A THDE MICHIGAN DAILY National Student Surve y Sktins TomDRewey Is 1940 Faviorfi? 3 1.8 Per Cent Want FDR the headquarters at the University o: TO R n Agin;Third Texas for tabulation. To I~x ~ainTo the question, "If Roosevelt i Term Sentiment IS Up not a cndidate in~ 1940, whom ,oulc you like to see elected president?' (Special To The Daily) these answers were -vn AUTIN, Tex.-Thomas E. Dewey,Ma'39 p Douthful New York district attorney cet"er en atoreyi1. Dewey (R) ......15.6 33.1 sfirst choice for the United States 12. McNutt (D) .....17.6 11i.t iresidency among the nation's college 3. Garn~er (l ).;...97. ,d university students, less than ,a 4- Vandenberg (R) 4i$8. 4ird of whom want Franklin D. 5. ull(D)......3 7.f boosevelt to run again. All others 29.f Six months ago the Student Opin - { ohplsi as ex on b ~ most college you.th. 4lparentiy pays n( hoad o U.. cllge out, fundinMany who saytheir or their parent', ifirst poll on presidential possibili- sentiments lie with the Republican es that Paul V. McNutt,Dmoataryelca Democrat, advc fe the lead with a. populartiy of partecte,'ai emorit advie ".- per cent, only 2.1 per cent ovek tera ee ore in4th e rslabve ~ ~pdy th ract-butin~crats, Republicans, or 'any others. Tnivrsity of Michigan gradate has Coprsnwihteolsfte limbed ahead and has with him over $ .~rsf~s ihtepol ftj -third of those collegians who de- Ai~i~~~i4 ~ uW pnq lat they havye made up their minds show that possible candidates lead- a na cndidate for 1940. McNut]has Ong among the ntion's voters are the lopped to second place, Vice -Presi-j same amonig college students. Witt 'ent John N. Gamner following a close Republican voters -Dewey is a favorite With Demo~crats Garner is the leader Th~epoll represetsthe opinions ofandMc ttwho has been gaining Wi~ou icldin ~re contnsietly, is ecndonl~y t h ttl~ntswitout ncldin Preidetyvce-presidenlt. Aong students, hw iooevet a a ossblecanidae.ever', Garner led only in th~e South~. Ir tffinineer luakdgallrosageveery other sectionm of th~e coZixtry eexnofrtdns nldn alael Dewey and McNutt are more popular .,gorpiaand political groups,y The answer~s ab~ove represent Qpin- Wo~uldq yu lke to see Roosevelt runx ions on~ly of those stuidents whohavi )rathird term?" dcdedon a possible candidate. There Qny3. per cent said yes. Butis a large nurg~ex-about four' out od ,nce lstJanuary the President has every "tn-wh~o say they do not yet creased his~ third-term approval have any particular choice. Lon collegians from 28.2per ceni, continuing polls of the Stu~dent inionSurveys sh~ow. Th~e Surveys publhe weekly by student news- pes the nation over, including the iywhich' cooperates by conducting al intLerviews that -are mailed tc We MIGHT Let You -- But it's hardly, necessary when you eat wiyth us -f .DO'S SNAPPY SERVICE 332S. ain- Open till 2 A. Plenty of DANCES for thve STAG3S y S r al CAA Apiplroves ILocal AirporI IJ~A IOJ AILY OFCILBULLETIN By June McKee'_____________________________ Back in ' those beginning WCBC - _ idays of campus broadcasting, radio FRIDAY, NOV.Y7 1939 Hospital, and any others omitted from Swork was experimental. Then in .~. L. 156: 47 ;this schedule 11iarch of 19 4, six weekly programsN cs Shiley W. Smth. on Boys' Week "ant base6ball wee ol 'scheduled. Fp~xity, Coilege of Engineering Iiospitalization Gr"oups Annonce- meeting Molnday, Nov. 20, at 4:15 SThe next year, Dean Kraus soron- Iment. A series of meetings has been ,.n, in Room 348, West Engineering 8 ly advised a University broadcastin , 11 staio, decqaix its t e ide rn ged for thepoe of giving 'Puddil The endla will include: -Routine Business; Progress Reports 4 that an ar ument for it was scarce- publicity to the arrangements avail- i "Coe 'onainfo h S ly , recessary. ,Otlher sides- saw the able to members of the University. Committee on Coordination and 9 expense 'of such an outfit hardly staff through group hospital asocia-Tahng n'n~nolet Sjustifiable. A University station was ]tions. Thnese meetings will e held Tahnado nolet .t inevitable,, though, and the Regents on the dates stated below and will A. H. Lovell, Secy.I oapproved an offer fromrithe Jewett, be addressed by Mr. John R. Man- I? I~troi 1free Press chain .to broadcast nix, Executive Secretary of the Michi- Stuident, College of Engineering: 's froxrm he ,campus twice monthly over gan Society for Group Hospitalization.Thfiadyfore vlofIcm e wJ.'s 5~000 wagter. Tet eig will all be held at 4:15 letes will be Saturday, Nov. 18. ' tteNtrlScience. Auitori- A. H. Cavell, Secretary. i'xof. Waldo Abbot anxiounced that pm Sspeakers and musicians woud naum.Ire htal neetdm- Student Loan Committee meeting '- orate th.e program series , to be broad- have an opportunity to hxer the state- i o2 ,Uiest alt ehl Icast from U Hall's l delphi Room. ments of Mr. Mannix and to ask ges- a 2pm ody o.2.Alapi b tons and to participate in the discus-catio2sptom.eMonsrday, o 20hAllappt- e, .The greats of the cain ,us ,gathered. lo the Uiest staff, has been =TheonitUniversity candte-ionms to becoieed forthefoet "TheVicors" "arsiy" nd el-tentatively divided into groups for(i nitb iedi om2bfr - ow and" Blue" provided musical set-. w-l aturday, Nov. 18, and appointments ~ tngfor48shot alk o vaios tp-hese meetings as stated below. How- made with the Committee. h' ics given, by faculty members and.vr nypronwofnd°h dt.-'___ administrative -officers. - indt ~sgop inconvenient Teacher's Certifxcare Canddates for Ciisd-kl ewloet tedwt n Criticshde-Unllerseiwlcomeetonatendwihyn Fbrary, Jue and August 1940: Reg- ', ard th niesiy "dfnieyone of the other groups. stratiori with the Bureau of Appoin- e estofabliedItslf suraientrtashon- At each of these meetings, also,. nents and Occupational Information, - i e ofumbiity. tlepouccss ahonIhere will be present either Dean A. C.uwBich is required before a certificate a telegrams received during and after lFurstenberg or Vice-President James , nay be issued, is now taking place. Fthe program." D. Bruce, or both, to give informa- 4A a late registration fee of $1 is IiitheFanFar sprtsastat .45tion with respect to arrangements charged after Nov. 22, candidates for Ii~ te anFae potsas a 245thus far not entirely complete for fur- - -p.m. today over WMBC, Stan Swin-ihigrop edclsvc. e. ton, '40, will relate a story of Michi-fihngop edclsrc. e' gan sports. H is guest star will be Ed1 Nov. 20: Faculty of Literature, Si- '_ -* f wiutig, '41, injured football end. nce, and the Arts. . t The Radio Guild programr then No6. 21: Faculties 'of Engineering, .., presents "Writin~g the Radio Play" .rxchitecture, Medicine, and Pen'ts- at 3:30 pam. over WJR., Those in ty t ~ ktaeJc RlySlot rd Nov. 22: Faculties of Law, Gradu- :s:" + (who henceforth i'wll be just .Jack aeShoFrsr n osra Riley for radio), Cecil Beglinger, Grad tion, Education, Pharmacy, Music," -a d no b nolc, '0 Peter ad Business Ad mninistration. ntonelli, '41, will announce. Nov. 24: Staffs of the. Libraries, "'They're the finest Shoes I ver Museums, Hygiene and Public Health, a tevn$.an >oe" 1 ~Physical Education, Extension, Mich-; ilofessori Dum ond Speaks gain Union and Michigan League. They 're FRE"EMAN'S Nov. '27: General admiistration, all 5 $ Prof. Dwight L, Dumond, of the leical employees (offices '}ay close 5$$ shistory department, is giving a series at 4:10 p.m. or as required), Build- of, lectures in the Upper Pen'inisula ings and Grounds, Stores, and Dormi.. ' this .week, sponsored by the Univer'-' tories. Walk A Few SWin lsity Extension Service. Nov. 29: Health Service, University And Save Pdolars ________________________________Young Men's Shop ___________________ 122 E. Liberty St. P. 8020 S THE MICHIGAN DAILY TYPING-Miss L. M. Hyoo,414 Ve do fine Shoe e irn CLASSIFIED Maynard St. Phone 5689. 4 0, ADVERTISING TRANSPORTATION-21 ~. RATESDriyeway gravel, washed pebbles Effective as of February 14, 1939 Killins Gravel Company. Phony - f ,12c per reading line (on bs is of 7113.- a THERCANE five average words to line) for one W42 E-Cal passenger, to ILyrich=- o r two insertions. bV, \Va. via:,Coubus ah A; Minim u of 3 lines per inner- , s ;14e pn tise 1e.sis o. pmetbefqre the~ ad is insrtd. f t i,,inconvnient for ..ya,,,Pp call 46p iroffices to rake FrDlvro payment, a, messenger will be siltFo Deiry f C to pick up your ad at a slight extra B EER ALES, W [ N ES, char a of lIc- CHAMPAGNES For further information call 23-24-1, or stop t 420 1Maynard and MIXERS. Street. Chips, Pop Corn, Pretzels STRAYED, LOST, FOUND -1J LOST-ShelJ-r7 ned glasses in blac$: The+ case. Lost mpnth ago., Name insidey of case. Bob Wagner. 2-2565.I LOQST-Ai roll of currency, Saturday.ce V ul Reward. Phone 2-252 1, ext. 20 5. 1 0 303 N'orth Fift Ave. W LOST-Ben Rus. wristwatch on Fri;- DRIVE IN SERVICE i day. night. Finder -please cal~I________I Thomas J. Mc~enna, 6539. 80 =-- ---.: ...tned nPge4 We carry ARROW a complete line of SHIRTS and TIES The Foremost Clothiers In Washtena O Count, tDOWNTOWN - Nesct to the Wuerth Theatre ON S7R IKE DO wx DOWN W/7W wrif % SHOART4MACTP t"'"'4RkM7 I OIA CAL 2676 SO$ ; A RE you a conscientious objector to shorts that creep ..aw you ;n two ... and haggle t1he life out of you? Stand up for your rights ...or >get them sitting. down... you're enfitled to comfort either way... and Arrow means to give it to you. Buy several pFairs of Arrow seamless crotch shorts and you'llbe sitting pretty, they're woniderful! Once r yu ty them you''ll never -,-- wear the ordinary kind. bieand fancy patterns, .d ' e 'abrics, all San- , s, forized - Shrunk (fabri hik ge ls h n ic Gripper snaps instead of buttons, elastic or tie Topas . . .. . .. 50c AI1BOJ1Y UNDR4FA SH4IRTS .. . COLLARS.. . TIES . HAN~DKERCHIEF'S FRIDAY, NOV. 17, 1939 1940 are urged to consult the DOB notice of the Bureau and to enroll immediately. Faculty, College of Literaturp, Si- epee, and the Arts: Midsemester reports are due not later than Saturday, Nov. 18. More cards, if needed, can be had at nmy off ice. These reports should namffe those st~idents, freshman and upperciass, at the Flight Training Progranm Wil BeginNext Week The Ann Arbor Airport has received a contract authorizing it to serve as the base of' the Civil . Aeronautics Au- thority Civilian Pilot Training ,Piro- gram here, George M.f Downs,, head of the airport and CAA instructor; announced yesterda.y Before flight training, can begin, however, the contract mnust be re- tu.~rned to Washington for final ap- provaL li ght instru~cti~on, -delayed more than' a month by legal snags in the. contracts, will probably begin next week. - - One r~esult of the ,delay will be the necessity of seeding up the early stages of the flight instruction. A restatement of CAA rules received -here provides for more intensive train~- ing during the early stages of the programn, bu.t lim~its the number of hours each student may spend in the air. Thie contract sged by Ann~, Arbor Airport officials stipuilates tIhat each studIenit -shall receive. a minimumn. of 35 hours -o f flighit instructio~ndurn the prograan~ld outlines the correct imethodof teac~hing. _. or- ARMORY Lajdies Admitted .FREE Red Ritz playing Friday, Saturday 9-1 )ID CA MERA COLUM N OFNI W "' A '-E ' 'FRANCE'S MOST :UNUSUAL PICTURE!" 'FRANCE'S OUTSTAN DING PERFORMANCE!" 1 Winner of two MINNOW ihe, A dix Awaj W i SC% rds! Engish Titles I' ERIC von STSOHEItvIand M ICHEL SIMON 130T5' CHOOL (Les Disporus de St, Agil) " With SERGEaGRAVE Directed by Christiaon aque *A Columbia Release Lydia MENDIELSSOHN Theatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY Odnly -- 'Iov: l17-18at 8:15 All Seats Reserved Tickets 35c Box Office Open : Thurs., Nov. 16-- 10:00 A.M. LOSTS-Waltham wrist watch Satur- day on campus. Call 6760. Re-, ward. 84 -FOR 'RENT=-5 FOR RENT-Single room, graduate- girl preferred. 'Call 4143 morningg - or afternoon, or 5665 after 4:30. LAUNDERING - 9 LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low ,prices. 1 TYPING--Experienced. Miss Allen;,, 40.8.S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 orF 2-1416. 34 PRISCII The ujifor cu "Four "aug ters Courage, fight shoulder the world! A. affair will cal q and live in yo Paeseterso ~u 1seo m orer R~ 40 s i- : I BY I I "nd 3 Drew Person Robert S. Adlen i Shows Today at 2-4-7-9 'P.M. STARTING TO1DAY! I3 M USKETEER$ OFE M11RTIH IN LUNACY UN DER CANVAS! -Y It's a howl! RI's tuneful.' It's girl-fillet! - SIt's gr and I F OR a clear and true picture of the course of national affairs, look to The Washington Merry-Go-Round. You'll find in this column of report and interpre- tation and character-sketch, the salient and simply put and untwisted facts you want to know. You'll find out the who's who back of the ballyhoo, the interests underlying issues, previews of news in the making, diagnoses of developments. And you'll find The Washington Merry-Go" Round U IM M * U l