THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY The Yanks Are Not Coming: Coast Seamen Issue A Tract For The Times -.1 p. ' X- a smffi - Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. -Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. h Member of the Associated Press The ssocatedPress is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All ights o f republication of all other matters herein also Deserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as pecond class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTEp FOR NATONAL. ADVERnSING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative " 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO ' SOSTOs ' Los ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Carl Petersen Elliott Maranis Stan M. Swint( Morton L. Line Norman A. Sch Dennis Planage John N. Canav Ann Vicary Mel 1Fineberg Business Manai 7 Editorial Staff F I S. . . . .. . der . lorr . . an , . . Business Staff derw Managing Editor Editorial Director . City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor . Associate Editor' Associate Editor, . Women's Editor * Sports Editor Paul R. Parkc cGanson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko Jane Mo'ers Harriet S. .Ievy Ast. Business Mgr:, Credit Manager ,Women's Business Manager.. Women's Advertising' Manager . Publications. Manager ..... NIGHT EDITOR: ALVIN SARASOHN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. The Red Cross: Unselfish Charity * COMMUNIQUE in a recent news- paper column reads, "Bombs dropped last week over populated. areas account- ed for an undetermined amount of wounded and dead China." This news probably horrifies many Americans who, thanks to the press and newsreels, find it Deasy to visualize twisted bodies, wide-spread dis- ease, and complete devastation that follows in the wake of 1939 war planes. Their realization of the disasters of foreign peoples has been intensified. Their pity has been aroused. They have offered spiritual and monetary aid. And now news of the annual roll-call drive of the American Red Cross has been flanking the arousing war communiques with a new ap- 'peal to the generosity of the nation, an appeal for the nation. Over a period of two weeks a concerted, unselfish effort is being made nation- ally to raise funds sufficient to carry on the tremendous peace time services of the Red Cross. iThough an acknowledged priceless unit in time rof war, this organization has developed a pro- gram of aid that has become indispensable at all times. Realization by the people of the Red Cross' plan of action, calculated to save life and relieve suffering, has already been accom- plished. It now remains for the public to show its appreciation and belief in the movement by flinancial support. The personal solicitation campaign beingcon- ducted by the county in this vicinity was started two days previous to the official drive and was for the purpose of canvassing university stu- derits who for the first time were being ap- 'roached apart from the entire community. No doubt the roll-call committee was giving the University of Michigan a chance to show its spirit as a unit, the opportunity to make Daily headlines with the proud record of a sizable contribution. It seems that the measure of campus spirit was taken by the 'Red Cross, but not a large contribution. As a matter of fact, the prelim- inary campaign netted exactly $20, with 15 memberships costing one dollar each sold, and the rest of the amount made up in odd sums. As the campaign will not be terminated until Nov. 30 there is still time to improve the Univer- sity record. Personal contributions are anxious- ly being sought, but there is ample opportunity in the campaign for a group donation by any *ganization that boasts a band of students and & social conscience. It. must be realized that Pis is not an ordinary charity, but one of the really necessary patches on the American social system- Give to the Red Cross. It needs the money. kt has earned the money. And it will continue o do so as long as it remains the self designated tunse of human ills. -Shirley Wallace Cornell University has launched a project to determine whether critical thinking about socia roblems can be developed in high school 'pupils. A Worcester Polytechnic Institute physicist is :albrating the amount of sunlight that is found at ,varying depths in the ocean. By ELLOTT MARANISS "Me? I'm smart, see! I've got no use for this war. But Joe over there, he's a dope. All you've got to do is blow a bugle and he'll come a run- ning." And Joe over there is saying the same thing about his dumb friend Pete. Both Joe and Pete, together with millions of others of Americans, are unanimous in the opinion that "the war is a bloody racket" and they "want no part of it." But too many of these same people are also practically unani- mous in the belief that America will inevitably be drawn in and that there is nothing we can do about it. Like a fresh, stiff breeze from the Pacific, however, this week came a simple, straightfor- ward and sincere blast against this type of in- dividual cynicism. In the blunt language of the waterfront and fo'castle the seamen of Dis- trict Council 2 of the Maritime Federation in San Francisco supplied the answer of the American people to the threat of war: there were no pious hopes, in this proposal, no elegiac and mournful despairs, no fervent appeals to unknown forces and powers to help us keep our peace in this dark hour of need. There was simply a statement informing the world that THE YANKS ARE NOT COMING. Embodied in a pamphlet issued by the Mari- time Federation,. the phrase is more than a slogan expressing a sentimental wish. It is the pointed and clear expression of the overwhelm- ing desire of the men and women of this coun- try to stay out of the dirty business in Europe. "The Yanks Are Not Coming" is not only a remarkably clear manifesto in regard to the nature of the war and of the forces in this country that are working for our involvement: it is also a vaccination against the war mental- ity. It has created an attitude of collective re- sponsibility and of confidence. Its message is one that has struck deeply into the hearts of the people. The citizens of the Pacific Coast have taken up the declaration of the seamen and longshoremen and have built around it a realistic and anti-war movement. If we clearly understand each other, these men tell us, if we take our democracy seriously, and determine that the will of the people shall be the deciding fac- tor in America's future, then no power on' earth can drag us into the destructive and senseless hell of war. Resolutions concerning the war are a dime a doen these days; even the National Assocition of Manufacturers has 'one. Realistic proposals, however, such as that adopted Wednesday by the American Student Union are still rare enough to warrant special attention. In this regard we feel that it is of particular pertinence to.publish the text of the resolution adopted by the Pacific Coast sailors. It has become the solid basis of an anti-war movement that has elicited the support of the farmers, small busi- ness men, teachers, housewives. students and Of ALL Things. . ....Hy MortyQ... . IF someone should come up to you and say: "What is it that appears in two parts, is a driving force, comes before seven and after five, and occasionally rears its ugly head?"-you would, without hesitation, reply: sex. Well, as far as Mr. Q. knows, there is no proof that sex's head is ugly or that it even is capable of rear4 ing, but at any rate, this important subject came up for a little debate in a meeting of the JGP committee the other day and Mr. Q.'s agents who had dictaphones planted in the room, report the following proceedings: The meeting started smoothly enough with a discussion of general problems, routine stuff that has to be taken care of before the main event can get under way. So there were the vari- ous reports and suggestions and all the other business. When this was taken care of, the main item of the evening broke upon the little gather- ing with terrific impact when one of the gals pipes: "I suggest we give men some of the parts this year." There was a silence of several seconds as the other girls caught their breath and finally the wrath of many years of tradition descended upon this young radical, this upstart who had the nerve to even suggest such a horrible thing. Men in the JGP! Horrors! But the gal was persistent. "Why not?" she wanted to know and demanded an answer from the other committeewomen. So they went into long discourses about the history of the thing and how men were in it .only once and how it was the Junior GIRLS' Play and a lot of other reasons. But the young upstart wasn't satisfied and insisted that the presence of men would give the thing a little life and spark and there was no reason why just because it had always been done that way it had to be con- tinued. By this time, she had won over a few of the other girls who thought men were okay and soon a verbal free-for-all was in progress with the men not coming out too well. The debate ended in a tie with neither side being able to convince the other. So they de- cided to ask the advice of people well versed on the subject, but found it ' difficult because of the hereditary bias of those asked. The wo- men said no while the men were all for it. The answer to Mr. Q. seems simple enough: give the men parts as women and no one will ever know the difference. MR. Q.'s old friend Looie was in town again yesterday. We ran into him in the Union laborers on the Coast, and it is especially signi- ficant as the expression of the practical temper of the present peace movement as compared with the purely sentimental resistance which met the last war. It is an unequivocal reply to the men who make wars. The text follows: "Whereas, no matter what neutrality legisla- tion Congress may or may not enact, there is no possible means of preventing American finan- ciers and industrialists from making loans and extending credit in devious ways, if they see the hope of a profit. And whereas, American financiers and indus- trialists are now breaking their necks to make as much money as possible out of the war, And whereas most of them are doing so in the belief that if these loans or credits are endangered they will be protected by American troops, And whereas this is extremely unfair to American financiers and industrialists because they are thus staking their funds under an en- tirely false sense of security, And whereas, it is only fair that they be in- formed of the truth, therefore be it resolved: That this organization serve due notice to these men that although we hold our country dear to our hearts and would lay down our lives for its protection, we are not in the least patri- otic about foreign investments or credits and would not lift one finger to protect them, That we serve due notice that in our considered opinion every dollar invested on either side of that imperialistic war is thrown out of the window, That it is our positive opinion that the peoples of the various nations engaged in the European conflict are going to be sold out by their respective governments exactly as they were in the last war, That we make it plain that we are heart and soul for the suffering people on both sides, but have no use whatever for the conniving higher- ups on either side, and sincerely hope the various peoples give them a good dressing down before the thing is over, be it finally resolved That we "serve explicit notice on Wall Street that the American people will not underwrite their loans or credits or foreign investments with its blood, and that THE YANKS ARE POSITIVELY NOT COMING." An anti-war movement with this positive character can unite all the public in a solid wall against America's participation in the foreign conflict. It is a forthright declaration of the determination of the American people not to commit suicide. There are still men and women in this country who have more than a passing interest in the "promise of American life," and who are willing to work for its consummation. And it is they who are the defenders of civili- zation and humanity. ffeemj'o Me He'eywoodBroun At no time have I been a partisan of Mr. Fritz Kuhn. I am not for him now. And yet I regret to see his trial developing into an examination ART *.I By MARY McSHiERRY Not so many years ago, all mFen were divided into two groups, those who sent Christmas cards with pic- tures of Scotty dogs and those whose cards bore a colored print of Rheims cathedral. That neither picture called anything to the mind of the receiver made no difference. The card had "Merry Christmas" printed on it someplace, and that was thought quite sufficient.. At least, some con- sidered it sufficient; others, notably the artists of America, men and wo- men to whom Christmas called up a store of rich, fragrant memories, to whom Christmas expressed the very spirit of American living, these were far from satisfied. They felt that the American public as a mass pa- tron of Christmas card "art" should be offered a truer art, and they set out to select from their own work those pictures which would call up emotions in the public, emotions and memories nearer to the real Ameri- can Christmas scene. Now, four years after the incep- tion of this plan, their success is apparent. Styled as the American Artists Group, the cards they offer are really works of art. The repro- ductions are clear, well mounted, and the scenes themselves epitom- ize winter and Christmas, the holy day of holidays. Collected in their album is the America reborn every December, the vitality and enthusi- asm of eternal youth. There is the distilled innocence of childhood in Nura's naive study against Thom- as Benton's severe, angular Ameri- canism expressed in the green-toned "The Meal." The much-represent- ed Frederick Waugh holds up an ani- mate nature in "Amber, Jade, and Amethyst," the waves, the rocks, the sea, in contrast to John W. Tay- lor's still landscape, "When Day Is Done." Life, every phase of the life we know, is caught and transmitted: corn popping and carol singing, danc- ing and skating, holiday hunting and midnight mass, all these minutes of Christmas, these pleasant intervals, the American Artists Group offers. Does Christmas mean snow and out- doors? Then Dale Nichols' lovely blue-hazed "The Christmas Tree" calls up our response. Or shall we always think of the Holy Family and their plight in the first "joy- ous Season? If so, we turn to Lauren Ford's simple "Flight into Egypt" and find in the background of solid,red farmhouses,,in the car- petbag carried by Joseph, the merg- ing of 2,000 years. Indeed, whether we want the whimsy of Peggy Bacon or the near- tragedy of Wanda Gag, the American Artists Group has our card, and that card is a real expression of native good-will and best wishes. In as much as we are a portion of America, so that card will be a portion of us, for what has been said about Thom- as Benton can be said about the entire group and its work which com- bines "the various offices of social historian, anthropologist, cultural irritant, and vivid exponent of the American civilization." That's the way to say "Merry Christmas!" AS OTHERS SEE ITo To the Editor: We have learned that the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, ap- pearing here Nov. 27, intends to present as its' program the Brahms Fourth Symphony and minor works of Berlioz, Elgar and Weinberger. Recognizing the fact that the Phil- harmonic is one of the great musical organizations in the country and that its appearance in Ann Arbor is a rare occasion, it would seem that the orchestra deserves a better group of compositions upon which to dem- onstrate its mastery and excellence. The program that has been chosen completely neglects the field of great orchestral music from Bach to Bee- thoven and thus exhibits a lament- able lack of balance. Something from that field would not only re- store balance ahd give substance to the program, but would also allow the orchestra ample scope for its re- nowned artistry. This inadequacy in the program is keenly felt by many who have at- tended and- supported the Choral Union Concerts for years. Is it too late for the Choral Union Society and the School of Music to recom- mend some change in what now promises to be a pale and ill-bal- anced performance? -The Choral Union Regulars France, and neither Washington nor Jefferson was a teetotaler in all re-' spects. Both Hitler and Stalin, from all reports, are men who hold them- selves to a stern and meagre way of life, and it may be that the urge which moves them to the accessionj DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN whose standing at midsemester time is D or E, not merely those who re- ceive D or E in so-called midsemes- ter examinations. Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or col- leges of the University, should be re- ported to the school or college in which they are registered. E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean. . I (Continued from Page 2) Freshmen, College of Literature, Science, and The Arts: Freshmen may not drop courses without E grade after Saturday, November 18. In ad- ministering this rule, students with less than 24 hours of credit are con- sidered freshmen. Exceptions may be made in extraordinary circum- stances, such as severe or long con- ',inued illness. E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean Phi Beta Kappa: Members from other chapters who wish to affiliate with the Michigan Chapter are cor- dially requested to notify the Secre- tary, Hazel M. Losh, Observatory, giving address, year of election, and chapter where irpitiated. Senior and Graduate Students in 1A reonautical Engineering: Announce- ment is made of a Civil Service Ex- amination for Junior Engineer. Ap- 'lications must be filed with the Civil Service Commission by Dec. 11, 1939. 'Ihose interested may examine the an- r.ouncement concerning this position, which is posted on the Aeronautical Engineering Bulletin Board. Registration: All candidates for po- itions who desire to register with the University Bureau of Appointments 'd Occupational Information during his school year should obtain regis- t : ation blanks at the Bureau, 201 Ma- on Hall, on the following days: Wed- nrsday, Thursday, Friday, Nov. 15-17, nd Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 20-21. I.ours 9-12 and 2-4.' (Attention is alled to the fact that Saturday is mitted, as Saturday is regularly re- erved for out of town people). Blanks awe to. be returned within 7 days... The Bureau has two" divisions: 'I saching and general. The general livision registers people for positions of all kinds other than teaching." Both seniors and graduate students, a, well as staff members, are eligible to enroll. Only one registration is held during the school year 'and every- one who will be available in February, June, August, or at any other time during the year, should enroll now. There is no fee for enrolling, but be- ginning Nov. 22, by order of the Board of Regents, a late registration fee of $1 will be charged. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. Students, College of Engineering: The final day for Dropping Courses without record will be Saturday, Nov. 18. A course may be dropped only with permission of the classifier af- ter conference with the instructor. A. H. Lovell, Secretary. Academic Notices Bacteriology 111A (Laboratory Course) will meet Monday, Nov. 20, at 1 p.m. in Room 2562, East Medical Building. Each student should come provided with a $5 Hygienic Labora- tory Coupon procurable at the Treas- urer's Office. Concerts University Lecture: The Honorable Uawrence M. Judd, former Governor of Hawaii, will lecture on "Hawaii, Pivot of hte Pacific" under the auspi- ces of the Political Science Depart- ment, on Monday, Nov. 20, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is cordially invited, Dr. Harold Fey will speak on "The Thurches' Stand on the War" at the IRackham Lecture Hall, Sunday, 8:15 p.m. Dr. Fey is executive secretary of the Fellowship of Reconciliation and a former missionary in the Phlipies hi i' h .rs . eries of three lectures qn "The Re- igious Aspects of Current Problems," sponsored by the Student Religious Association. Todays Events The Evangelical Student Chapel sponsors a social hour each Friday evening In the Fireside Room at Lane Hall. Tonight a play production will be presented at 8 o'clock in the Audi- torium at Lane Hall' by members of the group who are interested in dra- matics. All students are cordially invited. Refreshments. League Dances; Due to a change n the regular plans, there will be no' {stags at the Friday night dance this week.- Song Committee. of Sophomore Cabaret will meet in the Game Room of the League at 3 p.m. today. The Westminster Student Guild of the Presbyterian Church will have a Treasure Hunt and Wiener Roast this evening. The group will leave the church promptly at 9 p.m. Alpha Kappa Delta will hold a meeting this evening at 7:30 at the home of Prof. Arthur E. Wood, 3 Har- vard Place. Cars will be leaving from Haven Hall at 7:15. All mem- b'ers are urged to attend. The Lutheran Student Club will hold a Scavanger Hunt this evening. Those wishing to join us should meet at Zion Parish Hall promptly at 8. Everyone is invited to attend. Re- freshments. Stalker Hall: Bible class at 7:30 p.m. at the First Methodist Church tonight. Dr. Brashares will lead the discussion. Open House at Stalker Hall at 9 p.m. Both the class and open house are for all Methodist students and their friends. Hillel Foundation: Conservative services will be held at the Founda- tion tonight at 7:30 ,p.m. Avukah, the Student Zionist organization, will have charge of- the Fireside Discus- sion. Their two guest speakers will be Lester Seligman and Joseph Epstein, both graduate students at the Uni- versity of Chicago. They will speak on the subject, "Jewish Youth Looks at Itself." A bcial hour will follow. Coming Events The Angell Hall Observatory will be open to the public from 9 to 10 on Saturday evening, Nov. 18. The moon, and the planets, Jupiter and Saturn, will be shown through the telescopes. Children must be accom- panied by adults. Freshman Round Table: Dr. Ra- phael Isaacs, of the Simpson Mem- orial Institute, will lead the discus- sion at the Freshman Round Table Saturday night, 7:30, Lane Hall. All freshmen are welcome. The Finance Committee of Sopho- more Cabaret will meet at 4 p.m. Monday in the League. The Publicity Committee of Sopho- more Cabaret will meet at 3:30 p.m., Monday, in the League. German Table for Faculty Mem- bers: The regular luncheon meeting will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room of the Michi- gan Union. All faculty members in- terested in speaking German are cor- dially invited. There will be a brief informal talk by Professor Percival Price on, "Glockenspiel in Deutsch- land." University Lecture: H. Duncan Hall, formerly of the Secretariat of the League of Nations, will lecture on 'The British Commonwealth and Its International Relations," under the uspices of the Department of Ec- onomics, at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. Nhibition room, Architectural Build- ing. Open daily, except Sunday, 9 to 5, through Nov. 27. The public is cordially invited. Lecture. 4owk of his love life rather than an inquiry into the basic facts of Nazi propaganda in America. I am aware of the fact that he is being tried neither as a Talleyrand nor as a Casanova but on the plain and simple charge of wheth- er or not he acted loosely with the funds of the Bund of which he is the head man. I would commend Judge James G. Wallace for all the efforts which he has made to keep the issue down to the case in hand. But once the feature writers and the photographers come on in men are tried and convicted on extraneous issues. And I.-cannot deny that whatever the court rules some of the irrelevant issues are of interest to the reading public. * * * I have seen Fritz Kuhn engaged in oratory, and, in my opinion, he is not a prepossessing person aside from his ideas which seem to me deplorable. To my possibly jaundiced eye he looks like a second assistant delicatessen clerk, emeritus. And so I am startled to find that he is charged with sending telegrams to per- sonable young ladies signed "Great love and kisses-Fritz." To put it mildly, Mr. Kuhn is burly, and I myself have not sent such a message for at least 35 years. I simply sign myself "Sincerely" out of respect to age and weight and let it go at that. But not only the factual but the fundamental issue will go astray if twelve good men and true are to be called upon to decide whether or not Fritz ever jumped over the fence. On the whole, the philosophy of Der Fuehrer is too Spartan by at least 50 per cent'. It has been said that Hitler is inhibited and that if he would only get tight some night or wander away on a great commotion we might have a world more peaceful and less cruel. Even the gross playboys come back to work a little shaken and more inclined to general kindliness if they move into the propaganda headquarters with a hang- over and a heavy sense of remorse. Carillon Recital: On account of the faculty concert Sunday afternoon, at 4:15 in Hill Auditorium, the carillon recital by Percival Price, Carillon- neur, will be given at 3:15 instead of the usual hour. Faculty Concert: Kathleen Barry, harpist, Maud Okkelberg, pianist, and Hardin Van Deursen, baritone, with Ava Comin Case, accompanist, will give a recital complimentary to the public, in Hill Auditorium, Sunday 'afternoon, Nov., 19, at 4:15. The pub-I lic is requested to be seated on time. Exhibitions One hundred original cartoon draw- ngs from the Cartoonists' Group of New York are being shown in the west exhibition gallery of the Rack- ham Building, daily except Sunday, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., from Nov. 7 to Nov.' 20. Architectural Building Exhibition: An exhibit of wood sculpture by Mr.' Seth M. Velsey, of Dayton, Ohio, is being shown in the ground floor case of the Architectural Building. Open daily 9 to 5 except Sunday until Nov.a 19. The public is cordially invited. Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: The best 100 posters submitted in the 1939 National Poster Contest on the subject "Travel," sponsored by Devoe & Reynolds Co., Inc., of Chicago. Third floor ex- THE COLLEGIATE REVIEW I 4 Ice Skating: All women interested in outdoor sports are invited to go ice skating on Saturday, Nov. 18. Meet