TUESDAY, SEPT. 19, 1939 TH E MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TWENTY-SEVEN _ Annual Prizes Are Awarded In Hopwoods Given For Literary Work In Four Fields: Drama, Essay, Poety And Fiction One of the outstanding features of the University's extracurricular activities is the annual Jule and Avery Hopwood contest for creative writing which offers $100 in prizes to freshmen. These awards are made each spring in four fields of literary activity; essay, poetry, fiction and drama. The freshmen awards are only part of the $10,000 given annually to stu- dents showing ability in the various fields of writing. The major awards are limited to seniors and graduate students and the prizes have been for as much as $2,500, at the discretion of the judges in each of the three fields. Minor Awards The minor awards, which are open to undergraduates, are limited to $250. To be eligible for the competition a student must be taking 12 hours of regular work in the University and must have no grade below "C". Also, the student must be enrolled in at least one course in composition in the English department of the engin- eering or literary college, or in the journalism department of the literary school: The contest was established by the will of Avery Hopwood, '05, in 1931 to foster student creative writing and to encourage in particular "the new and radical." Mr. Hopwood was a successful writer of light comedy dramas for the stage. The contest was inauguarated in 1931 and eight con- tests have been held for the major and minor awards. The freshman Ontest was started in 1932. The judges for the contest are se- lected from among the nation's lead- tfig writers in the different fields. In the last eight years the judges have included Agnes Repplier, Louis Untermeyer, Stephen Vincent Benet, Franklin P. Adams, MVfax Eastman, Henry Seidel Canby, Dorothy Can- field Fisher, John Erskine, Sinclair Lewis, H.L. Menoken, Mark Van Doren and Dorothy Thompson. Has Become Famous The contest has become famous throughout the country, and it is expected that it will become a major souce for the recognition and en- douragement of amateur talent in creative work. Past award winners have had wonderful success, as five of the prize winner's novels have been published. The first published was Mildred Walker's "Fireweed" which was a prize winner in 1933. Hubert Skedmore, who was a prize winner in 1936, had his novel "I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes" published and it was a contender for the Pulitzer prize in 1937. The 1936 major award winner, Ruth L. Dobson, had her prize win- ning novel "Straw in the Wind" pub- lished. Baxter Hathaway, also a prize- winner in 1936, wrote "The Stubborn Way" which was published. Emman- uel Menatsagaenian, an Armenian student enrolled int the graduate school in 1937, learned to speak Eng- lish while working in an automobile factory"and filed his naturalization papers just two weeks before his winning of a Hopwood award was announced. Part of the endowment money has been set aside to bring an outstanding speaker for the Hopwood lecture which is given yearly at the award meeting in the spring. The speakers for the last three years have been Christopher Morley, Walter Prich- ard Eaton and Carl VanDoren. There have been many additions to the fund since its inauguration in 1931, the largest being $50,000 which was made upon the death of a near relative of Avery Hopwood. YOUTH HOSTELS DEVELOPED Two hundred and nine youth hos- tels in the United States' eight re- gions include extensively developed loops in Pennsylvania of Harrisburg, and in Michigan, westward from Ann Arbor. More than 50 residents of Ann Arbor are youth hostel pass- holders. WE ARE WAITING TO SERVE YOU. If you have a yen for the good things in life, you'll enjoy the food here .. . and the courteous service. Every dishv has that home-cooked quality ob- tained only with careful attention to every detail of preparation. Fraternity Rushing No Longer A'Knock Down Drag Out' Affair By BILL ELMER Fraternity rushing today is a far cry from what it was a half century ago when the Greek letter boys em- ployed "knock 'em down and drag 'em out" tactics in an effort to re- f place the departed seniors of the year before. Today's rushing, great- ly modified and strictly on a gentle- manly basis, is supervised by the In- terfraternity Council working with the University. While it is true that a large pledge class is necessary and beneficial to a house, the fraternities discosered that the old system was working against them in the long run. Today, Author Donates MichiganBooks Stewart White Presents OriginalManuscripts The original manuscripts of Stew- 'art Edward White's famous stories of Michigan's early lumbering days, "The Blazed Trail" and "The River- man," were given to the Michigan, Historical Collections of the Univer- sity last week by the author. These manuscripts, in Mr. White's cwn longhand and showing changes made in the novels before their publi- cations, are a fitting addition to the collection here,, according to Uni- versity officials. In them, it is pointed out, lies the romantic story of one of the State's most significant early industries. "The Blazed Trail," published in 1902, was the novel which first brought Mr. White prominence in the literary world. "The Riverman" was published in 1908. Altogether, Mr. White has written over 40 works and has been a frequent contributor to the period- ical press. Mr. White was born in Grand Rapids in 1873 and graduated from the University of Michigan in 1895.1 He was given the honorary Master; of Arts degree by the University in 1903. He now lives in Burlingame, Calif. Botanical Gardens' 51 Acres Of Fertile Land Located Here Among the valued possessions of the University is its Botanical Gar-1 den, a plot of fertile land consisting of 51 acres, which offers facilities for all phases of botanical instruction and research concerned with growing plants.t Among the equipment which be-C lno s to thet- tnirnl C~ndpn r representatives of every house meet together in an organization known as the Interfraternity Council and have set up definite rushing rules which must be followed by members and rushees. In brief, the rules, as outlined by Tom Adams, '39, president of the Council, tend to put all of the houses on an equqal basis. The first two weeks of the school year, or from ept. 25 to Oct. 7, are set aside as the rushing period and no dates with prospective freshmen may be made before this time. All freshmen who are interested in fraternities are asked to register as soon as possible during Orientation Week. Each will receive a copy of the rules along with the nterfrater- nity Council Directory. During the rushing period dates may be made and rushees visit va- rious houses either for the noon or evening meals. In this way rushees are able to acquaint themselves with the active members and may inspect the houses. Other contacts during the day are permissible, but nothing elaborate is allowed. In order for the freshman to have a broad, un- biased picture of the Greek letter houses, he should try to visit as many as possible during the rushing period. Innovations Planned In Year's Program By Hillel Foundation Varied activities of both social and academic nature are placed at the disposal of Jewish students at the B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation here. Tutorial work in Jewish subjects, a career clinic and a new affiliate- membership plan are among the in- novations which are being planned in addition to the regular program of activities. A honors course in Judaism with in- struction by competent tutors in the fields of Jewish history, post-Biblical literature, modern Hebrew and other subjects will be inaugurated. A membership arrangement which will include several dances, the an- nual play and other social events at a new low cost only slightly over the former annual membership fee will also be put into effect this fall. In cooperation with severalUniver- sity experts, a new career clinic will administer tests and give vocational guidance to members desiring this service. Conservative services are held every Friday evening in the chapel, Reform services are held Sunday mornings, and Orthodox services are held daily. Leaders of campus activities will outline the work of their organiza- tions, athletic coaches will be intro- duced and University officials will i'-g' uuAJ. .. cuia ar ens are welcome the incoming class. Michi- seven greenhouses, a two-story brick gan songs and refreshments will top laboratory, and ample work rooms, off the affair. The entire tract has been piped for During and preceding Orientation water. Week, a Rooming Bureau, organized An important feature of the green- by the Dean's Office, will aid fresh- houses, it has been pointed out, is the men in locating suitable rooms in provision of several separate rooms approved rooming houses near cam- for individual research problems, pus. For "emergency" cases, students each equipped with automatic heat without lodging will be allowed to control and independent ventilation. stay in the Union dormitory for one A collection of growing plants for night only. All freshmen are expect- teaching and exhibition purposes is ed to locate rooms by Wednesday, now being developed on a wide scale. Sept. 20. SCHOOL OPENING SPECIALS Monogram Stationery... 19c - 29c -- 49c Guaranteed Alarm Clocks..... ..89c Fountain Pens .....:.:....50c and up Laundry Cases................$1.39 Dr. West's Tooth Brushes.....2 for 49c New Eversharp Pencils ............ 49c l pana Tooth Paste.............39c Williams Shaving Cream .........39c 100 Bayers Aspirin...............59c 75c Listerine ...................59c Fountain Specials Heavy Malted Milks .............12c Delicious Chocolate Sodas......... 12c Hot Chocolate with Wafers. ....... 1 c Toasted Sandwich & Milk Shake.22c Camels - Chesterfields - Lucky Strikes Old Golds - Spuds - Raleigh Cigarettes 2 for 25c ... $1.19 carton Notebooks, Pens, Tobaccos - Pipes Pencils, Notebook Cigars - Cigarettes Paper, Blue Books, and Smokers' Inks Supples i I