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November 16, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-16

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1 .



ctIfItiMOARD.uOm a oVSTI O£ PJw4/T41MR wt -
lited and managed by students of the University of
ligan under the authority of the Board in Control of
lent Publications.
blished every morning except Monday during the
rersity year and Summer Session..
Member of the Associated Press
e Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
foi republication of all news dispatches credited to
rt not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
ts of republicatioi of all other matters herein also
te a s aLhe Pot ffrice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
dbscrdiptios dring regular school 'ear by carrier,
'by m.ai,-4,5G.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
tuber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40
Editorial Staff

Att Maraniss
i M. Swinton
ton L. Linder
nan A. Schorr
tis Flanagan
a N. Canavan


Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Women's Editor
* Sports Editor

Business Staff

SS Manager.
usiness Mgr., Credit Manager
s Business Manager
s AdvertisingManager
tions Manager



. Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
ane Mowers
*Harriet S. Levy

The editorials published in The Michigan
)aily are written by members of The Daily
taff and represent the views of the writers

r Hook Or Crook
iey All Come Out.


R ECENT SCANDALS in many of our
penal institutions have proved con-
clusively to the American public that all ij
not well with its prison system.
Prison breaks, resulting in loss of life at Jack-
son and Marquette, the mass escape of 13 danger-
ous youths from the St. Charles (Ill.) School
for Boys and the outbreak of typhoid fever
among the inmates of an institution at Man-
teno, Ill., are examples of recent outrages on
the public safety, outrages which call for im-
mediate and decisive steps for improving our
prison system.
First and most necessary step to be taken is
the strengthening and tightening of our civil
service systems, and their extension in the field
of prison employees. Obviously, as their jobs
do not involve formation of policy, employees
must be taken as including wardens and men
of similar rank. V
Use of the Spoils System for employing prison
help too often means that men physically unfit
or professionally unqualified are appointed to
posts of responsibility, merely because of party
affiliation. A glaring example of the dire need
for civil service in this field is the fact that, in
a nearby penal institution, two guards were dis-
covered who actually were "graduates" of that
institution! Moreover, because of the strong
political connections of these two men, it re-
quired three months to get rid of them! No
wonder the suggestion is advanced that "by hook
or crook" be appended to the maxim, "they all
come out!"
A second step toward the betterment of -our
prison system concerns procedure inside prisons,
and relates to both guards and prisoners. Guards,
even after passing civil service tests, do not
always keep their original high standards. To
avoid such occurrences, special schools are being
set up, especially by the Federal Government,
to train guards. Medical and psychiatric train-
ing is also given.
When a prisoner enters a Federal prison now,
he undergoes a complete mental and physical
examination. Then, during his entire prison
career, accurate and up-to-date reports on these
two phases of his condition are made. This
represents a long stride in the rehabilitation pro-
gram now widely advocated for prisons. Other
steps in this direction can be taken.
The third step in this program for prison
reform must be taken in the courts. It is inP
perative that judges, in consigning convicted
wrongdoers to prisons, take into more strict
consideration the type of criminal involved, and
select the penal institution accordingly. More
than 76 escapes from the St. Charles reforma-
bory in the last year have proved that mere
youthfulness in a prisoner does not entitle him
o a place in a prison without bars. It is surely
rue that first offenders, at least those of previ-
usly unquestionable reputation, should not be'
allowed to mingle with hardened criminals in
'stricter" prisons. However, with recent examples
n mind, greater care must be exercised in com-
nitting wrongdoers to penal institutions whose
routines are all too tempting to warped minds
bent on escape.
-Howard A. Goldman,
Amid the ferocious wars with Sparta, Athens
achieved that splendor of mind from which
items modern science, philosophy, choral dramna
andi architetre. AAmid three 4cenuries f nf i

Statue Smashing
And Opportunity..
A STORY of a heart-broken sculp-
turess shared the headlines with
Europe's war yesterday. She was Mrs. Adelaide
Johnson, widely known for her statues of Ameri-
can feminist leaders, who was smashing some
of her artistic creations to bits in order to save
storage rent.
She had been ordered out of her studio resi-
dence, a few blocks from the nation's capitol in
Washington. The building had been sold after
she was unable to pay taxes and interest. So
she set about chipping and breaking her statuary.
A half dozen pieces were damaged before Rep.
Sol Bloom of New York heard of her plight and
arranged to delay eviction proceedings. Bloom
said that he found her home too cold to live in,
while $100,000 worth of sculpture was strewn
about the various rooms.
It is a tragic tale that has been repeated too
often in our supposed land of opportunity. It
is only unique because of the sympathetic pube
licity which has been flashed toward Mrs. John-
son by the nation's newspapers. Once again the
world has been shown that our civilization is one
that fails miserably in providing happiness for
individuals who worship a value that is different
from the glinten dollar sign.
Americans would do well to use Mrs. Johnson's
unhappy story as an indication that some of
the world's serious problems lie in the untouched
horizons beyond European battlefields.
-Paul Chandler
'By Young Gultiver
Gulliver's words can indicate one of two
things: Either he is grossly ignorant of facts,
or he is closely allied with the communist hypo-
crites. Such statements as: "Why are the
Communists being persecuted? . . . The plain
fact is that the Communists are now an extreme-
ly small, isolated group . . . they are no greater
menace to American democracy than they were
six months ago," are sufficient to substantiate
to me either of the above alternatives. The fact
that he admits the Communists were a threat,
a menace six months ago is consoling. If he
knew communism, and I know he does, he'd know
why they are persecuted. If he knew fact, he'd
know that they aren't an isolated group or a
small group.
The progress that the Communist Party has
made in the United States is astounding when
we realize that there are more communists in
this country today than there were in Russia
when the Communists seized control of the
government. One must not be misled by the
small membership or by the small number of
votes cast for Communist candidates. Five
years ago reliable statistics indicated that the
total membership of the C.P. did not exceed
14,000. Four years ago statistics indicated that
the, membership had grown to 24,000. That
means an increase of 10,000 in a single year.
Today there are close to 100,000 duly enrolled
members in the American section and at least
300,000 active Communist workers outside the
enrollment lists. Communism is growing more
rapidly in U.S. than in any other country in the
world including Russia. Pravda, a Moscow paper,
says there has been a world-wide increase of
Commies of about 100 per cent. From this we
may calculate that the C.P. in the U.S. is in-
creasing at a rate superior to that of the party
as a whole, close to 300 per cent. Browder said
recently that the U.S. was the country most ripe
for the revolution; it's small wonder with the
number of strikes we've witnessed.
If Young Gulliver is ignorant of fact, he has
.no place in the editorial columns of The Daily.
If he's one of the hypocrites, I don't think The
Daily is the place for him either, especially when

we want to make The Daily worth reading. I'd
rather see The Daily a paper of truth and knowl-
edge. Our columnist seems too- "Young" to
know; his statements are fabulous enough to
make him "Gulliver;" his wisdom captious
enough to make his column a "Cavil."'
-John O'Hara, '42L
THE mailman. brought in the above letter
together with three bills and a notice from
the Library that one of their tomes is three
months' overdue. The O'Hara letter was by
far the most iritating item.
Mr. O'Hara's ad hominems are hardly worthy
of a reply, and Gulliver is not going to take up
a column to disprove the charge that he was
seen emerging from the Parrot arm in arm
with Joe Glotzky, who has been on pro for six
years running and who is known as the Micht
gan Master Mind for the reds.
Gulliver is going to reiterate several of the
points he made in the column which annoyed
Mr. O'Hara. (1) Democracy means, among
other things, freedom of speech and freedom
of assemblage. Gulliver is cockeyed enough to
believe that this freedom (according to the
Constitution) extends to Communists, Nudists,
Freethinkers, and Hamandeggers; further-
more, once you deprive any minority of its
constitutional rights, you are weakening the
bases of democracy just that much. (2) There
is a war in Europe. As long as the war goes on,,
the danger exists that America will be drawn
in. That danger can only be increased if anti-
war groups in this country (Socialists, Com-
munists, Pacifists, etc.) are suppressed.


will go to Mine. Bey's place
at Summit, N.J., and extend
an official welcome to the
new heavyweight ambassa-
dor of good will who has just
come up from Chile.
The Secretary of State has'
been particularly concerned
with fostering good will be.*
tween the United States and-
the lands to the south of us.

Heywood Broun
Nobody is likely to begrudge the hard-working
Mr. Hull a few days of croquet in Georgia. But
when he returns from his vacation I trust he

And one of the things which are still scored
against us in Latin America is the deal which
Luis Angel Firpo received at the hands of Demp-
sey and the referee. Arturo Godoy purposes
to right the ancient wrong which was suffered
by his confrere from the Argentine 16 years ago
at the Polo Grounds.
The affair constituted what is known to diplo
mats as an incident. It is true that the Argen-
tine government made no official protest, but
the entire populace of South America yelled
"Murder!" And so when Arturo fights Joe
Louis for the heavyweight crown in February
I think that Cordell should be in the corner of
the Chilean to yell "Foul!" and protect the rights
of Latin America if the need arises. The offenses
committed against the Wild Bull of the Pampas
were peculiarly dreadful, for Firpo was a Cabal-
lero of the Great Courage and Courtesy.
As a matter of fact, he did suffer, emotionally
at least ,from the failure of the then current
Secretary of State to permit him the immunity
generally conferred upon ambassadors. At Ellis
Island a large young lady was expunged from
the expedition. She said she traveled in the
capacity of secretary, but according to Bill Mc-
Geehan, when a machine was placed before her
she gave one frightened look and sought to oper-
ate it with her feet, under the impression that
it was some new type of sewing machine. Arturo
Godoy is accompanied by his wife, Mrs. Ledda
Godoy, which makes things simpler.
The moment Firpo began to train the Ameri-
can press picked on him and minimized his tal-
ents. Although Luis never had any English, he
learned to spot his own name in a sporting page,
and then he would get somebody to give him a
rough translation.
"What does he say about me?" Firpo would
"I regret to inform you," said a substitute
secretary on one occasion, "that this Senor Dick
Little of Chicago refers to you as a piece of
Firpo put Senor Little away in his memory
book and weeks later, when he was sparring, a
handler informed him, "He is here at the ring-
side, this Senor Little," and he pointed out tlt
culprit to the huge fighter.
Firpo stopped boxing, and for a second there
was a fear that he might cross the ropes to get
at his critic. Instead he merely said in Spanish
in the general direction of Dick Little, "You have
called me a piece of cheese. Very well, I will have
my revenge. I will not bow to you."
But on the night of the big bout, when the
fists began to fly, not even the officials were
punctilious. Dempsey never went near a neutral
corner on any knockdown. In fact, he crowded
and lambasted Luis again as soon as the fallen
gladiator had risen to one knee. Then in the
last few seconds of the most amazing round ever
fought Firpo slugged Dempsey out of the ring.
It was partly push and partly punch, but it
didn't do Dempsey any good. Jack hung like
a stricken vessel across the middle rope for a
fractional second, and then went down by the
stern in the direction of the working press. He
was aimed directly at Grantland Rice and Hype
Igoe, and out of a sheer instinct of self-protection
they rose to break his fall and push him off their
typewriters and back into the ring. But Hype,
who was partisan, did more than that. He had
a pencil with a sharp point, and he dug it deep
into Dempsey's anatomy to bring him back from
the mists to fighting pitch.
Such a thing must not happen again. Latin-
American friendship is too vital. And so I truss
that between rounds of croquet Cordell Hull will
practice counting up to ten and saying, "Boys,
break clean." Spiritually at least he must be
the third man in the ring and the protector of
the rights of Chile against the lefts of Louis.
On Trial
Humane people the world over find their
sympathy flowing toward Germany at this
moment. An almost unexplainable bombing
has occurred, and scores of persons, either be-
cause of their race or their liberal convictions,
are under arrest as suspects. Popular sympathy
flows to these unfortunates.
The policy of subordinating justice to politi-
cal expediency, or disregard for the individual
whenever the so-called needs of the State con-

flicted with the individual's right to the pursuit
of happiness, to liberty, or even to life-this
policy has become identical with National Social-
ism. No suspects the authorities of the Third
Reich can round up will be more on trial in the
eyes of world opinion than National Socialist
The extreme threat made by Field Marshal
Goering more than two years ago against any
who might attempt an exploit like the Munich
bombing resounds through the world's memory
today. "Woe to him who plays with fire. Not
only he, not only a number, but all who are

Drew Pedrscn
Robet. Allen
WASHINGTON - The Admirals
may not like it, but the Navy is in
for some rigorous overhauling at the
next session of Congress. Already
Congressman Vinson of Georgia,
chairman of the House Naval Affairs
Committee, nas introduced a bill
aimed to cut out
t he rivalry be-.
tween the Bureau
o f Engineering
and the Bureau of
Construction and
Repair. It was the
bungling of these
bureaus which re-
sulted in the top-
heavy construc-
tion of the new
Most people don't realize it, but the
organization of the Navy today is a
fearful structure based upon the Nav-
al Bill of 1842. One feature of this
organization is a serio-comic division
of responsibility for construction and
design, which may be hard on the
taxpayer, but serves as a perfect
alibi for the Admirals in case of de-
fective ships.
Real scandal in the Navy, how-
ever, is not the defective destroyers,
but the ossified
intellects of cer-
tain officers who
are responsible for
hamstringing any
attempts at naval
research. %
During the 1938
session of Con-
gress, theiHouse
included in the.
naval appropria-
tion bill $15,000,-.
000 for experimentation and research,
but when it got to the Senate the
Admirals ruled it out. It is not often
that any government department
refuses a virtual gift of $15,000,000.
But the Admirals were quite firm
about it.
"The Navy sees no reason why
there should be any authority in-
corporated in this bill for use of the
money as provided in the House
bill," they told the Senate Naval
Affairs Committee.
The only navy man who publicly
opposed the Admirals on this was
Commander Charles E. Rosendahl,
former commandant of the naval air
station at Lakehurst, N.J. Shortly
after his testimony, Rosendahl was
detailed to sea duty.
A vigorous plea for more naval
research also came from Leste' P.
Barlow, developer of the high-pow-
ered aerial bomb, who said:
"Successful military technicians
in civilian life have received such
rotten treatment from naval bureau-
crats in the past that they hesitate to
offer their inventions for pariotic
uses. The result is that naval mili-
tary research is almost stultified."
But at the next session of Con-
gress legislation will be renewed pro-
viding more naval research-whether
the Admirals like it or not.
Air Monopoly
New Dealer's won't admit it, but
while one branch of their administra-
tion is tracking down monopolies in
the Justice Department, another
branch in the Civil Aeronautics
Authority is fostering a monopoly of
the most modern vehicle of trans-
portation-transatlantic transporta-

tThe CAA hearings on a new trans- '
atlantic air route, requested by Amer-
ican Export Airlines, has developed
into a farce. CAA attorneys have
bogged the question down with tech-
nicalities and apparently tried to
steer away from t he main issue,
namely whether Pan American Air-
ways shall be given a monopoly of all
air routes outside the U.S.A.
The CAA attorney, Sam Gates,
even took the initiative in moving to
set aside American Export's petition
for an air route to Italy, on the
ground that it had not received
landing privileges there.
Real fact is that no company can
receive landing privileges in foreign.
countries until the State Department
chooses to request them, which makes
the State Department and the Gov-
ernment the absolute dictator of the
Seven federal judgeships-two on
the Customs Court, two on Appeals
benches and three in district courts
-are on the President's desk wait-
ing to be filled. No appointments
will be made, however, until Con-
gress reconvenes in January . . .
Alsorpending in Congress is a bill
to create five new judicial seats,
which if passed before adjournment
next June will enable Roosevelt to
name the judges. . . .The Presi-
dent's proclamation shifting Thanks-
giving from Nov. 30 to the 23rd may

THURSDAY, NOV. 16, 1939
VOL. L. No. 46

Hospitalization Groups Announce-t
ment. A series of meetings has beent
arranged for the purpose of givingt
publicity to the arrangements avail-
able to members of the University
staff through group hospital associa-
tions. These meetings will be held
on the dates stated below and will
be addressed by Mr. John R. Man-
nix, Executive Secretary of the Michi-
gan Society for Group Hospitalization.
The meetings will all be held at 4:15
p.m. at the Natural Science Auditori-
um. In order that all interestecmay
have an opportunity to hear the state-
ments of Mr. Mannix and to ask ques-
tions and to participate in the discus-
sion the University staff has been
tentatively divided into tgroups for
these meetings as stated below. How-
ever, any person who finds the date
assigned to his group inconvenient
will be welcome to attend with any3
one of the other groups.
At each of these meetings, also,
there will be present either Dean A. C.
Furstenberg or Vice-President James
D. Bruce, or both, to give informa-
tion with respect to arrangements
thus far not entirely complete for fur-
rishing group medical service.
Nov. 20: Faculty of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts.
Nov. 21: Faculties of Engineering,
Architecture, Medicine, and Dentis-
Nov. 22: Faculties of Law, Gradu-
ate School, Forestry and Conserva-
tion, Education, Pharmacy, Music,
and Business Administration.
Nov. 24: Staffs of the Libraries,
Museums, Hygiene and Public Health,
Physical Education, Extension, Michi-
gan Union and Michigan League.
Nov. 27: General administration, all
clerical employees (offices may close
at 4:10 p.m. or as required), Build-
ings and Grounds, Stores, and Dormi-
Nov. 29: Health Service, Universityl
Hospital, and any others omitted from
this schedule.
Shirley W. Smith.
Faculty, College of Engineering
meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 21, at 4:15
p.m., in Room 348, West Engineering
Building. The agenda will include:
Routine Business; Progress Reports
cn the Cooley Foundation, from the
Committee on Coordination and
Teaching, and on Enrollment.
A. H. Lovell, Secy.

Schools of Education Freshmen:
Courses dropped after Wednesday,
Nov. 22, will be recorded with the
grade of E except under extraordi-
nary circumstances. No course is
considered officially dropped unless
it has been reported in the office of
the Registrar, Room 4, University
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
has received notice of the following
United States Civil Service examina-
tions. Last date for filing applica-
tion will be Dec. 11.:
Orthopedic Mechanic (Bracemak-
PH r salarv :A2 $000_

Bay City, Benton Harbor, Birming-
ham, Bronson, Caro, Chelsea, Cold-
water, Cranbrook, Culver, Dearborn,
Detroit (Cass, Central, Cooley, Coun-
try Day, Denby, Eastern, Mackenzie,
Miss Newman's, Northeastern, Nor-
thern, Northwestern, Pershing, Red-
ford, Southeastern, Southwestern,
Western),. Detroit University School,
DeVilbiss, Dowagiac, East Grand Rap-
ids, Ecorse, Elyria, Fenton, Ferndale,
Flat Rock, Flint, Greenville, Grosse
Pointe, Hastings, Highland Park,
Howe, Howell, Jackson, Kingswood,
Kiskiminetas, Lansing, Lincoln Park,
Manchester, Marshall, Mendon, Mi-
lan, Monroe, Mt. Clemens, New Trier,
Niles, Northville, Onsted, Owosso, Pe-
quaming, Plymouth, Pontiac, Port
Huron, River Rouge, Royal Oak, Sagi-
naw, St. Joseph, Saugatuck, South
Lyon, Standish, Three Rivers, Tren-
ton, Walled Lake, Watervliet, Wayne,
Wyandotte, Ypsilanti.
Ira M. Smith, Registrar.
Freshmen, College of Literature,
Science, and The Arts: Freshmen
may not drop courses without E grade
after Saturday, November 18. In ad-
ministering this rule, students with
less than 24 hours of credit are con-
sidered freshmen. Exceptions may
be made in extraordinary circum-
stances, such as severe or long con-
tinued illness.
E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean
College of Architecture: Midsemes-
ter reports indicating students en-
rolled in this college doing unsatis-
factory work in any unit of the Uni-
versity are due in the office of the
college, Saturday, Nov. 13. Report
blanks for this purpose may be se-
cured from the office of the college or
from Room 4, U.H.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar.


C, b ay . ,vv .
Teacher's Certificate Candidates for Orthopedic Mechanic (Shoemaker
February, June and August 1940: Reg- and Leatherworker), salary: $2,000.
istration with the Bureau of Appoin- Orthopedic Mechanic (Limbmak-
dents and Occupational Information, er), salary: $2,000.
which is required before a certificate Associate Textile Engineer, -Salary
may be issued, is now taking place. $3,200.
As..a late registration fee of $1 is Assistant Textile Engineer, salary:
charged after Nov. 22, candidates for $2,600.
1940 are urged to consult the DOB Junior Engineer (all branches),
notice of the Bureau and to enroll salary: $2,000.
immediately. The Bureau has also received an
announcement of an examination to
The Automobile Regulation will be be given by the United States Mari-
11fted for the Thanksgiving holiday time Commission for Deck Cadet and
period at 12 noon on Wednesday, Engineer Cadet in the Merchant
Nov. 22, until 8 a.m. on Friday, Nov. Marine of the United States. Last
24. date for filing application will be
Dec. 21.
ROTC. Uniforms wlil be issued from Complete announcements on file
Headquarters between the hours of at the University Bureau of Appoint-
8:30 and 4:30 today. ments and Occupational Information,
201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- and 2-4.
tificate: A tentative list of candidates University Bureau of Appointments
in the School of Education, College and Occupational Information.
of Literature, Science, and the Arts,
College of Architecture, and Gradu- Registration: All candidates for po-
ate School to be recommended for the sitions who desire to register with the
Teacher's Certificate in February and University Bureau of Appointments
June 1940 has' been posted on the and Occupational Information during
bulletin board in Room 1431 U.E.S. this school year should obtain regis-
Any student whose name does not tration blanks at the Bureau, 201 Ma-
appear on this list should report this on Hall, on the following days: Wed-
fact at once to the Recorder of the nesday, Thursday, Friday, Nov. 15-17,
School of Education, 1437 U.E.S. and Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 20-21.
Hours 9-12 and 2-4. (Attention is
Student Loan Committee meeting called to the fact that Saturday is
in Room 2, University Hall to be held omitted, as Saturday is regularly re-
at 2 p.m. Monday, Nov. 20. All appli- served for out of town people). Blanks
cations to be considered for the meet- are to be returned within 7 days.
ing must be filed in Room 2 before The Bureau has two divisions:
Saturday, Nov. 18, and appointments °Teaching and general. The general
made with the Committee. I livision registers people for positions
lof all kinds other than teaching.
Upperclassmen: Former students of } Both seniors and graduate students,
the junior colleges at Bay City, Flint, I as well as staff members, are eligible
Highland Park, Muskegon, and Port ito enroll. Only one registration is
Huron are reminded of the confer- held during the school year and every-
ences with their former deans in the one who will be available in February,
Main Lecture Hall of the Horace H. June, August, or at. any other time
Rackham School of Graduate Studies during the year, should enroll now.
Thursday morning, Nov. 16. Any There is no fee for enrolling, but be-
other students from these colleges ginning Nov. 22, by order of the Board
who may not have been notified by of Regents, a late registration fee of
mail are invited. $1 will be charged.
Ira M. Smith, Registrar. University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.

Freshmen from the following high'
schools are reminded of the confer-
ences with their former principals
in the Horace H. Rackham School of
Graduate Studies Thursday morning,
Nov. 16:
Albion, Ann Arbor, Battle Creek,
Forestry Group
To HoldMeeting
A talk by Willard S. Bromley, assist-
-a vnf r n f si~^t? v 1ttii a- a

The men who left certificates of
eligibility in the Union Student Of-
fices in connection with class elec-
tions or the Union staff may secure
them by calling at the Union Stu-
dent Office any day from 3 to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday.
History 11, Lecture II: Midsemester,
Tuesday, Nov. 21, at 10 a.m. Mr.
Slosson's and Mr. Ewing's discussion
sjwtionsmeet. in 231 A.H.: al others

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