Masculine Scorn
For Dressy Hats
Proves Ineffective
Dressy hats are at last being made
in several styles that can actually be
worn on capiu-s College women m y
at last listen to the snickering of the
male populace about outrageous crea-
tions and still be secure that the inu-
endoes will not apply to their own
latest fantasy.
Among the definitely new, but not
too flippant models, are the ever-
popular turbans. So varied are the
adaptations of this favorite that one
turban no longer looks like another
turban. From the original copy of
a Turkish headpiece innumerable
styles have evolved.
The newest development in this line
is the, wrap-around. Of velvet, jer-
sey, metallic cloth, or wool, these vary
from inoffensive "sensible" models to
sculptured tiers of material. One of
their charms is in their wide range of
colors. Not too extreme in style, they
can be manifestations of the purchas-
er's love for violent red or subtle blue
or .even startling gold. Yet they lend
themselves easily to severe black or
rich brown.
With cold weather's bundling up
effects, fur trimmed toques are steal-
ing most of the winter's scenes. Small
enough to be stored -in the least
amount of closet shelf space, they
lend an indescribable air of finish to a
weekend costume. Usually made of
a "body" fabric, or some material
heavy enough to support the weight
of the fur, they either match or con-
trast with a favored coat.
Housecoats Insure
Leisure Comfort
(Continued from Page 5)
Goon Child To Glamour Girl - -
Metamorphosis Of 'Alice Grind'
New Pajamas Have Matching Rabes
(Continued from Wage 3) shoes, who knows, they might even
be saddle shoes. And this topped
one in the halls. And she had ac- by a warm blue reversible and a
quired a set of black horn-rimmed classic snap brim.
glasses-she had heard they were' Her hair was soft and smooth with1
popular these days. -the emphasis of her makeup on her1
Poor Alice, the Goon 'Girl! large blue eyes. She had abandoned
Then one day, drifting in her lone- the tricks of Marlene Dietrich for
some way around campus, she ran those suitable to Alice, our new Gla-
into one of those frank people who mour Girl. Her nails were suitably
stayed long enough to say, "Why covered with a blending polish and
don't you do something?" Why not, a pair of smoothie angora mitts.
thought Goon-Child. Yes, she would She Was Transformed
do SOMETHING. Alice, the Glamour Girl had assur-
And The Recipe r ance in her stride; she was confident
Three parts of a balanced ward- of the future. She had that radiance
robe, one part of a change of hair of somebody who knew her way about
style, one and a half of makeup in- and if she were bluffing for the first
struction, a few drops of personality few days, it soon became real.
pepper-upper distilled from the mix- Real? Yes, for not only did the
ture of the above ingredients, and dormitory dazzlers gape, but there
a few grains of charm lessons. Mix were not a few masculine stares; ap-
well, but apply gradually and then predated by little Alice, to say the
watch for results. least.
Actually it was amazing as we Alice, Goon-Child to Glamour-Wo-
watched Alice, the Goo-pardon, the man, that's only one of the features
Glamour Girl, step out into that which will be displayed in actuality
same milling crowd. She stepped at the style show sponsored by The
with assurance into that crowd, Daily which will be held this Friday
sauntered nonchalantly down the in the League.
steps, forgetting her old self and say- Although Alice was one of the
ing hello to some of the women in worst, it' is not impossible for any
her dorm. She was dressed in a of these dashing-around BWOC'ers
rich-looking blue and white pleated to get a few hints, and improve her-
skirt, with a simple white sweater, self. Just remember, once you might.
white sox and comfortably built have been an Alice the Goon Girl.
. .(ntla ued grGt gae5) as well a servin "do-me-up" Pur- quilted robe. The princess line and
Very, very tiny.Ftd aja smatch poses,. wide, wrap around skirt made it is not confined to a bludget, a
the, rube even to the tuis aY the bards of pink and white helced ideal for lounging and the bright, rBeloodgia" and tha.t famous 1
shoulders. seersucker is used for a iodel that war on the "snowiest" night. The Less siuntuous, but still sati
Housecoats Are Romantic possesses a "gay, young thing air" be- i sleeves . were three quarter length, fying that innate desire of most w
For study or just plain being lazy cause of its low, square neckline, fitting smoothly over the elbow, cut men for the luxurious acquisition'
on a rainy fternoon houseocats, short puffed sleeves and white rick- so as to avoid any tightness or dis- these beautiful bottles of fragra
rack trim. The tiny waist insures comfort while writing. liquid, is toilet water. Preferred 1
.ay, romantic and even pensive in "oh's and ah's" from the other wo- And if you are interested in keep- many to perfume because of its ligh
style, are shown. men "on the floor" and a full-length ing your whole foot warm while you er content, toilet water is especia]
Materials of every description are white zipper, a quick change! study, the natives of Morocca manu- common for daytime use. It is ava:
used to fashion these attractive Red Lining Is Cheery facture a knitted, soft-soled slipper, able in the -majority of popul
gowns and vari-colored zippers, rows Seen in the shops the other day that slips on easily and stay on brands of perfume, and at a me
of buttons or _wide sashes trim them IWas a blue and white print cotton without any effort on your part! moderate cost.
EPL& %.6iantl. pJadc
Fashion Show
..' \,5".
}.> . ;
Ann Arbor
stores are
present to a waiting audience of
Michigan women
preview of
the outstanding styles for the
year 1940'in'a fashion show,
entitled "Through the Looking
HINING DRESSES, with full stiff skirts, tiny waists, and
decolletages that dramatize the alabaster whiteness of a
shoulder, the sparkle of jewels. Too, there is the draped
silhouette, definitely the fashion news of the winter. A
silhouette with sophistication, allure and great style that
looks as though it were "just made" for you. These formals
are new, exciting, different, indeed dresses for pace-setters
in fashion.
See them at The Michigan Daily
Style Show, Friday, November 10.
3:15 to 5:s30