Generally fair and wanner;
possibly showers tomorrow.
LI r
Japan Tries
Face-Saving .
U.S. Ship Line
Flag Transfer
Is Sanctioned
By Committee
Maritime Commission
Prepares Statement For
Roosevelt's Approbation
Hull Still Objects;
Says It Is Unneutral
WASHINGTON, Nov. 8.-(P)-In
the midst of controversy over the
United States Lines' proposal to hoist
the flag of Panama over eight of its
ships and operate them to areas
closed to American vessels by the new
Neutrality Act, the Maritime Com-
mission disclosed today that it had
recently approved a similar flag
transfer for 15 Standard Oil tankers.
This word was given out while the
commission was preparing to present
to President Roosevelt tomorrow a
memorandum declaring that the
transfer proposed by the United States
Lines would not involve this govern-
ment in any responsibility.
Commission Stands Pat
Both the commission, which ap-
proved the lines' application earlier
this week and then held up action at
the President's request, and Secre-
tary of State Hull, who opposed the
transfer yesterday on the ground that
it might seem to nullify Neutrality Act
provisions, appeared to be standing
Chairman Emory S. Land of the
commission was expected to confer
with Mr. Roosevelt shortly after the
latter's return to the capital tomorrow
from Hyde Park, N.Y., where the Pres-
ident said yesterday that he thought
no question of neutraltiy was involved
in the proposed transfer.
Approval Is Revealed
The fact that the commission had
approved the transfer of 15 Standard
Oil tankers between Sept. 1 and Nov.
1 was revealed by a commission rep-
resentative after Standard Oil offi-
cials had reported in New York that
at least six of these vessels had been
shifted to the flag of, Panama in the
past six weeks and that the others
would eventually make thechange.-
.Both the commission official and
Standard Oil men said the ships were
old ones which were being replaced
with new American tonnage. The
commission representative said there
was nothing unusual i the transfer,
adding that all tanker companies had
large foreign flag fleets and that the
commission was continually passing
on applications for flag transfers. He
said that the United Fruit Line has
ships under Frelch, British, German,
Panamanian, Honduran and Costa
Rican registry and that another
American corporation, the Isbrandt-
senmollar Company of New York, op-
erated about 50 ships under the Dan-
ish flag.
Student Senate
Robertson Is President;
Appoints Committees
Meeting for the first time with
the 16 new members elected last
Friday, the Student Senate last night
elected Paul Robertson, '40E, presi-
dent and Carl Petersen, '40, vice-
president for the current term.
President Robertson, as majority
leader, appointed Cas Sojka and
Clarence Sahlin, '40, to the Ways
and Means Committee, and Vice-
President Petersen, minority leader
appointed Hugo Reichard, Grad., to
the Committee.
James S. Duesenberry, Grad., was
upanimously approved to again act
as speaker for the Senate. Senator
Frederick Reinheimer, whose status
has been in doubt since last spring,
was unanimously retired.
After hearing a report by the
Elections Committee, the Senate gave
a vote of thanks to Stuart K. Knox
'40 and Norman A. Schorr, '40, direc-
tors of the election, for the work
they did in conducting the election.
Puerto Rico Topic
Of Illustrated Tall
"Puerto Rico, Past and Present
was the subject of an illustrated tall
by Gilberto Marxuach, Grad., at the
meeting of La Sociedad Hispanica lasi
night in the Michigan League.
Mr. Marxuach, formerly an in-
-L __ .. _ 4U- T -.rn 41 - f in +,r
Peace Meet
Will Praise
War's Dead
300 University Women t
And Men To Be Honored
Today; Names On Scroll
Petersen Will Give
Keynote Address
The University's war dead will be
honored at a University Peace Serv-
ice meeting at 4 p.m. today at Hill
Tribute will be paid to the 300 stu-
dents and faculty members, womenI
and men, who died on foreign soil andt
the meeting, according to Cal Kresin,
Grad., general chairman, "is to ful-
fill our obligation to the Michigan
men who died to end war by re-
affirming our desire to remain ati
Names of all the University fatali-
ties are inscribed on a scroll whicht
will be open to the public for inspec-
tion, Jean Thompson, '41, Panhellenic
representative and chairman of ar-
rangements, announced. The carillon1
will play from 3:45 to 4 p.m.
Carl Petersen, '40, manaking editor,
of The Daily, will give the keynoting
address of the 25-minute program,;
Robert Ulrich, '41, member of the1
Union executive council and pro-
gram chairman, stated. Short talks
by the Rev. Henry Lewis of St.-An-
drew's Episcopal Church and Robert
Rosa, Grad., president of the Ameri-
can Student Union and organ music
by Palmer Christian is also included;
on the program.
Organizations sponsoring the meet-
ing are the Student Religious Associa-
tion, The Daily, American Student
Union, the League, Union, Congress,
Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic
Association, Student Senate, Assem-
bly, Michigan Anti-War Committee
and the Fellowship of Conciliation.
Musical Show
Plans Revealed
Tryouts For Production
To Report On Sunday
Plans for a musical show to be
given in January jointly by Play Pro-
duction and the School of Music were
announced yesterday by Prof. Valen-
tine B. Windt, director of Play Pro-
Tryouts for the production are to
report at 2:30 p.m. Sunday in the Bur-
ton Memorial Tower. Notice will be
posted there giving exact location for
hearings. Tryouts must come pre-
pared to sing some piece with which
they are familiar, and must bring mu-
sic for an accompanist. Those un-
able to report at the above time should
contact Professor Windt at the Lab-
oratory Theatre.
Play Production and the School of
Music have collaborated in about a
dozen similar shows in the past few
years. The last one was "Iolanthe,"
given last summer.
Steel Head To Speak
J. O. Rinek, vice-president of Uni-
versal-Cyclops Steel Corp., will dis-
cuss the "Cold Rolling of Stainless
Steel" at the first meeting of the year
of the student branch of the Ameri-
s can Institute of Mining and Metallur-
gical Engineers at 7:30 p.m. today in
, Room 1042 East Engineering Bldg.
Session Here.
Conference Will Consider
'Valuation Of Historical
Cost'; To Begin Today
Elwell To Speak
A t PanelMeeting
George O. May, of Price Water-
house, and Co., New York, will ad-
dress the assembled delegates to the
15th annual Michigan Accounting
conference on the subject of "Valua-
tion of Historical Cost; Some Recent ~
Developments" at 11 a.m. today in
the amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building, Prof. R. P. Briggs, of the
School of Business Administration
and the economics department, an-
nounced yesterday.
The conference will open with two :
round table discussions at 9:30 a.m. t
The first, which will consider the sub- :
ject of "Some Problems of Govern-C
mental Accounting," will feature an
address by F. H. Elwell, of the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin, and will be held0
in the west conference room of thec
Rackham Building. The other willc
be held in the assembly hall andt
will consider "Practical Auditing Pro-c
cedures for Inventories and Receiv-
ables." Mervyn B. Walsh, of WalshC
and Company, Detroit, will address
this group.
Brown To Speak
Vernon G. Brown, Auditor-Generalc
of Michigan, will speak on the sub-c
ject of the "Effects of Changing State
Relationships" at the luncheon meet-
ing of the delegates which will be
held at 12:39 p.m. in the League. An
address of welcome by President'
Ruthven and a response by Harold
Scott, president of the Michigan1
Association of Certified Public Ac-
countants, will precede Brown's talk.t
"The Auditor's Responsibility to
the Investor" will be discussed by'
Carman G. Blough, of Arthur Ander-
son and Co., Chicago, at the assembly
which will be held at 2:20 p.m. in
the amphitheatre of the Rackham
Building. Harry M. Prevo, of White
Bower, and Prevo, Detroit, will ad-E
dress the same assembly on the sub-
ject of "Current Accounting Develop-
Lang Is Principal Speaker l
Dr. Elzada Clover, of the botany;
department, will show movies and lec-
ture on "Shooting the Rapids of the,
Colorado River" at 4:30 p.m. in the
Chester H. Lang, advertising,
manager of the General Electric Co.,
will be the principal speaker at a ban-
quet which is to be held at 6:15 p.m.
in the Union. His subject is to be
"A Reformed Bookkeeper Takes A
A special ladies' program has been
arranged to include all the entertain-
ment feature of the men's program
as well as a luncheon at 12:30 p.m.
in the Barton Hills Country Club and
a social period at 2:30 p.m. in the
ladies' lounge of the Rackham Build-
First Lady Upholds Law
For Improving Pensions
WASHINGTON, Nov. 8.-(A)-Mrs.
Franklin D. Roosevelt indicated a
belief today that the way to go about
improving old age pensions would be
to proceed gradually under the Social
Security Law rather than do it too
Although she refused to comment
on the California and Ohio pro-
posals voted upon yesterday, the
First Lady answered a general ques-
tion about pension plans by saying
she did not feel the present law was
Hitler Escapes Death From Bomb
As Explosion Ro
SiX Killed, Many
P ..
arent Group J
Attends Talks 4
On Community
Centh Institute Considers f
Adult Educational Work; c
Wayne Head To Speak n
The 10th annual Parent Educationv
nstitute swung into high gear yes-b
erday with varied lectures and con-d
erences considering the theme "TheA
'ommunity-Its Responsibility."
A community, neglecting its social i
responsibility to youth_ is a "social
udas," Dr. C. L. Anspach, president c
d Central State Teachers College,d
eclared in the featured address ofb
he morning session. In order to work
ith youth, society must provide itc
vith a suitable code of ethics, het
Law Enforcement Sought t
Mrs. H. S. Mallory, consultant in
amily relations for the University,
>pened the sessions yesterday with ar
lass in parent education. Edward
. Crawley, chief probation officer ofI
he Municipal Court in Cleveland,1
tsserted that communities must as-
ist law enforcement agencies byI
stablishing play-grounds and the
ike in order to stamp out "breeding1
>laces" for criminals.
Prof. Clark Tibbetts, lecturer in so-
'iology and director of the Institute
or Human Adjustment at the Uni-
ersity, began the afternoon session
vith an address on the mechanismt
f "The Coming Michigan Youth
Afternoon Meetings Held I
Conferences were held simultan-
Bously in the afternoon. They were
:oncerned with "Personal Adjust-
nent and Character Training"; "This
Bide of the Court"; "Guidance Prob-
lems in High School"; "A Michigan
Experiment with a Boys Club"; and
'Vocational Problems of Youth."
Tomorrow's program will concern
'The Community-Its Enduring Val-
ues." Dean W. W. Whitehouse of
Wayne University will speak on "The
Function of Religion in Community
Life." The afternoon session willl
consist of a panel entitled "How may
We Effectively Share in Youth'st
Search for Values." Dr. Edward W.
(Continued on Page 2)
New Gargtoyle
A pears Today
Shots Of Interfraternity
Ball To Be Featured
New features, new attractions, and
new entertainments, not to mention
continuande of the old ones, will
feature the November issue of the
Gargoyle appearing on campus to-
day, according to Ellis Wunsch, '40,
editor of the magazine,.l
A full page picture of Mary Dob-
son, '43, inaugurates the new series
of campus queens which will appear
monthly, replacing the old annual
beauty queen contest. In addition,
a two page spread of group and can-
did pictures taken at the Interfra-
ternity Ball is prominently displayed.
Wunsch noted for particular refer-
ence, the section given over to the
usually caustic letters to the editors.
Other sections will include the reg-
ular monthly prize winning short
story, this time a humorous hill billy
tale by H'ervie Haufler, entitled,
"The Deacon Fights A Feud," and
a feature story on the running and
judges of the wolverine naming con-
test which continue in this issue.
'Family Portrait'
Staged Yesterday
To Near-Full House
"Family Portrait," Play Produc-
tion's first presentation of the sea-
son, was staged before a near-capac-
ity audience last night in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
The play will also be given begin-
ning at 8:30 p.m. today, tomorrow
and Saturday. Tickets may be
secired at the theatre ticket office
Red Cross Sales
Of Memberships.
Five campus organizations-Inter-
raternity Council, Panhellenic Asso-a
;iation, Senior Society, the Union and
Congress-will initiate the annualt
nembership drive of the Red Crossc
with a two-day sale of roll-call mem-v
)erships today and tomorrow.a
The regular drive will begin Mon-
day and continue for two weeks, Dr.p
Anthony J. J. Rourke, assistant direc- -
or of University Hospital, announced
Regular memberships including aF
card and a pin will be sold for one
dollar. All those who give contri-t
butions of less than a dollar will re-
ceive tags.
Five booths have been set up by
the campus groups to enroll mem-
bers, Thomas Adams, president of
the Interfraternity Council, explained
yesterday. Panhellenic Association
will have its representatives selling
memberships and tags from 9 a.m. to
12 and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the
Library Hall; Senior Society, from
11 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the League; Con-]
gress, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the
Engineering Arch; the Interfraterni-
ty Council, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in
Angell Hall, and the Union, from
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Union.
This preliminary campaign today
and tomorrow, which is being held in
conjunction with the memorial serv-
ices at 4 p.m. in Hill Auditorium to-
day marks the first time that student
groups have been asked to cooperate,
in backing the Red Cross drive, Dr.
Rourke said yesterday.
ministers Meet
For Discussion
Juvenile Maladjustment'
Is SubjectOf Parley
More than 100 clergymen from all
parts of Michigan will meet in Ann
Arbor today under the sponsorship
of the Michigan Child Guidance In-
stitute to discuss the role of the
church in relieving juvenile malad-
The meeting will be held in con-
junction with the religious program
of the Parent Education Institute and
the Michigan Congress of Parents
and Teachers.
The clergymen will join in the pro-
gram on the Parent institute this
morning, and then begin a confer-
ence of its own with a luncheon at
noon in the League. Rev. Father
Thomas R. Carey will preside and
Dr. L. J. Carr, director of the Child
Guidance Institute will speak.
The church conferees will reas-
semble at 4 p.m. to discuss the prob-
lem, "How May We Effectively Share
In Youth's Search for Value?"
Prof. E. W. Blakeman, counselor
of religious education, is a member
of the steering committee for the
Benefit Committee Meets
The Crippled Children's Benefit
Committee, composed of prominent
campus and local organizations work-
ing to aid crippled children whose op-
portunities for treatment at the Uni-
versity Hospital have been seriously
curtailed this year, will meet at 5 p.m.
today in the League.
-ks Beer Tavern;
InjuredIn Blast
Fuehrer Reveals Preparation Plan
For Five-Year War In Rally Talk
(By The Associated Press)
Fuehrer Adolf Hitler escaped unhurt in an apparent attempt on his life
Wednesday. A terrific explosion rocked a Munich beer hall only a short time
after Hitler had left it earlier than he had planned.
So disastrous was the blast that six persons were killed outright and more
than 60 injured, many seriously. The official Berman news agency said
clues pointed to "a plot originating abroad" and that "fanatical rage" pre-
vailed in Munich. The government hurriedly posted a $200,000 reward for
apprehension of persons guilty of planting the explosive.
The Fuehrer had just delivered a long speech in connection with the 16th
anniversary of the historic but abortive 1923 Nazi Beer Hall Putsch. The
scene of the blast was the beer hall from which the Putsch was launched.
In these annual ceremonies the Fuehrer usually remains around during
the evening chatting with his old-time Nazi aides, veterans of the Putsch.
But last night, because of urgent business in Berlin, he left earlier than usual.
Remaining behind were many of his old friends and also many new aides
taking part in this year's celebrations. The identity of those killed and
- wounded was not disclosed immedi-
Noted Author
Will Discuss,
Anti- Semitism
Lewisohn To Talk Sunday
At Rackham Auditorium
On Problem's Solution
Ludwig Lewisohn, author of "Up-
stream," "The Island Within," and
many other books, will give a talk on
"The Jewish Problem-The Answer"
at 8:15 p.m. Sunday at the Rackham
Auditorium under the auspices of the
Hillel Foundation.
Among the questions Lewisohn will
attempt to answer in his address is
the reason for the perceptible rise of
anti-semitism, why the Jewish people
can find no peace in the dispersion
and who is at fault, or is the diffi-
culty an inherent one that can be
removed only by a sociological and
creative act.
Lewisohn's novels are as well known
abroadtas in America,having been
translated into French, German,
Dutch, Polish and Roumanian as
well as Swedish, Danish, Norwegian,
Czech and Hebrew.
Born in 1882 in Berlin he came to
this country at the age of eight and
grew up in Charleston. When he was
19 he received his Master of Arts de-
gree from the College of Charleston
and a few years later won his second
MA from Columbia.
Among the books which Lewisohn
has written are "Stephen Escott,"
"Adam," "The Answer," "A Jew
Thinks," "A Book of Modern Criti-
cism" and "Creative America.-
Mr. Lewisohn will spend the en-
tire dayin, Ann Arbor, Martin B.
Dworkis, chairman of the Founda-
tion's Forum Committee stated. He
will speak at the Sunday morning
services and will be feted at a din-
ner to be given at 6:30 p.m. at the
Aeronautical Club Meeting
To Feature Short Movies
Two short movies, "Rio Cruise" and
"Flight to Bermuda," will be shown
at the meeting of the Institute of
Aeronautical Science at 7:30 p.m. to-
day in Room 742 East Engineer Bldg.
A vice-president from the junior
class will be elected at the meeting
and possible future trips, specifically
one to Wright Field in Dayton, O.,
will 'be discussed.
Appearing confident and in fight-
ing mood, Adolf Hitler told veterans
of the Nazi party tonight that the
Reich is prepared for a five year war,
at the end of which there could be,
in his opinion, only one victor-Ger-
Germany, he said in an ominous
tone, feels obliged now to speak in a
language which England under-
Force Move Inferred
Observers inferred that a remorse-
less resort to force was meant. It
was recalled he made the same re-
mark about Poland just before order-
ing the offensive which destroyed the
Polish state in record time.
Hitler apparently regarded it futile
to mention yesterday's peace media-
tion offer from Queen Wilhemina
of the Netherlands and King Leopold
of Belgium.
He dismissed the possibility of cess-
ation of hostilities with:
"England doesn't want-peace-this
we heard yesterday. Personally, I
have nothing to add. We'll talk to
the English in a language they sure-
ly will understand."
Speech Given Out
(Hitler, along with other Nazis,
apparently had taken the speech of
the British Foreign Secretary, Lord
Halifax, yesterday as the British re-
ply to the Belgian-Netherlands prof-
fer. In the speech, copies of which
were delivered to the press in Lon-
don several hours before the good
offices proposal was made public in
Amsterdam, Lord Halifax said the
Allies were fighting for a "new world
in which the nations will not permit
insane armed rivalry."
(Prime Minister Chamberlain in
Commons today said Britain, in con-
sultation with the French and Polish
governments, would give the Nether-
lands-Belgian proffer careful consid-
Hitler Seeks Expansion
Germany's war aims, Hitler as-
serted, were security and the winning
of space for her dynamic, expand-
ing population.
He expresed the opinion that wars
would continue as long as the world's
goods were distributed inequitably.
"I am told England is getting
ready for a three year war. I gave
Field Marshal Goering the order to
get ready for a five year war, not
because I believe it will last that
long, but so we are prepared never
to capitulate. Everything is think-
able but one thing won't happen-
Germany never will capitulate."
Churchill Claims Victory
Over Nazis Sub Menace
LONDON, Nov. 8.-(A)-Winston
Churchill thundered "We shall break
their hearts" in a confident recital to-
night of Britain's gains at sea against
a background of new peace overtures
received without optimism.
The First Lord of the Admiralty re-
ported loss by accidental explosion of
the British submarine Oxley but said
the navy had whipped the German
submarine and pocket battleship men-
The Admiralty announced that four
officers and 49 men were lost in the
Oxley disaster.
Publication of the loss during the
first week of the war of the Oxley,
which normally carried 54 officers and
men, was forbidden at that time.
Churchill said "Every loss inflicted by
'the enemy has at once been an-
% An" hut. eninenhd that the Ox-
Allied Defeat Is No Incentive
For U.S. War, Students
That the United States should not
enter a world war even in the event
of an Allied defeat, was the conclu-
sion of a recent poll of campus feel-
ings by the Bureau of Student Opin-
ion. Moreover, that there has been
no loss of personal security was also
In reply to the query, "If it appears
that Germany is defeating England
and France, should the U.S. declare
war on Germany and send our Army
and Navy to fight?" the following
results were tabulated. Voting yes:
men, 14.3 per cent and women, 27.8
per cent. Voting no: men, 77 per
cent and women, 63 per cent.
A smal maioritv. 57.2 ner cent.
our army and navy to fight in Eur-
ope. Gallup's question, polled at
two different times, has shown a
trend away from intervention. Ex-
plaining this trend, Dr. Gallup said,
"The decline is not due to any de-
crease in American sympathy for the
allied cause. The decline is, rather,
another indication on the part of
public to avoid the shedding of
American blood on the battlefields of
Following the technique of the
Gallup poll, the Bureau of Student
Opinion takes a representative 5 per
cent sample of the student body,
based on official University figures,
James Vicary, '40, director of -the
hsw n -nenPC1The Moll wastak-.
Buttons, Guns, Gadgets Entertain
Campus At Annual Open House:
Buttons to push, 'guns to sight, and Edward Adams. Following the
gadgets to whirl; all these things con- drawing, the varsity Glee Club sang.
tributed greatly to the festive and The club had just returned from a
enthustiastic air of the Union last campus serenade.
night, as it entertained the campus Among the crowded and well used
with its 1939 Open House. Over 2,- exhibits in the Union's large first
200 people were present according to floor lobbies, was a large collection of
Harold Singer, '41, chairman of the machine guns, range finders and mor-
aevening's program. tars, grimly operated by a group of
The entertainment provided, in ad- fascinated students, most of whom
dition to numerous features presented were members of the city's high
by campus organizations and depart- schools.
ments of the University, free dancing A 50-foot glider, the same which