to be given by the New York hilharmonic-Symphony Orchestra 1londay night, Nov. 27, the following rogram is announced at this time, ohn Barbirolli, conducting: overture, "The Roman Carnival," Berlioz. Introduction and Allegro for Strings Quartet and Orchestra) Op. 47, El- gar. Variations and Fugue "Under the preading Chestnut Tree," Weinber- ger. Symphony in E minor, No. 4, Op. 98, Brahms. Faculty Concert: Kathleen Barry, harpist, Maud Okkelberg, pianist, and Iardin Van Deursen, baritone, with ,Ava Comin Case, accompanist, will 'ive a recital complimentary to the public, in Hill Auditorium, this af- ternoon, at 4:15. The public is re- and Design:. The best 100 posters submitted in the 1939 National Pos- -ter Contest on the subject "Travel, sponsored by' Devoe & Reynolds Co., Inc., of Chicago. Third floor exhibi- tion rdom, Architectural Building. Olpen" daily, except Sunday,9 to 560 thriough Nov. 27. The 'Public is cor- dially invited. Lectures 'University Lecture: The Honorable Lawrence M. Judd, former Governor of Hawaii, will lecture on "Hawaii, Pivot of The Pacific" under the auspi- es of the Political Science Depart- ment, on Monday, Nov. 20, at 4:15 Um. in' the RackhamAmphitheatre. The public is cordially inithed.ar Universiy Lecture: Dr. E.M.K. Gel- ing;' Professor 'and Chairman of the Departmeent of Pharmacology of the University of Chicago, Will lecture on "The Comparative Anatomy and Pharmacology o f t h e Pituitary Gland;" 'under the auspices of the Department of Biological ;Chemistry, at 4:15 pm. on:Thursday Nov 30. , in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. Univer ity Lecture: Frank A. Waugh, Professor Emeritus of Hor- ticulture and Landscape Gardening of 'Massachusetts State Colege, will lecture on "Humanity Out of Doors", under the auspices of the School of Forestry, at 4:15.1p.m. on Thursday, December 7, in the Rackham Am- phitheater. The public is cordially invited. Dr. Harold, Fey will speak on "The Churches' Stand on the 'War" at the' Rackham Lecture Hall, tonight at 8:15. Dr. Fey is executive secretary of the Fellowship of Reconciliation ,nd a former missionary in the Philippines. This is the first of a series of three lectures on "The Re- ligious Aspects of -Current Problems," sponsored by the Student Religious "ssociation., Today's Events Pi Lambda Theta: A buffet supper for the 'initiates will be served to- night at the Michigan League. The .Grduate Outing Club invites all graduate students and .faculty members interested in outdoor activi- te to assemble at the northwest cor- ner of the Rackthami Building this afternoon at 2:30 p.m. International Center: Tonight at 7 o'clock, Dr. Edgar Fisher,. Assistant Director of the Institute of Inter- national Education, will speak on "'International Education In Time of Crises". Mimes meeting tonight at 10:30 at the 'Michigan Union. All members requested to be present. Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal on "Trial by Jury" for all new men in the club, today at 3:30 p.m. Regular rehearsal at 4:30 p.m. as usual. Fellowship of Reconciliation: Re- giotial pacifist conference in Ann Ar- bor this weekend. Program S'Today, 8:30 a.m. Breakfast; ds- cussion on building the' pacifist movement. Russian Tea Room. 1:30 p.m. Problems of individual pacifism, Lane Hall. 'Dr.aold Fey, national executive secretary, will be the speaker and discussion leader. Meetings are open. Michigan Anti-War Executive Com- mittee meeting today at Lane Hall at 9p.m. The Lutheran Student Club will meet this evening at 5:30' at the Zion ,Parish"HaL. There will be a fellowship hour from 5:30 until 6. Dinner will be served. Hillel Debate will be held at the Foundation this afternoon at 3:00 p.m. The Hillel affirmative team will debate a negative team from the Ohio State Foundation on the subject "Resolved that a Jewish Uni- versity'be established in the United States." All students are cordially invited to attend. ' Coming Events Research. Club will meet in Rack- ham Amphitheatre on Wednesday, Nov. 22, at 8 p.m. There will be a vote on a constitutional amendment. Papers will be read by Professor Ja- cob Sacks on "Artificial Radioac- tivity as a Tool in Biological Re- search," and by Professor James K. Pollock on "Voting Behavior; a Case Study." The Council will meet at 7:30 p.m. Iota Alpha: The Beta Chapter of Iota Alpha will hold a business meet- ing on Tuesday evening, November 21, at 7:30 in the Seminar Room, 3205 ast Engineering Building. The entire meeting will be devoted to business and it is urged that every member on campus make a special effortt +,o Ht-nr,, \ -Paul Chandler AS OTHERS SEE IT . 4 , To the Editor: "The Yanks Are Not Coming." Mr. Maraniss got this from "a fresh stiff breeze from the Pacific District Council 2 of the Maritime Fed- eration of San Francisco." Unfortunately, in the light of the character of that organization, this "simple, straightforward and sincere blast" has the odor of red lberring. A closer reading of the "Tract For The Times" confirms this suspicion. It is nothing but the familiar class propaganda appearing daily in all American Communist writings. ,For some time we readers of The Daily have seen such trash coming from responsible editors on our school paper. We know that these men are tno well read to so comnletely lack the facts.