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November 14, 1939 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-14

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ed and managed by students of the University of
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Editorial StafH



Winton .
navan . .
g .
Business Staff

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. City Editor
. Associate Editor
SAssociate Editor
. Associate Editor
*Associate Editor
. Women's Editor
. Sports Editor

iness Mgr., Credit Manager
Business Manager
ans Manager,

* Paul R. Park
Ganson P. Taggart
Zenovia Skoratko
. HJane Mowers
*Harriet S. Levy

'he editorials published in The Michigan
ly are written by members of The Daily-
f and represent the views of the writers
riotism And

". 0*

T HERE, waving against the blue sky,
was the American flag, and the audi-
ce largely college students, hissed. The patri-
c man sitting beside me said, for all to hear,
hese insolent young puppies." lie- stared
out him pugnaciously.
[he picture was a Porky Pig cartoon.
cd how young Pork tries to learn the state-
fit of allegiance to the American flag and,
ding it difficult, falls asleep. Uncle Sam ap-
ars in his dream and takes him on a tour of
high spots of America's history-Paul Re-
'e's Ride, the glories of past wars, Lincoln,
impressed with his country's greatness is
rky that on waking he sets out to learn the
egiance with renewed fervor and enthusiasm,
bh a deeper understanding, if you will, of what
allegiance and the flag stand for. Closing
cartoon is a shot of the flag, waving majes-
ally in the blue while a band plays stirring
sic. And the students hissed.
3oth -the irate gentlemen and the students
lized that it was not merely the crudity of
production that was being hooted. It was
iply that the older man and the students look
on patriotism in a different way. To the
re public-spirited spectator, th cartoon ex-
ssed sincere and laudable esteem of America's
ry; to the youth, Porky Pig was an instru-
nt for sentimental, propagandistic milksop.
'hat word "propaganda" largely explains the
ference. Patriotic propaganda has justified
ny a jingoistic war. Martial music and colored
iting and appeals to national stereotypes have
.t lost legions of youth into war, and the col-
e student of today knows it. He is instantly
guard whenever words like "glory," "liberty"
I "democracy" are mentioned. The word "pa-
t" to him has an unfavorable connotation.
)lder generations have frequently attacked
ith for this callous disregard of American tra-
ions. But what can they expect when thous-
Is of American doughboys died for "glory"
1918-and there was no glory? Or when tri-
or bunting was used as a blind for jingoism,
imperial ambition, for the safeguarding of
vate fortunes? Or when "democracy" was
d as the vehicle for an unjust peace?
routh may be leaninlg over backwards in its
iicism of these terms. But the depression, the
ural reaction to the giddy twenties, the de-
ie of opportunities for youth-all have com-
ed to make this a serious, skeptical genera-
1. What is forgotten, however, is that basic-
r youth is probably no less loyal, no less
.erican, than the more blatant citizen. Today's
ege student, however, is more apt to reserve
patriotism until he is sure it is not being
d insincerely.
--Hervie Haufler
o legre Pea+ce
'w rNMISTAKABLY and unequivocally
U the dominant tone of The Daily edi-
ial page this year has been vigorously anti-
r The inherent danger of war to the main-
ance and expansion of our democratic insti-
ions has been eloquently emphasized. Proper
tcern about those who are "eligible cannon
der" ha-s been evidenced. And it- has been
fiset tha[ intejb ,t nacif dr . not deg-

minent possibility of the Great Darkness sweep-
ing across the Atlantic.
However sincere and intense these pacifistic
impulses have been, until now no realistically
effective national organization to propagandize
this will for peace has been formed. But with
the inauguration of the All-College Peace Front
by students at Northwestern University, such
an organization becomes a reassuring actuality.
Their admirable efforts are meeting with encour-
aging success. The leaders have promulgated
their purpose as an endeavor "to keep the United
States out of a European war." This they hope
to accomplish "through. campus newspapers,
consolidating opinions of the 1,200,000 students
throughout the country. Polls, discussions and
public expression of college thought will be used
to make effective student viewpoints on peace."
The basis of the front is "on beliefs that col-
lege students will be called upon to fight in case
of war, that strong and united public opinion
is the best weapon against involvement, and
that the college student should have an important
hand in molding that opinion,"
Here surely is a movement which is worthy
of the wholehearted backing of the Michigan
campus. Its advantages are obvious. It is a
platitude to say that "strength lies in unity," but
it is nonetheless true today as always. Congress-
man Jenkins, he who will vote for or against
war, will not be greatly affected by isolated edi-
torials in college newsapers which he will never
see. But this same Congressman Jenkins will
certainly hear the clarion call for peace as
sounded by the united voice of approximately
one million young people; his own political self-
preservation will require strictadherence. It is
imperative that this organization begin to func-
tion on - a wide scale immediately, before the
pressures and emotions so evident when war is
about to be declared dissipate the energy of this
omnipotent will for peace. Convince Congress-
man Jenkins now in the comparative calm
of 1939.
The responsibility of The Daily to initiate the
College Peace Front on the Michigan campus
is reasonably clear. It Is possible and desirable
for The Daly to invite the active support of
such organizations as the American Student
Union, indeed all student groupsinterested in
social problems. If heretofore the manifesta-
tions for peace on this campus have been merely
spasmodic, disorganized outbursts, here is an
impelling opportunity to crystallize all the vague,
formless yearnings to avoid our participation in
war. We need no longer pay only lip-service
to our ideals; we can positively, definitely, con-
cretely implement words with action. We need
not be unduly discouraged by the lamentable
failure of the Armistice program last week; rb
serves only to strengthen the challenge. If
Michigan can contribute in a significantly im-
pressive way to the All-College Peace Front, it
will be one of the major campus achievements
of the year.
-Chester Bradley
Of Mr. Kipnis And His Music
He came to us as if to say: "I am here to
sing thee songs. In this hall of thine I have a
corner seat." And he filled the hall with music,
uniting sound and sense. It is not easy to say
more than that about Mr. Kipnis because there
is nothing in his art that stands out as though
to say: "See, this is the scheme; this is the man-
ner, this is the way it is done." I suspect that
this ephemeral thing the audience clearly felt,
but knew not what name to give, was simply
Mr. Kipnis' undeniable sincerity and profound
musical integrity. He has obviously set himself
an ideal to which he consistently adheres. It is
not an ideal born of a moment's notice, but it has
been ingrained through long association with
great music and a seasoned culture.
To single out any one element of last night's
program for comment is ridiculous. The whole
recital was a compact unit with never a let-
down. From the moment Mr. Kipnis walked
with certainty and refinement onto the stage

the audience marveled at what manner of man
this was who was so very sure, so very positive
of what he was about to do and of what the
outcome would be. And then he disarmed us
completely by apologizing for singing to us in
a language we did not understand and straight-
way giving us the gist of what each song was
about. We like it, so much so that because of
his affable personality and obvious good-will we-
were ready to forgive him any differences of
opinion as to the interpretation of everything
from the Mozart (for we remembered Pinza) to
the Death of Boris (we could not forget Chalia-
pin). But we soon saw that there was nothing
to forgive in any case. You -may talk about
your Plancons . . and your Journets . . . and
your Chaliapins-heres was an artist who need
make room for none, one whose interpretations
differed in a multitude of ways from those of
any basso living, yet who in the space of tivo
hours asserted his inalienable right to be placed
in the rank and file of the foremost.
I am sure that some of us had forgotten Mo-
zart could be sung with an eye both to his melo-
dic line (a line that must never be lost sight of
if the singer is not to do the great classicist an
unpardonable Injustice) and the bouncing dra-
matic flavor of his libretti. Mr. Kipnis re-
reminded us that it is quite possible to integrate
the two.
Then some of us might have forgotten that
Robert Schumann was a great composer simply
because he wrote some pretty dull symphonies.
Some of us had forgotten that Schumann was
actually a mental giant; that he displayed at
times an understanding of poetry and the mean-
ing of poetry and the meaning of music in rela-
tion to it that was conmarable to the under-

Drew Pearsx i
dgg Q
Rbert S.A~e
WASHINGTON-Roosevelt Cabinet meetings
usually are not very stimulating affairs. Madame
Perkins frequently goes into detail regarding a
relatively obscure strike. More recently John
Carmody has given loquacius reports on the
Federal Works Administration. During these,
the Cabinet looks bored, and waits for private
talks with the President when the real decisions
are made.
But last week's Cabinet session over the
transfer of ships to Panama registry was just the
opposite. It was one of the most important
meetings held recently.
Roosevelt talked for one hour about the mari-
time problem created by the Neutrality Act and
gave various reasons for permitting the United
States Lines to transfer eight of its old mer-
chant vessels to the Panama flag.
But when he finished, every member of the
Cabinet was against him. Attorney General
Murphy was vigorously opposed. So also were
Harold Ickes and Jim Farley. But the man who
talked the longest against the transfer was Cor-
dell Hull. Hew as consistently and emphatically
of the opinion that the ship transfer would be
a violation of the spirit of the Neutrality Act.
Confronted with this unanimous opposition,
the President bowed to the judgment of his
Cabinet. The ship transfer plan was put on the
Hul's ictory
Cabinet members who participated in the de-
bate considered the decision an imiortant vic-
tory for Secretary of State Hull.
For in the hot, behind-the-scenes battle over
ships, Roosevelt was torn between two powerful
groups. On one side was the high-pressure
urging of Admiral Emory Land, chairman of the
Maritime Commission (and Lindbergh's cousin),
who was backed by a potent shipping lobby. Also
important was the President's own personal sym-
pathy for any move to keep American ships
On the other side was Hull, the entire Cabinet
and also most of the congressional leaders. Just
before the Cabinet met, Speaker Bankhead
lunched with Roosevelt and told him that re-
gardless of the legality of the ship transfer, the
country was sure to consider the plan a viola-
tion of the Neutrality Act--at least in spirit.
NOTE: The Maritime Commission, although
bowing to the Cabinet, still maintains that the
ship transfer is perfectly legal and may trot out
the plan again.
U.S. Ambasador Laurence Steinhardt is get-
ting a big hand, even from some of the career
boys who don't like him, for the forthright job
he is doing at Moscow.
Steinhardt has one quality so necessary in
Russia-he won't take NO for an answer. He is
indefatigable, talks back to Molotoff and Po-
temkin, and doesn't believe in the Oriental policy
of delay.
He is shadowed almost everywhere he goes
in Moscow, and any Russian who becomes in-
mate with him is also shadowed. This constant
surveillance of his Ambassador has considerably
irritated Roosevelt and has contributed in part
to the strained relations with Russia.
However, the State Department, none too en-
thusiastic over Steinhardt at first, is anxious to
keep him on the job.
NOTE: Steinhardt is the nephew of Sam Un-
termeyer, famous New York attorney and sup-
porter of the President. Both he and Stein-
hardt were heavy contributors to the Roosevelt
No Labor Peace
Inside reason why there was no White House
statement following the Green-Lewis conferences
with the President was the fact that there was
nothing to say. Neither labor leader made any
Green declared the AFL was willing to resume

peace negotiations, but frankly said he didn't
think they would get anywhere. He contended
that Lewis didn't want peace and would never
agree to terms.
Lewis was equally skeptical of further parleys.
He declared the CIO was ready tomorrow to
return to the AFL fold, provided that the entire
CIO membership was accepted. But this, he
told Roosevelt, the AFL persistently refuses
to do.
And until the AFL does agree, added Lewis
grimly, there can be no peace, because anything
short of that would mean suicide for the CIO.
The President didn't argue the matter. But
he indicated that he wasn't abandoning his
efforts to effect a get-together. He told Lewis
he would soon invite him for another talk.
Reason for Roosevelt's persistence is the be-
hind-the-scenes encouragement of Sidney Hill-
man, head of the Amalgamated Clothing.Workers
and co-founder of the CIO. Hillman is a strong
advocate of peace and believes that despite the
many obstacles, an accord can be patched up
if both camps will make concessions. However,
he stands firmly with Lewis against anything
less than AFL acceptance of the full CIQ mem-
New Deal Widows
Golf widows have nothing on the wives of
zealous New Deal officials.
Mrs. George Grant Mason, Jr., beauteous wife
of the dynamic young member of the Civil Aero-
nautics Authority, sees so little of him, she tells
friends, that she practically has to make an
"appointment" with her husband -to discuss
family matters.
Mason works from 12 to 16 hours a day. Re-


NCE upon a time there was a boy
named Manley Minton. He was
born in a college town (his father
was a well-known professor) and he
spent the first twenty-two years of
his life in Anne Harbor.





Manley was a clever boy with a
special talent for writing. By the
time he was out of high school- he
had developed a very snappy prose
style, and the Anne Harbor towns-
people agreed that he had a fine
future. He enrolled at the University
and almost immediately went out for
the daily paper; he was determined
to make a name for himself in jour-'
nalism, since it was far more excit-
ing than fiction writing, and more
profitable too.'
Manley's room was filled with
books about newspapermen and other
such glamorous figures. He knew
by heart the books of Richard Hard-
ing Davis, Richard Halliburton, and
other such globetrotters, and his
favorite heroes were Vincent Sheeans
Walter Duranty, Floyd Gibbons, Neg-
ley Farson, John Gunther and H. R.
Young Minton did well at school.
He made a lot of friends, he made all
the necessary honorary societies, he
made the correct women, he made
the proper grades, he drank beer at
the right places. He was an all
around fellow. By his senior year,
he was city editor of The Daily.
Yellow Journalism
Together with being city editor,
which in itself was a position of some
importance, Man (for such was his
nickname) kept his lines out in a
number of directions. He saw to it
that metropolitan newspapermen
kept him in mind. He wrung the
last drop out of college news and
sent it in to various wire services,
scoffing at the accusations of yellow
journalism which came from envious.
newspaper colleagues.
N addition to his newspaper work
and his outside writing, ManI
wangled a job as a weekly radio
commentator on sports, about whichI
he became an authority just beforeI
his first broadcast. College acquain-
tances of Minton's will recall how heE
used to practice oratory in The Daily
building: he would try "Hello folks,
this is Manley Minton, your sports
reporter," in a dozen different intona-j
tions until he considered that het
had struck the proper note of chum-i
miness, and until he had driven
everyone out of the building.
But Manley well knew that there1
is no future in sports, except forI
coaches. In his day, however, sports I
was a stepping stone to greaterI
heights. Damon Runyon, Paul Gal-
lico, Heywood Broun, and Westbrook
Pegler had risen from sports re-
porting to mediocrity, and Manley1
was determined to follow in their
footsteps. In the due course of time
(four years, to be exact), Manley
graduated from the University, not
a Phi Beta Kappa, it is true, but
highly esteemed by his immediatee
family and those of his subordinates
who were dependent upon his recom-E
mendation for promotion.
He had no difficulty in obtaining
employment after graduation with
International News Service, a subsid-
iary of William Randolph Hearst, a1
prominent journalistic figure of the
time, and, in Manley's estimation, a1
figure of heroic proportions.
rfHE times were troubled. In fact,
there was a war going on in
Europe, and shortly after Manley's
affiliation with INS, America entered
the war. It did not take long for
most American journalists in EubpeI
to be killed in aerial bombardments,z
and (much to his delight) Manley
was shifted from covering the Detroitz
Sanitation Department to covering
the war'.
Here was young Minton's oppor-
tunity to bring all his talents into
play. Certainly anyone who has
ever gone through the yellowed news-
paper files of the time knows that
no one surpassed Manley Minton in1
colorful coverage of the war, even1
though the colors were for the most

part yellow and purple.
Manley dined with royalty and
wined with the military. He knew all
about battles before they were'
fought. His finger was on the pulset
of government, his hand on the
fevered brows of the emirnent states-
men. Indeed, it may fairly be said
that Manley made Jack Reed look
like a piker, except for one slight1
detail-Manley really did not know
what was going on. Hitler told himh
that the Germans would win, and
Manley cabled home dire warnings
of Germn victory. Chamberlain
told him that England would win,
and he was quite convinced. Roose-
velt assured him over dessert that
America had it in the bag, and Man-
ley so assured his readers.
No Brain Power
Manley .just didn't have the brain-
power to see that nobody would win.
and when the Big Smash came there

By Young tulliver

(Continued from Page 2)
ice Examination for Procurement In-
Graduates in aeronautical en-
gineering may be eligible for the fol-
lowing optional branches: Aircraft,
aircraft engines, aircraft instruments,
aircraft propellers and aircraft mis-
cellaneous materials.
Graduates in mechanical engineer-
ing may be eligible for the optional
branches: Aircraft engines, aircraft
instruments, aircraft miscellaneous
materials, and tools and gages.
Graduates in electrical engineering
may be eligible for: Aircraft instru-
ments, radio, and aircraft miscel-
laneous materials.
Graduates in engineering courses
other than those specified may be
eliblefor the aircraft miscellaneous
materials option only.
Applications for this examination
must be filed with the Civil Service
Commission by Dec. 4, 1939. Those
interested may examine the an-
nouncement concerning this position,
which is posted on the Aeronautical
Engineering Bulletin Board.
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Information
will hold a registration meeting in the
Natural Science Auditorium at 4:10
p.m. this afternoon. This meet-
ing will be conducted by Dr. Purdom,
Director of the Bureau. It is open
to all students, both seniors and
graduate students, as well as staff
members, and applies to people who
will be seeking positions at any time
within the nexk~year. Only one regis-
tration is held during the school year.
and everyone who will be available
through next August should enroll
at this time.
The Bureau has two placement
divisions: Teaching and General. The
General Division registers people who
will speak on "Lessons from an An-
cient Battlefield."
A social meeting will again be held
Friday evening at 8 o'clock at, Lane

Women Students Attending the
Pennsylvania Game: Women students
wishing to attend the Pennsylvania-
Michigan game are required to regis-
ter in the Office of the Dean of Wom-
en. A letter of permission from par-
ents must be in this office not later
than Wednesday, Nov. 15. If the stu-
dent does not go by train, special per-
mission for another mode of travel;
must be included in the parent's let-
ter. Graduate women are invited to
register in this office.
Oratorical Association L e e t u r e
Course Season Ticket Holders: Please
present the Jan Masaryk coupon for
the lecture tonight in Hill Auditorium
by the Archduke Felix of Austria. The
coupon will not be torn at the door
and you are requested to keep it be-
cause Mr. Masaryk will be here at a
later date. Tonight's lecture is com-
plimentary to season ticket holders.
Engineering Ball Tickets are now
available to all schools at the Michi-
gan Union desk. The remaining tick-
ets will be on general sale Wednesday
in the Engineering buildings from 8
a.m. to 3 p.m.
Academic Notices
Master's Candidates in History: The
language examination will be given
at 4 p.m., Friday, Nov. 17, in Room
B, Haven. Students should register
for the examination in 119 Haven
Hall before Wednesday noon. The
examination is written and students
should bring their own dictionaries.
Twilight Organ Recital: William
Barnard, organist, assisted by Bur-
nette Bradley Staebler, soprano, will
give a recital in Hill Auditorium Wed-
nesday afternoon, Nov. 15, at 4:15
o'clock, to which the general public,
with the exception of small children,
is invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Arthur- L.
Day, formerly Director of the Geo-
physical Laboratory of the Carnegie
Institution of Washington, will lec-
ture on "The Problem of Hot Springs
and Geysers," (illustrated by colored
slides and motion pictures) under
the auspices of the Departments of
Geology and Mineralogy, at 4:15 p.m.
today in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
The public is cordially invited.
Dr. Nelson Glueok of Jerusalem will
lecture in the Rackhamn Auditorium
on Thursday, Nov. 16, at 4:15 p.m.
Subject: "Archaeology Today." The
public is cordially invited.
Lecture: Father Berry, of St. Mary's
to his old home town. And accord-
ingly, one bitter winter's night found
Manley at Schmautz's, Anne Har-
bor's favorite tavern. He was broke
and reduced to the extremity of
cadging beers from the jovial stu-
dents. For telling a table of laugh-
ing boys the story of his magnificent
coverage of the battle of Vienna he

Students Chapel, will give the. sixth
lecture in the series on "I Believe,"
which is sponsored by the Student
Religious Association in the Rackliam
Amphitheatre, Wednesday, Nov. 15,
at 8 p.m.
Today's Events
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet in Room 319 West Medical
Building, at 7 p.m. today.
Botanical Journal Club meeting to-
day at 7:30 p.m., Room N.S. 1139.
Continued Fractions Seminar will
not meet this week. Next meeting,
Tuesday, Nov. 21.
Sophomore Cabaret Ticket Com-
mittee Meeting at '4:15 p.m. today
at the League. .
The Christian Science Organization
will meet tonight at 8:15 in the
Chapel of the Michigan League.
Assembly Council xneeting of the
Executive Council today at 4:15'p.m.
in the League Council Room.
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
Bible study group meets tonight in
Lane Hall at 5 p.m. Students are
invited to this one hour of study
conducted by Dr. Goris.
Attention all members of League
Dancing Classes: Because of the lec-
ture tonight, the beginners class,
which was scheduled for 7:30 will be-
gin at 7 p.m., and the intermediate
class will be postponed until next
Michigan Dames. Child Study
group meets at 8 o'clock in the home
of Mrs. Harold Riley, 1124 Granger,
The Bibliophile section of the Fac-
ulty Women's Club will meet at the
home of Mrs. Lora Thomassen, 2115
Woodside Road today at 2:30 p.m.
Faculty Women's Club: The Mon-
day Evening Drama Section will meet
tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Room 316-318
at the Michigan Union.
The Bookshelf and Stage Seetion of
the Faculty Women's Club will meet
this afternoon at 2:45 p.m. at the
home of Mrs. James M. Cork, 2034
Day St.
Executive Council of the Union is
having its second coffee hour tea
dance today from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
in the small ballrogm of the Union.
Hillel Class: Dr. Hirsch Hootkins
will meet his class in Jewish Ethics
at the Foundation tonight at 8 p.m.
Conversational Hebrew Class will
meet at the Hillel Foundation tonight
at 7 p.m.


Coming Events
Engineers: The ASME inspection
trip on Wednesday includes Ford's
No. 1 power plant, the new rubber
plant, -and the modern plate glass
plant. Will those intending to go
please sign the list on the main bulle-
tin board of the West Engineering
Building? If you have signed and
find you. cannot go, please cross out
your name by 5 p.m. Tuesday. Buses
will leave the Engineering Arch at
12:30 p.m. Members must present
receipt for dues to get the discount.
American Student Union general
membership meeting, in the form of
a Parley on Peace Policy, on Wednes-
day, Nov. 15, at the Union.
Pi Lambda Theta: A buffet supper
for the initiates will be served on Sun-
day, Nov. 19 at the Michigan League.
International Dinner: Attention is
called to the fact thtt all acceptances
or regrets for the International Din-
ner must be in the Office at the Cen-
ter by Wednesday, Nov. 15, by 5
o'clock. No acceptances can be re-
ceived after that date.
International Center Tea: Foreign
women and wives of foreign students
will be held Wednesday, Nov. 15, from
4 to 6 o'clock, These teas are spon-
sored by Mrs. Bacher, Assistant Dean
of Women. This Week Miss Kathleen
Hamm, dietitian of the University
residence halls, will speak on "Diet."
Sophomore Cabaret Publicity Com-
mittee Meeting at 2:30 p.m. on Wed-
nesday at the League.
ROTC Drum and Bugle Corps will
meet in the ROTC Building at 8 p.m.
Wednesday. Freshmen trying out,
be sure to attend.
Deutscher Verein meeting Wednes-
day night at 8 o'clock in the Women's
Athletic Building.
Algebra Seminar will meet Wednes-
day at 4 o'clock in 3201 A.H. Miss
Wolf will continue her talk on "Evalu-
Ain Thro-


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