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November 18, 1939 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-18

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:what cooler

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The Freshmen Were There, But'
There Weren't Any Sophomores



.s :In Prague
ed As Result
c Celebration
s' Friends

IP)-Nine stu-.
sities and aca-
y German fir-
ngleaders. in a
ay in the Nazi
ia and Mora-
nine was re-
n official news
filtering into
hy details of
tal of the for-
stablished was
disorders in
le population
executions be-
ment early in
ely that "nine
it Order
hat this and
measures, in-
large; number"
using for three
nies, had been
der in Prague,
am Prague had
n Elite Guard
Czech high
Lovy Technical
way 1,200 stu-
girls, to unan-

-Daily Photo by Bogle
When the sophomores failed to show their faces last night, 300 of
Michigan's freshmen began a race pround town to discover any other
entertainment that might' come their way. Here the jolly frosh are
shown in various states of disattire as they raced through the League
en route to the Michigan theatre.

* *k *

4 i

The freshmen were there, but there'
weren't any sophomores, so the whole
thing fizzled.
That, in brief, describes -last night's
episode of the traditional campus
Black Friday activities. There was no
rioting, there was no rough-and-
tumble fighting, and there were
plenty of pants adorning the sturdy
legs of Michigan's men.
Another Theatre Skirmish
The only excitement of the eve-
ning was a short skirmish in front
of the Michigan theatre by 300 fresh-
ment and a quiet expedition into the
halls of the Union ballroom where
the annual Engineers' Ball was in
progress. Neither incident amounted
to much.
There was an air of mystery at-
tached to the entire evening. No-
body on the streets, freshmen or
spectators, could understand how
1,00 healthy members of the sopho-
more class were able to vanish so

outside and told them to go away.
And they went away.
Became Disorganized _
From. then on things became more
disorganized. Th freshmen broke
up into several small groups and
made individual raids on fraternity
houses in an attempt to ferret out
sophomores on which to perform de-
panting ceremonies. None of these
groups was very successful, al-
though at least three or four sopho-
mores were divested of lower gar-
ments after being hauled outdoors
in the Washtenaw Ave. neighborhood.
About 150 men united forces and
gained admittance to the Union de-
spite protestations of the manage-
ment. They stormed the doors of
the ballroom and seated themselves
in the middle of the rqom while the
dancers, dressed in formal attire,
stood around the walls. Clyde Lucas'
orchestra played Michigan songs and
the whole group sang together.

Allies Unite
Against Nazis
Committees Are Proposed
By Anglo-French Council
To LinkBuying Power
First West Coast
Alarms Sounded
LONDON, Nov. 17.-(P)-The Al
lied Supreme War Council decideK
today to pool the economic resources
as well as the manpower of Britain
and France in a united drive for vic-
tory over Germany.
In the third meeting since the war
began Sept. 2, the council announced
the prospective establishment of co-
ordinating committees to use the
buying power of the two nations as
To avoid competition with each
other in buying goods abroad, the
council decided to draw up joint
'import programs.
Raid Alarm Sounded
Simultaneously Britain's home de-
fenses were stirred to action by the
first air-raid alarms of the war on
England's west coast. Alarms were
sounded in 18 towns, but no bombs
were dropped by the Nazi airmen.
A council communique said that
in addition to the joint Army and
Navy action, the British-French ef-
fort would be- unified in the fields
of aviation, munitions, raw materials,
food, oil, shipping and economic war-
The two nations will share equally
all available supplies "should circum-
stances render necessary a reduc-
tion of programs of imports," it was
The unity of action which had been
effected in the last two months, the
communique added, was achieved in
the World War only after the third
year of fighting.
Dalader At Meeting
Attending the three-hour meeting
here were Premier Edouard Daladier,
of France; Prime Minister Neville
Chamberlain; Gen. -Maurice Gustave
Gamlin, commander-in-chief of the
French and British land forces; Ad-
miral Jean Darlan, commander of
the French Navy; Gen. Joseph Vul-
lemin, French air marshal; Lord
Chatfield, British minister for co-
Iordinationof defense; Viscount Hali-
fax, British foreign secretary, and
Sir Kingsley Wood,. British secretary
for air.
It was the first time Chamberlain
had appeared publicly in a week. He
has had an attack of gout.
A small crowd cheered the French
members of the council as they de-
parted for France.
The meeting was held as Great
Britain called for 20,000 women to
serve behind thelines as clerks, cooks
and chauffeurs, doubling the Wom-
en's Auxiliary Territorial 'Service.
The War Office also called for 20,-
000 men between the ages of 35 and
50 to guard vulnerable home areas
and release regular troops for more
active service.
German planes flew over the Shet-
land Islands, north of Scotland, and
over Lancashire, Cheshire and North
Wales. The raiders were driven off
by antiaircraft fire and British air-


Forest Evashevski, the Wolverines "One-Man-Gang" quarterback,
will return to his signal-calling post against Pennsylvania this after-
noon after an absence of two weeks because of an ankle injury he sus-
tained in the Illinois game.

isequence" of as-
in patriotic dem-
. 28 and again on
at made clear im-
r the. nine were
in fighting.
vs of the disorders
ay, telephone com-
ae old Czech capi-
atches said shots
,saryk College, but
no one was injured.
culated in Prague
chs had been shot
a secret printing4
Jars Patrol
manned by Elite
led Prague streets
ent spokesmen had
revailed in Prague
ement was respon-
inces there. To-
nda ministry and
Berlin said they
e than the infor-
in the DNB com-{
dl thae 21st anniver-I
ng of the ;zecho-
n Oct. 28 in defi-
an ban on public

men discovered that there was no
opposition to be found they banded
together in a march toward the local
movie palaces. When the parade'
down the streets came to a halt
there were about 300 shouting men
milling around in front of the Michi-
gan theatre.
They had been' there only a few
seconds when a grim manager came
Todayv's Daily
To Be Sea led
For Posterity

The wandering vigilantes created
some 'inbarfassment in girls' dormi-
tories. By one means or another
they gained admittance to Mosher-
Jordan' and Betsy Barbour and gave
the inmates a cheer before being.
chased out. Later in the evening
some of the men serenaded the dor-
mitdries in the immediate vicinity
of the campus.
Visited Local Taverns
Other places visited at different
times by scattered groups included
several of the local taverns and the
League ballroom.
The frosh army organized in the
vicinity of the west quadrangle of
men's dormitories, and then moved
to the Union where they received
word over a public address system
that "the sophs would meet them
in the middle of the campus" at
8 p.m. At 8:20 p.m. not a single
sophomore had shown his nose, so
the military leaders claimed victory
and moved on whatever other enter-
tainment could be found.
Freshmen and sophomores are
scheduled to participate in their
annual games at 9:30 this morning
at Ferry Field. Tug-of-war, broom
fights, and other events are on the

with police resulted
s were made. One
e said 800 persons
o police headquar-
ie Today
ical Officers
hosen Soon
.e chairmanships of
es that will be in
tion of the 1939-40
lion Opera must be
p.m. today at the
ffices, according to
hafmnan of the Ex-

Today's Michigan Daily, yester-
day's Ann 'Arbor News and a copy of
the Michigan Argus of May, 1886,
will be preserved for future genera-
tions in a cornerstone to be sealed
today for the new First Methodist
The laying of the cornerstone itself
will be held at noon, Sunday, follow-
ing the regular Sunday service at
the present church. It is expected
that the new church will be com-
pleted and dedicated before the end
of the present school year.
Also to be included n the corner-
stone are lists of the members of the
church, the church school, the jun-
ior and senior choirs, the Wesley
Foundation, all contributors to the
new church building, the Board of
the Women's Union, and the Board
of Trustees and the Official Board.
Copies of the Church Hymnals for
1865 and 1939, the 1865 Methodist
Discipline as well as the new Disci-
pline of the United Methodist Church,
an old edition of the Bible together
with a history of the local church and
the Wesley Foundation will complete
the agenda included in the "time-
capsule" cornerstone.
One wing of the projected church,
it is planned, will be devoted to the
activities of the more than 1550
Methodist students enrolled at the
TUniversity. These students have, up
to this time, been holding their meet-
ings at Stalker Hall.

Self-Interest Guides Peace Plan
Of Low Countries, Slosson Says

Last week's peace offer made by
Holland and Belgium was merely a
final, desperate gesture to stave off
German aggression aeross their coun-
tries, Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of
the hist6ry department, declared yes-I
terday. This diplomatic move will
have no effect on the course of the
war, he said, and will not be taken
seriously by either Germany or Brit-
ain and France.
The Low Countries' most recent
attempt to stop the war compares
i with the peace proposal they made
in conjunction with the Scandinavian
nations in August of this year, he
'pointed out. Both offers were dictated
primarily by interests of self-preser-
vation, interests which the actual
outbreak of the war strengthened.
Holland Most Vulnerable
Assuming that Germany finally de-
cides to strike through the Low Coun-
tries, Holland would probably prove
more vulnerable than Belgium, Pro-
fessor Slosson said. Belgium has

summon Allied aid, and it would be
available immediately. He recalled,
however, that in the last war the
German advance through Belgium
moved so rapidly, tiat the forthcom-
ing Allied support did not reach Bel-
gium in time to render valuable help.
Move Is Sheer Gamble
The possible German move through
the Low Countries was characterized
as a "sheer gamble" by Professor
Slosson. Germany might conceivably
batter her way through Holland and
Belgium, but it would be consum-
mated at, a tremendous cost, he be-
lieves. Furthermore the plan, if suc-
cessful, would materially increase the
area Germany would automatically
be forced 'to defend.
American sentiment for the Allied
cause would surely be intensified, if
Germany successfully occupied the
Low Countries, Professor Slosson
pointed out. Even many persons who
were not pro-British and Pro-French
would sympathize with the forceful
violation of the borders of Belgium

nt of the chairman-
or Wednesday will
ad step in the forma-
n Opera staff. Nucleus

Judd To Talk On Hawaii
In lecture Here Monday
In an effort to counteract current
misconceptions about the Hawaiian
T..l,«.,le. T e r+ota3Jlift Tit A f ,... n

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