THE ,MICHIG AN DAILY THUJRSDAY, NOV. 16, U pool Group College ToPlc iual Principals' Parley pens Today; *Membhers .epresent__Five States. discussion of the problems of r education confronting high 1 graduates will highlight the annual principls" meetinag at p~nm. toda~y in the Grand R~ap- oom of the League. One hun- and forty teachers, principals ,uperintendents represen~ting sec- ry shools in five states are ex- e purpose of the parley, accord- oRegistrar Ira M. Smith, is the Zg of problems of mnutual in- ~to the former teachers of stu- >eroJled at th.e University, and admiission officers and instruc- here. shmen1 will also be :given the rtunity to confer with the dele- from their preparatory schools, :e of appointments for confer- 3have been sent through the e program for the day has been ucdas folows : 8 a.m. to 12 today, student conferences. at lackham Bldg.; 12:15 p.m., lun- i at the League for representa- and members of the University 1:30- p~,discussion in the ,d Rapids Room of thLw eague. k Dances To Feature Carillon Concert Toda4y Af. Percival Price willJ present a d ~program in his carillon concert pm. today. e concert will open with a group lk dances, "~The Floral Dance,? nish May Dance," 'The Keel " . Flemish Peasant Dance" and ntry Gardens." TIwo selections Verdi's Rigoletto," "Caroe Nome" '3$ela Figlia" will follow. A of Canadilan airs, 'Marianne t~o th~e 1Mil," "At The Cear Lig Fou.ntain," ,"ThLle Oar That is Us Onward," and "Vive la diennew," will e folowed-by two "~Calm as the Night" by Busch "Serenade" by Schubert which dose the programn. Gun AndSoidiers iMake ilhouette Silhouette Of Death-For anyone interested in canting out "a real- life silhouette, there's this good examplie of soldiers and ani -aircraft guns etched against the glare of searchlights at dFart Story, Va., Guns. ar three-inchers. W air Not IFor M inmraI ResouCr a a u 'l .L vres; French Movie To ieSkown) . For Two Days Winner of two French Film Aca- demy awards, "Boys' School,"'French production dealing with life in a Pari-: sian boardling school, will open a two- day engagemnent at 8:15 pam. tomor-, row at the Lydia Mendelssbhn The- titre. To be shown where, under the auspi- ces of the Art Cinema League, "Boys' Sch~ool" was chosen as th~e mst un- usual French film. of, the Year and the performance of character actor Mich- el Simon won for him the Prix Pierre Batcheff of. the Academy for the miost original characterization. "Boys' School" tells of the adven-; tures of three young students who, in trying to keep alive a secret society which they had ;started, find them- selves embroiled in the behind-the- school-room lives of two of their teachers. An all-masculine cast, headed by Eric Von -Stroheim and Simon, por- trays the principal parts. The three boys' roles are taken by. Serge Grave,. Myarcel Mouloudii and Jean, Claudio. 'Tickets for; the film will go. on sale at 10 a.m. today at the ,League box- office. All seats will be reserved. AvkaiPlans 'two Speeehes Midwest D§irector To Talk Oan Modern Palestine Leslie Seligman, midwest director of Avukah, national student Zionist organization, will lead a discussion on "Jewish Youth Looks .At Palestine" at 8 pam.,tomorrow in the Hillel Foun- dation, immediately following the regular Friday night Conservative Services. Th~e discussion will highlight a special Avukah weekend at the Foun- dation which also includes a special meeting at. 3.p.m. Saturday at which both Seligman and Joseph Epstein, anote .Avukah leader, will speak, and a social at 8:30,p.m. Sunday. These two speakers have done ex-, ceptional work in building up Avukah in this country, Ben. Gotibh, '40, presi- dent of the. Michigan Avukah said, and because of their outstanding knowledge of the subject thjey should be able to 4contribute a. great deal in informing us of conditions in Pales- tine. BuntingTo Present Vocational Address THE MICHIGAN DAILY C LASSIF I ED a ADVERTISING RATIS 2f jective as o f Febrary 14, 1939 12c per reading line (on basis of five average. words to linp;) for one. or.:-two insertions. 10c per ;.rading line for threeor more iniseions. Minimum of 3 lines per inser- lion.~ These low rates are on the basis of cash payment before, the ad is inserted.'If it is inconvenient for you to call at our offices to make payment; a messeng er willi be sent to pick up your ad at a .slight extra- charge of 10c. For further information call 23-24-1, or 1stop at 4,20 Maynard Street. S'TRAYEDt),LOS T, .POCUN D --1 LOST-Shen~-rimmed glasses in black case. Lost month ago. Name inside of caSe. Bob A agn~r. 2-2565. LOST-One cameo ring in sterling setting. Reward for return. ,lstberI Counts, 508 Mosher Hall. Phone 2-4. 7s LST-",;A roll of currency, Saturday. RePward. Phone 2-2521, ext. 205. 79 LOST- 'Ben, Rus .wristwatch 'on Fri- day night. Finder please call Thomas J. McKenna, 6539. $ Two :3OOM ;furnished apartment,: large comfortable living room. and kitch~en," for sgraduate or businessI woman. :Reasonable. Call 24430. FOR RENT-Single room, graduate girl .preferred. Call,,4143. morning or afternoon, or 56-5 after 4:30. ACE HAND LAUNDRY-Wants only} one trial ,to .prove we launder our shirts best. -Let our ~work help you i look neat .,today. x1114 S. Univer,- sity. 19 LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. sCareful work at low prices. 16 BUDGET BUNDLE~ 6 lbs. 9)7c Inc each additional pound Everything Everything Included Finished SUNSHINE -LAUNDRY -Formerly -Sam's Home Laundry Dial 6964 FreePick Up and Delivery TYPING --18 TJYPING-Eixperienced. Miss Allen, 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or 2-1416.. 34 TYPIN-is L. M. Heywood4, 414 Maynard St. Phone 5689. 43 VIOLA STEIN-Experienced typist anid notary puiblicexcellent work. X706 Oakland, phone 6327. -20 MISCELLAKEOUS -Z2 SPECIAI,-$5.50 Machineless Per- .manent $2.50; ~3 oil c9cona $1.50, end permanent $1. Shampoo anid finger~wave 35c. -Phone 8100, 117 Main. 3 TRANSPORTATION -21 WASHED SAND AND .GRAVMIL - Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Company. Phone 7112. 1 THE BUY OF BUYS NAMCO ULTI- CJASSIFIJ! DERIIG FLEX CAMERA IByh WILLIAM LSTIh1MT ";Any statement that this present Euro~pean War is being fought to get Imineral resources is not true," Prof. Thomnas S. Lovering of the geology department declared yesterday, "However," he continued, "minerals LFE cheats a <:.:mney master of 1~\~~everything he r~y hoisds dear ! I IE . i k7 III EDWARD William Carean K~ent Taylor J.Edward Bromberg Katharine Alexanderan,. ROBETSTANTON Selected thro*ugh thle second JESSE L. LASKY'S GA&TEWAY TD HHOLLYWOOD" Talent Search. EXTRA P101ic 1111ll Michigan Iiby ights 1Game '>FRNCE' MOS KUNSUAL PICTURE!" ' KFACE'SOUTSANIDING PERFORMANC~E!" . ~ Winner of two . Academy Englishf +jtles E"RIC ion STIIOIEI and MICHEI. SIMONj (Les Disparus d~e St. Agil) * with SERGE GRAVE Directed bLy .Chri tian Jaque * A Columbia :Release Lyd a MEN 'E LSSON Theatre FRIDAY and ,SATUIWDAY Only - Nov. 17-18 at 8: a15 I ;. i , 11 Albany, N . Y. Boston, MosS. Bu'ffalo, N.Y. Cleelcand, 0. ...$18.0 .. ..$26.15 $75 MIHItGAN UNION T - AVEL BUREAU Lobby of Michigan Union ,Philadelph ia, Pa. Pittsburgh, Pa., Rochestpr, N. Y.. Scranton, Pa:. SpringfieId, Mass. SyrcsNY Utica, N.Y. .. . ..$19.90 ..$15.20 Grand Rapid#,.Mich. .$4.35. I ' , I,',. ;, ! Newark, N.1. .... . New York, N.Y.. . $21 .00 $22,30 Washington, D.C.. .- 1 8.45 Make De~posit4 beginning T..,DAYI -November 16 Reservations close anid Full Fare -due Sat., December9 I , H ours: 10-5 Daily Pone 2-4431 Tomorrow MARX BROTHERS "AT THE CIRCUS". PLANE - BUS VACATION RATES TO BE ANNOUNCED LATER ,. All SeatsReserved Tickets 35c Box Office Open: Thurs., Nov. 16 - 10:.00 A.M. $ i it -Minn. Football Shahs I® yY 1 11SO RI R1 It -11 ENGINEERING BALL- Friday Night- i :1 11 ii 7-1 4, . +5::. J - W :P Ili i A M 4 1 'I'll I ml