THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, NOV. 10, 1939 Price To Give SpecialRecital Armistice Day In observance of Armistice Day a special carillon concert will be pre- sented at 11 a.m. tomorrow by Prof. Frank Percival Price, University Car- illoneur. The program will be given in con- junction with a general North Ameri- can program planned by the North American Guild of Carilloneurs in observance of "Peace Day," and is a protest against war and a prayer for peace. The idea is supported by the Federal Council of Churches. The announcement of the North Ameri- can Guild states "the moral effect of such an appeal for peace and protest against war and expressed at such a particular time, when everybody's mind goes back to the tragic days of 1914-1918, will leave a much-needed impression and desire for Peace and Goodwill with the people throughout the country and abroad." Tapping Goes To Saginaw T. Hawley Tapping, general secre- tary of the Alumni Association, will attend a meeting of the Board of Governors of the University of 'Michi- gan Club of Saginaw tonight. Flaming Youth' Era Abandoned In 1929, Files Survey Reveals Charges Treck Driver With Assault i i from the SoVIET UNION ART ALBUMS: a cdllection of de luxe art folios, size I I" x 142", exquisitely wrought in beautiful covers, especially prepared for the World's Fair Exhibit. Full color reproductions, beautifully mounted, ready for framing, explanatory English text:- Album of Soviet Paintings, $5. Rus- sian State Museum Album, $5. Hfer- mitage State Museum Album, $5. Museum of Modern Western Art, $7.50. Tretyakov State Gallery Album, $5. Pushkin State Museum Album, $5. Corot Album, $6. Lenin Album, $5. PHOTO ALBUMS: Pageant of Youth, 50c.Soviet Aviation, $1. Red Army end Navy, $1. Moscow, S5c. POST CARDFOLIOS: Soviet Paintings--48 full color reproduc- tions, 50c. Soviet Sculpture -24 two-tone photogravure reproduc- tions, 30c. PUBLICATIONS: Moscow News, illustrated weekly in English, $2 year; Sovietland, illustrated month- ly, $1.50 year; International Litera- ture, monthly, $2.50 year; USSR in Construction, de luxe monthly, $3 year. 'Write for FREE illustrated, descriptive catalog BOOKNIGA, Inc. 255 FIfth Ave., New York, N. Y. By LAURENCE MASCOTT With little fanfare, with no cele- bration, the University of Michigan will observe the end of a decade to- day: that decade of economic up- heaval which began the week of Nov. 6, 1929, and marked the end of the1 era of "flaming youth." At the top of the 'first page off the Michigan Daily for Nov. 7, 1929,1 ran the rather small, cryptic head- line, "Mysterious Break of :Stock1 Market Causes Confusion." Thatj significant event was the signal in- dication of the end of one decade,t it sounded the death-knell of "Joe College." As a survey of those Novemeber, 1929, issues of The Daily immediately reveals, 1929 actually was the period1 of "flaming youth," even on Michi- gan's compartively staid campus. On the first page of that Nov. 7 issue The Daily ran a laconic, revealing story under the headline: "Fletcher Hall To Be Vacated For Semester." The article stated: "Fletcher Hall dormi- tory for male students on Sybil street, will be vacated by students living there before Monday, it was an- nounced last night by F. B. Wahr, assistant dean of students." The story's final sentence: "Fletcher hall was raided by city police Saturday and a large quantity of liquor confis- cated," aptly summarized the exist- ing state of student morals. Letter To Editors; The year was obviously part of the era of prohibition and accompanying student hate of its enforcement. A letter to The Daily in the issue of, Nov. 13 charged that the student body is "attempting to gain recogni- tion through a series of articles on drinking bouts, first class gentle- men bootleggers and all else morally degrading." The letter also states that every Michigan man'is "con- stantly considered one of the brandy boys." The letter, of course, aroused great indignation on campus, but subsequent stories and editorials in The Daily on the problem of "boot- leg hooch" and student drinking, un- consciously substantiated the letter- writer's observations. Perhaps the best indication of the state public and student morality is given by the theatre ads of those November issues of The Daily. The Michigan featured Victor McLagen in "The Black Watch" and described the sfilm as "purple passion under scent- ed skies, a primal courtesan and the man who resisted her." At the Ma- jestic, Ruth Chatterton was starring in "Madame X," "the story of a wom- an who sinned-." 'Lowing Seemed Dull' The picture that would probably have proved most offensive of all shown here that month to the yet- anborn Hays office was "The Pace That Kills" which appeared that month at the Orpheum. The picture was advertised with streamers of "Petting and Loving Seemed Dull, Jazz and Gin Seemed Slow" and was limited to "adults only," the theatre defining all those over 16 as adults, thus judging the whole student body mature enough to see the film. Perhaps the little article in The Daily for Nov. 22, 1929, truly signi- fied the end of the era of "bath-tub gin," "frat" being applied to fra- ternities, abbreviated dresses and thet "flappers" who wore them; in short, the end of the "flaming youth" era. That Daily of Nov. 22 carried the story of the emergency conference at the White House between President Hoover and labor and industrial lead- ers in an attempt to map out some plan to stop extreme wage cuts, and' plunging securities. It was the failure of that conference, as reported in The Daily, that marked the birth of the depression, sounded the "death- knell" of "flaming-youth." I By June McKee - '1 Bacon To Talk At UnionI William Bacon, Fifth Alumni Dis- trict President, will be main speaker at the first smoker of the Chicago Club to be held from 8 to 9 p.m. today at the Union, Ralph J. Kelly, '40E, program chairman, announced yes- terday. All of the Chicago alumni who will be in Ann Arbor for the weekend have been invited to at- tend. Refreshments will be served. Purdom Attends Meeting Dr. T. Luther Purdom, Director of the Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information is attend- ing a conference in Washington, D.C. on "Opportunities for Women in Public Service." The conference, sponsored by the Institute of Wo- men's Professional Relations, starts today and will extend through to- morrow. Michigan, Grad 'Takes AnnArbor e" "* A nn Aibo,*rNew Porto Rican Post George A. Malcolm, '06L, for sev- Here Is Today's News eral years justice on the Supreme In Summary Court of the Philippine Islands, has been made attorney general of Porto It's going to be a lot of work get- Rico, Jaime Sifre, '08L, president of ting merchant Christmas decorations the University of Michigan Club of for the streets .. . and now the prob- lem has been turned over to the city Porto Rico, announced yesterday. council and the city board of public Michigan alumni in San Juan are works. The Chamber of Commnerce planning a welcoming banquet for merchants committee ran into a snag Judge Malcolm when he arrives. He this week when they discovered a re- luctance by the city to chip in on the I will assume his new post in a short project with the necessary funds. Sp time. the merchants are waiting to see what I Judge Malcolm, having "clippei'ed" is going to happen. Ito Los Angeles, is now in that city, e hs bn aawaiting instructions from Washing- A committee has been appointed by ton. His wife remained in the Philip- the board of education to investigate pines to close their Manila home. the locker facilities at Wines Field and to improve the accommoda- tions if it is found necessary. Patent medicine with a kick in it was blamed by Charles Wil- burn, 59 years old, in justice at FOL LETT'S court Thursday for a charge of malicious destruction of property which was placed against him. Wilburn said he took the medi- cine for a stomach ailment, ands. that it did queer things to hire. * * * * I Approximately '17,0 0 0 persons walked through the 11 coaches of the Mercury, the New York Central's streamlined train, when it was placed on exhibit here this week . 11 Stetsons styled for MICHIGAN at Wagner's This story is quite confusing in places, but it started last September in a New York subway when Yohn Durkin, a truck driver, allegedly "em- braced" a fellow traveler. When "she" turned around, Durkin saw that he had hold of the "bearded lady," Frances Murphy (left). Police inves- tigators determined that Frances 'really was Frances, who is shown at right testifying against Durkin in a third degree assault case. Today's "Fan Fare" broadcast fea- tures a forecast of the Minnesota game by Tom Harmon, '41, and Mel Fineberg, '40. The Brown Jug will be discussed by Stan Swinton, '40, who announces this sportscast that WMBC carries weekly at 2:45 p.m. The Radio Guild program then presents "Oral Interpretation of Poetry" at 3:30 p.m., via WJR. The elements of musical background, choral speaking, unison speaking and interpretative reading programs will be divulged under the direction of Prof. Louis M. Eich, of the speech de- partment. Mary Lou McKisson, '41, today upholds the announcing-by- women under way this week. Inci- dentally, Mary Lou fared finely in the recent televisioning. RCA liked her work a lot. AIRING ADDENDA ... Steve Filipiak, Grad., dropped by yesterday morning in time to tell the broadcasting class a little of life at tation WIBM, in Jackson. There he finds work pleasant, principally of commercial and "spot" announcing, transcription taking, continuity writ- ig, and good-will representing. He believes that such 250 watters best prepare the mike-man aspiring for work at some larger station. Fan mail (that ephithet so en- deared) is still running farely fan- tastic, from "Prof. Wayne Abbot" to "Maurice Hall." Jack Silcott, Grad, from Colorado who introduced "Han- ky Panky" here, specially likes that card sent to "Mr. Kill-Scott, the Uni- versity of Ann Arbor." Franklin Statue Becomes Part Of Foundation A statue of Benjamin Franklin, donated by the Class of 1864, once stood on the campus across from the old Law School, now Haven Hall. Now the statue is in pieces and forms part of the foundation for the new Health Service Building. Every year the statue was the tar- get of the freshmen and the sopho- mores in their attempt to cover it with red or green paint. The mater- ial of the figure was soft and soon wore rather thin. One day some- one stuck a bottle under the arm so that only the cork showed. It was removed, and to keep the figure from completely falling apart a hole was bored in the top of the head and concrete poured in. But the attempt to preserve the statue was not made until the fall, and the concrete did not harden properly. One day soon after the concrete froze and one arm fell off. In case any of the old grads came around looking for Benjamin the statue was taken off its pedestal and tied on a specially-built shelf in the Boiler House. Then if anyone want- ed to see him he was referred to the Boiler House and Franklin's 'throne'. This arrangement lasted until one fine day when poor Benjamin fell off the shelf and broke in a thousand pieces. After this mishap nothing more could be done for the gift of the Class of 1864, and it was decided to dispose of the pieces. At this time the site of the new Health Service was a deep hole, called the Cathole. It was a dangerous spot, at least one person having drowned there while ice-skating. The authorities decided to fill it up and remove the danger. One of the things used to fill it was the statue of Benjamin Frank- lin. Now the new Student Health Cen- ter is being built in the dip where the Cathole was, and Franklin is under it all. Conservation Department To Set Resale Land Rules THE MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Effective as of February 14, 1939 12c per reading line (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. Minimum of 3 lines per inser- tion. These low rates are on the basis of cash payment before the ad is inserted. If it is inconvenient for you to call at our offices to make payment, a messenger will be sent to pick up your ad at a slight extra charge of 10c. For further information call 23-24-1, or stop at 420 Maynard Street. STRAYED, LOST, FOUND --1 LOST-Oct. 25, black looseleaf note- book, initials F.O.R. cut on cover. Reward. Phone Scott, 4121-603 or 3666. 70 LOST Silver filigree braceletSatur- day. Keepsake. Reward. Call K. Cramer at Martha Cook, 2-3225. 72 of case. Bob Wagner. 2-2565. FOUND-LA fountain pen. Owner may have by identifying and pay- ing for this ad. Reply Box 1. 74 ARTICLES FOR SALE -3 SINGING CANARIES, Finches, Par- raketes for training to talk. Sup- plies, cages. Phone 5330, 562 S. Seventh. 68 GIRL'S BICYCLE for sale. Only used one year. Balloon tires. Orig- inally $31, will sell for $17.50. Phone 9501. 71 LAUNDERING--9 BUDGET BUNDLE 6 lbs. 97c 12c each additional pound Everything Everything Included Finished SUNSHINE LAUNDRY Formerly Sam's Home Laundry Dial 6964 Free Pick Up and Delivery 42 Last Threes Today JACKCIE COOPER "WHAT A LIFE" Daily at 2 - 4 - 7 - 9 P.M. Starts Saturday! TYPING- 18 TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen, 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-295 or 2-1416. 34 TYPING--Miss L. M. Heywood, 414 Maynard St. Phone 5689. 43 EMPLOYMENT --13 PART TIME WORK. Artcraft Nov- elties sell readily from displays. Liberal commission. Write Art- craft, 313 Allen, Grand Rapids, Mich. 69 STUDENTS WANTED-Girl to direct girls' play group one afternoon weekly-also student to teach small boy carpentry. Write Box 23. 73 TRANSPORTATION -21 WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL - Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Company. Phone 7112. 13 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING LOST-Shell-rimmed glasses in black I LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. case. Lost month ago. Name inside' Careful work at low prices. 16 5 for 1 inciua/ing Nvnc I prinitig of your on each card COMPLETELY FOLDED . . WITH 50 PLAIN ENVELOPES TO MA'itik . . . SMARTLY BOXED. F0 L L E T* 4 - ,, - - - j { I HEAD LINES 4-Y ALE X AqN DER Foremost fashion of the Fall term.. the new Stetsons! This snap brim's style will complement your clothes ... its lines will flatter your features...and, like any Stetson, it will fit you like a glove! STETSON (...apd it all comes out in the wash) "starring ANN RHFRIRAN K~IPN RU S S IAN BA SS The beauty of his voice and the magic of his personality have won artistic triumph for him in the music capitals of the world. According to the New York Times, he is "the greatest living Gurnemanz." I 11 STETSONS ARE PRICED AT $5, $7.50, $10 11 __ I -