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November 08, 1939 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-08

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Neuropsychiatric Institute Treats Mental Patients

. u

Gibb Checks
nds Shortage
.e r k Acknowledges
-repancy, But Denies
Took County Money
tt M. Gibb. former county
the stand for the third suc-
lay yesterday told the court
sed story of manipulation of
nd accounts in relief trans-
and for the first time, con-
D Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp
:re was a shortage in county
unds during his period as
acknowledgment of the $5,-
aortage came at the end of
rnoon session which saw
or Rapp trace the course of
eck Gibb had issued in the
ransactions. The former
clerk was unable to answer
epeated questions as to the
outs of the money, but he
d to deny the charge that

(Continued from Page 4) gineer for the General Motors Corp.,
who will speak on "Research and Ex-
Cabaret will meet in the League to- perimental Engineering" on Thurs-
day at 4:30 p.m. The room will be day, Nov. 9, at the Michigan Union
posted on the bulletin board. at 7:30 p.m.
Graduate Education Club: Meeting Geological Journal Club will meet
this afternoon at 4 o'clock in the in Room 3054 Natural Science Bldg.,
Graduate Education Library, School at 7:30 on Thursday, Nov. 9, 1939.
of Education. Mr. Orlo Childs will give an il-
.lustrated review of "The Grand Can-

d awake many a night
ire it out;" he said, "but
personal opinion is that
is still in the county
ed, too, under Rapp's
that he had co-mingled
unds with his own bank
al times, but maintained
unaware that it was
"a fundamental prin-
In one instance, Rapp
a check of $31.03 had
by Gibb from county
his coal bill.
e several flare-ups be-
osecutor and Gibb dur-
ification of the latter's
hown Here

Shown above is the new Neuropsychiatric Institute which is now under the direction of Dr. Raymond W.
Waggoner. Patients are treated in the same manner as those registering in other hospital departments.

Today under the direction of Dr.
Raymond W. Waggpner, who assumed'
charge Jan. 1, 19 7, the Neuropsy-
chiatric Institute is a unit for the
treatment of both in-patients and
out-patients and functions in the
same manner as other departments
of the Medical School and the Uni-
versity Hospital. Those who desire
treatment for any mental ailment
register at the main registration desk
of the University Hospital inthe us-
ual manner and are then sent to the
Neuropsychiatric Institute where a
physician-psychiatrist examines, the'
patient and may recommend hosplt
alization or other treatment which
he feels is necessary.
Hospitalization for mental illness
is expensive from an administrative.
standpoint because of the long period
of hospitalization frequently neces-
,ary and because of the longer and
more frequent contacts with the.
physician which are neces'sary for
the understanding and treatment of
mental illnesses.
"The important thing," Dr. Wag-
goner said, "is that so-called kneuro-

tic' persons get over the feeling that
they have something to be ashamed
of. They have no more to be ashamed
of than a person who sees his doctor
for appendicitis. All humans have
defects, but some have more than
others. Some can stand more stress
than others, but sooner or later, if
the pressure becomes severe enough,
a break will occur."
The present method of treating
Schizophrenia, otherwise known as
Dement" Praecox, is commonly called
"shock' therapy. This, however, has
seemed to be more beneficial in cer-
tain types of depression than in
Schizophrenia. Many, persons who
have a severe depression, which in
the ordinary course of events might
last for many months, have been re
lieved of many or most of their symp-
toms in a few weeks. A' few cases,
of Schizophrenia have been amle to
make social and perhaps . even ec-
onomic adjustment after this treat-
The Institute is carrying on a series
of research projects,' one having di-
rectly to do with the study of Schizo-
phrenia. This has, been financed by

a grant from the Supreme Council of
the 33 Northern Masonic Jurisdiction
and the Natibnal Committee for Men-
tal Hygiene. In this study, all in-
formation relating to the patient, in-
cluding a study of heredity and en-
vironment, has been carefully tab-
ulated on special statistical cards. It
is then possible by studying these
cards with the aid of the tabulating
machine to study a certain aspect of
the disease from all of the cases
without going through individual
Electroencephalography is being
done quite intensively. This is more
familiarly known as a& study of the
"brain waves." It appears to have
particular value in the study -of con-
vulsive disorders and other types of
organic lesions of the brain.

Chicago Club: This evening at 7.-30
p.m. in Room 302 of the Union will
be held the regular meeting of the
Chicago Club. There will be foot-
ball movies, and plans for our smoker'
to be held will be announced. All
men from Chicago and the surround-
ing area are invited to attend.
Student Senate meeting will be held
today in the Michigan League. All
members are urged to attend.
Stalker Hall: Student Tea and
Open House today at 4-5:30 p.m.
Michigan Dames: Drama group
meets this evening at 8 o'clock in the
home of Mrs. C. V. Weller, 1130 Fair
Oaks Parkway.
For transportation notify Ms.
Charles Bird (4956) and meet in the
League lobby at 7:45.
The Jewish History class, led by Dr.
Isaac Rarbinowitz, will meet at the
Hillel Foundation tonight at 7:15
Coming Events
The Observatory ;lournal Club will
meet at 4:15 Thursday afternoon,
Nov. 9, in the Observatory lecture
room. Mr. H. R. J. Grosch will speak
on "Recent Progress in the Study of
Eclipsing Binaries."
Association Forum: Rev. Harold
Marley will discuss, "Can 'a Religipus
Person Justify Reform . by ,Revolu-
tion?" at Lane.Hall,.Thursday, 7:30
The Society of Automotive Engineers
will present Mr. Ernest Farrell, en-

yon Geology."
Transportation Club: The Univer-
sity of Michigan Transportation Club
will meet Thursday night, Nov. 9, at
7:30 p.m. in Room 1213 E ast En-
gineering Building. The speaker will
be Mr. Houston of the Truck Division,
International Harvester Co. All
members are requested to be present,
and anyone else interestedin truck
transport is cordially invited to at-
tend. Refreshments.
Ann Arbor Independents: There
will be a meeting Thursday at 4:30
in the League.
Hillel Players: Regular meeting
will be held at the Foundation on,
Thursday, Nov. 9, at 7:30 p.m.
Michigan Dames: Book group has
its first meeting' at eight o'clock,
Thursday, Nov. 9, in the League. Miss;
Francis Hannum, city librarian, will
talk and Marjorie Dawe will present
a book review.

By Music Instructor
Frieda Op't Holt, instructor in
theory at the School of Music, will
give an organ recital at 4:15 p.m. to-
day in Hill Auditorium.
Among the selections which Miss
Op't Holt will play are.Concerto No.
2 in B-Flat major by Handel, Three
Choral Preludes by Bach, Fantasy
and Fugue on B-A-C-H by Liszt.
ASU Peace Commission
Names Parley Speakers
Hugo Reichard, Grad., and Hak old
Osterweil, '41, were selected by the
Peace Commission of the American
Student Union at the meeting last
night to present the tentative pro-
gram of the Commission to the
membership for approval at a meet-
ing Nov. 15.
An analysis of the nature of the
present war will be given by Reich-
ard who will be followed by Oster-
weil giving the suggested outline for
a peace program. The speeches will
be followed by a general discussion
'by ASU members.
New York hit of this past season to
be presented by University of Michi-
gan Play Production every evening
this week at 8:30.
Now . .. $3.00
Must be taken by December 2

"Family Par trait" opens


-- - - - - - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Watch for the
on sale


(Continued from Page 1)
go, Mexico, and his mother was
er and pottery-maker.
VTelsey began his study of art
JohnflHerron Museum in In-
olis and the School of Archi-'
of the University of Illinois.
1923 to 1928 he studied with
Taft in Chicago. Three years
e went to Germany and
e, studying especially the work
a men as Borlach, Kolbe, and
-lle. In 1935 he went to Italy
suggestion of the head of
nerican Academy in Rome to
up his interest in the Italian
sance. In 1930 he was asked
I the department of sculpture
Dayton Art Institute. -He
d in 1935 to devote his time
bits of Mr. Velsey's work have
Town in the principal museums
middle west, including the
o Art Institute, the Hoosier
the John Herron Museum, the
nati Art Museum, and the
lvania Academy. In 1929 he
ro stone pieces at the Palace
Legion of Honor in San Fran-
and in 1937 was awarded a
medal at the International
tion in Paris for his wood carv-
)ther awards he Ihas received
st prize in sculpture at the
:r Salon, Chicago,° and first
n sculpture at the Indiana Art-
Lual at the John Herron Mu-
nthly Magazine
Student Union
11 Go On Sale
first issue of the student
y magazine published and
by the American Student
vill be on sale, Wednesday, Nov.
e Harris, '40, chairman of the
tions Commission, announced
fned to reflect liberal campus
7, the magazine will contain
essays and poems on issues
y and indirectly pertinent to
rnpus as well as some of na-
import, Miss Harris stated.
r members of the Publications
ssion are Bob Kahn, Grad.,
Mayio, Grad., James Green,
anley Liebergott, Grad., and
Busch, '4OBAd.
students who wish to make
utions to the magazine should
anor Hazzard Peacock,
ternationally Recognized
inger, Teacher, Lecturer'
ocal Studio
exwisit- soprano voice melli- !


1. _ i


Let your Ensian Picture -
do Double Duty. Have some
prints made and use them for
Christmas Gifts.
332 South State


Dial 5031

Inter-fraternity Ball...
Prize-Winning Short Story
featured in the GARGOYLE
On Sale Thursday






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Pastor Tearo held memorial services for four tune ifish -and then discovered they
TIuttles lost at sea... but he talked too soon! didn't know how to get it home!







ARE ENDOWED COLLEGES DOOMED? IN THIS SAME ISSUE: A new big game fish- the assistant District Attorney has a hunch
Are colleges like Harvard, Columbia and Uni- ing story by Philip Wylie, about an overstuffed that astrology might sometimes be spelled
versity of Chicago on the way out? With mil- politician who goes after newsreel-sized fish m-u-r-d-e-r. Read Remember Galileo ... And
lionaires vanishing, taxes rising, investments and pulls a trick no sportsman could stand for a romantic story, The Crusaders by James
dwindling, how can these schools compete with -bribes or no bribes! See There He Blows! Street.
-',' - 2 -22 -o n a

t U

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