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November 10, 1939 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-10

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Showers today; generally fair
and cooler tomorrow.

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A Coke Date
Or Your iWfe? . .

VOL. L. No. 41 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOV. 10, 1939
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20 Students
Criticize High
School System
At Convention
Poor Secondary Education
Based On Low Salaries
Is Consensus Of Opinion
Dr. Ernest J. Chave
Discusses Religion,
Intellectual immaturity made them1
hopelessly unprepared for college, 201
students participating in the 10th An-1
nual Parent Education Institute's
dinner meeting, complained/ yester-
Condemning "their fumbling and
haphazard" high school educations,
they attributed them to the com-
munity's policy of low salaries for
teachers. People of great ability, they
reasoned, are not attracted and chil-
dren must suffer instruction from
second rate personalities.
In depriving crippled children of
hospitalization, they said, the com-
munity is doing itself an injustice.
Curb For Delinquencyr
Delinquency can be curbed, they
asserted, by a conscientious program
of better moving pictures, better
equipped libraries and social func-
tions sponsored by church and PTA
In the morning session's featured+
address, Dr. Ernest J. Chave of the
Divinity School at Chicago, dis-
cussed "The Function of Religion in
Corhmunity Life." He pointed out1
that a church should never be anI
exclusive group boasting of its ex-I
clusiveness, They should forget their
desire to secure some denomination-I
al or local advantage, and bend their1
effort toward the good of the com-1
munity. .
Dean W. W. Whitehouse of Wayne
University also spoke in the morn-
ing session: He declared that re-
ligion, in providing a basis for life's
activity, should be an essential in-I
gredient in youth's education.
Allen To Speak
Jay Allen, noted war correspondent+
and roving reporter for the Chicago
Tribune and London News Chronicle,
will highlight the program at 2 p.m.
in the Lecture Hall of the Rackham
Building today with an address
"Propaganda In the News and How;
To Spot." He will lead the forum
immediately following entitled "When
Instructer-When Propagandized."
Barclay Acheson, associate editor
on "Reader's Digest," will open the
morning session's talks with a dis-1
cussion of "Freedom, the Mental Cli-
mate for Progress," at 10 a.m. in the'
Lecture Hall. His talk will be fol-
lowed at 11 a.m. in the same place
by Rev. Walton Cole, of the Uni-
tarian Church in Toledo, who will
speak on "Defending Ourselves
Against Propaganda."
More than' 1,500 people are ex-
pected to register for the Institute.
Already 1,150 have registered. This
is the largest number in the Insti-
tute's history.
The Institute will conclude this
year's session at 4:30 p.m. today.
Prof. Shepard
To TalkTodayE
To Discuss Personal Ideas1

At Hillel Foundation
Prof. John Shepard of the psychol-
ogy department will talk on "Men
and Books Which Have Influenced
My Mind" at 8 p.m. today at the
Hillel Foundation.
In his speech Professor Shepard
will discuss a bit of his personal his-I
tory telling what influenced him to
become a psychology instructor and
then will speak on the fundamental
changes in his thinking, relating to
religion and political science.
This is the fourth in a series of
talks which are given at the same
time on the same topic every Fri-
day, by various members of~ the fac-
ulty. Among those scheduled to speak
in the near future are Prof. Roy Sel-
lars of the philosophy department,
Prof. John P. Dawson of the Law
School and Prof. Mentor L. Williams
of the English department.
Last Sale Of Gargoyle
Scheduled For Today
The November issue of the Gar-

University's War Dead Honored,
At Armistice Day Peace Services

Rev. Lewis, Carl Petersen
And Robert Rosa, Warn
Against Betraying Trust
Our obligation to the University's
300 war dead is the preservation of
the democracy they fought to save,
three speakers told the Armistice Day
Peace Memorial Service audience yes-
terday in Hill Auditorium, as Michi-
gan paid solemn tribute to those
students and faculty members who'
died on foreign soil in the World War.
Speaking 21 years after the armis-
tice was signed, keynoter Carl Peter-
sen, '40, managing editor of The
Daily, warned that we will betray the
trust our dead placed in those left
behind if we let democracy fail now.
"Democracy's front line of defense
is on Main Street, not the Rhine," he
The Rev. Henry Lewis of St. An-
Miss Ketchamn
Opens Session
Of Convention
Therapeutic Association
Begins State Meeting
At University Hospital
A welcoming address by Miss Dor-
othy Ketcham, University Hospital
Social Service Director at a luncheon,
a business meeting and a tour of
the University Hospital will feature
today's opening session of the Michi-
gan Occupational Therapy Associa-
tion's two-day convention.
Following registration at 9 a.m.
today on the ninth floor of the Hos-
pital, Mrs. Barbara M. Strobel will
preside at the business meeting.
Other speakers at the luncheon be-
side Miss Ketcham include Miss Ola
Hylton, Assistant to Miss Ketcham,
Dr. Henry Ransom, Department of
Surgery, Mrs. Geraldine Notley, Ros-
pital School and Mrs. Mildred Wal-
ton, Special Activities Department.
Rev. Harold P. Marley, Unitarian
Church, Ann Arbor, will be guest
speaker at the dinner, Friday eve-
ning, in the Haunted Tavern. Last
event of the day will be open house
for all visiting occupational thera-
pists at the homes of Ann Arbor+
The Michigan Occupational Ther-
apy Association is a branch of the+
American Occupational Therapy
Association and is the third largest
state group in the country. Its mem-
bership is drawn from Occupationa
Therapy departments of Mental,
Tuberculosis, General and Orthope-
dic' Hospitals throughout Michigan.
Peace Needed
In Union Fiht
Labor Rivalry Is Personal
Conflict Says Seidman
The primary need in labor today is
peace between rival unions, Dr. Poel
Seidman, field secretary and special
lecturer for the League for Industrial
Democracy, said yesterday afternoon
at a luncheon sponsored by the Lib-
eral Action Club.
Dr. Seidman, whose topic was
"Prospects for Peace," described the
many plans put forward by those at-
tempting to patch up the dispute be-
tween the CIO and the AFL. It is
especially unfortunate, declared the
speaker, that these attempts at peace
have failed, since it is obvious that
until there is internal harmony among
labor men, the unions cannot earn
the trust of employers, the public, or
non-union workers.

Dr. Seidman sees the conflict be-
tween the unions as a clash of per-
sonalities, rather than principle. He
said tlat there are prospects for
peace, but not until there is a change
of leaders.
Dr. Seidman is the first in a pro-
posed series of lecturers to be brought
here by the Liberal Action Club. The
next will be announced later.
Guggeiiheim's Son
Discovered Dead
NEW YORK, Nov. 9.--(P)--George
Denver Guggenheim, only son of
Simon Guggenheim, philanthropist
and former U. S. Senator from Colo-
rado, was found dead tonight in his
room at the Hotel Paramount, from
a bullet wound in the head. A rifle

drew's Episcopal Church pointed out
that those who died had no animos-
ity for the men they had to fight
except when evil propaganda in-
stilled it into them. They were too
human, toonear the actual war to
hate the enemy, he said. "When re-
viled," he said, "they did not revile
The men and women who died then,
he stressed, would have wanted us
to love in the same way and never
yield to evil propaganda. War can
only be abolished, he said, when we
become better men and women and
when we place love above hatred.
That, he said, was the spirit of those
that died in the war, and we can
best honor them by living up to their
Robert Rosa, Grad., president of
the American Student Union, asked
that we keep our solemn obligation
to preserve our form of government
and liberties. Interest in the present
war in Europe, he warned, should
not avert our attention from the vigil
of keeping democracy alive at home.
We must be sure, he said, that
free discussion is maintained at all
costs in America. Pointing out sev-
eral cases in this country that could
create here the spirit of war, Rosa
decried the type of Congressional
committee that allows cranks and
chauvinists to blacken the reputa-
tions of reputable people and thus
create scares that are unfounded in
fact. This type of accusation can
lead to the "war temper" here, he
said, and may bring about the suspen-
sion of democracy here, as has been
done in great measure in Great Bri-
tain and France. Thus, he said, we
would be breaking faith with our
war dead.
200 To Hear
Vernon Brown
Address Group
Accountants' Conference
Features Lectures And
Discussions Opening Day
More than 200 members of the
Michigan Association of Certified
Public Accountants attending the
15th annual Michigan Accounting
Conference are expected to hear an
address by Vernon G. Brown, Attor-
ney-General of Michigan at a lun-
cheon meeting today in the League.
The conference will open with two
round table discussions, considering
"Some Problems of Government Ac-
counting" and "Practical Auditing
Procedures for Inventories and Re-
ceivables," at 9:30 a.m. in the west
conference room and the assembly
hall of the Rackham Building, re-
spectively. Prof. F. H. Elwell, of the
University of Wisconsin, will address
the first of these meetings.
George o. May, a New York City
accountant, will address the assem-
bled delegates on "Valuation or His-
torical Costs; Some Recent Develop-
ments" at 11 a.m. in the amphithe-
"The Auditor's Responsibility to the
Investor" will be discussed by Carman
G. Blough, of Chicago, at the as-
sembly which will be held at 2:30
p.m. in the amphitheatre of the
Rackham Building. Harry M. Prevo,
of Detroit, will address the same as-
sembly on the subject of "Current
Accounting Developments."
Dr. Elzada Clover, of the botany de-
partment, will show movies and lec-
ture on "Shooting the Rapids of the
Colorado River" at 4:30 p.m. in the
Chester H. Lang of Schenectady,
N.Y., will be the principal speaker at
a banquet which is to be held at 6:15
p.m. in the Union. His subject is to

be "A Reformed Bookkeeper Takes A

Labor Peace
AFL - CIO Heads Indicate
Talks With Roosevelt
Fail To Solve T6ruble
Lewis Disinclined
To Break Deadlock
WASHINGTON, Nov. 9. -()-- A
large question mark hung over the
prospects for new AFL-CIO peace
conferences tonight despite renewed
efforts by President Roosevelt to re-
store harmony in labor's ranks.
After separate conferences with the
Chief Executive, AFL President Wil-
liam Green and CIO President John
L. Lewis indicated that their talks1
had developed nothing which mightt
break the present stalemate.i
Green told reporters that there,
were no hurdles in the way to newl
peace conferences so far as the Fed-,
eration was concerned. Lewis was
noncommittal. He said labor peace,
was one of several matters discussedt
and refused to be drawn out on ques-t
tions about possible labor unity. I
The CIO leader, who is now con-
cerned with expanding the member-,
ship of his organization, is known,
however, to be disinclined to partici-1
pate in any more peace conferences
unless he feels certain they will pro-
duce a satisfactory settlement.
Federation leadership in the past
has said that Lewis was the one to;
fix the date for the renewal of con-
ferences, since it was at his request,
that the negotiations were recessed1
indefinitely last April.-
In CIO quarters, it was said that
Lewis probably would acquiese if Mr.
Roosevelt directly requested a re-F
sumption of the negotiations begun
last winter under White House aus-
pices. But there was no indication;
that the President, when he called1
in the labor men unexpectedly to-
day, had pressed Lewis to agree to
further peace conferences.
A few weeks ago, however, Mr.
Roosevelt sent messages to the AFL
and CIO conventions declaring that
negotiations must be continued. Hey
urged labor leadership to "put aside
pride and self advantage as a patrio-
tic service for national unity." 1
Churches Aid
In Prevention
Of Delinquency
Institute Of Michigan Child
Guidance Hears Speech
By Dr. Carr, Director
Focusing attention on the church's
role in dealing with cases of juvenile
delinquency, the Michigan Child
Guidance Institute brought together
religious leaders from several Michi-
gan cities in meetings yesterday at
the League.
The problem inCMichigan,accord-
ing to Dr. L. J. Carr, director of the
institute, involves an average of 5,000
child delinquency cases per year,
2,500 adult cases, and a permanent
body of 15,000 mental patients in
state institutions each year.
Skilled personnel in probation de-
partments, together with a state-wide
program of adult education in the
treatment of potential child delin-
quents were cited by Dr. Carr as the
principle requisites to an effective
state program.

Possibilities of church work in dis-
covering cases of delinquency in their
early stages, and in assuming leader-
ship in a concerted community drive
to correct the conditions contribu-
tory to the development of such cases
were pointed out.



Of Water

din Inundation
Defense Zones;

Germans Probe Bombing

Investigation Commission
Announces No Charges
After Making Arrests

Ruthven Thanks Students

Journalists Attack
Jews And English
BERLIN, Nov. 9.-aP)-Authorities
held a number of personsfor ques-
tioning tonight as they pressed an
investigation into the attempt on
Adolf Hitler's life last night in the
historic Buergerbrau Cellar in Mu-
Officials would not say how many
were arrested but emphasized their
detention did not mean necessarily
that charges had been placed against
A commission of criminologists in-
vestigating the blast said late to-
night that they had found evidence
that a timing device set off the ex-
plosion and that careful and exten-
sive preparations had been made.
Experts Arranged Plants
They expressed the opinion that
skilled experts had arranged the
plant. They said no specific in-
dividuals or groups were suspected,
but that their inquiry had provided
good tips.
Nazis used the word "miracle" in
commenting on the escape of Hitler
and other government heads, point-
ing out that the customary program
for the observance of the unsuccess-
ful 1923 Putsch was changed in order
to enable the Fuehrer to return earl-
ier to Berlin.
The explosion occurred at 9:21 p.m.,
just 11 minutes after Hitler had left.
it demolished the interior of the fa-
mous Nazi rallying center in the early
days of the Natiopal Socialist move-
ment and tore off most of the roof.
The original reward of 500,000
marks ($200,000) for information
leading to seizure of the perpetrators
was increased to 600,000 marks
($240,000) by an anonymous offer.
Himmler Adds To Reward
Henrich Himmler, head of all Nazi
police forces, tonight offered an ad-
ditional reward of 300,000 marks
($120,000) in foreign exchange to
anyone abroad providing information
leading to the arrest of the guilty
person or persons.
The entire press charged Jews and
the British Secret Service were re-
Officials, however, declined to
comment on whether there was a
"Jewish angle" to the case, saying it
would "prejudice" the investigation
to surmise Jews were responsible.
Realtors Meet
For Discussion
Lewis And Miss Sweet
Will SpeakTo Group
Seventy realtors and taxpayers at-
tended a dinner meeting of the Ann
Arbor Real Estate Board at 6:30 p.m.
last night at the Union, at which
Lewis Palmer, past president of the
State Real Estate Board, and Carrol
Sweet now executive secretary of the
State Board spoke.
Mr. Palmer, in his address en-
titled "Communism Through Taxa-
tion," discussed national and state
taxation problems from the viewpoint
of the property owner, stressing the
inherent danger to the existing
American system of government of
the growing number of persons on
government payrolls.
Mr. Sweet described his efforts at
the state capital as a lobbyist in be-
half of the State Real Estate Board.
State Senator McCallum of Ann
Arbor and University Registrar
Shirley Smith were also guests at the
Play Production's
'Family Portrait'

Tickets Still Left
Tickets are still available at the
box office for "Family Portrait,"
Play Production's first play of this
season, which closes with perform-

* * *
President Ruthven today issued a
statement of thanks to University
students who participated in the re-
cent anniversary dinner given at the
Yost Field House in his honor.
Dr. Ruthven's message follows:
"May I take this means of ex-
pressing my deep appreciation of
the work, ingenuity, and skill evi-
denced in your exhibits. I can
never forget the delightful mix-
ture of humor and seriousness
and, above all, the spirit of the
Mimes' Fate
To Be Decided
By Committee
Whether or not there will be a re-
vival of the Union Opera depends
upon the outcome of today's meeting
of the Union Finance Committee.
The Union Board of Directors ap-
proved the Opera several weeks ago
after a survey .had indicated suffi-
cient amount of talent would be
available for production. The' bud-
get drawn up by the Directors will
be considered by the Finance Com-
mittee today.
Members of the Finance Commit-
tee include: Dean Joseph E. Bursley,
Regent Franklin M. Cooke, Prof.
Chester O. Wisler of the engineering
college, Dr. Dean W. Meyers and Don
Treadwell, '40, president of the
During the weeks since the Board
of Directors approved the Opera,
a budget committee under the direc-
tion of James Halligan,''40&C' and
Charles R. Mix, '40, has been work-
ing to draft a suitable budget, which
is now ready for consideration by
the Finance Committee.
If the budget is approved, the
chairmen of the various committee
will be selected from among the more
than 250 students who registered dur-
ing the talent survey and work will
begin on the Opera immediately.
ickinson Asks
For Divine Help
Governor Seeks Churches'
Interest In Labor Dispute
DETROIT, Nov. 9.-(AP)--Gov. Lur-
en D. Dickinson announced today he
would ask all churches in Michigan to
implore divine intervention Sunday
in the prolonged labor dispute which
has paralyzed operations of Chrysler
Corp. and allied industries.
In a formal statement, the Gover-
nor said a dispute between the cor-
poration and the United Automobile
Workers (CIO) was becoming "des-
perately serious," although federal
and state mediation agencies had
F been doing "everything possible" in
Detroit and Lansing conferences to
bring about an agreement that would
permit resumption of plant opera-
* tions.
Dickinson said the cessation of em-

Belgian Forces Increased
To 600,000 As States
Trains Are Ready
To Move Civilians
AMSTERDAM, Nov. 9.--(A')-The
Netherlands began inundation of her
main water defense line through the
center of the country tonight while
Belgium boosted her mobilization to
a near peak figure of 600,000.
Official explanation of the extra-
ordinary measures was lacking but
informed sources stressed that the
two lowland countries believed their
neutrality would not be violated de-
spite rumors of intensified German
activity on the Western Front.
A wide area was flooded through
Utrecht Province as was an area
reaching eastward between the Maas
and Waal Rivers-the Netherlands'
first line of defense.
Civilians Removed Earlier
Civilians earlier were removed from
"water line" villages. Exact extent
of the inundation and the number of
persons removed were not disclosed.
The inundated sections form a belt
Protecting Amsterdam, Rotterdam,
the Hague and northwest industrial
This and other military moves in
the two lowland countries were in
terpreted as evidence of a determina-
tion by them to be ready for any
turn in the European conflict.
Many trains were held in readi-
ness in eastern centers for possible
removal of the population westward
behind .the water defense line in
case; of a serious threat to the nation's
The greater part of rural Utrecht
was inundated bu the provincial capi-
tal of the same name was not affect-
In a speech to parliament Foreign
Minister Eelco N. Van , Kleffens
stressed the hearty relations of the
Netherlands with Belgium.
Respect Neutrality Of Lowlands
He said the earnestness of the
assurances given by the warring
countries that the neutrality of the
lowland states would be respected
"can not be doubted."
The precautionary flooding by the
Netherlands followed a display of
nevousness, attributed mainly to the
reported massing of German troops
on the nation's eastern frontier.
A royal decree of Nov. 1 established
martial law in key defense communi-
ties, including 500 of the Nether-
lands' 1,200 smaller , towns and vil-
lages to bolster military preparations
and curb espionage.
Under the martial law order, the
military is empowered to suspend all
civil functions and forbid entrance
to martial law areas.
Dutch-Nazi Battle
Occurs On Border
AMSTERDAM, Nov. 9. -1}--(- A
mysterious shooting incident on the
Netherlands-Germa~n frontier in
which two persons may have been
killed and several abducted into Ger-
many was reported tonight as the
Netherlands began precautionary
flooding of her vital "water line'"
One report of the clash was that
two persons were killed. Another
authorized version said only one'per-
son was injured. Both versions
agreed several persons had been
spirited across the border into Ger-
Witnesses to the clash at the Ven-
loo customs post, on the Netherlands
southeastern frontier, said the shoot-
ing occurred on Netherlands soil after
occupants of a German automobile

alighted, crossed the frontier on foot
and engaged occupants of a Nether-
lands machine near the customs bar-
Victims Taken To Germany
One of those said to have been
killed was believed to be an occupant
of the Netherlands car. The victims
and several survivors from this
vehicle were reported taken into Ger-

Engineering Delegation Plans,

Talent Searci
In defiance of tradition and the
ridicule of fellowmen, a delegation if
husky engineers are reported to be
conniving to "crash" the feminine
sanctum of The Daily style show at
the League today.
After several-fruitless days of scan-
ning the campus horizon in search of
talent, members of the Engineers'
Ball committee see in the style show
a possible solution to their new des-
perate problem: the slide-rule Cas-
sanovas have become insistant, they

hi AtStyle Show
there were fair looking girls and
again there were brilliant personali-
ties, but each failed in some essential
With such a dearth of conclusive
evidence before them, these resource-
ful engineers then turned to extra-
polation: where should the ideal date
be found? Obviously, at a style show
there must be models, and where
there are models, there should, by
all rights, be a model girl.
Then too, under the soothing in-
fluence of the soft music which tra-

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