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November 08, 1939 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1939-11-08

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, unsettled,
may be fair.




P'rison IR

. . .







Amendment Plans

Ohio Pension Plan Author Is Beaten

Swamped In


Holland Fires On Stra
Planes Proceeding No
Nazi Troops Remain Qi

California Returns
Edward Jeffries Leads Mayor Reading
In Detroit City Election; Democrat
Ahead In Kentucky Governor Race
(By The Associated Press)
The "ham and eggs", old age pension plan was getting the worst of it
in California, early returns indicated last night, after pension advocates
had conceded defeat in Ohio.
Election returns showed a proposal to legalize horse race betting under
the pari-mutuel system winning easily in New York, where such wagers
have traditionally been placed with bookmakers.
In Kentucky, partial returns had Gov. Keen Johnson (Dem.) leading inf
his race for election to the office he reached recently through the resigna-
tion of Gov. A. B. "Happy" Chandler to take a place in the Senate. His
opponent was Circuit Judge King' >

Nazi Complaint Against Norway
Without Basis, Preuss Declares

Services For
Offered To 1
By Belgians .
Ohservers I


Germany has absolutely no grounds on which to base its complaint
against the Norwegian Government's release of the American freighter
"City of Flint" and internment of the German crew, Prof. Laurence Preuss
of the political science department declared yesterday.
Referring to Article 23 of the Hague Convention of 1907, Professor
Preuss pointed out that 'the Article states, "A neutral Power 'may' allow
prizes to enter its ports and road- *


)fs were showing
ds: the 'Republi-
r traditional hold
City Hall. Their
E. Lamberton, was
ad of Robert C.

Drama Group
Presents First
Play Of Year.

White-haired Herbert. S. Bigelow, proponent of a pension-at-60
plan for Ohio, admitted early in the election counting last night that
"it looks as if we are snowed under."

J. Jeffries was
u unseat Mayo;
vho was elected
harp CIO op

Play Production, .oldest dramatic
s organization on campus, will present
d its first play of the fall season be-.
-ginning,,.at 8:30 p.m. today, in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, when
""Family Portrait" opens a four-day
1 Tickets may be secured at the the-
atre ticket office in the League, or by
callin~g 6300.
"Family Portrait," by Lenore Cof-
fee and William Joyce Cowen, shows
Jesus' family as an everyday family
group. In a light and often humor-
ous vein, it tears all legend and mys-
tery from the family, presenting the
action as befitting any time in his-
tory or any location'
This play features an unusually
- large number of separate scenes,
s which have been tied together with
music arranged especially for "Family
y Portrait" by Italo P. Frajola, '40SM.
) Prof. Valentine B. Windt, director
1. of Play Production, declares that New
*- York audiences last spring, during
"Family Portrait's" long and success-
ful run there, were especially sur-
- prised at not finding heavy religious
., drama in the play. Chief attraction
al in the play, he adds, lies in its uni-
versality, of time and place.

Peace Service
To Pay Tribute
To War's Dead
Reverend Lewis To Speak
Tomorrow At Meeting
Held In HillAuditorium;
Tribute to the 300 University stu-!
dents and faculty members who diedl
. in the last World War will be paid
at a University Peace Service meet-1
ing 4 p.m. tomorrow at Hill Audi-j
The purpose of the meeting, act-
cording to Cal Kresin, Grad., gen-


list, was re
eport, Conn
n three riva

ion advocates were
ively in Ohio that
igelow, Cincinnati
an, conceded defeat
irafted at about the
began counting its
plan called for pay-
ip, which would pass
es as money and be
ffixing a two-cent
ne-dollar certificate
year. The plan also
administrator" with
r banking and eco-
posal was somewhat
ham and eggs" pro-
defeated last year.

o win o Give
Church Lecture
Another 'I Believe' Talk
Scheduled 'for Tonight

The honor roll of those Uni-
versity, men' who died to ems,' war'
will be found on page 2.
eral chairman, "is to fulfill our obli-
gation to the. Michigan men who
died to end war by re-affirming our
desire to remain at peace."
The keynoting talk by Carl Peter-
sen, '40, managing editor of The
Daily, will be followed by short ad-
dresses by the Rev. Henry Louis of
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church and
Robert Rosa, Grad., president of the
American Student Union and organ
music by Palmer Christian will com-
prise the 25-minute program, Robert
Ulrich, '41, member of the Union
Executive Council and program
chairman stated.
The meeting is sponsored by the
Union, League, Congress, The Daily,
American Student Union, Student
Religious Association, Student Sen-
ate, Panhellenic Association and the
Interfratermty Council.

Law Review
Names Editors
For This Year


The Rev. Frederick Cowin, of the
Church of Christ Disciples will de-
liver an "I Believe" lecture at 8 p.m.
today in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
The lecture, following the general
theme of the series, will outline the
experiences of Reverend Cowin as a
minister, his personal and more inti-
mate beliefs concerning God, :nd the
ways in which he reached those con-
Sporsored by the Student Religious
Association, the "I Believe" lectures
were designed to give interested stu-
dents a broad picture of most or-
ganized religions, and to provide a
better opportunity for them to mcet
campus leaders in an informal discus-
sion of religious problems.

Soph Cabaret
Funds To Aid
Crippled Children's Help
Committee Solicits Aid
From Campus Groups
Crippled children whose opportuni-
ties for treatment at the University
Hospital have been seriously curtailed
this year will be aided by proceeds
from the Soph Cabaret, it was made
known yesterday.
Agnes Crow, '42, general chairman
of the Cabaret, has announced that
all profits from this, the 12th annual
Cabaret to be given Dec. 8 and 9 in
the League, will, be .turned over to .a
newly-formed Crippled Children's
Benefit Committee. This Commit-
tee will in turn make the funds avail-
able to the University Hospital for
use in treating crippled and afflicted
indigent children who are at present
without prospect of aid.
The Crippled Children's Benefit
Committee, including representatives
from prominent campus organizations
and local groups, is headed by Carl
Petersen, '40, managing editor of The
Daily. Represented on the committee
at present are the League, the Union,
the. American Student Union, The
Daily, Galens, the Interfraternity
Council, the Panhellenic Association
Congress, Assembly and the King's
"The Crippled Children's Benefil
Committee intends to enlist in this
project the support of every organiza-
tion on campus and many local groups
to make this a concrete expression i
University and community sympath
for the lot of the crippled children,'
Petersen said.
Student Senate
To Meet Today
Induction Of 15 Members
Is First OnAgenda .
Highlighting the meeting of th
Student Senate at 7:30 p.m. today i
the League, will be the induction o
the 16 new members elected ina
reord breaking campus election las
Friday, Martin Dworkis, '40, acting
president said yesterday.
t In order to get the new Senato
e in the normal swing of the Senate,.
- is expected that another meeting wi
f be held next week, Dworkis said, in
asmuch as today's meeting will b1
mainly organizational. Following thi
reading of reports of the Electior
t and Home Education Committees an
- a report on the past history of te
e Senate, an election *of members ft
e the current term will be held.
l Also on the agenda for today
y meeting is a discussion of the dai
n for a get-together luncheon, a tr
r ditional affair which iin the past h
been attended by most of the stude
n members and by all of the faculi
e honorary Senators.
'r nditinOf (Chare Bair

G Named
As Chairman
Of 1940 JGP
Prominent Junior Will Fill
Vacancy Left In Post
By AllisonResignation
Jane Grove, '41, has been appoint-
ed general chairman of the 1940
Junior Girls Play, Betty Slee, '40,
chairman of Judiciary Council, an-
nounced yesterday.
Miss Grove will fill the vacancy
left by Margery Allison, '41, who re-
signed the position due to i:1 health.
A member of Kappa Alpha Theta,
Miss Grove worked on the entertain-
ment, committee for Freshman Pro.-
ject, the dance committee and pub-
licity committee for Sophomore Cab-
aret, and is a member of the pub-
licity committee of the League.
She is also a member of Le Cercle
Francais, was on the tea committee
of WAA last year, and the ticket com-
mittee for Michigras. She is now
head of intramural sports for WAA,
and is president of Wyvern, junior
women's honorary society.
Other members of the central com-
mittee chosen last spring are Anna-
bel Van Winkle, assistant chairman;
Lee Hardy, publicity; Ann Vedder,
tickets; Barbara Fischer, finance;
Jane Krause, programs; Ruth Fitz-
patrick, make-up; Virginia Osgood,
dance; Jane Pinkerton, costumes;
Betty Lonbard, ushers; Maya Gruh-
zit, properties; Helen Barnett, book-
s holder; and- Virginia Brereton, re-
t corder.

steads, whether under convoy or not,
when they are brought there to be
sequestrated pending the decision of
a Prize Court." However, the, neu-
tral state is under no obligation .to
extend such permission, Professor
Preuss observed.
Norway was obligated to release the
ship even if the Article 1had stipulat-
ed "must" instead of^"may,"Profes-
sor Preuss stated, for the United
States made a reservation to Article
23 in ratifying the Convention. "The
German Government-is not justified
in contesting the action of the Nor-.
wegian Government in construing
strictly its neutral obligations toward
the _United States," he declared..
Contrasting the Norwegian action
with that of-Russia, Professor Preuss
said, "Under the general rules of in-
ternation law, Soviet Russia was un-
der obligation to release the City .of
Flint to its owners and to intern the
German prize' crew when the City
of Flint put in at Murmansk. Soviet,
Russia not only conimitted a viola-
tion of its international obligations
in refusing to do so, but was undoubt-
edly guilty of bad faith in refusing
to permit an investigation of the sub-

j'ect while the vessel was in port.d
When the City of Flint, after leav-
ing Murmansk, put in at Tromso,
Norway, it was for lack of fuel ora
provisions, one of the reasons forc
which a' prize- crew may carry itsa
prize into neutral waters.' Wheni the
reason for its sojourn ceased, the
Norwegian Government very properly1
demanded that it leave port.
Professor Preuss noted that in al-
lowing the German crew to navigate
the City of Flint within Nprwegian
territorial waters to Haugesund, the
Norwegian Government was actually
favoring Germany in its extension of
the point of the law. It was ap-
parent that the ship traveled Nor-
wegian waters to keep from encoun-
tering enemy vessels. However, when
the City of Flint docked at Hauges-
und for reasons not specified accord-
ing to international law, the Norwe-
gian Government-exercised its rights
by releasing the vessel and intern-
ing the German crew. Professor
Preuss concluded, "It is clear, there-
fore, that the' Norwegian Govern-
ment,'acting in scrupulous regard as
to neutral duties, has performed 'nol
act about which Germany can right-
fully complain."

Union Invites
Entire Campus
To Open House'


'Deutschland' Unreported
LONDON, Nov. 7.-(P)-Naval cir-
cles speculated tonight on the likeli-
hood that the German pocket battle-
ship Degtschland had slipped through
British partols into a home port to
provision and refuel. These sources
said the theory was supported by the
fact that there has been no confirmed
report of activities by the raider since
she put a prize crew aboard the City
of Flint in the North Atlantic, Oct. 9.

# .. . -.


Dancing, Demonstrations i
Offered For Students'
Entertainment Tonight1
Completion of plans for the Michi-t
gan Union Open House to be held to-j
night in the Union were announcedt
by Harold Songer, '41, general chair-J
man of the event.
The Open House, traditional, sinceI
the inception of the Union, itself+
twenty-five years, ago, will feature
displays and active demonstrations
by many campus organizations and
University departments. The fresh-
man and varsity .swimming teams
under Coach Matt Mann will put
on an exhibition in th'e pool, after
which a demonstration of new tech-
"niques and methods of life saving
will be shown. Freshman and intra-
mural fencing teams under Coach
Johnston, will also put on an exhi-
bition of their sport.
Townspeople, and University facul-
ty members and students are cordially
invited, said Singer. Students will
be asked to show their University
identification cards. Women will be
allowed late permission, he said. Free
dancing to Bill Sawyer's orchestra
will be from 8 until 10 p.m.
Among the demonstrations by
the ROTC, will be a showing of
portable radiophone communication
which will be conducted between dif-
ferent parts of the tMion. Also ex-
amples of high frequency radio sets,
portable switchboards, and many
types of arms will be on display.,

-(P)-Heavy gunfire i
today in Amsterdam
other points as Nethei
craft batteries attem
down unidentified ple
Firing first was rep(
airport, south of An
on the western outsk4
and' later northward i
of Haarlem.
This indicated the r
ing in a northerly 4
gunfirebrought num
to the streets in them~
but noplanes could bi
Nazis Shoot Ow

ItlernaLional Sui
King Leopold of the
Queen Wilhelmina of th
last (Tuesday) night
services to mediate a
Germany and Great
Their move came sud
parently took the bellig
Official reaction in .
and Paris awaited a
of the move. Early come
and other European ca

registry. He said the
allow time for a cheCk
the relationship of the
can ships to national c
the elimination of cox
foreign shipping lines.
The British Admiralt
British warships, aided
destroyers, fought off
German warplanes in'
all British warships
age. The air ministr
planes engaged the 4
"number of air actio
the North Sea, and w
also again escaping ca
French dispatches
forces in the Forbac
holdin gtheir outpostjp
German attacks.
Parent Gr
Opens A

"hopes for

November's issue of the Michigan
Law Review announces the appoint-C
ment by the Law School faculty of8
21 third year law students as student
editors. of the Michigan Law Review
for the current year.3
An innovation this year, according
to the Law Review office, is the ap-
pointment to an executive commit-
tee of four of the student editors
whose work best qualified them. The'
chief function of this' committee will
be to act as advisers to the group
of second year'law students who are
eligible to try out for the Law Review
The members of the executive com-
mittee are William J. DeLancey, of
Elgin, Ill.; chairman; C. Eugene
Gressman, of Martins Ferry, Ohio;
Robert J. Miller, of Grand Rapids;
and Edward M. Watson, of Alton,
Ill. .v
The other members of the Board
are John J. Adams of Marshalltown,
Ia.; Willam F. Andersen, of Oak
'Park, Ill.; Edward S. Biggar, of
Kansas City, Mo.; Edmund R. Blaske,
of Ann Arbor; Jerome J. Dick of
Brooklyn, N.Y.; Charles F. Dugan,
of Cambridge, O.; William W. Kent,

Seminar Luncheon Approves
Health Unit For Washtenaw

Washtenaw County's ill-fated pub-
lic health unit, approved by the
Board of Supervisors and then killed
in budget discussions, will be re-born
in the future, a consensus of opin-
ions of speakers at the Social Serv-
ice Seminar luncheon yesterday
Dr. Nathan Sinai of the hygiene
department initiated the discussion
with a plea for introduction of the
new system. Pointing out that 60
out of 83 Michigan counties have es-
tablished the county units and that
not one has given it up after estab-
lishment, Dr. Sinai declared that
standards in the field of public health
should encourage adoption..
Politics, the University expert de-
clared, are rapidly disappearing from
the public health field. Because fed-


He stated his belief that

eventually the County will adopt th
plan if given time to study a thor-
ough and 'clearly defined outline o.
the proposal.
Prof. Arthur. Bromage of the poli-
tical science department told the
meeting that the current movemen
is another manifestation of the gov
ernmental trend which recognizes th
efficiency of consolidated effort. H
suggested, however, that practica
politics of the local situation ma:
dictate as 'a first step organizatior
of a unit which permits Ann Arbo
to function independently.
Doubt whether the average Ant
Arbor citizen is willing to contribut
in city taxes toward the support o
a county health unit was suggeste

Seth Yelsy Sculpture Exhibit
To Be Shown Until Nov. 19

490 Members Regist
Slosson Gives Add
On Affairs In Eurc
With more than 400 members
istering, the 10th Annual Parent
cation Institute opened here ye
day .with an address by Prof. Pre
W. Slosson of the history depart
and a panel discusing "What ,
We Tell Our Children About
Registration at 9 a.m. was
lowed by the welcoming addre
Mrs. J. K. Pettingill, presider
the National Congress of Parente
Teachers. She emphasized the n
sity for sharing all techniques
veloped in dealing with chil
The featured address of the n
ing session, "Europe Takes
Plunge," was given by Professor
son, who pointed out the deadly p
lel existing between the 1914 ere
our own.

An exhibit of wdod, marble, and
bronze sculptures by Seth M. Vel-
sey will be shown at the College of
Architecture and Design until Nov. 19.
At the invitation of Dean Wells
I. Bennett of the College, Mr. Vel-
sey has sent eight of his smaller
pieces for the show. One of the
figures, a wood called "Gothic," won
first prize in the international exhibit
of the Paris Exposition two years
r'Th niecesa renresentatives

num figure "Flight" at the Wright
Field, and has just completed two'
wood reliefs for 'a post office in Pom-
eroy, Ohio. At present he is work-
ing on a group of four figures five1
and one-half feet and eleven feet
in height weighing 321/2 tons for
the mall at the Greenhills Com-
munity north of Cincinnati.
Following the practice of the classic
sculptors, Mr. Velsey works by direct
carving. He develops the figure

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