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November 09, 1939 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-09

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School Officials
Attend Meeting
Kalamazoo Will Be Scene
Of Annual Convocation
A group of University professors
will attend the annual meeting of the
Michigan Association of Northi Cen-
tral Colleges tomorrow in Kalamazoo.
The program will start in the morning
with an inspection tour of Western
State Teachers College and Kalama-
zoo Normal College.
Prof. B. L. Stradly of Ohio Univer-
sity will address the group at a lun-
cheon. After the luncheon there will
be a general discussion. Members of
the University attending the meeting
are Prof. Clifford Woody of the edu-
cation school, Vice-President, Shirley
W. Smith, Prof. Roy S. Swinton of the
engineering mechanics department,
Habib A. Kurani, Grad., from the
Amercian University in Beirut, Syria,
and Paschoal Lemme, Grad., from
Rio de Janeiro.
The College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts will be represented by
Dean Edward H. Kraus, Assistant
Dean Lloyd S. Woodburne, Assistant
Dean Erich A. Walters, Prof. Arthur
Van Duren, Jr., of the German de-
partment and chairman of Academic
Counselors, and Prof. Kenneth L.
Jones of the botany department.
Folk Songs To Feature
Carillon Concert Tonight
Folk songs will be featured on this
evening's carillon concert by Prof.
Percival Price at 7 p.m.
The program will open Weber's "In-
vitation to the Waltz," followed by
"Long, Long Ago," "I Saw Cecilia
Coming," "Londenderry Air," "John
Peel," and "The Last Rose of Sum-
mer.". The concert wll end with
the "Blue Danube Waltzes" by Johann
Saturday a special Armistice Day
concert will be given at 11 a.m. by
Professor Price.
Reading Lacks Votes
DETROIT, Nov., 8.-(A)-Mayor
Richard W. Reading, defeated for a'
second term Tuesday by Council Pres-
ident Edward J. Jeffries, Jr., was
asked "to what do you attribute your,
defeat?" "Not getting enough votes,"
he replied.

I l

Concerts Show
Value Of Music
To Community
Since its inception a few years
ago, the progress of the Ann Arbor
Civic Orchestra from an eight-piece
orchestra .made up of Methodist
Church members to an all-city pro-
ject, illustrates the value of music
in the community.
Membership which has been lim-
ited in the past to 40 includes sten-
ographers, teachers, students, ma-
chinists, housewives, clerks, profes-
sors and salesmen. At present some
expansion is being contemplated, es-
pecially of string instruments.
The purpose of the Orchestra is to
provide a high caliber playing en-
semble for musical recreation, to pro-
vide training to all interested musi-
cians and to make available musi-
cal programs to other communities
on a non-profit basis.
Complimentary concerts have been
given in communities within a radius
of 40 miles in addition to numerous
Ann Arbor appearances. William R.
Champion, who is in charge of all
instrumental music instruction in the
public schools, has been director of
the Orchestra for the past five years.
Prof. Philip O. Potts, of the engineer-
ing department acts as manager and
Charles Staubach of the romance
languages department, concert mas-
The. annual "Civic Music Night"
in which all of the city's music
groups present a program- jointly
was. instigated by the Orchestra four
years ago. In another yearly presen-
tation, "An Evening of, Ballet", the
Orchestra combines with the Sylvia
Studio of Dance in a ballet concert.
Members of the group took a lead-
ing. part in fostering Ann Arbor's
Music Shell which was completed
within the last year. They presented
five weekly concerts there last sum-
mer in conjunction with programs
sponsored by the City Department
of Recreation.
The Orchestra does not function
under any subsidy or income other
than its recognition as an adult ex-
tension unit of the Ann Arbor school
system and it is thereby privileged
to share the use of certain music and
equipment of the high school. Nei-
ther director nor players receive cash


University High To Give
Three-Act Drama Friday
The annual senior play of -the
University High School, "A Little
Journey," a comedy in three acts
by Rachel Crothers, will be presented
at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow .and Saturday,
Nov. 10 and 11, in the auditoriam
of the high school, Cordelia Hayes,
instructress in the high school, an-
Most of the action of the play,
which is under the direction of
Charles J. McGaw, of the Universi-
ty High School English department,
takes place aboard a train and in-
volves the lives of a strange assort-
ment of people who are traveling
from New York to the West, Miss
Hayes stated._

Detroit Mayor Was
Average Student
Michigan alumnus Edward J. Jef-
fries, Jr., '23, who Tuesday was elect-
ed mayor of Detroit, was hardly above
average scholastically while attend-
ing school here.
His record, preserved in the Alum-
ni Catalog Office, shows that he re-
ceived 13 B's, 26 C's, four D's, one
E and one incomplete.
Thirty-nine year old Mayor Jef-
fries entered Michigan in February,
1916, and received both his A.B. and
LL.B. degrees in 1923. He studied
law for one year at Lincoln's Inn in
London, England, before settling
down in Detroit to practice law.

Tecnological Developments,
Claimed Responsible For War
"Frankenstein's monsters", cre- population was approximately four-
ated as a result of the technological tenths of one.percent per year.
advances of the world, have produc- Civilization's first "Frankenstein
ed a condition of over-population and monster" was the steam engine, in-
are indirectly responsible for our vented by Watt and Bolt and incor-

itself. People
ethical and m
food. More
earth's popula
five percent of
The present
ler, will not be
tacular andt
new anti-airer
efficiency, and
to start a mas,

aren't going to remain
noral when they need
than one-half of the
tion, he said,lives on
f the'land.
war, according to Mil-
e fought along a spec-
unexciting line" since
raft guns have a high
no country is willing
s raid for fear of a re-
by its enemy.
ve-eights of all the
ss is done by the United
explained, we should
onists. Since we own
rade we should be the
some form of,. inter-
n such as the League
"Some kind of world
is now in necessity",

wars, according to Col. Henry W. porating Wilkinson's cylinder, which ciprocal raid i
Miller of the engineering drawing de- was capable of doing the work of Because fiv
partment, formerly assistant chief many men. Through the invention world's busine.
of the Artillery Division of the United of these machines which save labor States, Miller
States Army. and tend to make life easier, the not be isolati
In 1650, Col. Miller explained, the population of the earth has grown the power of t
earth had an estimated population to 2,000,000,000 and death rate has instigators of
of 400,000. The death rate was very been greatly reduced. national unio.
high-46 out of every 1000 dying As a result, stated Miller, the earth of Nations.
per year. Since the annual birth is highly overpopulated. "Food", he regimentation
rate was 50 per 1000, the increase in continued, "is, not going, to supply he concluded.






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