Au- and managed by students of the University of, under the authority of the Board in Control of Publications. ed evey morning except Monday during the y year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press asociated Press is exclusively entitled to the publication of all. news dispatches credited to ; otherwise credited in this newspaper. All republication of all other matters herein also t. ,o Bcd at the Post ( )fice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as' er. regular school year by carrier, REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL. ADVEin.SING BY. National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publsbers Representate 420.MADISON AVE. NEW YoRK, N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON ' LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939.40 Editorial Staff 4 J araniss ;Swinton. L. Linder . A. Schorr Planagan Canavan . cary eberg . Business Staff Manager siness Mgr., Credit Manager s Business' Manager s Advertising Manager . ions Manager Managing Editor Editorial Director *City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor . Associate Editor *Associate Editor f SWomen's Editor .* Sports Editor Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko . Jane Mowers * Harriet S. Levy NIGHT EDITOR: HERVIE HAULER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Outh's Outlok On War News * * * A MERICA probably had as much reason to be partisan in Europe's war of 1914 as she does today. The war news we received from Europe then came largely throngh English censorship and it told of an imperialistic state ravaging a small, weak by- stander simply as a military expedient, of an ambitious "robber" state leaping at the throat of European democracy.' Yet in spite of thseinflammatory news eacunts, Amnerica's conscience resistd pro-British propaganda enough for this item to appear in the Detroit Free Press of 1914: "Detrot's contribution to the relief fund of d'erman and Austro-Hungarian soldiers killed in the war now stands at over $11,000." Need it be pointed out that today our news- papers carry no such stories? Despite cries that England and France are as much to blame for World War, Jr., as Germany, the United States as a nation believes that the "Allies" are fighting a ,more justifiable and honorable war than is Hitler. America does not want to read stories that in any way favor Germany. Every day that the "City of Flint" ywas receiving front- page banner headlines you could find accounts somewhere on the inside pages telling of British seizures of contraband cargoes, of British tam- pering' with our mail to Germany. We in college share the pro-British outlook, but with reservations. When we read the day's war news, we feel a sense of pleasure at any "Allied" triumphs. We feel that we are unable to keep our heads ostrich-like in the strict neu- trality sands, for we believe that there can be no hope of peace in Europe, nor of quiet in the world, nor of security for any of us, until Hitler 'is stopped. Yet always tempering our partisanship is the knowledge that we in college are America's eli- gible cannon fodder if there is a miscarriage of our 1939 neutrality, apparently already built up- on more unstable ground than in 1914. We who are eligible cannon fodder cannot trust our fellow Americans' peace intents-great masses- of them may not have the same incen- tive for peace that impells us. We youth can be fairly sure that our pro-British inclinations will not get out of control-It is our ruin if they do, but what about those masses who will not have to do the fighing? We have had assur- anes from the manufacturers, guarantees from Congressmen, avowals of newspaper publishers that they do not want war, yet American ship- pers are seeking to transfer the registry of their ships because they want to send cargoes into profitable, though dangerous, waters, and the newspapers are guilty of innumerable unjustifi- able"scare" headlines. Knowledge of these saboteurs of neutrality makes us who have the greatest reason for opposing war ask: What can we youth do as our share in keeping America neutral? I say: We can help by ooking at the war throtgh the prejudice of Our own interests. Other controls on our pro-British tendencies have been suggested. Senator D. Worth Clark of Idaho has proposed that influential groups launch' a smearing campaign of Great Britain and France to equalize somewhat the appeals, or nauseas, that Europe's war news has for us. Others have suggested that we should strive to make Americans analyze war news instead of accepting it without question. If we could see ao. apnth lne w enould s.for instane. low them into war hysteria. We must exress dfr f' lin s of resentment toward th& riaW of' this business boomlet so callously couched in blood, or of Poles marching as prisoners in Ber in o of the Austriai Schuschnigg being beaten to the point'of deatli4n a Nazi prison. :.. It is a time when we must look at the question of war with our own interests in view, and -if- anything can push us into war, these inflamma- tory accounts; however true they may be, will do it. It is up to us to counteract the pull of these emotional writings, not by any smearing campaign but by the weight of our own convic- tions for peace. If this is an egocentric, overly realistic view- point, we need have no apologies for it. The- in- dustrialist seeking war-boom profits is as selfish as we; the shipper who fought the repeal of the embargo was fighting for his own ends; the Austrian house-painter who dreamed of becom- ing a modern Napoleon thought more of himslf than he did of the glorification of Germany. Neither do we need to believe that our view- point is cowardly. Unwillingness to fight may stem from other sources than fear. It is not unpatriotic of us to believe that our lives may serve a greater, saner purpose than that of passing as an infinitesimal cog in the preserva-. tion of democracy in Europe, or in revenging "City of Flint" incidents, or in firing shells from which industrialists may draw profits. "Youth has a need today to look out for itself. We want to live our own lives. We want to do a thousand things that war would delay or pre- vent. We stand before a bookstore window and look at the rows of books-new, intriguing books we have not read-and ask ourselves: Is there not reason enough for resentment merely in the swift passage of time that allows us only a pit- tance of the knowledge here distilled? There is so much to do that we cannot tolerate the thought of taking time out for war, much less ending all in war. It is these vague, intangible emotions that in us are apt to argue more strongly for peace than all the facts, all the logic. And it is just these emotions that the masses who are not eligible cannon fodder may not feel. Too oftenoverlooked in the verbiage of debate, in unimaginative statistics, are the personal, in- dividual elements of war. The papers exagger- atedly describe a "major air victory for the Allies" and we jeer as the account tells only of two German planes shot down. But there in those skies over Saarbrucken two youths died, saw all their untried strength-drain out. Americans need to see that scene fully as much as they do the printed words. We should give our support to the students of Northwestern University who are trying to organize college youth and make it articulate. We should pur- posely and conscientiously strive to impress upon the non-fighters our own "human side of the news," lest they forget. -Hervie Haufler By RICHARD BENNETT The absence in this column of a review of Fritz Kreisler's concert of last Monday evening seems to have given rise to a startling number of questions pertaining thereto and to have- revealed a surprising interest in the problem of musical coverage. Unfortunately the inter- est appears to have been greater than the in- sight; for it was hoped that the reader would find the simple omission of a review more signi- ficant than a whole catalogue of observations on Mr. Kreisler's bowing, phrasing, intonation, and the like. Anyone knows that there is nothing more gratifying to a commentator than the op- portunity to submit a 'favorable criticism of an. artist's performance, either the performance of one who for the first time stands before the public to claim its approval or of one who has merited and received that approval over a period of years. When a review is entirely absent, one of two alternatives must, therefore, have been the case: either the reviewer was not present at the performance; for his expectations were gross- ly disappointed. The former was not the case Stravinsky ... A fortnight or so ago it was reported that Igor Stravinsky is now. working on a new' symphony in the sheltered recesses of Harvard campus. On being queried about the character of his new work the sometime composer of Le Sacre du Printemps replied: ."It shall have nothing' to do with life," and stated further that it would be constructed only upon the classic forms of the past. Mr. Stravinsky has for some time now been moving out of the world of the real and into the .world. of Igor Stravinsky; but never before, has he announced so determinedly his credo of vacuity. Is it not a little foul that an artist who in an earlier period stood for so much that was progressive and liberating should have with- drawn from the world and man, the only normal stimulant for any art, now that the way is tougher going? This is not of the stuff great men are made. Rather is it the way of pre- cocious children offering great promise but coming to nothing. To all artists who are finding the forces of despair and chaos greater than those of hope and purpose; to all artists who are turning to the past, to legend and the idealization of what they suppose to be histoy to all: artists, in short,who are no longer of a mind for keeping company with the "poorest, the lowliest, and the lost," I should like to submit as most happily relevant Tagore's admonition from the Gitan- jali: "Leave this chanting and singing and telling of beads! Whom dost thou worship in this lonely dark corner of a temple with doors all shut? Open thine eyes and see thy God is not before thee! Drew PedsM 0&d . Robed 5.Alen " WASHINGTON-Not all of the facts have leaked out yet regarding the Admirals' bungling of, the brand new U.S. destroyers built as part of the Roosevelt big navy program., It is generally known that the destroyers are top-heavy, but two other facts are not so well understood. One is that on at least three de- stroyers, the deck plates have buckled badly in what is technically known as a "moderately rolling sea." For this reason it has been nec- essary to increase the weight of the decks and thus make the destroyers even more top-heavy. Second is a metallurgical defect in the rivets. The Navy still insists upon using rivets in its vessels, refusing to concede the technical ad- vantages of welding construction. And because of the defective rivets, literally millions of them will have to- be replaced. Of the 28 new destroyers now completed or under construction, 20 are top-heavy. The other eight are not far along in their construc- tion and their design can be changed. Reason for these construction boners lies in the antiquated system of bureaus within the Navy Department and the jealousy of certain admirals who can't get over the fact that they graduated at the head of their class at Annapolis years ago. Inside Reason What happened was -that additional weight, such as extra armor plate, was put on the de- stroyers at high points, which brought their center of gravity too far above the water. The Bureaus of Engineering and Ordnance are sup- posed to certify these weights, while the Bureau of Construction and Repair makes the stability calculations, which are very intricate. In the case of the new destroyers, the three of the private naval yards which were building the vessels feared that the center. of gravity was too high and pointed this out to the admirals. The private builders even offered to submit the center of gravity test to Gibbs and Cox, who are private design agents. The Admirals, however, declined the offer. They decided that they could do no wrong. Naval Housecleaning Result has been (1) that lead ballast has toI be affixed to the keels to keep the vessels from rolling over in the water; and (2) Acting Secre- tary Edison has given the Admirals a thorough shake-up. Admiral William G. DuBose, Chief of Naval Construction, had claimed that the trouble was an engineering defect, not a construction de- fect. But Admiral Harold G. Bowen, Chief of Naval Engineering, hotly replied that DuBose was at fault. So Secretary Edison has shifted Admiral Du- Bose to the naval experimental basin in western Maryland, where he can play with miniature models of battleships. And he has shifted Ad- miral Bowen to the naval research laboratory in southern Maryland, where he can do more ex- perimenting with ships. Some consider it significant that Edison hasj shifted the two to opposite parts of Maryland. NOTE: Reason for the undercover campaign against Acting Secretary Edison on the part of some naval officers is the fact that he has finally determined that he, and not the Admirals, is going to rule the roost. President's Birthday Fund Eddie Cantor had a talk with the President when he was in Washington recently, at which time Roosevelt disclosed important plans for changing his birthday fund. The President said that he wanted to broaden the aid to include all crippled children, not merely those who had suffered from paralysis. He, also expressed the hope that the work would continue after he left the White House, and that it was too important to be linked to one person or personality. NOTE: Eddie Cantor originated the slogan "March of Dimes" for the early stages of the President's Birthday Fund, and Roosevelt has always considered Cantor a sort of partner in the campaign. White House Diplomat Inside the White House, plans have been dis- cussed for the appointment of a diplomatic secre- tary to the President. The tentative plan is to attach a State Department official to the White House staff to sift foreign problems, arrange the visits of diplomats. Real fact is that the President more and more is his own Secretary of State. Many diplo- mats now ask to see the President direct, rather than Cordell Hull. To do this, they now have to go through the State Department, where there are delays and sometimes irritation. - Suggested as the new diplomatic attache is "Hugh Wilson, former Ambassador to Germany, who has been cooling his heels in the State De- partment rather unhappily ever since he was re- callea from Berlin. H.G., Wichita, Kas.-Ambassador Grew, in his excellent work of bringing peace between the Turks and Greeks at the Lausanne Conference, waskassisted by G.Howland Shaw and Robert Whitney Ombrie, the latter having been subse- quently murdered by the military police of Persia.: upon him the bonds of creation; he is bound with us all for ever. Come out of thy meditations and leave aside thy flowers and incense! What harm is there if thy clothes become tattered and stained? Meet him and stand by him in toil and in sweat of thy brow." ASOTEARStx SEEIT . To the Editor: COME TO DUST Sheltered in the afternoon of bleak- ness by the hanging clouds, we are stu- dents, men more prepared to overcome the weakness of a world lacking in our prudence even as we lack a fair idea of that which passes on our spin- ning sphere. * * * Sheltered in the heavy red-brown hull of Hill fifty students waited in the warmth, -and cold light, to celebrate determination: "we have seen men fill themselves on war; nothing fell so - fast as night." Fifty in this spacious room looked for thousands in the gloom. There, in semi-darkness: blue light on names twenty years deaf to call, heavy organ tones1 to stir the mind to fear (one still retains such weakness), and the speaker drones, his voice deep in the ceremony (call it that, because the absent with the fifty silent sat). For every six who died, one comes to pray; the huge hall echoes with the words that fall upon the handful gathered here tlfs day; the watching shadows also have their say, . "man's memory now is short, his words are small, it's hell to know this just before you fall." * * * And so the thousands sheltered from the dead, will revel the appointed day to mourn, how well the wave of cheers will stand in stead ' the spirit in its dismal way, for- lorn; and all the surging, happy crowds remkember this year, the war and the eleventh of November. -Arviragus and Guiderus GULLIVER'S CAVILS 'By Young Gulliver 'Today is Armistice Day. It mayF very well be that Nov. 11, 1939, will be remembered as the last peace- time commemoration of the ending of the first World War. Nov. 11, 1940, will perhaps be the occasion for whipping up new fury against the enemy who wouldn't stay licked. During the past few days there have been a number of incidents in Europe and in this country which, when they are added together, form a pattern of very sinister implica- tions. Item One: The attempt on Hitler's life in Munich. We cannot know, as yet, whether the explosion was caused by German anti-fascists, by British agents, or by Nazis. Regard- less of who tried to get Hitler, will he use the incident as a pretext for loosing relentless attack on Eng- land? Will London be pounded to pieces as Madrid was? Paris Via Holland? Item Two: The Nazi-Dutch inci- dents. Is vHitler going to try to smash through Holland to Paris? In other words, do Item One and Item Two mean that Hitler is going to try to smash through to victory this year? If so, what will the. American attitude be? Item Three: The furious redbait- ing drive now going on in this coun- try. On Thursday the Communists held a meeting in Detroit and got beaten up. The Detroit Free Press account was like this: "As the fist fights went on, a man identified as Pat McCartney, president of the UAW-AFL local in -the Plymouth plant, and brother of the McCartney arrested, yelled encouragement to the veterans through a megaphone. 'Boys, you're doing a very good job,' he shouted. 'This is one of the most patriotic scenes I've ever witnessed in this state. If we do have to go to war we won't be bothered by these rats in this country. This is onlya sample of what .they're going to get. The next time they try to- hold a meeting we'll hang them to lamp poles!' The matter of identifying Com- munists once America enters the war will, of course, be very simple. Every- one opposed to our entry will be eli- gible to be "hung to lamp poles." Hysteria Begins SATURDAY, NOV. 11, 1939 VOL. L. No. 42 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Notices Faculty, School of Education: The postponed meeting of the Faculty will be held Monday noon, Nov. 13, at 12 o'clock at the Michigan Union. School of Education, School of Mu- sic: Midsemester reports indicating- students enrolled in these units doing unsatisfactory work in any unit of the University are due in the office of the school, Saturday, Nov. 18. Report blanks for this purpose may be se- cured from the office of the school or from Room 4, U.H. Choral Union Mmebes in good standing, who call in person, will be issued pass tickets for the Kipnis concert Monday, Nov. 13, between the hours of 9 and 12, and 1 and 4. After four o'clock no tickets will be issued. Senior Engineering Students: An- nouncement is made of a Civil Serv- ice Examination for Procurement In- spector. Graduates in aeronautical en- gineering. may be eligible for the fol- lowing optional branches: Aircraft, aircraft engines, aircraft instruments, aircraft propellers and aircraft mis- cellaneous materials." Graduates in mechanical engineer- ing may be eligible for the optional branches: Aircraft engines, aircraft instruments, aircraft miscellaneous materials, and tools and gages. Graduates in electrical engineering may be eligible for: Airraft instr- ments, radio, and aircraft miscel- laneous materials. Graduates in engineering courses other than those specified may be eligible for the aircraft miscellaneous materials option only. Applications for this examinationh must be filed with the Civil Service Commission by Dec. 4, 1939. Those interested may examine the an- nouncement concerning this position, which is posted on the Aeronautical' Engineering Bulletin Board. Academic Notices Geology 1: There will be a blue- book on Friday, Nov. 17. Subjects included extend from "Exceptional- Features of Stream Erosion" through ''Mountain Glaciers." Concertsl Choral Unio Concert: Alexander Kipnis, Russian basso, with Fritz Kitzinger, accompanist, will give the third program in the Choral- Union Concert Series Monday night, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. Exhibitions One hundred original cartoon draw- ings from the Cartoonists' Group of New York are being shown in the west exhibition gallery of the Rack- ham Building, daily except Sunday, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., from 7 to Nov. 20. Lectures University Lecture: Professor Ed- ward H. Reisner of Teachers' Col- lege, Columbia University, will lec- ture on "Adaptation of the Danish Folk High School to America Use," at 4:10 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 13, in the University High School Auditori- um. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. Arthur L. Dad,, formerly Director of the Geo- physical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, will lec- ture on "The Problem of Hot Springs and Geysers," (illustrated by colored slides and motion pictures) under the auspices of the Departments of Geology and Mineralogy, at 4:15 pm. - on Tuesday, Nov. 14, in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall. The public is cor- dially invited. Today's Events Freshman Round Table: Professor Samuel A. Goudsmit, of the Physics Department, will discuss the topic, "Is Religion Compatible with Modern Science?" at the Freshman Round Table, Lane Hall, tonight at 7:30. Disciples Guild will have open house i at the Guild House, 438 Maynard St., this afternoon following the Minnesota-Michigan game. Disciple students and their friends are invited. Coming Events Try-Outs: Play Production and the School of Music will give Mozart's "Il Seraglio" the latter part of Jan- uary. Vocal tryouts will be held in Room 406, Burton Memorial Tower, Sunday, Nov. 12, at 2:30 p.m. Contes- tants are requested to -bring suitable music wpich they are prepared to sing. Finance Committee of Sophomore Cabaret meeting on Monday at 4 p.m. at the League. Botanical Journal Club meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 14 at 7:30 p.m., Room N;S. 1139. Studies in Morphogenesis: Avenues of approach: Observations on normal develop- ment. James Merry. Cdlchicine treatments. Beatrice Scheer Smith. Treatments Vith growth substances. Elsie Bihary. Tissue cultures. Grace Hall. Effects of environment. Roy Jervis. American Chemical Society: Profes- sor" G. "B. Kistiakowsky of Harvard University will lecture on "En eetic of Some Organic Compounds" in Room 303 Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 15. The meet- Ing is open to the public. International Center: Pictures In technicolor of Hawaii will be shown at the International Center illustrat- ing a talk on Hawaii by Professor Clarence Johnston on Sunday evening at 7 o'clock following the regular Sunday evening supper. Hawaiian students are especially invited- to be present. The Hillel Foundation is sponsor- ing a lecture to begiven by rudwig Lewsohn at the Horace H. Rackham Auditorium on Sunday, Nov. 12, at 8:15 p.m. He will speak on the ub- ject, "The Jewish Question-The An- swer . Reservations are still left for the dinner to be given in honor of Ludwig Lewisohn at the Michigan Union on Sunday, Nov. 12 at 6 p.m. and may be made by calling the Hille1 Foun- dation. Churches Saint Andrews Episcopal Church: Sunday, 8 a.m. Holy Communon; 11 a.m. Special Armistice Day Service with address by Prof. Prestn W. Slosson on "Moral Rearmament; 11 a.m. Junior Church; 11 a.m. Kinder- garten in Harris Hall; 7 p.m. Student meeting, Harris -Hall. Reports of delegates to Michigan Inter-Guild Conference. This meeting. will be vitally important to future plans and program of our group. Very impor- tant that you be present. Refresh- ments and entertainment. First Presbyterian Church: 10:45 a.m. "Essential Christianity" will be the subject of Dr. W. P.- Lemon's sermon. 6 p.m. Westminster Student Guild will meet for a supper and fellowship hour., There will be a panel. discus- sion led by Dr. Lemon on "Religious Perplexities." Unitarian Church: 11 a.m., "Justice More Precarious Than Peace." Ar- mistice sermon by Rev. H. 'P. l Carley. 7:30 p.m., "South American iend- ship," Miss Ruth Wilson. Disciples Guild (Church of Christ). 10:45 a.m., morning- worshi,- Rev. Fred- Cowin, minister. 12 noon, Students' Bible Class, H. L. Pickerill, leader. 6:30 p.m., a service of music, art and poetry on the theme "Come, Follow Me!" 7:30 p.m., social hour and refresh- ments. First Congregational Church: 104:45 a.m. public worship. Dr. Parr will preach on "This World's Chronic Melancholy." : 6 p.m. The Student Fellowship will meet at the church for supper. 7, p.m. Professor- Leonard Gregory' will give a talk, illustrated by rec- ords, on "The Art of Listening to Music." Student Evangelical Chapel: League Building Sunday morning; 10:30, Dr. Goris will .speak on "What Is The Church?" Sunday evening, 7:30, Dr. Goris will speak on "Lessons from an An- cient Battlefield." A social meeting will again be held Friday evening at 8 o'clock at Lane, Hall. First Church of Christ, Sceintist: Sunday morning service at ."10:30. Subject: "Mortals and - Immortals." Gglden Text: II Corinthians 5:16. Sunday School at 11:45. Baptist Church:- 9:30, Graduate Bible .Class. Prof. LeRoy Waterman, the war want to pin anti-war senti- ment on the reds, so that everyone who opposes the war can be labelled red. Intensification of- the war in Eur- ope is of course gravy to the Ameri- can warmakers. A "phoney war" will not stir the Americans nearly so' muchtas bombs dropping on London. It is to be hoped that the war will. remain "phoney." But whatever develops in Europe in the ,next few months; we in America are going to see redbaiting, "slacker" talk, and a general upris- ing of those elements who feel that America must eventually aid Eng- land and France with men. Item Four, might well be the at- tendance of one hundred people at the Armistice Day meeting in Hill Auditorium. For if but one hundred out of twelve thousand Michigan The hysteria has begun. Why are the Communists being persecuted? Because nobody likes what Stalin has done? That is surely not Brow- der's fault. Because Browder has