Initiation ceremonies Thursday day unaer tne auspices of the Art
officially opened the activity season Cinema League at the Lydia Man-
for Tau Beta .Pi, engineering honor delssohn Theatre, Toivo M. Liima-
society. tainen, president of the groip, an-
Feature events on the Tau Beta nounced yesterday.
Pi calendar are the annual spring The Suomi club will have a meet-
dance and spring house party which ing Friday night in Lane Hall to
are supplemented during the year discus the film following a short
by the bi-weekly meetings present- business meeting. "The Finnish
ing campus speakers. students on campus who are mem-
Seventeen senior engineers were bers of the group are quite interested
elected to the society Thursday. Tau in seeing the film, Liimatainen said.
Beta Pi, which corresponds to the
literary Phi Beta Kappa, bases its Frank Conway, Robert Deland, Fred
choice of members both on scholastic Emens, Norman Fey, Carling Haver-
achievements and participation in mans, Lewis Heinze, Ray Jones, Ed-
activities. ward Parish, George Renholt, Jr.,
New members include J. Ander- Jack Shuler, H. Richard Steding,
son Ashburn, George Burton, Elmer Claude Wadsworth. All are seniors
Britton, Don Carson, John Collman, in the College of Engineering.
um, Sunday afternoon, at 3:30