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November 12, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-12

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Needed.AEG ood
Hiam nd iEggs' Plan

VOL. . No. 43 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOV. 12, 1939


B y



Soviet Press Attacks Produce New Finnish Crisis

Ik i .n N~nuim Oh!Little Brown Jug, Once More Adieu.

Gophers Win Sixt]
Straight Encounte-
Against Wolverine
Injuries Are Suffered By Bill Smith, Frut
Michigan's Hopes For Penn Game D:
As Kromer Injures Leg Again In Bat
The Wolverines fell in a Gopher hole yesterday afternoon and
buried alive-and interred along with them were whatever mathema
hopes they had entertained for a Big Ten championship tie. And with
titular aspirations went the historic Little Brown Jug, back to its res
in Minneapolis for the sixth consecutive year, as Minnesota whippe
favored Michigan eleven, 20-7.
The Gophers completely bottled up a Wolverine running attack that
for the first four games of the year, been the most highly geared in
nation. And synonomous with curtailing Michigan's ground gain was
fact that Tom Harmon, second best runner in the country before yesterd
game, was able to ick up only 50 yards from scrimmage and was hel
one point after touchdown.
It was the sixth consecutive victory for the Norsemen as they exter
their own modern record for successive victories over the Wolverines.

Choral Union
Wi ll Pre'sent,


-Photo by Ransom
The nation's youngest governor, Harold Stassen of Minnesota (right)
is shown above with Governor Dickinson examining the traditional
brown jug for which Michigan and Minnesota have battled on the grid-
iron each year since 1902. For the last five years the jug has beean in
the possession of the Minnesota team, and Saturday's game will keep it
in their possession for another year

Belgian Army
Is Prepared,
Minister Says
Holland Fearing Position
As European Battlefield,
Asserts Its Neutrality
BRUSSELS, Nov. 11.-VP)-Defense
Minister General Henri Denis, de-
claring that the Belgian Army was
well-equipped and ready for any
sacrifice, told the nation today that
it must be able to defend itself.
"Help yourself and God will help
you," General Denis said during a
nationwide broadcast in which he ex-
plained the military situation.
He condemned alarmist rumors
which have accompanied the nation's
stepped up program of precaution-
ary defense measures, including a
mobilization boost which placed the
army's strength at nearly/600,000.
HAGUE, Nov. 11.-(A)-Nether-
lands officialdom, taking all pre-
cautions to preserve and defend the
nation's neutrality, indicated strong
displeasure tonight over reports pub-
lished abroad that the little lowland
nation was on the verge of becoming
a battleground for warring powers.
Well informed sources said tension
over reports of German troop move-
ments on the Eastern frontier had
eased. The cabinet met and pre-
sumably discussed the international
situation but no announcement was
An editorial in the Amsterdam de
Telegraaf, based on reports from its
foreign correspondents, said that
while the situation of the Nether-
lands "continued precarious," there
was no evidence that it was becom-
ing worse.
"Our information," it said, "with-
out exception is contrary to alarming
rumors published about our country,
especially in the British press."
Pupil Personnel Society
Will Meet In Ann Arbor

Church Guilds
Discuss Peace
Prbblem Today
Prof. Slosson To Discuss
'Rearmament Of Morale'
At Episcopal Church"
Choosing an Armistice Day theme,
student church groups will meet to'
discuss the problem of world peace.
The Roger Williams Guild of the
First Baptist Church will hold a panel
discussion on "The Christian Way to
Peace." Dr. Robert Aikens of Flint
plans to speak to the Wesleyan Guild
of the Methodist Church on the topic
"Peace" at the fellowship supper be-
ginning at 6 p.m.'
Prof. Preston W. Slosson will de-
liver the address entitled "Moral
Rearmament" at the morning service
at St. Andrew's Episcolpal, Church.
The morning worship service of the
First Presbyterian Church will feat-
ure Dr. W. P. Lemon's sermon on
"Essential Christianity."
Hillel Foundation will hear Dr.
Isaac Rabinowitz deliver his sermon
"The Wandering Jew-New Style"
at the reform services at 11 a.m. In
the evening the Foundation will
honor Dr. Ludwig Lewisohn at a
banquet at 6 p.m. held at the Michi-
gan Union. The noted author will
speak at 8:30 in the Rackham Audi-
torium on "The Jewish Question."
Student fellowships plan to feature
special speakers at their Sunday eve-
ning meetings. Prof. Leonard Greg-
ory addressing the group of the First
(Continued on Page 9)
Retired Dean Bates
Lauded By Justice
Associate Justice Harlan F. Stone
of the United States Supreme Court
has written an article of apprecia-
tion to retired Dean Henry M. Bates
of the Law School in the first issue
of the year of the Michigan Law
Review which comes off the press
Dean Bates, to whom the issue is
dedicated, retired his position as

When Alexander Kipnis, basso,
steps onto the stage at 8:30 p.m. to-
morrow in Hill Auditorium, he will
confront a capacity audience, Prof.
Charles A. Sink, president of the
University Musical Society predicted
However, Professor Sink, an-
nounced, there are still a few tickets
available for the third of the Choral
Union Concert series, and these may
be purchased at Hill Auditorium or at
the School of Music office tomorrow.
Born in 1891,in the village of Jito-
nir, in Russia,. the son of a typo-
grapher, Kipnis devoted his attention,
even as a boy, to the study of music.
In 1912 he was graduated from the
Conservatory in Warsaw as a con-
Kipnis later journeyed to Berlin
for further study, realizing that his
prime interest lay in singing rather
than in conducting. The war kept'
him from returning to Russia, but
he was given the opportunity of sing-
ing at the Royal Kaiser Opera in
At the termination of hostilities he
accepted engagements both in opera
and concert in Italy, France, Belgium'
and the Scandinavian countries. He
came to America in the season of
1922-23 in a Wagnerian festival com-
pany. He was immediately signed
by the Chicago Opera Company.

" they experienced little d
the process.
Last year it had been a:
ing attack that broke
fourth period to beat Mi
But yesterday, the Goph
to the power play that
them the most feared to
land for four years. TI
bucking, plunging bac
shambles of a Michigan
line that was heralded as
best. They smashed off
and swept the ends. And v
minutes of the first peric
rushed to a 7-0 lead with
ness that left the 65,000
dering if this could be tb
team~ that was likened to
a-minute clubs at the b
the season. They founc
that any comparison was
Three Sustained Mz

Nazis Report
, 4
Suspect Held
Man Working In Bobbed
Beer Cellar Questioned
BERLIN, Nov. 11.-(P)-The Nazi
police director announced tonight
that a worker who repaired a.gallery.
encircling the hall of the Munich
beer cellar was suspected of plant-
ing the explosive in Wednesday's un-
successful attempt on Adol-f Hitler's
Henrich Himmler, head of all Ger-
man police forces, said three days
of intensive investigation had direc-
ted suspicion at the worker, whose
name was not disclosed.
A round-up of all persons in Ger-
many without proper identification
papers was ordered today as Nazis,
with Adolf Hitler present, buried.
the seven killed in the beer cellar
The Fuehrer returned unannounced
from Berlin for the state funeral of
the six men and one woman who
died in the explosion he missed by
only 11 minutes Wednesday night.
Mimes Will Award Cup
To Best Male Performer

Minnesota went on three sustain(
marches of 39, 60 and 65 yards whi
in the last quarter, Michigan pass
it way 73 yards for its lone score.
It was George Franck who set i
the first Minnesota tally with a 6
yard punt that Paul Krower let r(
out on the Michigan four. Two e
change kicks put the ball on tl
Michigan 39kand the Gophers stru
Bob Sweiger picked up six in tv
tries through the line and th
Franck swept wide around his le
end, eluded Tom Harmon and we
to the two-yard line where Bob Wes
fall slowed him down and Krom
finally stopped hii. The Wolverin
dug in with their goal-line defren
and stopped . Sweiger cold for tP
tries. Then Harold Van Every, pois(
to Michigan for the rpast two yeas
cut over right tackle, was hit by B
Ingalls and stumbled into the er
zone. Joe Marnik place-kicked t
extra point and from then on t
Gophers were never headed.
Remainder' Was Scoreless
The rest of the first half was scor
less, but in the third period the Gop
ers were at it again and once mc
it was Franck, one of the fastest ha
backs in the Conference, who w
the spearhead. Kromer had quic
kicked out of bounds on the Minnj
sota 40 and on the second pla
Franck circled his right end, c
down the field behind three-m
blocking to score standing up. It w
a 59-yard run and only Kromer, w
had had a clear shot at him at t
23 but was feinted out, could ha
stopped him.
The last Minnesota touchdown w
a one-man show that Bruce Smi
staged all by himself. The Gop-
sophomore started on his own 32',
ter he had intercepted Harmon's ps
on his own 25 and stepped out of t
bounds on the 35. On the first pl
he went around right end, cut ba
and travelled all the wry to the W(
verine 32. Christiansn picked up
(Continued on Page 4)
Nevada Students Cheer
Majorette's Brief Atti
RENO, Nev., Nov. 11.-(P)-El
Crabtree'sdimpled knees, made th
appearance as usual today to
cheers of 4,000 football fans.

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