THE MICHIG XNDAIIY Clause In Fair Labor Standards Act is Seen As Answer To Child Labor' --.« c= ,' ; .. Ff ed and managed by students of tihe University of an under the authority of the Board in Control of t Publications. ished every morning except Monday during the sity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the Srepublication of all news dispatches credited to not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All of republication of all other matters herein also ,d. red at the Post Ofice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as class mail matter. criptions during regular school year by carrier, >y mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVER-SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers RePresentative 420 MADISON AvE. NEw YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO BOsroN . LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO ber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Editorial Staff 'etersen . . . Managing Editor Maraniss . . . Editorial Director A. Swinton . . . City Editor i L. Linder . . . . Associate Editor SA. Schorr Associate Editor Flanagan . . . Associate Editor N. Canavan . . . Associate Editor leary W. . . . . . Women's Editor neberg . . . . . Sports Editor Business Staff ss M~anager . . Paul R. Park usiness Mgr., Credit Manager #Ganson P. Taggart is Business Manager . Zenovia Skoratko i' Advertising Manager . . Jane Mowers tions Manager . . Harriet S. Levy MIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM ELMER 'he editorials published in The Michigan ly are written by members of The Daily 1 and represent the views of the writers Y. eliavelli ncarnated. By JEAN SHAPERO With the provisions in the Fair Labor Stan- dards Act setting up new regulattins for child workers, the problem of child 1abor legislation is once again a live issue in the public mind. Whether this new law will warkedly affect the status, of child workers remains to be seen, since little action has 'yet been :taken by the Chief of the Children's Bureau in te Department of Labor to exercise the power given him by this law. The clause in the Wage and ,our Act re- ferred to instructs the Cief to investigate pro-' duction in which "oppressive child labor' has been employed. The shipment of such goods in commerce is forbidden by the law and punish- able by a fine of $10,000 or imprisonmnent for six months. Amendment Partly Ratified4 The amendment proppsed ;by Congress in 1924 which would give it power to enact such legislation necessary to improve conditions of child labor has been ratified by only 24 states. The Supreme Court has recently ruled that the amendment can still be ratified even though it has been pending for 15 years. Senator Van- denberg has replied to sme opponents of the amendment (who feel that people of 18 should' no longer be considered "child" labor) by revis- 'ing the amendment to be applicable only to boys and girls up t 16 years of age, but this bill has not yet been acted upon. Necessary To Have Agitatin Constant agitation since 1842 has been re- quired of those desiring child labor legislation in order to make possible as puch progress as has been achieved in the States. However, even in the days of the early American c olnies, people have concerned themselves with how, when, and for what children should work. The early attitude among colonists was that it was good for the child as well as productive. of goods for the community to have every boy and girl engaged in some work. They ,believed "the devil will find work fr idle hands." There was little concern for the health of the child at this time, since the main object was to keep him busy. tNot until 1842 did any state pass regulations about child labor. In that year, the citizens of Fall River, Mass..protested to their legislature that children who worked in factories were in peril both of ruining their health and of com- pletely neglecting their education. The result- ing law provided that children under twelve could' not work ,in factories .more than ten hours a day. Connecticut passed a similar law applying to children under 14. By 1853 eight other states had passed the same type of law. Early Laws Ineffective These early laws were ineffective because they contained many loopholes. Three said that the violations had to be .committed "knowingly," while others permitted children to work longer hours if .they did so voluntarily or if parents gave written consent for them to do so. . The children were too frightened and their parents too ignorant to stop the evils of long hours. Only two states provided for any administration of the laws, while six permitted constables to act if complaints were received. The eight-hour minimum made its first ap- pearance in a law by 1903, and most states have this now, while three states have a 44-hour week. In the beginning these laws applied only J/femrio Me, H leywod B roun I've seen a lot of them come and go in the American theatre, and my impression is that our native drama is far more lusty than it was to factories and in several states commercial establishments are not yet within the law. Employers have fought more furiously against laws shortening the hours for children than against any other laws in connection with child labor. They say enforcement is difficult when a child in the same establishiment as adults works shorter days; they also complain that they cannlot compete with rival business in ad- joning states. Federal Government Opposed To overcome this latter argument, the Federal Government has introduced legislation to cor- rect child laboring conditions uniformly, and has been consistently opposed in every move. Those who decried oppressive child labor might still not support regulation by the national gov- ernment, since they considered this protection a function of the individual state-the child's legal guardian. The first legislation in 1916 coming from Congress was based on its power to regulate, interstate commerce. In 1918 (Hammer vs. Dagenhart) the United States Supreme Court declared that this law excluding from interstate commerce those articles manufactured by chil- dren under 16 years of age was unconstitutional" because these articles were neither in them- selves harmful nor would they produce harm at the end of their journey. The next endeavor by Congress to control child labor came in 1919 when they passed a law placing under special taxes those articles manufactured by children. This also was de- clared unconstitutional in 1922 by the Supreme Court (Drexel vs. Bailey) as being a misuse of the taxing powers of Congress. Then came the amendment of 1924 and the subsequent so-far unsuccessful fight to have it ratified. Church Opposes Legislation One of the opponents of the child labor amend- ment is the church hierarchy. They have op- posed the enactment of laws governing hours of child labor because they see a possibility that the next governmental move will be regulation of parochial schools. Other forces against these laws are from farmers who need their children to help them, and see in such legislation the loss of this indispensable help. This difficulty cannot be met by including only large corpora- tion farms in the scope of the law, because the act then becomes class legislation, prohibited by the 14th amendment. Friends of child labor legislation are now urg- ing that the Children's Bureau act immediately upon its power to help exploited children. Until such action is taken we are still a long way from the duty of child labor laws as expressed by an eminent sociologist: "To protect a child from exploitation at the hands of employers . . . is a task that belongs to their guardian, the State." achiavelli wrote 'The Prince' i the 16th century, he had no vaziiszn; yet, his theory that ous means may be justifiably strong central government is n upon which Hitler bases ch acts as the recent beer- Germay Rejiuats IN France they have a proverb: "The more things change, the more they stay the same." After a lapse of 25 years, the Ger- mans have hauled this present war into the 1914 "Gott strafe England!" phase. No matter what happens, Britain is to blame, according to Ber- lin, just as it was when Ernst Lis-! sauer wrote his fiery "hymn of hate" which made the British responsible for Germany's troubles. Three outstanding happenings within the last few days have sig- nalized the advent of this 1939 coun- terpart of the "God punish Eng- land!" autumn 25 years ago: The attempt on. Hitler's life 'at Munich last Wednesday, his speech there on the same day, and Ger- man reaction to the offer of the' {Queen of Holland and the King of the Belgians to act as mediators in an endeavor to restore peace to Europe. All of these have shown that Eng- land has been elected again to the position of official scapegoat for Ger- many's ills. Once more the full furys of German propaganda bombard- ment is beinghurled at the nation which Lissauer castigated in those sizzling 1914 stanzas. Hardly had the smoke cleared from the Buergerbrau beer cellar in Munich, following the explosion which might easily have cost Hitler his life, before a Berlin paper-of course, with full governmental sanc-7 tion-announced: '"There is no doubt that the English Secret Service has a hand in this affair." This was a fitting sequel to Hit- ler's speech, made at that very Buer-# gerbrau just before the explosion, which was mainly an infuriated har-. angue against Britain in general and against Winston Churchill in particu-e lar. The Fuehrer, who talked nearly an hour, scarcely let five minutes pass at any point in his speech with- out pillorying Britain and covering it with angry sarcasm. "We will now speak to the British in the language they will probably best und rstand," he shouted in one of his typical hysterical outbursts. "The British Government will learn that the- attempt to undertake a police dictatorship must and will fail, for as police officials we cannott 'stand them." CONCERNING Churchill, First Lord of the British Admiralty, selected some time ago by official Nazidom1 as the most dreadful individual in the wholedreadful British Empire, Hitler, after reminding his hearersr that Churchill was one of those main- ly responsible for the World War, cried: "Churchill at that time forced us into war. We had a weak govern- ment. Today he has forced us into war again but we are a strong gov- ernment." Then, working himself into a par- oxysm of hatred, he screamed:s "Where is the much vaunted free-t dom of peoples? Where are all thet promises regarding colonies? Where is the assurance of disarmament?r All lies!" Hitler also expressed resentment at Great Britain's failure to declare war against Russia. The date may be 1939, but the at-s mosphere is 1914. "The more things change, the more they stay the same." In Germany, anyhow. r -T. R. Ybarrac Religious Freedomr Judge William Clark of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals at1 Philadelphia has demonstrated thatt he is as little awed by the tyranny of pressure groups as by the presence-at the bar of such defendants as the .late Dutch Schultz and Mayor Frank Hague. With his associates con- curring, Judge Clark ruled last week that the constitutional guarantee of religious freedom extends to all sects, and that no school child may be forced to salute the American flag if conscientious objections are raised. This decision which goes counter toa the edicts of the Supreme Courts of Massachusetts, New Jersey and Geor- gia, means much more than surcease from annoyance for the relatively small number of Jehova's WitnessesI -the sect that raised the flag salute' issue. It reasserts the fundamental sanctity of individual freedom. If sustained by the Supreme Court, it will call a halt to teachers' oath sta- tutes and all other patriotism byy law. As revolting a legislative exhibition as any that comes to mind was the seriesyof hearings on the Massachu-, setts teachers' oath law in the old Bullfinch Statehouse atop Beacon Hill. On one side were assembled the educators of this "schoolroom of the nation"-from the grade school teachers to the president of Harvard College. On the other side were all the pro- fessional 100 per cent patriots, spy- hunters and crackpots-at-large. They stormed, shouted and threatened. And, although one State senator, mindful of the traditions of this an- cient building, committed pdlitical suicide by telling them plainly of his disdain, they carried the day. Massa- chusetts teachers must now take a humiliating oath as though they were all suspect of treason. DAILY OFFICIAL BULL (Continued from Page 2) ate School to be recommended for the Teacher's Certificate in February and June 1940 has been posted on the bulletin board in Room 1431 U.E.S. Any student whose name does not appear on this list should report this fact at once to .the Recorder of the School of Education, 1437 U.E.S. Phi Beta Kappa: Members from other chapters who wish to affiliate with the Michigan Chapter are cor- dially requested to notify the Secre- tary, Hazel M. Losh, Observatory, giving address, year of election, and chapter where initiated. Students, School of Dentistry: There will be an Assembly this afternoon at 4:15 p.m.,in the Upper Amphitheatre. Professor J. H. Muyskens will speak on the subject, "Personality and Com- munication." All dental students and hygienists are requested to be present. Engineering Ball Tickets will be available the remainder of the week at the Michigan Union desk. Tickets also may be obtained from the fol- lowing committee members: C. Alex- ander, J. Brown, H. Fischer, A. Brandt and R. Goodyear. The sale of tickets is open to all schools. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Oceupational Tnfonnation has received notice of the following United States Civil Service examina- tions. Last date for filing applica- tion will be Dec. 11.: Orthopedic Mechanic (Bracemak- er), salary: $2,000. Orthopedic Mechanic (Shoemaker and Leatherworker), salary: $2,000. Orthopedic Mechanic (Limbmak- er), salary: $2,000. Associate Textile $3,200. Assistant Textile $2,600.- Jurfior Engineer salary: $2,000. 4 ==.-, Engineer, Salary1 Engineer, salary: (all branches), ect commaid of Hitler. First, it is incredible it every square foot of the grounds and build- ;s within a quarter mile radius of the site the Fuehrer's speaking stand was not combed h the thoroughness characteristic of a man o cowers behind bullet-proof glass even when dressing a Gestapo-saturated crowd of his n. Nazis. German sources asserted that the mb weighed approximately 200 pounds and uld require at least two men to place it in ceiling concealment; and still the Nazis ad- t that storm troopers and Gestapo agents >ervised the decoration of the beer-hall. Secret ants who terrorize citizens into eating a speci- I amount of butter each day are not even ious when a group of men hook a 200 pound nb on the ceiling! Second, there is the remarkable coincidence' it the Fuehrer chose this particular time to vate from his custom of remaining after a ech, and that none of his right hand men yed behind to chat with the boys. All seven the casualties were reported to be minor party embers who lived around Munich. ['he third reason the professor gave is even re conclusive. The German censorship reau that suppresses news of the slightest ;tle loses, that squelched practically all news the Polish war, that withheld any hint of the rman-Soviet pact until it was completed, per ted wires to remain open three hours after bombing occurred, giving all German and eign correspondents time to broadcast the vs over the entire world as quickly as possible. is startling contrast to the usual Nazi policy st have some significance. rhe motive for such a Nazi plot is twofold. A r disaster of this type arouses the people's against the government's enemies, and Hit- is made more dear by his bare escape. The vernment's enemies are divided into two ups, foreign and domestic. The ire aroused iinst the foreign group is best illustrated by uotation from the Nazi press, "Now we under- nd the real significance of the Prime Mn- er's words when he said in Parliament at the r's beginning, 'I hope to live to see the day on ich Hitler will be destroyed.' Those are the itish methods--but God Almighty is against m!" And the German people are to believe it if God Almighty is against Britain then He for Hitler. [he domestic group is likely to receive a heavi- burden of blame than Britain.. Conservative iups in Germany have put up a futile but con- nal struggle against Hitlerism, and the 1934 aod purge is a sample result of their efforts. neral von Fritsch was the leader of a powerful cup of conservative industrialists .in .1937; but ien they became too active, the Polish war was of Eugene O'Neill. seen his decline I around the turn of the cen- tury. My first reviewing was done in days when Clyde Fitch was still considered the greatest of the home-grown crop. Today he is deader than 20 doorknobs, and de- servedly. His only gift was a facility, which is not enough 'in any art form. I sat and watched the rise Whether or not I have also cannot say until he rteurns Drew Pe8501 cud t Robert S.Allen WASHINGTON--Reports on the Dutch crisis" which the State Department has been laying on the White House desk are that the Nazis want Holland nots as an air-raiding base against Bri- tain but as a submarine base. The Dutch coast is indented with some of thF best harbors of northern Europe, strategically located along the bottle-neck of the greatest shipping lane in'the world-the English Channel. Moreover secret German strategy is to bring new submarines down the river Rhine into Hol- land. Hitler is reported dickering with the Russians for new submarines, and if the deal goes through, they probably would come from Russia by rail and the Rhine. Queen Wilhelmina The split between Queen Wilhemina and her cabinet over whether to resist German invasion has been serious. The Queen leaned toward a compromise with Hitler, chiefly because she felt sure her country could not withstand the Ger- man onslaught and she wanted to save her people from the same fate as Poland. The Dutch cabinet, on the other hand, was emphatically opposed. Sentiment in Holland is running so strong against Hitler that any compromise would have meant the resignation of the cabinet, Another fear in Queen Wilhelmina's mind, according to diplomatic reports cabled here, is the danger of a Japanese attack upon the Dutch East Indies simultaneous with the German march across the Dutch border. This always has been the strategy planned by the Japanese war lords, but it has been shaken recently by Roosevelt's sudden transfer of the U.S. fleet to Hawaii and by the straight- from-the-shoulder diplomacy of Ambassador Grew. Ism Catalog Defining the various "isms" that dominate the world's economies is no trouble for Edgar Puryear, general PYA employment official. The one-time New Mexico farm boy deals with them in bovine terms, as follows: The Bureau has also received an announcement of an examination toi be given by the United States Mari-I time Commission for Deck Cadet and Engineer Cadet in tire Merchant Marine of the United States. Last] date for filing application will ber Dec. 21. Complete announcements on file at the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall, Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. University Bureau of Appointmentsi and Occupational Information. Registration: All candidates for po- sitions who desire to register with the University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information during this school year should .obtain regis- tration blanks at the Bureau, 201 Ma-. son Hall, on the following days: Wed- nesdy, hursayFriday, Nov. 15-17,1 and Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 20-21.1 Hours 9-12 and 2-4. (Attention is called to the fact that Saturday is omitted, as Saturday is regularly re- served for out of town people). Blanks are to be returned within 1 days. The Bureau -has two divisions:: Teaching and general. The general1 division registers npeople for positions: of all kinds other than teaching. t Both seniors and graduate students, as well as staff members, are eligibleJ to enroll. 'Only' one registration is- held during the school year and every one 'who will be available in February,j June, August, or at any other time. during the year, should enroll not. There is no fee for enrolling, but be- ginning Nov. 22, by order of the Board of Regents, a late registration fee of $1 will be charged. University Bureau of Appointmenits and Occupational Information, R.O.T.C.: Uniforms will be issued from headquarters today between the hours 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Pre-Medical Students: The Medical Aptitude Test of the Association of American Medical Colleges will be giv- en at the University of Michigan on Tuesday, Nov. 28. Since the test is a normal requirement to practically all medical schools, all students who are planning to enter a medical school Py the fall of 1940 should take the ex- amination. This will be the only time that the test will be given before next fall. It is not necessary that all pre- medical requirements be completed at the time the test is taken providing the requirements will be completed in time for entrance to medical schools in ,the fall of 1940. Students whose requirements will not be completed by that time are asked to postpone the examination until another year. The Medical School of the Univer- sity of Michigan especially, urges all students planing to apply for anis- sion in 1940 to write this examina- tion. More complete information may be obtained in Room 4 -University Hall. A fee of one dollar is charged each student taking the examination, which must be paid by Nov. 22 so that the University will be able to order the required number of tests. IWatch this column for fuirtheran give a recital in Hill Auditortu this afternoon at 4:15 p.m. to which the general public, with the exception of s small children, is invited. Exhibitions One hundred original cartoon draw- 'ings from the Cartoonists' Group of New York are being shown in the Iwest exhibition gallery of the Rack- ham Building, daily except Sunday, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., from Nov. 7 to Nov. 20. Architectural Building Exhibition: An exhibit of wood sculpture by Mr. Seth M. Velsey, of Dayton, Ohio, is being shown in the ground floor case of the Architectural Building. Open daily 9 to 5 except Sunday until Nov. 19. The public is cordially invited. Lectures University Leture: Th ;]onorable Lawrence M. Judd, former Governor of H.awaii, wil lecture orn A"awaii, Pivot of the Pacific" under the auspi- ces of the Political Science Depart- ment, on Monday, Nov. 20, at 4:15 p.m. in the Raqkham Amphritheatre. The public is cordially invited Universiy Lecture: Dr. E.LK. Gel- ing, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Pharnacology of the University of Chicago, will lecture on "The 'Comparative Anatomy and Pharmgcology o f t h e Pituitary Gland," under the auspices of the Department of Biological Chepistry, at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, NYv. 30, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. Extraeurrcular 1M4 c1 l tehool Lecture: A Medical Schgol Lecture will be given this afternoqn at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The speaker will be Dr. Le- Moyne Snyder, State Police expert on medical legal advice, and his sub- ject will be "The Doctor and the Law." All Medical School' classes will be dismissed at 4 p.m. in order that the students jmay attend. The public is invited. Dr. Nelson Glueck of Jerusalem will lecture in the Rackham Auditorium on Thursday, Nov. 16, at 4:15 p.m. 'Subject: "Archaeology Today." Ihe public is cordially invited. Lecture: Father Berry, of St. Mary's Students Chapel, will give te sixth lecture in thenseries on "I Believe," which is sponsored by the student Religious Association in the Rackham Amphitheatre today at 8 p.m. Today's Events American Chemical Soeity: Profes- sor G. B. Kistiakowsky of Harvard University will lecture on "Energetics of Some Organic ompouns" in room 303 lhemistry ui n at 4:15 p.m. today. The meeting is open to the public. Graduate Chemistry Receptin for all graduate students and faculty in pure and applied chemistry will be held in the Horace H. Racham Building this evening from 8 to 10 P-1m. Wives of faculty and students are cordially invited. hibits and novelties have been arranged. Re- freshments. Clengeal an d Metalkurgial En- giueerig Seminar: Mr. R. C. Werner will be the speaker at the Seminar for graduate students in chemical and metallurgical engineering today at 4 , p.m. in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. His subject is "The Phase Diagram and Crystal Structure of Sodium-Lead Alloys." All Engineers are invited to attend he A.S.M.E. meeting tonight at 7:30, Michigan Union. The Socony-Vacuum Oil Company's new sound movie, "The Inside Story of the Fundamentals of Correct 'Lubrication" will be shown, followed by a discussion. University Girls' Glee Club: No re- hearsal tonight. Regular rehearsal tomorrow evening at 7:15 in the Game Room of the League. Atten- dance' is compulsory, and all mem- bers are urged to be prompt. International Center, Music Hour: Instead of the announced program, the International Center will present a program of modern Hungarian mu- sic. Take advantage of the opportuni- ty to hear a number of records which have been loaned the. Center by a friend in Detroit. Mathematics Club will meet today at 8 p.m., in the West Lecture Room of the Rackham Building. Dr. Gre- ville will speak on "Optional Stop- ping." Algebra Seminar will meet today at 4 o'clockin 3201 A.H. Miss Wolf 'will continue her talk on "Evaluation Theory."E International Center Tea: Foreign women and wives of foreign students will be held today from 4 to 6 p.m. Marriage Relations Seies n fl with another play. At the moment I would nominate Robert F. Sherwood as the finest American dramatist and George S. Kaufman as by all odds the most adroit of technicians. And if I were a theatrical tycoon I am con- fident that it would be no trouble at all to contrive the great American drama. It could be done by the simple process of mixing two strains. The thing might be as easy as saying, "Mr. Kaufman, I want you to meet William Saroyan." ' Saroyan's present play, "The Time of Your Life," seems to me just about the most exciting thing which our theatre has to offer. -But both his critical enemies and his idolators err when they begin to debate the formlessness of his dramatic venture. People who would throw The Time of Your Life out of the window on the ground that it has practically no plot are silly. And yet I think it is also a mistake to ap- plaud Saroyan on the ground that he has very small comprehension of structure. His gift is