HIIGAN DAILY. Parent Group Opens Sessions (Coutinued from Page 1).Members of the panel included: which Mrs. Pettingill spoke again. Dr. Fritz Red], Cranbrook School in fter being introduced by. Mrs. James Bloomfield Hills; Dr. Katherine aird, national president of the Par-GAnn Arbor, Kenneth W. it Teachers' Council, she declared Morgan, director of the Student Re- .at the National Congress of Par- ligious Association; and Duncan its and Teachers is unique because Moore of Station WJR, Detroit. After. .ch organfization composing it is the panel discussion, the group broke )mpletely independent. Only our up into small informal sections to eals, she concluded, hold our vari. further pursue the topic. i groups together. Tpmorrow's session will begin at The panel discussion arrived at 9 a.m. with a class in parent educa- le conclusion that children, pas- tion. Its theme for the day 'will be ssing, or ir whom may be in- "The Community-Its Responsibil- illed, good qualities such as frank- ity to Youth." Edward J. Crawley, ess, courag6 and sincerity, can gain chief probation officer of the Muni- true picture of meaning and causes cipal Court in Cleveland, will speak war. To reach the right views in on "The Responsibility for Crime". spect to World conflict, they must at 10 a.m. Charles L. Anspach, presi- >t be shielded from any facts--they dent of Central State Teachers Col- ust be permitted to play with other lege, will continue at 11 a.m. with iildren whose families entertain an address "The Social Judas." dically different ideas. All these' Karl F. Zeisler, editor of the Mon- ill enable children to reach adequate roe Evening News, will lead a dis- ecisions. cussion group at 11:30 a.m. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Year 1939-40: Alpha Alpha Gamnma Alpha Gamma Sigma (Continued on Page 4) .1 al _- ... _. __ _p_. .. v . _ ® { WEDNESDAY, NOV. 7, 1939 VOL. L. No. 39 Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs., Ruthven will be home to students this afternoon from four to six p.m. To The Members of the University. Council: The November meeting of the University Council will be omit- ted. been cancelled. Classes will meet as usual. Presidents of Fraternities and Sor- orities are reminded that the mem- bership lists for the month of Oc- tober are now due at the Office of the Dean of Students. Chairmen and Managers of student activities are reminded that eligibility lists of all participants for the first semester are now due at the Office of the Dean of Students. Blanks for this purpose are available in Room 2, University Hall. Dormitory Directors, Sorority Chap- erons, and House Heads: Freshmen women may have 10:30 permission on Wednesday, Nov. 8, for the Union Open House. Student Organizations: According to the records recently filed with the Office of the Dean of Sudents. the HOME BV c7U isit Louis A. Hopkins, Secy. TELEPHONE Junior and Senior Medical. Students: The lecture by Dr. Hugh Hampton Young of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, which was scheduled- for Frdiay, Nov. 10, at 1:30 p.m. in the University Hospital Amphitheatre has CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING aI LOW NIGHT and SUNDAY RATES OFFER BIG V: SAVINGS REDUCED RATES for long dis- tance telephone calls to most points are in effect every night after 7 and all day every Sunday. Take advantage of these low- cost periods to keep in touch with home and out-of-town friends. For rates to any place not listed below, see page 5 in the telephone directory, or dial "O" and ask "Long Distance." RATES FOR 3-MINUTE STATION-TO-STATION t CALLS ANN ARBOR to: Coming Saturday! ANNA NEAGLE "NURSE EDITH CAVELL' i41 'These inexpensive Albion Alma Alpena Battle{ Bay Cit Benton Cadilla Dayton, Detroit Flint Grand F Hought Indiana Jackson Kalama Lansing Lapeer Los An Louisvi lI Marque Menom Nights & All Day I' Sunday .$ .35 ...... .35 . ..60 Creek ...... .35 y ...........35 Harbor..... .50 c /. .55 o. ... .45 . ... .30 ..........35 Rapids........40 on .........95 polis, Ind. .55 S ... ..30 zoo . ... .. .35 ...........35 ...............35 geles, Cal. . .. 3.50 le, Ky......70 tte ...... .85 inee ...... .75 Minneapolis, Minn... 1.00 New York C Niles..... Owosso Pontiac . . Port Huron Saginaw ity .. . 1.00 .,.. . .. .45 . . .35 .. ...... .30 .. . .35 .35 0 Sault Ste. Marie .....80 Washington, D.C. ... .85 On a call for which the charge is 50 cents or more, a fed- eral tax applies n"! i 11 If I . ,