THE MICHIGAN DAILY r . r . Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, 1$4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERk.SING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK,. N. Y. CHICAGO BOSTON 'LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1939-40 Carl Petersen Elliott Maraniss Stan M. Swinton Morton L. Linder Nornan A. Schorr Dennis Flanagan John N. Canavan- Ain. Vicary Mel Fineberg Editorial Stafj Business Stafff Managing Editor Editorial Director . City Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Associate Editor . Women's Editor . Sports Editor * Paul R. Park Ganson P. Taggart Zenovia Skoratko . Jane Mowers . Harriet S. Levy Business Manager. Asst. Business Mgr., Credit Manager Women's Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager Publications Manager - NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT W. BOGLE The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Japan Tries Face-Saving . . . T HE SITUATION in Europe, as well as the neutrality debate now con- cluded in Congress, has crowded the latest de- velopments in the Far East from the front pages of our newspapers. Undeclared war be- tween China and Japan is still going on with Japan, as a result of the turn of events in Europe, in a more embarrassing position than she has ever been in since the war started. Japan has "lost- face" as a result of her un- successful military ventures because day by day she is meeting stronger resistance from a people stubbornly fighting to free themselves from the, aggressor:-for the right to establish their civil- ization in their own way. As, the struggle goes, on, China is becoming educated. Those subjected to the Japanese yoke are not taking it lying down; while the others under the able Chiang Kai-Shek are fast-uniting and actually conducting offen- sives. What they need to carry on major drives against the Japanese are arms, in quantity as well as quality, which she is getting to a small extent from Russia. Separated now from her two partners in the Rome-Berlin-Tokio ,axis, Japan is strongly de- pendent upon the United States, unforeseen as this may have been. In January, the Treaty of 1911 will be abrogated with little likelihood of its renewal. Business for American manufac- turers has boomed as a result of the present neutrality law and American business men now regard the trade with Japan as insignificant. As a result, an embargo against Japan would not have serious repercussions in this country, whereas it would be . a terrific blow to Japan, who depend upon the United States for approxi- mately 50 per c'ent of her war materials. Ambassador Grew has warned the Japanese government that our country does not approve of the actions of the Japanese army in China, and backs this up by wielding the invisible though potent club-economic sanctions. Japanese officials are not unaware of the situ- ation they are in and will seek to, give the United States no cause to apply an embargo. In trying to combat the situation, Japan is trying to estab-. lish a puppet state in China headed by Wang Ching-Wei, who is regarded by the Chinese people a traitor to his country because he favors Japan. The idea is to establish this puppet state, definitely prejudiced in favor of Japan, to conclude a peace with Japan, and at the same time attempt a compromise with other nations who have held spheres of influence in China since China was opened to western civili- zation and commerce. The State Department: does ~not seem to be fooled by any such plan. Japan is not making any headway against a China united behind their leader and has been forced to modify her program in China by world events, notably the strategic 'position of the United States. This is an opportune time for the United States to enforce an embargo against Japan in order that a courageous Chinese people may have a chance to win their struggle for liberation and establish their own civilization without Japanese "altruistic" assistance. -Bernard Dober In 1938 railroads in the United States paid $364,767,565 in taxes, or approximately $1,000,000 per day. -The Daily Maroon The Dionne quintuplets have not yet been told about the war. Well, they are not much more in the dark than European newspaper readers. Chicago Daily News Drew Peuan. .eud Q Robert S.Allei, 0 WASHINGTON-It's all being done quietly, but Senator Bob Taft's drive for the 1940 GOP nomination really is going places. The Ohioan's managers are losing no time in corralling the key Southern leaders who are able to deliver entire blocs of delegates from the Southern States. Already signed up and working hard for Taft are John Marshall of West Virginia, Assistant Attorney General and one of she patronage dispensers un- ier Coolidge; also the famous Perry Howard of Mississippi, colored National Committee- man and veteran delegate wangler. Howard was an important figure in the pre-convention Hoover campaign of 1928 and has ridden herd on Southern dele- gate groups at many GOP conventions. Moreover Taft, personally, is letting no grass grow under his feet. Last week, while attention was focused on the closing rounds of the neu- trality battle, he had a quiet luncheon in the Capitol with Joe Pew, Pennsylvania's multi- millionaire oilman Republican boss. Pew was the master mind behind the elec- tion of Gov. Arthur James last year, and was grooming him as a 1940 dark-- horse. But James' bungling has cooled Pew's ardor and he .. is looking over the field for . another favorite. Whether Taft will be the man remains to be seen, but politics con- sider their secret pow-wow most significant. Among politicians there is <~ genuine professional admira- tion for the way Taft's cam- paign is being handled. But in one State the boys credit his managers with a bloomer. This is in Iowa, where ex-Senator Lester Dickinson was picked to act as host to Taft when he stumps the State later this month. (Taft has been working for more than a month on the speech he will make in Iowa ex- plaining why he voted against the farm parity price appropriation last spring.) Among Iowa Republican leaders, Dickinson is considered a "hoodoo." Although their entire state ticket won hands down last year, he was nosed out by Democratic Senator Guy Gillette, who is not overly popular. So when A. K. Barta, Taft advance man, visited Iowa to make arrange- ments for the trip, he carefully sidestepped Dickinsonron the advice of local leaders. Thereupon Dickinson wired naive David Ingalls of Cleveland, Taft manager, offering to take Taft under his wing, and Ingalls accepted. Whe,. Taft's Iowa friends got the news they sent hot wires of protest, warning that Dickinson's tie- up was a mistake, but it was too late. He had his nose under the tent and wasn't getting out. IDRAMAJ By JAMES E. GREEN Play Production opened its 1939-40 season at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre last night in an not-inauspicious manner with Family Portrait by Lenore Coffee and William Joyce Cowen. Ann Arbor theatre-goers have, over a period of years, come to expect a rather high standard of direction, acting and production. Last night's performance gave them reason to think that it would not be otherwise this year. Family Portrait is a rather interesting treat- ment of what is, by its very nature, an extreme- ly difficult subject. The action of the play revolves about the life of the mother and family of Jesus during the years of his preaching and his crucifixion. To what extent such a treat- ment will be successful must be determined by the extent to which its authors succeed in humanizing what is, at least for most of its audience, the matter of theology and Christian mythology. For most of that audience the action off stage has been so deeply ingrained into their consciousness that it always hangs as a threat over the action upon the stage and threatens to engulf it. Every second line is re- plete with dramatic irony and if the play is to be, as its title states, a family portrait every one of those lines must be read for its value. within the framework of the play and not that secon- dary meaning. Whether that is possible I shall attempt to bring out subsequently. The leading figure in this "family" drama is Mary, the mother of Jesus. It is entirely possible that Mary, in real life, like her son, was a mystic but it is hard to conceive her so in this play. June Madison who played the part last night sometimes played it as though she already felt the weight of a thousands years of Virgin wor- ship upon her shoulders. In the scenes which only that she be a mother to a family of carpen- ters she gave a good performance but she dropped into an almost mystic trance at each mention of the name of her absent son. She was a good mystic and a good mother but she could not be both and give a consistent characterization. ID fact, there was at times a tendency on the part of the whole cast to point up those doubly sig- nificant lines. The fault lay, however, not so much with them as with the play itself. The interest of the audience was constantly being QULLIVER'S CAVILS By Youn gGulver EVERYBODY knows that Mark Twain. once said, "Everybody complains about the weather, but nobody ever does anything about it." Gulliver is going to exercise the prerogative which should be accorded to every columnist who concerns himself with high and serious things: he is going to cavil about the weather. Further- more, he is going to advance some very specific proposals. Weather is at its worst in the morning. No- body can deny that. This stuff that they call rain in Ann Arbor has some mysterious miasmic effect on food; it makes breakfast taste as though it's been lying around in the backyard all night. It turns milk blue and coffee grey. It turns rolls into mudpies and doughnuts into shrapnel. Weather isn't any too good during the day. It smacks soggy leaves against your face. It dribbles driblets of rain down your neck. It ruins your shoes. It ruins your disposition. Weather isn't too 'bad at night, but sometimes it can be pretty foul. If you've ever tried to sleep under a leaky roof, you'll know what I'm driving at. Now Gulliver feels very strongly about the weather. There has been entirely too much of it lately for it to have been accidental. Evident- ly there is some sort of plot afoot to make life miserable for Michigan students, especially Gul- liver. The first thing Gulliver wants to say to the individual who has been causing all this weather is: "You can't frighten Gulliver out of town. He's going to stick it out until Angell Hall floats down State Street, and even then he's going to make his way to his typewriter by kayak, if necessary. You cannot prevent Gulliver from trumpeting the Truth if you submerge Ann Arbor in forty fathoms of rainwater." ACTION is imperative. A committee should be formed of leading campus figures. It will represent every one who has tried in vain to get rid of a cold in the past month. It should in- quire into the sinister activities of the anti-intel- lectuals who have been sneering at colleges and college professors, who have evinced nothing but contempt for college-trained men and women, and who have impugned Gulliver's integrity. The committee will discover that the guilt for the weather rests squarely on these men's shoulders. Following that, a mass meeting should be held on the Library steps. The perpetrators of the slippery scheme must be informed in no uncer- tain terms that Michigan students will no longer permit the weather to go on. If necessary a boy- cott should be invoked. Those participating will have nothing to do with the weather. They will lock themselves in their rooms and will not leave them until they are certain of victory. Letters of protest must be circulated. Petitions must be signed. Airplanes will be chartered to drop leaflets reading DO EVERYTHING IN YOUR POWER TO SEE THAT THE WEATHER DOES NOT GO ON. signed, ANN ARBOR ANTiI- WEATHER ASSOCIATION. Slogans come readily to mind. WHY LET THE ARBORETUM GO TO WASTE? WE PREFER DRY LECTURES TO WET STUDENTS. And \o on. If we all get together on this issue and fight it to a finish, victory should be ours by next May. Gulliver will not be drowned out. 'AS 0OTHESRS S EE IT ®v To the Editor Believing that Armistice Day has gained new significance, we the students of the University consider it a fitting time to pay tribute to Michi- gan men who in 1917-18 died to end war. Three hundred students and faculty, holding the con- viction that they were fighting to destroy war, died on European soil. American entrance intd another World War 'would make their sacrifice more than futile. Today in convocation at 4 p.m. in Hill Auditorium we, students and faculty, will express our obligation to keep the United States out of the present war. Cal Kresin Martin Dworkis Don Treadwell Robert Rosa Daniel B. Suits Tom Adams Dorothy Shipman Bill Scott Barbara Bassett E. William Muehl Phil Westbrook Carl Petersen Mary Frances Reek To the Editor: I think we should celebrate Armistice real well this year. It probably will be legally cancelled next year. And I think that a swing version of. 'Over There' will be beautifully tearful. I have an aunt in Iowa who wrote me 'wasn't it fine that Congress got together and put aside their dreadful old politics, which I don't under- stand anyway, for the good of keeping the country out of war.' I'm pretty sure it was she. My roommate said he read something like that in the Detroit papers. But then my aunt has capable. John Schwarzwalder as Joseph and David Gibson as James. two of the brothers, gave able and convincing performances. Grace Dunshee as Mary Cleophas probably did more to make the play seem what it claimed to be than did any other in the cast. Her humanity was always human. Arthur Klein as Judas Iscariof contributed a very fine bit in the last scene as he rushed to the betrayal of Jesus. And It Seems To Me By Heywood Broun Unlike any other crafts the son or daughter of the newspaperman rare- ly follows in his father's footsteps. There are properties, of course, in which a founder's name has been preserved to the third or fourth gen- eration, and even the nieces of a novelist send pieces to the -maga- zines. But the news-gathering strain seldom persists. The general feel- ing seems to be that one reporter is sufficient responsibility for any fam- ily. I think this is a pity. Journal- ism is in need of an enduring per- sonal tradition, and I could wish for reportorial lineage comparable to the Drews and Barrymores in the the- atre, the house of Taft in law and the Roosevelts in politics. If the usual count in the city room is one and out the reason probably lies with the reporter him- self. He grouses a great deal about the game in which he participates, and on such occasions as he gets a good look at his son and heir he is inclined to recommend to the lad that he prepare himself for ditch digging or some other occupation which will keep him in a nice cold sewer. It is a curious tradition of American journalism that no one is supposed to speak well of it until he has left that part of his life behind. Men immured in rocking chairs or advertising offices may often wax sentimental and eloquent about their reportorial days, but this privilege was denied to them in the days when they themselves were on the street. I began in days before my voice had wholly changed, and there was never an old newspaperman who failed to say, "My boy, take the advice of one wo knows and flee this job before it is too late." Mostly they told me to get into business or study engineering. But now it is too late for flight, and frankly I'm glad I did not listen to the older men. Business is a pre- carious occupation, and there's no future in it. Indeed, I often awake and shudder at the thought of the taxes I would be paying now if I had taken up business at the time my confereres warned me. No, the newspaper craft is a good way of life although there are not enough jobs to go around. However, since this siuation obtains elsewhere it cannot be set down as a final criti- cism As in other branches of the pursuit :of bread, one must take the bitter with the bitter, but aside from legal consultants there are few men who can travel as far on a foot-pound of energy as a reporter who knows the ropes. Naturally, I have run across those who worked desperately hard, Back along about 1910,. and) 'for the next five years, I was a glutton for punishment myself. Very quick- ly one learns how much can be done with a twist of the wrist. And I have always 'found the coasting better in a city room than at St. Moritz or Lake Placid. If I could convert my own son away from his peculiar am- bition to be a college professor, I would certainly try to push him into reporting. Naturally I would advise him to grow a mustache and pick a writing name which is less cumbersome. But chiefly I would tell him to watch the better crop of fighters as they perform in those fifteen-round bouts for titles. Tony Canzoneri, until the night he got tagged, was a master in pacing himself and waiting for his spot. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Room 4 University Hall from Nov. 9 through Nov. 22. A fee of one dollar is charged each student which must be paid at the Cashier's Office by Nov. 22 so that the University will be able to order the required number of tests. Women Students Attending the Pennsylvania Game: Women students wishing to attend the Pennsylvania- Michigan game are required to regis- ter in the Office of the Dean of Wom- en. A letter of permission from par- ents must be in this office not later than Wednesday, Nov. 15. If the stu- dent does not go by train, special per- mission for another mode of travel must be included in the parent's let- ter. Graduate women are invited to register in this office. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information will hold a registration meeting in the Natural Science Auditorium at 4:10 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 14 This meeting will be conducted by Dr. Pur- dom, Director of the Bureau. It is open to all students, both seniors and graduate students, as well as staff members, and applies to people who will be seeking positions at any time within the next year. Only one reg- istration is held during the 'school year, and everyone who will be avail- able through next August should en- roll at this time. The Bureau has two placement div- isions: Teaching and General. The General Division registers people who are interested in any kind of work other than teaching. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Civil Service examinations. The last date for filing application is noted in each case: United States: Senior Procurement Inspector, sal- ary: $2,600, Dec. 4. Procurement Inspector, salary: $2,- 300, Dec. 4. Assistant Procurement Inspector, salary: $2;000, Dec. 4. Junior- Procurement Inspector, sal- ary: $1,600, Dec. 4. Assistant Inspector of Hulls, salary: $3,200, Dec. 27. Assistant Inspector of Boilers, sal- ary: $3,200, Dec. 27. Special Agent, Trade and Indus- trial Education, salary: $3,800, Dec. 4. Chief Accountant (Transportation Statistics), salary: $4,600, Dec. 4. Assistant Chief Accountant (Trans- portation tSatistics), salary, $3,800, Dec. 4. Senior Accountant (Transportation Statistics), salary: $3,500, Dec. 4. Accountant (Transportation Sta- tistics) ,salary: $3,200 ,Dec. 4. Junior Officer, Mechanic, salary: $1,860, Dec. 4. Michigan: Public Health Sanitarian I, salary range: $150 to $190 per month, Nov. 17. Highway Engineering Draftsman AI, salary range: $140 to $160 per month, Nov. 17. Escheats Field Representative I, salary range: $150 to $190 per month, Nov. 19. Highway Landscape Engineer II, salary range: $200 to $240 per month, Nov. 19. Occupational Therapist A2, salary range: $115 to $135 per month, Nov. 19. Liquor Store Clerk CI, salary range: $95 to $110 per month, Nov. 17. Detroit: Power Plant Helper, salary: 'pre- vailing rate,' Nov. 11. Complete announcements on file at the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Exhibitions Institution of Washington, will lec- ture on "The Problem of Hot Springs and Geysers," (illustrated by colored slides and motion pictures) under the auspices of the Departments of Geology and Mineralogy, at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 14, in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall. The public is cor- dially invited. Today's Events The Observatory Journal Club will meet at 4:15 this afternoon in the Observatory lecture room. Mr. H. R. J. Grosch will speak on "Recent Progress in the Study of Eclipsing Binaries.". Kappa Phi meeting today at 5:15 P.M. Assembly Banquet Central Com- mittee Meeting in League Council Room at 3 p.ri. today. Bring all bills and reports. Association Forum: Rev. Harold Marley will discuss, "Can a Religious Person Justify Reform by Revolu- tion?" at Lane Hall, tonight at 7:30 p.m. Transportation Club: The Univer- sity of Michigan Transportation Club will meet this evening at 7:30 p.m. in Room 1213 East Eh- gineering Building. The speaker will be Mr. Houston of the Truck Division, International Harvester Co. All members are requested to be present, and anyone else interested in truck transport is cordially invited to at- tend. Refreshments. Men's Physical Club meeting to- night at 8 p.m. in the I-M Building. Institute of the Aeronautical Sci- ences: There will be a meeting of the University of Michigan Student Branch at 7:30 tonight in Room 1042 East Engineering Building. A pro- posed trip to Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, will be discussed, and the elec- tion of a vice-president will take place. All members .and prospective members are urged to attend. Peace Commission of the American Student Union will meet today in the Michigan Union at 5 p.m. Women's Archery Club: The Wom- en's Archery Club will meet this af- ternoon at 4:15 on Palmer Field. Plans for a tournament and supper will be discussed. Decorations, Booths and Exhibits Committees of Soph tCabaret will meet today at the League at 4 p.m. Bring eligibility cards. St. Mary's Student Chapel: E- planation of the Roman Catholic mass, its symbolism and history, by Father Berry tonight at 7:30. Pro- testants welcome. f Hillel Players: Regular meeting wil be held at the Foundation tonight at 7:30. Alpha Phi Omega will meet tonight in Room 318 of the Union at 8 p.m. All men with Scouting experience in- vited. Michigan Dames: Book group has its first meeting at 8 o'clock tonight in the League. Miss Francis Han- num, city librarian, will talk aid Marjorie Dawe will present a book review. Interior Decoration Section: "Plan- ning Buffet Suppers" will be the sub- ject at the next meeting of the In- terior Decoration Grojupp of the Fac- ulty Women's Club to be held at 7:30 this evening at 211 E. Huron St. Silver Survey: There will be a silver display in the Undergraduate office of the Michigan League Building to- day from 9 until 5. All senior women interested are invited to attend. The Music Section of the Faculty Women's Club will have a pot-luck supper tonight, at 6:30 at the home of Mrs. G. G. Brown, 1910 Hill St. Coming Events Students in the Division of Hygiene and Public Health: A special assembly for all students in this Division will be held Friday, Nov. 10, at 4 p.m. in Room 20 Waterman Gymnasium. 'Ihe speaker will be Miss Alma Haupt, Di- rector of the Nursing Bureau of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., New York City. German Table for Faculty Mem- bers: The regular luncheon meeting will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room of the Michigan Union. All faculty members interest- ed in speaking German are cordially invited. There will be a brief infor- mal talk by Professor Richard Etting- hausen on, "Persische und arabis~he Woerter im Deutschenund Englis- chen." The Hiliel Foundation is sponsor- ing a lecture to be given by Ludwig Lewisohn at the Horace H. Rackham Auditorium on Sunday, Nov. 12, at varicose veins and displays what amounts to dotage in selecting and, unfortunately, mailing with a sprig of holly, Christmas neckties. I am glad now that England- and France too-is defending her honor. She didn't for so long. Here- tofore it didn't seem to impress Con- gress a great deal. But Congress is unpredictable, as they say, and I rather admire the way the more courageous of them shout defiance at foes of their native land. - Even if they do loosen their collars and bellow an occasional 'personal im- plication.' There was a fellow telling me the other day he didn't think the Neu- trality Issue they were brawling about made much difference. He said you college guys, at least the ones that won't jitterbug when an 88 battery lets go, and most of the working stiffs-one out of seven, he says--is going to see the Big Show. Well, I said, not so fast my man. Are you sure of your facts? Didn't you hear about the Neutrality Bill? He said sure I heard about it, but have you heard about M-Day? I thought he was referring to last Sat- urday afternoon so I said you mean I-Day. He told me they had been working this mobilization thing out for a long time. He said they weren't working it out because they thought Hitler's dive bombers aimed to fly the At- lantic. Or other foolish things. I said I didn't understand very well. He said wait awhile and you will. But heck, I didn't get a chance to see the first World War andInhave already made up my mind to go to this one. I guess there'll be one all right. It looks phony to a lot of people here, the way they aren't fighting over there now. But just be a little patient. I would like to crdf+ i4f fh4,a (Chi.n .,aTlanarfm,,,anf One hundred original cartoon draw- ings from the Cartoonists' Group of New York are being shown in the west exhibition gallery of the Rackham Building, daily excep Sunday, 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., from Nov. 7 o Nov. 20. The exhibition is under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association. Lectures University Lecture: Professor Ed- ward H. Reisner of Teachers' Col- lege, Columbia University, will lec- ture on "Adaptations of the Danish Folk High School to American Use," at 4:10 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 13, in the University High School Auditori- um. The public is cordially invited. Academic Notices Sociology 51, Thursday Lecture Sec- ion: Students whose seat numbers are above 140 should go to 25 A.H. for the midsemester examination rather than 212 A.H. as previously an- nounced. Concerts Carillon Recital: Percival Price, University - Carillonneur, will give three important carillon programs during this week as follows: Thursday, 7:30 p.m., regular weekly program.