I temiperaturt, w inds. 2 5 kF 4b Akr xlx Editorial DiekInson Helps U. Of D. student . . . - --- ------ Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOV. 19, 1939 PRICE olverines utfight uakers, 19 To 1 ' V' t/ in Lner Sinks Hitting Mie; Reported Lost assenger Liner, Simon Bolivar, Uncharted Mine In North Sea; vors Are Taken To British Portx 18.-(A)-The Netherlands passenger liner Simon Boli- h Sea with a possible loss of 140 lives today after strik- British Admiralty charged the Germans had laid with- J shipping. essel carried 400 persons, including women and chil survivors, of whom 140 were said to be crewmen, wereM ed British port. scued were reported "badly injured." ere expressed fear that all those missing were dead. ish naval losses, it was the worst sea disaster of Eu- as to a non-fighting ship previously was in the sinking Ahenia, northwest of. Ireland Sept. 3 the day Britain d war on Ger- loss was report- Inaugurated New Series HAROLD E. FEY SRAPresents Speeh On War By Missionary Germans Oust, Beach Conger, ReportsStat;e Former Daily Editor Safe In Amsterdam With, Wife After Leaving Germany Mystery Surrounds Reasons For Action S. Beach Conger, head of the New York Herald Tribune's Berlin Bureau and former editorial director of The Daily, was reported expelled from Germany, relatives here were in- formed yesterday. A cablegram from Amstredam stat- ing that Conger and his wife had left Berlin and were safe in Amsterdam was received by relatives late yes- terday. There wer not details, how- ver, as to whether'the couple had been officially rodered out of the country, nor did it state the circum- stances leading to his sudden depar- ture. Previous radio reports emanating from Berlin stated that Conger had been expelled following an article which appeared in the Tuesday morn- irig edition of the New York Herald Tribune.1 The article stated that the German high command was refusing to invade any neutral states in an effort to break the present military stalemate n Europe. Germany had for some time har- )ored the intention of invading the- Netherlands, Conger revealed in his report, but the -conservative army high command flatly refused to carry, out any such plan, presumably for fear of arousing neutral opinion to the point of seriously impairing Ger- many's sources of supply. Conger graduated from the Univer- sity in 1932, returning the following year to work toward a Master's De- gree. Foresters Tie For President To 4ive Dramatic Skits Tireless Offensiv Permits MichigL To'Snatch Vitc Harmon's Brilliant Play Proves I In Piling Up All 19 Michigan P Reagan Leads Penn In Losing Str- By MEL FINEBERG (Special to The Daily) PHILADELPHIA, Penn., Nov.I18.-Michigan turned its foot back one month at historical Franklin Field yesterday afternoor played the offensive power that had been heralded as the nation's October as it whipped a Pennsylvania team that wouldn't be whipp Once again it was Harmon who pulled the Wolverines out of tl Limbo into which it had fallen. The Hoosier Hammer put on a one-: bition that kept the Quaker defense in terror and partisan Per spectators on the edge of their seats. He scored two touchdown ning; he passed to Ozak for the third, and converted once. He g yards by rushing;. he ripped off a touchdown run of 63 yards ar the most startling exhibitions of broken field running and field that ever started newspapermen's eyes to popping. It was a comp mon field day with his blocking and defensive work also shinin Sfull-moon. In short, he eir names and, sed, were dam- the spot where k. Both made up the who in- y Nether- ities. e brought] President 'Bogs Down' While Exploring Estate HYDE PARK, N.Y., Nov. 18.--(MP- President Roosevelt disclosed some- what sheepishly today that he had bogged his car down to the running boards when he drove into a swamp while "exploring" a remote portion of his estate. It took three of the workmen on the estate and a detail of secret serv- ice men to pull the President's light touring car from the muck. -44en I.' n'~ Drive z Prague 18.-(/P)-Nazi guns ,y to claim the lives echs in the second in Prague against' aonstrators. were shot to death Tree executed today en and an unidenti- ewspaper Deutsche ng announced fur- erman law against n imposed on the [oravia protectorate, is the leading city, 'ers of the Nazi au- es crimes of many ble under the old ovides serious penal-. entence is applicable wered to half staff ; the Czechoslovak Win Mid-West Flying Contest 'f in Leg (Col. Vladimir Hurban, minister of the vanished republic, said in a statement that Friday's "arbitrary, execution" of nine students "is fur- ther proof to the civilized world that lebensraum (living space) for Nazi Germany means todesraum (space. for death) for the rest of the world.") German authorities issued a la- conic announcement that the Czechs shot today were executed for "acts of violence against a German." Adverse Flying Conditions Delay Many Contestants,; Final Events Are Today High point honors in the first day of, competition at Ann Arbor's first Midwest Intercollegiate Flying Meet yesterday were won by Dan Ranney, '40E, Fred Maxam, '40E, and Ed- ward Mancourt, '41. Adverse flying conditions, airport officials revealed, prevented many out-state contestants from arriving here in time for the competition. Re- sults yesterday, therefore, .-re temp- orary, pending results turnea in to- morrow by late contestants. In addition, the final three events of the meet will be decided today. On the schedule are Bull's-eye land- ing, 360-degree spot landing and'a navigation contest. Slated to begin at 9:30 a.m. today, the competition will continue until late afternoon. Tentative winners in the bomb- dropping competition yesterday were Maxam, first with an average dis- tance of 131/2 feet; Ranney second with 25 feet and Earl Rottmayer of, Akron third with 32 feet. In the spot landing, Mancourt was first with 11 feet; Henry Van Veen, '41A, sec- ond with 23 feet and Louis Goldman, '40E, third with 33 feet. Harry Copeland, director of air- way traffic control at the Wayne County Airport, spoke at a banquet for flying club members last night in the Union. 'Daily' Photography *1 Exhibit Has Variety Individual flairs for particular-types of photography are much in evidence at the exhibition of salon photog- raphy, sponsored by The Daily in the North Gallery of Alumni Memorial Hall. One photographer, who has five pictures on display, leans toward "big city" shots, and specializes in studies focused on one small object. An ex- ample of his work can be seen in a study of a manual laborer's old and Dr. Fey, Of Philippines, Talks At 8 P.M. Today In Racklham Lecture Hall Dr. Charles E. Fey, Philippine mis-i sionary for the Church of Christ Disciples, will -discuss "The Church's Stand on the War" in the first of a new series of lectures at 8 p.m. to- day in the Rackham Lecture Hall. For several years a professor of, sociology at Union Mission college in the Philippine Islands, Dr. Fey later toured the Orient on his trip back to the United States. He was given permission to enter Manchuria in the early days of aggression there, and obtained a first-hand picture of the Japanese offensive.; When he returned to .the United States, Dr. Fey became editor of the "World Call," an official journal' of the Church of Christ Disciples. For the last five years, he has been exec- utive secretary of the Fellowship of Reconciliation. This lecture, the first in the new series called "The Religious Aspects of Current Problems" is being spon- soreduby.ethe Student Religious Asso- ciation. The series is designed, ac-' cording to Kenneth W. Morgan, director of SRA, to attack many pro- blems and to present many view- points on current social issues. "The problems will be presented fromthe religious= point of view," he said "but there will be little other restric- tion on the topics and ideas in- troduced by the speakers." Pediatric Society To Meet In Ann Arbor This Week The University's Pediatric and, In- fectious Disease °ociety will hold its 18th annual meeting Friday and Saturday in University Hospital and 'the Rackham Building. Dr. Bronson Crothers, assistant professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, will feature the ses- sion with a talk on "Structural and Physiological Changes After Cere- bral Accidents in Children." CORNELIA OTIS SKINNER Lecture Series Presents Noted Act' ss' Skits Miss Skinner To Speak At 8:15 P.M Tomorrow In Hill Auditorium Bill Cornelia Otis Skinner, the Ameri- can actress who has been called "the greatest single attraction of the the- atre," will present a program of her character sketches at 8:15 p.m. to- morrow in Hill Auditorium, in the third event of this year's Oratorical series.f Remaining single admissions for Miss Skinner's modern monologues' will be on sale from 1 a.m. to 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Auditorium boxoffice. Miss Skinner appears alone in her' "one-woman show" employing dark velvet drapes instead of scenery. Some of her most popular sketches are "Homework," "Sunday Driving," "Hotel Porch" and "Motoring in the 90'." When she speaks, it is said, the stage about her becomes alive with legions of imaginary- characters..# The daughter of Otis Skinner, be- loved stage veteran, Miss Skinner is an author"'as well as an actress. She has written "Tiny Garments, "Ex- cuse It, Please," and "Dithers and Jitters." She hls also made numer- ous radio appearances. Time Magazine has praised Miss Skinner's powers of perception which "allowed the audience to accept pure- ly imaginary persons and places as real as those they saw. Hillel Debaters To Meet Ohio State Team Today The Michigan Hillel Foundation will hold a debate with the Ohio State, Hillel on the topic: "Resolved that a Jewish University be established in the United States," at 3 p.m. today at the Foundation. Michigan will take the affirmative. Ruth Pollock, '40, and Ted Leibo- vitz, '40, will argue for the local Foundation while Robert Koblitz, '43, and Sidney Franklin, '40, will op- pose them. Knox, Traczewitz Appeal For Second Election An unbroken tie between the two candidates for the presidency of the Senior Forestry class was announced yesterday by the Men's Judiciary Committee, in charge of the election. James Knox, of Green Bay, Wis., and Oscar Traczewitz of Wauwatosa, Wis., tied for the position of senior forestry president. Both declined to settle the split by the toss of the coin, and expect to apply to the judiciary committee for a second election. David Reid, of South Charleston, beat Joseph Showman for vice-presi- dency by a vote of 19 to 16. Grant Wyhuis of Oostburg, Wis., polled 21 votes to Richard Abbott's 14 to win the position of secretary, and Ster- ling Brinkley of Atlanta, Ga., beat Walter Sylvester for the treasurer's position. Riot Mars Penn Game As Fans Fight Referees Confident that a victory had been wrenched from Penn's grasp, specta- tors at the Michigan-Penn gme swarmed upon two of the referees, who were hustled to safety by a cor- don of police after a brief volley of blows. Cause of the protest was a three- sided discussion over the legality of an off-side kick by Pennsylvania. FacultyOffer s First In Series Of Programs Concert In Hill Auditorium Today Features Singers And Instrumental Artists Prof. Maud Okkelberg, pianist, Mrs. Alexander Barry, harpist, Har- din Van Deursen, baritone, and Ava Comin Case, pianist, will present the first Faculty Concert of the year at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. This series of concerts, which ranks next to the Choral Union series in musical iml ortance has been giv- en for over fifty years in order to Prof. Percival. Price will pre- sent a. program on the carillon at 3:15 p.m. today instead of the. usual 4:15 p.m. because of the faculty concert. American in the eyes of every of the 57,000 fans who watcher dog-eat-dog struggle. The Wolverines were behind once, and even then it was for five minutes, long enough for v gan to' march 86 yards and let mon plunge over from the one line. Harmon converted and the was Michigan 7, Pennsylvania Harmon Scores Again The Wolverines left the fie] half time with this margin but'- in 50 seconds after Penn kicke A committee of students been formed to greet the foot team on its return to Ann Ar at 3:36 p.m. today at the MR gan Central Depot. All stude interested are invited to be hand when the ta-marrives. out of bounds. the scoreboard changed to 13-3. And once it was Harmon who did it. Mv gan took the ball on its own 35 Westfallpicked up two yards thr center.. Then the Hammer tc reverse from Westfall, started ai his left end and was halted by tafson who got one hand on hi; sey and another on the seat c pants. But Harmon wasn't sto He jerked himself loose, and reversed his field when Fricl him from the side. But once he was away as he ran back t own 21, then laterally across field, outsprinted two men at end and picked up a fine E block. And, all of a sudden, h in the clear, shooting down the sidelines to score standing up, \three Quakers giving futile cha the best open field running se this stadium in 14 years. The Jdd To TalkOn Hawaii To morrow; Hayden Stresses Island's Importance assist in developing a cultural taste' for music in the student body and are given free, according to Presi- dent Charles A. Sink of the School, of Music. Among the selections which will be heard on the program are Tour-, nier's "Vers La Source dans le Bois," Grandjany's "Le Bon Petit Roi de' Yvetot," Tournier's "Barceuse Russe," Debussy's "La Fille aux chtveux de Lin" and "Fraicheur" by Salzedo. Mrs. Barry will play these selections accompanied by Miss Case at t-e Ipiano. Professor Okkelberg will play Bee- thoven's Sonata, Op. 81a, (Das Le- bewohi, Abewesenheit and Das Wie- dersehn) Debussy's "La Soiree dans. Grenade," "Jeux d'Eau" by Ravel and Jeanne Boyd's Ulster Melody, "The Next Market Day." Fisher To Address International Center took over 30 seconds to comple Harmon ran 15 yards backw 10 south, 45 north and 63 dowr field. ~I Penn Comes Back But Pennsylvania came right to send the stands into paroxysr joy as it rode 92 yards in 13 pla bring itself within three point the invaders. It was Reagan led the Quaker attack that cE 92 yards on short passes and runs just as it was aReagan-Ha duel that matched the struggl tween two teams which woi give up. But almost immediately afte next kick-off the Wolverines on the march again. And once it was Harmon, aided by Wes powerful plunging, who built th yard sally up to a peak where i climaxed by Harmon's 24 yard to Czak, standing on the two line. The junior end was hit by but he was already over. (Continued on Page 3) Four Bombs In Piccadilly Explode Circus LONDON, Nov. 18.-() -Four bombs exploded tonight in the smart Piccadilly Circus area -London's Times Square-and startled theater- goers in what police termed renewal of the outlawed Irish Republican Army terorism. It was the first' serious IRA outbreak since the war began. The windows of at least four stores" were smashed and one theatre front was damaged. No one was hurt apparently be- cause comparatively few persons were on the black-out streets despite that it was the theatre hour. One bomb was within 100 yards of the police station. Two others were found before they exploded. Island Is Key To Defense Of West Coast, Hayden Declares In Interview By EMILE GELE "The key to American west-coast defense is Hawaii," declared Prof. Jo- seph R. Hayden, chairman of the de- partment of political science, in em- phasizing the pertinence of the lec- ture to be given by the Hon. Lawrence. M. Judd here tomorrow. Explaining the defense plan of the Pacific, Professor Hayden character- ized Hawaii as the eastern-most end of a triangle formed by the Aleu- tian Islands of Alaska, Hawaii, and Panama. The triangular line of de- fense also passes through Somoa. He Ex-Hawaiian Governor To Discuss The Islands'1 Relationships To U.S. "Hawaii-the Pivot of the Pacifiq" will be discussed in its relationships to continental United States in a University lecture to be given here at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Rack- ham Auditorium by Lawrence' M. Judd, ex-governor of the Islands. Judd, governor of the territory un- der the Hoover regime, is now mak- ing a tour of the United States in an effort to clear up some of the current misconceptions of Hawaii. He is also "trying to. impress on the American people the close economic and political ties between the terri- "International Education in Time of Crisis" will be discussed by Dr. Edgar E. Fisher, assistant director of the Institute of International Edu- cation, at the International Center's regular program at 7 p.m. today. Dr. Fisher, who is known here mainly for his work in the provision of exchange scholarships for Michi-. Honorary Speec Club Meets Tc Alpha Nu, national speech will hold an extemporaneous session at 3 p.m. today in the Nu Room on the fourth f Angell Hall. Visitors are also I~ -'s. fend_ Dfinite nvlans wi ,. .