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November 14, 1939 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-14

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Law Student, 4,000 Enroll
" mobile Accident In WPA Adult
tend heMineafootba , Eductiou Plan
cveel tiree Trapture ipsL .Allof
hiiemn were treated at tie University
lostaa Corresponlenlce Courses
Another Casualty Predominate; Program
In other autonubile casualties over Incorporated Into CCC
the weekend John O'Connor, 33 years _rra d tC
old, of Jackson, was killed, and Miss More than 4,000 persons were en-
Dorothy Ballard, 24 years old, a nurse rolled last year in one of the Univer-
at the Veterans hospital, Battle Creek, stiy's least mentioned branches, the
was critically injured. sIyseatmnindrnhshe
wa'c rc ally iured. n I educational program it offers to those
O'Connor was killed when hit by who are unable to go to college.
an automobile as he walked across
US-12 near Sylvan Center about 7 Operating as a part of the Michi-
p.m. Sunday. The driver of the car, gan Work Projects Administration
John L. Albey, of Detroit, told Prose- and through the University's Exten-
cutor Rapp that'he did not see the sion Service, the preparatory and vo-
pedestrian until too late to avoid hit- 'cational courses offered are incorpor-
ting him. Albey was released. ated into the Pederal program of
Miss Ballard suffered severe shock, adult education.
concussion of the brain, a probable Many of the courses we-e prepared
skull fracture and spinal injuries in by the Extension Service and the
a two car collision on US-12, 11 Teachers' College of the University of
miles west of Ann Arbor, at 10:30 Nebraska. All types of courses are
p.m. Sunday. Three other persons, offered, although enrollment is lim-
including Stanley Kluess, '42E, of ited strictly to out-of-school adults.
Brooklyn, N.Y., were injured. Courses are added when demand war-
The two weekend deaths brought rants an expansion of the curriculum.
the total from traffic accidents in Although the courses are, of neces-
Washtenaw county to 37 for the year, sity, of the correspondence type, the
18 more than recorded during the en- use of supervis'ed group instruction
tire 12 months of 1938. has helped keep students up in in-
" "" ." dividual work. The plan assumes that
about 15 persons will assemble peri-
.s M ake Coeds odically under the direction of a
supervisor-a teacher or college grad-
S.uate-who will give tests and send
SBr. ell Asserts them to the University for correction.
When such supervisors are unavail-
able, the WPA has assigned paid sup-
has greatly lowered the percentage of ervisors.
women with goiters, and the coed's This program has been a part of
eyes, whether she studies more or less, the CCC education program also.
are no worse than the ones which Last year 1,890 boys in Michigan CCC
found their way about campus a de- camps were given Lraining in high
cade or so ago, school, prevocational and college
In addition to a healthier physique, courses. Instruction has also been
Miss Michigan's clothes consciousness given to persons on NYA projects
has jumped ahead of schedule, for the and physically handicapped persons.
girls today have attained more of the
smartness and chic of the women of
Smith and the University of Southern Dancing
California, whome Dr. Bell said, were G~ermlan' a cn
once considered the best dressed col-
Lege girls in the country. SeiesIs tif
To account for all these improve-
nents in the health and appearance Instruction in German folk-danc-
of the coed, it is necessary to consider ing will be given by Miss Helen Ellis
that it is obviously a selected group of the women's physical education
that is being analyzed, Dr. Bell point- department at an open meeting of
ed out. These girls, she said, have the the Deutscher Verein at 8 p.m. to-
advantage of good medical treatment morrow in the Women's Athletic
and proper advice in matters of rest Association bilding, Gertrude Frey,
and nutrition. '41, president, announced yesterday.
Much of this change for the better Folk-dancing is a regular part of
which is noticed in the coed's attrac- the Verein meetings, Miss Frey said,,,
biveness must be accounted for by the as is the singing of popular German
increased participation and skill in folk songs. The Verein is an organ-
sports, Dr. Bell continued. In fact, ization of students interested in Ger-
she concluded so many are entering man speaking and culture. Later this
such varied activities as tennis, bowl- semester, Miss Frey said, the club
ing, rifling, badminton and fencing plans to present several speakers
that a serious problem in training who will deliver short, and for the
enough teachers for the jobs is fac- most part, illustrated talks in Ger-
ing athletic directors today. man.

Student Conducted Honor Plan
Is Successful, Dean LoveU Says
Systew In Operation 24 Years Without Alteration
By Either Faculty Or Administering Students
By, KARL KE4SSLER which may go as far as expulsion, is
Idealistic in purpose and highly then turned over to the Faculty Dis-
successful in operation is the honor cipline Committee in the form of a
system as practiced in the engineer- The final decision is in the hands of
ing college, according to Dean Alfred the faculty. In the entire history of
H. Lovell. the system, however, there has never
The general plan of operation, now been a case where the faculty changed
entering its 24th year in the en- the recommendation of the student
gineering college, was first proposed committee, Dean Lovell pointed out.
in 1916 by a petition to the faculty
from the students. In operation, the honor system re-
Since its early beginnings, the hon- quireset thach student told sign a therin-
or system has been administered and ciples of the system, and on each
promoted entirely by the students, examination, he is required to sign
DeansLovell pointed out. The facul- a pledge that he has neither given
ty has never asked for alterations, nor nor received aid during the examina-
has it in any way attempted to control Lion.
or restrain the student committee. It The respect and trust of the faculty
has, on the contrary, always coolerat- in the integrity of students pledged
ed heartily with the students to make fto the honor system is evidenced by
the plan a success, he said. the method of conducting examina-'
The Engineering Honor System, as tions in' the engineering college. The
outlined in a bulletin issued by the instructor, though available to the
college, is based on the principle that students at all times, leaves the room
it is dishonorable for any man to re- during the course of the examination.a
ceive credit for work which is not the Students are allowed to leave the ex-
result of his own efforts. amination room at any time, and may
The administration of thc honor talk to each other so long as the
system is controlled by a committee examination is not mentioned in the
of nine members, two from each of conversation.
the classes and one advisory member "Perhaps the greatest good of the
from the senior class. These mem- Honor System," the late Dean Morti-
bers are chosen by the students them- mer *E. Cooley once said in outlining
selves, the essence of the system, "is in the
Infractions of the honor code are ncreased self.-respect felt by the stu-T
reported to and investigated by this dent. -He meets you in a different way
committee, and the accused student -as man to man.. He is jealous of
is brought before the committee to the prestige of his college, resents re-3
stand trial. The decision of the court, flection and fights it if necessary."c

Shuter, Opera
Associate, Die
Was Producer Of Many
1Vimes~ Presentation
Almost at the moment Friday when
the Union Finance Committee ap-
proved the revival of the Union Opera,
Ernest Mortimer Shuter, associated
for 23 years with the operas, died in
St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital.
Mr. Shuter was to have been as-
sociated with the revival attempt of
the opera next February. During his
years with the operas he produced
such student successes as "Cotton
Stockings," "Top of the Morning,"
which starred Thomas Dewey, New
York district attorney, "Tamborine"
and "In Land Out."
Since the abandonment of the op-
eras in 1929, Mr. Shuter had been
associated with the various public of-
ferings of the dancing studio operat-
ed by by Roy Hoyer, who was brought
to Ann Arbor by Mr. Shuter to direct
the dance routines of the operas.
Funeral services were held yester-
day in Sacred Heart Church in Al-
toona, Mich., with interment follow-
ing in Cavalry cemetery. There are
no surviving relatives.
Dr. Greene To Address
Child Study:Group Today
Dr. Katherine Greene will speak
on "Behavior Problems" at the meet-
ing of the Child Study Group of the
Michigan Dames to be held today 'at
the home of Mrs. Harold Riley.
Dr. Greene's speech will stress the
relationship between parents and

Lewisohn Claims Slim waistlines, broad shoulders
' . and greater height make the Mis
Zionism Answer Michigan of today extremely stylish
Dr. Margaret Bell, . medical advise
To J 5s ro7lem7n for women, believes.
'_Not only are her outlines more at-
Zionism is the only answer to the tractive, but the quality of her skir
World today, and hair reflect more sparing use o
Jewsh problem in the cometcsbylhe odrndoedyD
Dr. Ludwig Lewsohn, well-known au- e s by the modern coedDr
hor and critic, stated in an interview Bell said. Height places the greater
Sunday discussing the pdstion of the majoriy of women bovustifytve fn
ewish people minmodern day civiliza- crease in weight which, on the av-
E cept in Palestine, Dr. Lewisohri erage, now balances from a 120 tc
tated, Jews constitute a minority in 130-pound weight.
every nation, and as long as that con- Fewer corrective cures are neces-
lition prevails -they will remain in sary for the woma of today. Proper
~he same position of inferiority as shoes in the proper places have prob-
aave other minorities throughout his- ably had their effect upon the longer,
slimmer feet which walk across the
The Jews have been criticized for diagonal.
wvercrowding the various professions1 Iodized salt on the dinner table
such asmedicine and law, he went on
0o say, but they must do that because A
,f the difficulty of securing positions port iven
n commerce, and industry. The only
way to change this situation is to u t77r
nake a Jewish home-land where the
Iews will have the opportunity to en-A
gage in those vocations which they 0f ___
ike and which they are fitted for.
The only hope for the Jews, Dr.
ewisohn concluded, is to leave the Local airport officials are beginning
farious countries in. which they are to wonder if the Civil Aeronautics Au-
lying and go to Palestine, building thority student flight training pro-
tp the land of their forefathers and gram is the boon they expected or a
iving as a small, happy, independent scourge.
nation. Source of their doubts is the fact
""'_ _that all the airport operators who
took part in the CAA program last
eW eeJL S spring lost most of their regular flight
training business. Nor has there been
* T any return to normal this fall.
Will Be Given George M. Downs, Ann Arbor Air-
port official and instructor for the
University CAA program, reports that
A To Sponsor Series the airport is doing only about 25 per
Of Socio-Religious Talks cent of its normal business with stu-
_______dent flyers. IFlight instruction at
Current social problems, discussed Ypsilanti airport and the Wayne
rom the religious point of view, will County airport has also declined with
.e the theme of a new series of lec- the advent of the CAA program. At
ures, "The Religious Aspects of Cur- these fields virtually the only stu-
ent Problems," Which will be spon- dents in training are those receiving
cored by the Student Religious Asso- CAA instruction.
iation beginning Sunday, Nov. 19. One of the chief CAA projects has
Dr. Harold E. Fey, a missionary. to been the Civilian Pilot Training Pro-
he Philippines for the Church of gram, established in many schools
1hrist Disciples, will deliver the first throughout the country and designed
ecture on "The Church's Stand on not only to furnish a "backlog" of
he War" in the Rackham lecture civilian flyers for use in emergencies
all. "Pius XII and the Modern De- but to boost the business of the na-
iocracies" will be the topic of Dr. tion's airports.
3eorge H. Derry, former president of Local airport officials are wonder-
Vtarygrove College in Detroit. ing, therefore, where the program has
The concluding lecure on the series backfired. Some of them believe that
ill be a discussion of "How Can Re- students are not taking flight instruc-
igin be Saved in the World Today?" tion because they hope sooner or later
io be .given by Dr. James G. Heller, to enter the CAA flight program. Oth-
labbi of the Isaac M Wise Temple of ers blame the CAA for tying up;the
!incinnati, o. instructors and equipment to the in-
convenience of students outside the
Delta Gammas Mother program.
Kitten Rescued In Cold.
Prof. Frederick C. O'Dell
A small troop of freshmen with To Give Travel Talk Today
e arts brimming over with the sweet An illustrated travel talk will be
nk of human kindness brought out given by Prof. Frederick C. O'Dell at
D last night's chilly air one lost cat 4:15 today in the first floor auditor-
vhich they left in the friendly look-I ium of the College of Architecture
ig Delta Gamma house. The Delta an >ein
aamma girls, long known on campus and Design.
or their tender and solicitous a Professor O'Dell will show colored
ortei tenderknds sna-hett furihe slides of buildings and gardens in
ores, took thelittle furry creature France, Italy, Sicily, and Switzerland
vth threars and nouarecriehmto illustrate his discussion.
rniversityregulations prohibit soror-
y girls' keeping pets in the house,
and t eyoung ladies a etearful.
What is 'tobecome of the cat, howC
nown as Hannah?
Any person having a sweet dispo-
tion and ample residence place for C a0rd s
ne small, soft cat with gray fur and
.other-of-pearl eyes will be inter- FIFTY CARDS for $1.00
iewed anytime today at the Delta Also Stationery
amma House if he wishes to adopt

e E


about Cigarette Tbaccos


Of -tobaccos found in the more popular
cigarettes, namely...Bright,Maryland,
Burley and Turkish.
ALL THESE TOBACCOS except Turkish (which is
bought direct from the planters in Turkey and Greece)
and Maryland (which is bought through sealed bids
under government supervision) are bought at public
auction, just like any other auction where you might
have bought in a table or a chair.
AT THE AUCTION SALE the tobacco is piled in
baskets weighing from about 100 to 500 pounds and
each purchaser buys all of his tobaccos by competitive
bidding for the particular piles he wants.
these mild ripe tobaccos for the Chesterfield blend.
And it is Chesterfield's Combination.., the right amounts
of Burley and Bright ... just enough Maryland ... and
just enough Turkish-that makes the big difference
between Chesterfield and other cigarettes.
IT IS BECAUSE of this combination
that Chesterfields are COOLER, have
MILDER. They are made of the world's

To MAKE your own every-
day clothes look distinctive-
ly individual . . . to make
even practical Christmas
gifts richly exciting! An in-
troductory offer of one free
monogram on any article
purchased from our stores-
additional pieces monogram-
med for a surprisingly small
cost. Come in today!


best cigarette tobaccou. Yu can't buy
a better cigarette.

I" "a 3! B1 3T noUAN 11U ~

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